"""Test configuration for PS4."""
from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest

def patch_load_json():
    """Prevent load JSON being used."""
    with patch("homeassistant.components.ps4.load_json", return_value={}) as mock_load:
        yield mock_load

def patch_save_json():
    """Prevent save JSON being used."""
    with patch("homeassistant.components.ps4.save_json") as mock_save:
        yield mock_save

def patch_get_status():
    """Prevent save JSON being used."""
    with patch("pyps4_2ndscreen.ps4.get_status", return_value=None) as mock_get_status:
        yield mock_get_status

def patch_io(patch_load_json, patch_save_json, patch_get_status):
    """Prevent PS4 doing I/O."""