"""The sentry integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import re from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.aiohttp import AioHttpIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import LoggingIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.sqlalchemy import SqlalchemyIntegration from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, __version__ as current_version, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform, instance_id from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from homeassistant.helpers.system_info import async_get_system_info from homeassistant.loader import Integration, async_get_custom_components from .const import ( CONF_DSN, CONF_ENVIRONMENT, CONF_EVENT_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS, CONF_EVENT_HANDLED, CONF_EVENT_THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGES, CONF_LOGGING_EVENT_LEVEL, CONF_LOGGING_LEVEL, CONF_TRACING, CONF_TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE, DEFAULT_LOGGING_EVENT_LEVEL, DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL, DEFAULT_TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE, DOMAIN, ENTITY_COMPONENTS, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.removed(DOMAIN, raise_if_present=False) LOGGER_INFO_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(\w+)\.?(\w+)?\.?(\w+)?\.?(\w+)?(?:\..*)?$") async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up Sentry from a config entry.""" # Migrate environment from config entry data to config entry options if ( CONF_ENVIRONMENT not in entry.options and CONF_ENVIRONMENT in entry.data and entry.data[CONF_ENVIRONMENT] ): options = {**entry.options, CONF_ENVIRONMENT: entry.data[CONF_ENVIRONMENT]} data = entry.data.copy() data.pop(CONF_ENVIRONMENT) hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, data=data, options=options) # https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/logging/ sentry_logging = LoggingIntegration( level=entry.options.get(CONF_LOGGING_LEVEL, DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL), event_level=entry.options.get( CONF_LOGGING_EVENT_LEVEL, DEFAULT_LOGGING_EVENT_LEVEL ), ) # Additional/extra data collection channel = get_channel(current_version) huuid = await instance_id.async_get(hass) system_info = await async_get_system_info(hass) custom_components = await async_get_custom_components(hass) tracing = {} if entry.options.get(CONF_TRACING): tracing = { "traces_sample_rate": entry.options.get( CONF_TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE, DEFAULT_TRACING_SAMPLE_RATE ), } # pylint: disable-next=abstract-class-instantiated sentry_sdk.init( dsn=entry.data[CONF_DSN], environment=entry.options.get(CONF_ENVIRONMENT), integrations=[sentry_logging, AioHttpIntegration(), SqlalchemyIntegration()], release=current_version, before_send=lambda event, hint: process_before_send( hass, entry.options, channel, huuid, system_info, custom_components, event, hint, ), **tracing, ) async def update_system_info(now): nonlocal system_info system_info = await async_get_system_info(hass) # Update system info every hour async_call_later(hass, 3600, update_system_info) hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, update_system_info) return True def get_channel(version: str) -> str: """Find channel based on version number.""" if "dev0" in version: return "dev" if "dev" in version: return "nightly" if "b" in version: return "beta" return "stable" def process_before_send( hass: HomeAssistant, options: MappingProxyType[str, Any], channel: str, huuid: str, system_info: dict[str, bool | str], custom_components: dict[str, Integration], event: dict[str, Any], hint: dict[str, Any], ): """Process a Sentry event before sending it to Sentry.""" # Filter out handled events by default if ( "tags" in event and event["tags"].get("handled", "no") == "yes" and not options.get(CONF_EVENT_HANDLED) ): return None # Additional tags to add to the event additional_tags = { "channel": channel, "installation_type": system_info["installation_type"], "uuid": huuid, } # Find out all integrations in use, filter "auth", because it # triggers security rules, hiding all data. integrations = [ integration for integration in hass.config.components if integration != "auth" and "." not in integration ] # Add additional tags based on what caused the event. if (platform := entity_platform.current_platform.get()) is not None: # This event happened in a platform additional_tags["custom_component"] = "no" additional_tags["integration"] = platform.platform_name additional_tags["platform"] = platform.domain elif "logger" in event: # Logger event, try to get integration information from the logger name. matches = LOGGER_INFO_REGEX.findall(event["logger"]) if matches: group1, group2, group3, group4 = matches[0] # Handle the "homeassistant." package differently if group1 == "homeassistant" and group2 and group3: if group2 == "components": # This logger is from a component additional_tags["custom_component"] = "no" additional_tags["integration"] = group3 if group4 and group4 in ENTITY_COMPONENTS: additional_tags["platform"] = group4 else: # Not a component, could be helper, or something else. additional_tags[group2] = group3 else: # Not the "homeassistant" package, this third-party if not options.get(CONF_EVENT_THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGES): return None additional_tags["package"] = group1 # If this event is caused by an integration, add a tag if this # integration is custom or not. if ( "integration" in additional_tags and additional_tags["integration"] in custom_components ): if not options.get(CONF_EVENT_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS): return None additional_tags["custom_component"] = "yes" # Update event with the additional tags event.setdefault("tags", {}).update(additional_tags) # Set user context to the installation UUID event.setdefault("user", {}).update({"id": huuid}) # Update event data with Home Assistant Context event.setdefault("contexts", {}).update( { "Home Assistant": { "channel": channel, "custom_components": "\n".join(sorted(custom_components)), "integrations": "\n".join(sorted(integrations)), **system_info, # type: ignore[arg-type] }, } ) return event