"""Support for Tibber sensors.""" import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import logging import aiohttp from homeassistant.const import POWER_WATT from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle, dt as dt_util from .const import DOMAIN as TIBBER_DOMAIN, MANUFACTURER _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ICON = "mdi:currency-usd" ICON_RT = "mdi:power-plug" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=1) MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=5) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 0 async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Tibber sensor.""" tibber_connection = hass.data.get(TIBBER_DOMAIN) dev = [] for home in tibber_connection.get_homes(only_active=False): try: await home.update_info() except asyncio.TimeoutError as err: _LOGGER.error("Timeout connecting to Tibber home: %s ", err) raise PlatformNotReady() from err except aiohttp.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.error("Error connecting to Tibber home: %s ", err) raise PlatformNotReady() from err if home.has_active_subscription: dev.append(TibberSensorElPrice(home)) if home.has_real_time_consumption: dev.append(TibberSensorRT(home)) async_add_entities(dev, True) class TibberSensor(Entity): """Representation of a generic Tibber sensor.""" def __init__(self, tibber_home): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._tibber_home = tibber_home self._last_updated = None self._state = None self._is_available = False self._device_state_attributes = {} self._name = tibber_home.info["viewer"]["home"]["appNickname"] if self._name is None: self._name = tibber_home.info["viewer"]["home"]["address"].get( "address1", "" ) @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self._device_state_attributes @property def model(self): """Return the model of the sensor.""" return None @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def device_id(self): """Return the ID of the physical device this sensor is part of.""" home = self._tibber_home.info["viewer"]["home"] return home["meteringPointData"]["consumptionEan"] @property def device_info(self): """Return the device_info of the device.""" device_info = { "identifiers": {(TIBBER_DOMAIN, self.device_id)}, "name": self.name, "manufacturer": MANUFACTURER, } if self.model is not None: device_info["model"] = self.model return device_info class TibberSensorElPrice(TibberSensor): """Representation of a Tibber sensor for el price.""" async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data and updates the states.""" now = dt_util.now() if ( self._tibber_home.current_price_total and self._last_updated and self._last_updated.hour == now.hour and self._tibber_home.last_data_timestamp ): return if ( not self._tibber_home.last_data_timestamp or (self._tibber_home.last_data_timestamp - now).total_seconds() / 3600 < 12 or not self._is_available ): _LOGGER.debug("Asking for new data") await self._fetch_data() res = self._tibber_home.current_price_data() self._state, price_level, self._last_updated = res self._device_state_attributes["price_level"] = price_level attrs = self._tibber_home.current_attributes() self._device_state_attributes.update(attrs) self._is_available = self._state is not None @property def available(self): """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._is_available @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return f"Electricity price {self._name}" @property def model(self): """Return the model of the sensor.""" return "Price Sensor" @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return ICON @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity.""" return self._tibber_home.price_unit @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return self.device_id @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) async def _fetch_data(self): try: await self._tibber_home.update_info_and_price_info() except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError): return data = self._tibber_home.info["viewer"]["home"] self._device_state_attributes["app_nickname"] = data["appNickname"] self._device_state_attributes["grid_company"] = data["meteringPointData"][ "gridCompany" ] self._device_state_attributes["estimated_annual_consumption"] = data[ "meteringPointData" ]["estimatedAnnualConsumption"] class TibberSensorRT(TibberSensor): """Representation of a Tibber sensor for real time consumption.""" async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Start listen for real time data.""" await self._tibber_home.rt_subscribe(self.hass.loop, self._async_callback) async def _async_callback(self, payload): """Handle received data.""" errors = payload.get("errors") if errors: _LOGGER.error(errors[0]) return data = payload.get("data") if data is None: return live_measurement = data.get("liveMeasurement") if live_measurement is None: return self._state = live_measurement.pop("power", None) for key, value in live_measurement.items(): if value is None: continue self._device_state_attributes[key] = value self.async_write_ha_state() @property def available(self): """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._tibber_home.rt_subscription_running @property def model(self): """Return the model of the sensor.""" return "Tibber Pulse" @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return f"Real time consumption {self._name}" @property def should_poll(self): """Return the polling state.""" return False @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return ICON_RT @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity.""" return POWER_WATT @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return f"{self.device_id}_rt_consumption"