"""Google config for Cloud.""" import asyncio import logging from hass_nabucasa import Cloud, cloud_api from hass_nabucasa.google_report_state import ErrorResponse from homeassistant.components.google_assistant.const import DOMAIN as GOOGLE_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.google_assistant.helpers import AbstractConfig from homeassistant.const import CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES, HTTP_OK from homeassistant.core import CoreState, split_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry, start from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .const import ( CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG, DEFAULT_DISABLE_2FA, PREF_DISABLE_2FA, PREF_SHOULD_EXPOSE, ) from .prefs import CloudPreferences _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CloudGoogleConfig(AbstractConfig): """HA Cloud Configuration for Google Assistant.""" def __init__( self, hass, config, cloud_user: str, prefs: CloudPreferences, cloud: Cloud ): """Initialize the Google config.""" super().__init__(hass) self._config = config self._user = cloud_user self._prefs = prefs self._cloud = cloud self._cur_entity_prefs = self._prefs.google_entity_configs self._cur_default_expose = self._prefs.google_default_expose self._sync_entities_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._sync_on_started = False @property def enabled(self): """Return if Google is enabled.""" return ( self._cloud.is_logged_in and not self._cloud.subscription_expired and self._prefs.google_enabled ) @property def entity_config(self): """Return entity config.""" return self._config.get(CONF_ENTITY_CONFIG) or {} @property def secure_devices_pin(self): """Return entity config.""" return self._prefs.google_secure_devices_pin @property def should_report_state(self): """Return if states should be proactively reported.""" return self.enabled and self._prefs.google_report_state @property def local_sdk_webhook_id(self): """Return the local SDK webhook. Return None to disable the local SDK. """ return self._prefs.google_local_webhook_id @property def local_sdk_user_id(self): """Return the user ID to be used for actions received via the local SDK.""" return self._user @property def cloud_user(self): """Return Cloud User account.""" return self._user async def async_initialize(self): """Perform async initialization of config.""" await super().async_initialize() async def hass_started(hass): if self.enabled and GOOGLE_DOMAIN not in self.hass.config.components: await async_setup_component(self.hass, GOOGLE_DOMAIN, {}) start.async_at_start(self.hass, hass_started) # Remove old/wrong user agent ids remove_agent_user_ids = [] for agent_user_id in self._store.agent_user_ids: if agent_user_id != self.agent_user_id: remove_agent_user_ids.append(agent_user_id) for agent_user_id in remove_agent_user_ids: await self.async_disconnect_agent_user(agent_user_id) self._prefs.async_listen_updates(self._async_prefs_updated) self.hass.bus.async_listen( entity_registry.EVENT_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED, self._handle_entity_registry_updated, ) def should_expose(self, state): """If a state object should be exposed.""" return self._should_expose_entity_id(state.entity_id) def _should_expose_entity_id(self, entity_id): """If an entity ID should be exposed.""" if entity_id in CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES: return False if not self._config["filter"].empty_filter: return self._config["filter"](entity_id) entity_configs = self._prefs.google_entity_configs entity_config = entity_configs.get(entity_id, {}) entity_expose = entity_config.get(PREF_SHOULD_EXPOSE) if entity_expose is not None: return entity_expose default_expose = self._prefs.google_default_expose # Backwards compat if default_expose is None: return True return split_entity_id(entity_id)[0] in default_expose @property def agent_user_id(self): """Return Agent User Id to use for query responses.""" return self._cloud.username @property def has_registered_user_agent(self): """Return if we have a Agent User Id registered.""" return len(self._store.agent_user_ids) > 0 def get_agent_user_id(self, context): """Get agent user ID making request.""" return self.agent_user_id def should_2fa(self, state): """If an entity should be checked for 2FA.""" entity_configs = self._prefs.google_entity_configs entity_config = entity_configs.get(state.entity_id, {}) return not entity_config.get(PREF_DISABLE_2FA, DEFAULT_DISABLE_2FA) async def async_report_state(self, message, agent_user_id: str): """Send a state report to Google.""" try: await self._cloud.google_report_state.async_send_message(message) except ErrorResponse as err: _LOGGER.warning("Error reporting state - %s: %s", err.code, err.message) async def _async_request_sync_devices(self, agent_user_id: str): """Trigger a sync with Google.""" if self._sync_entities_lock.locked(): return HTTP_OK async with self._sync_entities_lock: resp = await cloud_api.async_google_actions_request_sync(self._cloud) return resp.status async def _async_prefs_updated(self, prefs): """Handle updated preferences.""" if self.enabled and GOOGLE_DOMAIN not in self.hass.config.components: await async_setup_component(self.hass, GOOGLE_DOMAIN, {}) if self.should_report_state != self.is_reporting_state: if self.should_report_state: self.async_enable_report_state() else: self.async_disable_report_state() # State reporting is reported as a property on entities. # So when we change it, we need to sync all entities. await self.async_sync_entities_all() # If entity prefs are the same or we have filter in config.yaml, # don't sync. elif ( self._cur_entity_prefs is not prefs.google_entity_configs or self._cur_default_expose is not prefs.google_default_expose ) and self._config["filter"].empty_filter: self.async_schedule_google_sync_all() if self.enabled and not self.is_local_sdk_active: self.async_enable_local_sdk() elif not self.enabled and self.is_local_sdk_active: self.async_disable_local_sdk() self._cur_entity_prefs = prefs.google_entity_configs self._cur_default_expose = prefs.google_default_expose async def _handle_entity_registry_updated(self, event): """Handle when entity registry updated.""" if not self.enabled or not self._cloud.is_logged_in: return # Only consider entity registry updates if info relevant for Google has changed if event.data["action"] == "update" and not bool( set(event.data["changes"]) & entity_registry.ENTITY_DESCRIBING_ATTRIBUTES ): return entity_id = event.data["entity_id"] if not self._should_expose_entity_id(entity_id): return if self.hass.state != CoreState.running: return self.async_schedule_google_sync_all()