"""Models for SQLAlchemy.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import lru_cache import logging import time from typing import Any, cast import ciso8601 from fnvhash import fnv1a_32 from sqlalchemy import ( JSON, BigInteger, Boolean, ColumnElement, DateTime, Float, ForeignKey, Identity, Index, Integer, LargeBinary, SmallInteger, String, Text, type_coerce, ) from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite from sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces import Dialect from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, aliased, mapped_column, relationship from typing_extensions import Self from homeassistant.const import ( MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID, MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_EVENT_TYPE, MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_ORIGIN, MAX_LENGTH_STATE_ENTITY_ID, MAX_LENGTH_STATE_STATE, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, Event, EventOrigin, State, split_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.json import JSON_DUMP, json_bytes, json_bytes_strip_null import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.json import ( JSON_DECODE_EXCEPTIONS, json_loads, json_loads_object, ) from .const import ALL_DOMAIN_EXCLUDE_ATTRS, SupportedDialect from .models import ( StatisticData, StatisticDataTimestamp, StatisticMetaData, bytes_to_ulid_or_none, bytes_to_uuid_hex_or_none, datetime_to_timestamp_or_none, process_timestamp, ulid_to_bytes_or_none, uuid_hex_to_bytes_or_none, ) # SQLAlchemy Schema # pylint: disable=invalid-name class Base(DeclarativeBase): """Base class for tables.""" SCHEMA_VERSION = 39 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) TABLE_EVENTS = "events" TABLE_EVENT_DATA = "event_data" TABLE_EVENT_TYPES = "event_types" TABLE_STATES = "states" TABLE_STATE_ATTRIBUTES = "state_attributes" TABLE_STATES_META = "states_meta" TABLE_RECORDER_RUNS = "recorder_runs" TABLE_SCHEMA_CHANGES = "schema_changes" TABLE_STATISTICS = "statistics" TABLE_STATISTICS_META = "statistics_meta" TABLE_STATISTICS_RUNS = "statistics_runs" TABLE_STATISTICS_SHORT_TERM = "statistics_short_term" STATISTICS_TABLES = ("statistics", "statistics_short_term") MAX_STATE_ATTRS_BYTES = 16384 PSQL_DIALECT = SupportedDialect.POSTGRESQL ALL_TABLES = [ TABLE_STATES, TABLE_STATE_ATTRIBUTES, TABLE_EVENTS, TABLE_EVENT_DATA, TABLE_EVENT_TYPES, TABLE_RECORDER_RUNS, TABLE_SCHEMA_CHANGES, TABLE_STATES_META, TABLE_STATISTICS, TABLE_STATISTICS_META, TABLE_STATISTICS_RUNS, TABLE_STATISTICS_SHORT_TERM, ] TABLES_TO_CHECK = [ TABLE_STATES, TABLE_EVENTS, TABLE_RECORDER_RUNS, TABLE_SCHEMA_CHANGES, ] LAST_UPDATED_INDEX_TS = "ix_states_last_updated_ts" METADATA_ID_LAST_UPDATED_INDEX_TS = "ix_states_metadata_id_last_updated_ts" EVENTS_CONTEXT_ID_BIN_INDEX = "ix_events_context_id_bin" STATES_CONTEXT_ID_BIN_INDEX = "ix_states_context_id_bin" CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH = 16 _DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS = { "mysql_default_charset": "utf8mb4", "mysql_collate": "utf8mb4_unicode_ci", "mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mariadb_default_charset": "utf8mb4", "mariadb_collate": "utf8mb4_unicode_ci", "mariadb_engine": "InnoDB", } class FAST_PYSQLITE_DATETIME(sqlite.DATETIME): """Use ciso8601 to parse datetimes instead of sqlalchemy built-in regex.""" def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] """Offload the datetime parsing to ciso8601.""" return lambda value: None if value is None else ciso8601.parse_datetime(value) JSON_VARIANT_CAST = Text().with_variant( postgresql.JSON(none_as_null=True), "postgresql" # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) JSONB_VARIANT_CAST = Text().with_variant( postgresql.JSONB(none_as_null=True), "postgresql" # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) DATETIME_TYPE = ( DateTime(timezone=True) .with_variant(mysql.DATETIME(timezone=True, fsp=6), "mysql", "mariadb") # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] .with_variant(FAST_PYSQLITE_DATETIME(), "sqlite") # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) DOUBLE_TYPE = ( Float() .with_variant(mysql.DOUBLE(asdecimal=False), "mysql", "mariadb") # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] .with_variant(oracle.DOUBLE_PRECISION(), "oracle") .with_variant(postgresql.DOUBLE_PRECISION(), "postgresql") ) TIMESTAMP_TYPE = DOUBLE_TYPE class JSONLiteral(JSON): """Teach SA how to literalize json.""" def literal_processor(self, dialect: Dialect) -> Callable[[Any], str]: """Processor to convert a value to JSON.""" def process(value: Any) -> str: """Dump json.""" return JSON_DUMP(value) return process EVENT_ORIGIN_ORDER = [EventOrigin.local, EventOrigin.remote] EVENT_ORIGIN_TO_IDX = {origin: idx for idx, origin in enumerate(EVENT_ORIGIN_ORDER)} class Events(Base): """Event history data.""" __table_args__ = ( # Used for fetching events at a specific time # see logbook Index( "ix_events_event_type_id_time_fired_ts", "event_type_id", "time_fired_ts" ), Index( EVENTS_CONTEXT_ID_BIN_INDEX, "context_id_bin", mysql_length=CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH, mariadb_length=CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH, ), _DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS, ) __tablename__ = TABLE_EVENTS event_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) event_type: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_EVENT_TYPE) ) # no longer used event_data: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( Text().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT, "mysql", "mariadb") ) origin: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_ORIGIN) ) # no longer used for new rows origin_idx: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column(SmallInteger) time_fired: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column( DATETIME_TYPE ) # no longer used for new rows time_fired_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(TIMESTAMP_TYPE, index=True) context_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID), index=True ) context_user_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID) ) context_parent_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID) ) data_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey("event_data.data_id"), index=True ) context_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH), ) context_user_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH), ) context_parent_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH) ) event_type_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey("event_types.event_type_id"), index=True ) event_data_rel: Mapped[EventData | None] = relationship("EventData") event_type_rel: Mapped[EventTypes | None] = relationship("EventTypes") def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( "" ) @property def _time_fired_isotime(self) -> str | None: """Return time_fired as an isotime string.""" date_time: datetime | None if self.time_fired_ts is not None: date_time = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(self.time_fired_ts) else: date_time = process_timestamp(self.time_fired) if date_time is None: return None return date_time.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds") @staticmethod def from_event(event: Event) -> Events: """Create an event database object from a native event.""" return Events( event_type=None, event_data=None, origin_idx=EVENT_ORIGIN_TO_IDX.get(event.origin), time_fired=None, time_fired_ts=dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(event.time_fired), context_id=None, context_id_bin=ulid_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.id), context_user_id=None, context_user_id_bin=uuid_hex_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.user_id), context_parent_id=None, context_parent_id_bin=ulid_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.parent_id), ) def to_native(self, validate_entity_id: bool = True) -> Event | None: """Convert to a native HA Event.""" context = Context( id=bytes_to_ulid_or_none(self.context_id_bin), user_id=bytes_to_uuid_hex_or_none(self.context_user_id), parent_id=bytes_to_ulid_or_none(self.context_parent_id_bin), ) try: return Event( self.event_type or "", json_loads_object(self.event_data) if self.event_data else {}, EventOrigin(self.origin) if self.origin else EVENT_ORIGIN_ORDER[self.origin_idx or 0], dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(self.time_fired_ts or 0), context=context, ) except JSON_DECODE_EXCEPTIONS: # When json_loads fails _LOGGER.exception("Error converting to event: %s", self) return None class EventData(Base): """Event data history.""" __table_args__ = (_DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS,) __tablename__ = TABLE_EVENT_DATA data_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) hash: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column(BigInteger, index=True) # Note that this is not named attributes to avoid confusion with the states table shared_data: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( Text().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT, "mysql", "mariadb") ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( "" ) @staticmethod def shared_data_bytes_from_event( event: Event, dialect: SupportedDialect | None ) -> bytes: """Create shared_data from an event.""" if dialect == SupportedDialect.POSTGRESQL: return json_bytes_strip_null(event.data) return json_bytes(event.data) @staticmethod @lru_cache def hash_shared_data_bytes(shared_data_bytes: bytes) -> int: """Return the hash of json encoded shared data.""" return cast(int, fnv1a_32(shared_data_bytes)) def to_native(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Convert to an event data dictionary.""" shared_data = self.shared_data if shared_data is None: return {} try: return cast(dict[str, Any], json_loads(shared_data)) except JSON_DECODE_EXCEPTIONS: _LOGGER.exception("Error converting row to event data: %s", self) return {} class EventTypes(Base): """Event type history.""" __table_args__ = (_DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS,) __tablename__ = TABLE_EVENT_TYPES event_type_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) event_type: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_EVENT_TYPE)) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( "" ) class States(Base): """State change history.""" __table_args__ = ( # Used for fetching the state of entities at a specific time # (get_states in history.py) Index(METADATA_ID_LAST_UPDATED_INDEX_TS, "metadata_id", "last_updated_ts"), Index( STATES_CONTEXT_ID_BIN_INDEX, "context_id_bin", mysql_length=CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH, mariadb_length=CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH, ), _DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS, ) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATES state_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) entity_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( String(MAX_LENGTH_STATE_ENTITY_ID) ) # no longer used for new rows state: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(MAX_LENGTH_STATE_STATE)) attributes: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( Text().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT, "mysql", "mariadb") ) # no longer used for new rows event_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used for new rows Integer, ForeignKey("events.event_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True ) last_changed: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column( DATETIME_TYPE ) # no longer used for new rows last_changed_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(TIMESTAMP_TYPE) last_updated: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column( DATETIME_TYPE ) # no longer used for new rows last_updated_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column( TIMESTAMP_TYPE, default=time.time, index=True ) old_state_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey("states.state_id"), index=True ) attributes_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey("state_attributes.attributes_id"), index=True ) context_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID), index=True ) context_user_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID) ) context_parent_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( # no longer used String(MAX_LENGTH_EVENT_CONTEXT_ID) ) origin_idx: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( SmallInteger ) # 0 is local, 1 is remote old_state: Mapped[States | None] = relationship("States", remote_side=[state_id]) state_attributes: Mapped[StateAttributes | None] = relationship("StateAttributes") context_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH), ) context_user_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH), ) context_parent_id_bin: Mapped[bytes | None] = mapped_column( LargeBinary(CONTEXT_ID_BIN_MAX_LENGTH) ) metadata_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey("states_meta.metadata_id"), index=True ) states_meta_rel: Mapped[StatesMeta | None] = relationship("StatesMeta") def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( f"" ) @property def _last_updated_isotime(self) -> str | None: """Return last_updated as an isotime string.""" date_time: datetime | None if self.last_updated_ts is not None: date_time = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(self.last_updated_ts) else: date_time = process_timestamp(self.last_updated) if date_time is None: return None return date_time.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds") @staticmethod def from_event(event: Event) -> States: """Create object from a state_changed event.""" entity_id = event.data["entity_id"] state: State | None = event.data.get("new_state") dbstate = States( entity_id=entity_id, attributes=None, context_id=None, context_id_bin=ulid_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.id), context_user_id=None, context_user_id_bin=uuid_hex_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.user_id), context_parent_id=None, context_parent_id_bin=ulid_to_bytes_or_none(event.context.parent_id), origin_idx=EVENT_ORIGIN_TO_IDX.get(event.origin), last_updated=None, last_changed=None, ) # None state means the state was removed from the state machine if state is None: dbstate.state = "" dbstate.last_updated_ts = dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(event.time_fired) dbstate.last_changed_ts = None return dbstate dbstate.state = state.state dbstate.last_updated_ts = dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(state.last_updated) if state.last_updated == state.last_changed: dbstate.last_changed_ts = None else: dbstate.last_changed_ts = dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(state.last_changed) return dbstate def to_native(self, validate_entity_id: bool = True) -> State | None: """Convert to an HA state object.""" context = Context( id=bytes_to_ulid_or_none(self.context_id_bin), user_id=bytes_to_uuid_hex_or_none(self.context_user_id), parent_id=bytes_to_ulid_or_none(self.context_parent_id_bin), ) try: attrs = json_loads_object(self.attributes) if self.attributes else {} except JSON_DECODE_EXCEPTIONS: # When json_loads fails _LOGGER.exception("Error converting row to state: %s", self) return None if self.last_changed_ts is None or self.last_changed_ts == self.last_updated_ts: last_changed = last_updated = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp( self.last_updated_ts or 0 ) else: last_updated = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(self.last_updated_ts or 0) last_changed = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(self.last_changed_ts or 0) return State( self.entity_id or "", self.state, # type: ignore[arg-type] # Join the state_attributes table on attributes_id to get the attributes # for newer states attrs, last_changed, last_updated, context=context, validate_entity_id=validate_entity_id, ) class StateAttributes(Base): """State attribute change history.""" __table_args__ = (_DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS,) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATE_ATTRIBUTES attributes_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) hash: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column(BigInteger, index=True) # Note that this is not named attributes to avoid confusion with the states table shared_attrs: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( Text().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT, "mysql", "mariadb") ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( f"" ) @staticmethod def shared_attrs_bytes_from_event( event: Event, entity_sources: dict[str, dict[str, str]], exclude_attrs_by_domain: dict[str, set[str]], dialect: SupportedDialect | None, ) -> bytes: """Create shared_attrs from a state_changed event.""" state: State | None = event.data.get("new_state") # None state means the state was removed from the state machine if state is None: return b"{}" domain = split_entity_id(state.entity_id)[0] exclude_attrs = set(ALL_DOMAIN_EXCLUDE_ATTRS) if base_platform_attrs := exclude_attrs_by_domain.get(domain): exclude_attrs |= base_platform_attrs if (entity_info := entity_sources.get(state.entity_id)) and ( integration_attrs := exclude_attrs_by_domain.get(entity_info["domain"]) ): exclude_attrs |= integration_attrs encoder = json_bytes_strip_null if dialect == PSQL_DIALECT else json_bytes bytes_result = encoder( {k: v for k, v in state.attributes.items() if k not in exclude_attrs} ) if len(bytes_result) > MAX_STATE_ATTRS_BYTES: _LOGGER.warning( "State attributes for %s exceed maximum size of %s bytes. " "This can cause database performance issues; Attributes " "will not be stored", state.entity_id, MAX_STATE_ATTRS_BYTES, ) return b"{}" return bytes_result @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=2048) def hash_shared_attrs_bytes(shared_attrs_bytes: bytes) -> int: """Return the hash of json encoded shared attributes.""" return cast(int, fnv1a_32(shared_attrs_bytes)) def to_native(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Convert to a state attributes dictionary.""" shared_attrs = self.shared_attrs if shared_attrs is None: return {} try: return cast(dict[str, Any], json_loads(shared_attrs)) except JSON_DECODE_EXCEPTIONS: # When json_loads fails _LOGGER.exception("Error converting row to state attributes: %s", self) return {} class StatesMeta(Base): """Metadata for states.""" __table_args__ = (_DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS,) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATES_META metadata_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) entity_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(MAX_LENGTH_STATE_ENTITY_ID)) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( "" ) class StatisticsBase: """Statistics base class.""" id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) created: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE) # No longer used created_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(TIMESTAMP_TYPE, default=time.time) metadata_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column( Integer, ForeignKey(f"{TABLE_STATISTICS_META}.id", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, ) start: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column( DATETIME_TYPE, index=True ) # No longer used start_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(TIMESTAMP_TYPE, index=True) mean: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(DOUBLE_TYPE) min: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(DOUBLE_TYPE) max: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(DOUBLE_TYPE) last_reset: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE) last_reset_ts: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(TIMESTAMP_TYPE) state: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(DOUBLE_TYPE) sum: Mapped[float | None] = mapped_column(DOUBLE_TYPE) duration: timedelta @classmethod def from_stats(cls, metadata_id: int, stats: StatisticData) -> Self: """Create object from a statistics with datatime objects.""" return cls( # type: ignore[call-arg] metadata_id=metadata_id, created=None, created_ts=time.time(), start=None, start_ts=dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(stats["start"]), mean=stats.get("mean"), min=stats.get("min"), max=stats.get("max"), last_reset=None, last_reset_ts=datetime_to_timestamp_or_none(stats.get("last_reset")), state=stats.get("state"), sum=stats.get("sum"), ) @classmethod def from_stats_ts(cls, metadata_id: int, stats: StatisticDataTimestamp) -> Self: """Create object from a statistics with timestamps.""" return cls( # type: ignore[call-arg] metadata_id=metadata_id, created=None, created_ts=time.time(), start=None, start_ts=stats["start_ts"], mean=stats.get("mean"), min=stats.get("min"), max=stats.get("max"), last_reset=None, last_reset_ts=stats.get("last_reset_ts"), state=stats.get("state"), sum=stats.get("sum"), ) class Statistics(Base, StatisticsBase): """Long term statistics.""" duration = timedelta(hours=1) __table_args__ = ( # Used for fetching statistics for a certain entity at a specific time Index( "ix_statistics_statistic_id_start_ts", "metadata_id", "start_ts", unique=True, ), ) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATISTICS class StatisticsShortTerm(Base, StatisticsBase): """Short term statistics.""" duration = timedelta(minutes=5) __table_args__ = ( # Used for fetching statistics for a certain entity at a specific time Index( "ix_statistics_short_term_statistic_id_start_ts", "metadata_id", "start_ts", unique=True, ), ) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATISTICS_SHORT_TERM class StatisticsMeta(Base): """Statistics meta data.""" __table_args__ = (_DEFAULT_TABLE_ARGS,) __tablename__ = TABLE_STATISTICS_META id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) statistic_id: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column( String(255), index=True, unique=True ) source: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(32)) unit_of_measurement: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(255)) has_mean: Mapped[bool | None] = mapped_column(Boolean) has_sum: Mapped[bool | None] = mapped_column(Boolean) name: Mapped[str | None] = mapped_column(String(255)) @staticmethod def from_meta(meta: StatisticMetaData) -> StatisticsMeta: """Create object from meta data.""" return StatisticsMeta(**meta) class RecorderRuns(Base): """Representation of recorder run.""" __table_args__ = (Index("ix_recorder_runs_start_end", "start", "end"),) __tablename__ = TABLE_RECORDER_RUNS run_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) start: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE, default=dt_util.utcnow) end: Mapped[datetime | None] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE) closed_incorrect: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(Boolean, default=False) created: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE, default=dt_util.utcnow) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" end = ( f"'{self.end.isoformat(sep=' ', timespec='seconds')}'" if self.end else None ) return ( f"" ) def to_native(self, validate_entity_id: bool = True) -> Self: """Return self, native format is this model.""" return self class SchemaChanges(Base): """Representation of schema version changes.""" __tablename__ = TABLE_SCHEMA_CHANGES change_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) schema_version: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column(Integer) changed: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE, default=dt_util.utcnow) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( "" ) class StatisticsRuns(Base): """Representation of statistics run.""" __tablename__ = TABLE_STATISTICS_RUNS run_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, Identity(), primary_key=True) start: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DATETIME_TYPE, index=True) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of instance for debugging.""" return ( f"" ) EVENT_DATA_JSON = type_coerce( EventData.shared_data.cast(JSONB_VARIANT_CAST), JSONLiteral(none_as_null=True) ) OLD_FORMAT_EVENT_DATA_JSON = type_coerce( Events.event_data.cast(JSONB_VARIANT_CAST), JSONLiteral(none_as_null=True) ) SHARED_ATTRS_JSON = type_coerce( StateAttributes.shared_attrs.cast(JSON_VARIANT_CAST), JSON(none_as_null=True) ) OLD_FORMAT_ATTRS_JSON = type_coerce( States.attributes.cast(JSON_VARIANT_CAST), JSON(none_as_null=True) ) ENTITY_ID_IN_EVENT: ColumnElement = EVENT_DATA_JSON["entity_id"] OLD_ENTITY_ID_IN_EVENT: ColumnElement = OLD_FORMAT_EVENT_DATA_JSON["entity_id"] DEVICE_ID_IN_EVENT: ColumnElement = EVENT_DATA_JSON["device_id"] OLD_STATE = aliased(States, name="old_state")