"""The sensor tests for the powerwall platform.""" from asynctest import patch from homeassistant.components.powerwall.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import UNIT_PERCENTAGE from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .mocks import _mock_get_config, _mock_powerwall_with_fixtures async def test_sensors(hass): """Test creation of the sensors.""" mock_powerwall = await _mock_powerwall_with_fixtures(hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.powerwall.config_flow.Powerwall", return_value=mock_powerwall, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.powerwall.Powerwall", return_value=mock_powerwall ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, _mock_get_config()) await hass.async_block_till_done() device_registry = await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() reg_device = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={("powerwall", "TG0123456789AB_TG9876543210BA")}, connections=set(), ) assert reg_device.model == "PowerWall 2 (GW1)" assert reg_device.sw_version == "1.45.1" assert reg_device.manufacturer == "Tesla" assert reg_device.name == "MySite" state = hass.states.get("sensor.powerwall_site_now") assert state.state == "0.032" expected_attributes = { "frequency": 60, "energy_exported": 10429451.9916853, "energy_imported": 4824191.60668611, "instant_average_voltage": 120.650001525879, "unit_of_measurement": "kW", "friendly_name": "Powerwall Site Now", "device_class": "power", } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears for key, value in expected_attributes.items(): assert state.attributes[key] == value state = hass.states.get("sensor.powerwall_load_now") assert state.state == "1.971" expected_attributes = { "frequency": 60, "energy_exported": 1056797.48917483, "energy_imported": 4692987.91889705, "instant_average_voltage": 120.650001525879, "unit_of_measurement": "kW", "friendly_name": "Powerwall Load Now", "device_class": "power", } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears for key, value in expected_attributes.items(): assert state.attributes[key] == value state = hass.states.get("sensor.powerwall_battery_now") assert state.state == "-8.55" expected_attributes = { "frequency": 60.014, "energy_exported": 3620010, "energy_imported": 4216170, "instant_average_voltage": 240.56, "unit_of_measurement": "kW", "friendly_name": "Powerwall Battery Now", "device_class": "power", } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears for key, value in expected_attributes.items(): assert state.attributes[key] == value state = hass.states.get("sensor.powerwall_solar_now") assert state.state == "10.49" expected_attributes = { "frequency": 60, "energy_exported": 9864205.82222448, "energy_imported": 28177.5358355867, "instant_average_voltage": 120.685001373291, "unit_of_measurement": "kW", "friendly_name": "Powerwall Solar Now", "device_class": "power", } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears for key, value in expected_attributes.items(): assert state.attributes[key] == value state = hass.states.get("sensor.powerwall_charge") assert state.state == "47" expected_attributes = { "unit_of_measurement": UNIT_PERCENTAGE, "friendly_name": "Powerwall Charge", "device_class": "battery", } # Only test for a subset of attributes in case # HA changes the implementation and a new one appears for key, value in expected_attributes.items(): assert state.attributes[key] == value