""" This module provides WSGI application to serve the Home Assistant API. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/http/ """ import asyncio import json import logging from aiohttp import web from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPUnauthorized import homeassistant.remote as rem from homeassistant.core import is_callback from homeassistant.const import CONTENT_TYPE_JSON from .const import KEY_AUTHENTICATED, KEY_REAL_IP _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HomeAssistantView(object): """Base view for all views.""" url = None extra_urls = [] requires_auth = True # Views inheriting from this class can override this # pylint: disable=no-self-use def json(self, result, status_code=200, headers=None): """Return a JSON response.""" msg = json.dumps( result, sort_keys=True, cls=rem.JSONEncoder).encode('UTF-8') response = web.Response( body=msg, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, status=status_code, headers=headers) response.enable_compression() return response def json_message(self, message, status_code=200, message_code=None, headers=None): """Return a JSON message response.""" data = {'message': message} if message_code is not None: data['code'] = message_code return self.json(data, status_code, headers=headers) # pylint: disable=no-self-use async def file(self, request, fil): """Return a file.""" assert isinstance(fil, str), 'only string paths allowed' return web.FileResponse(fil) def register(self, router): """Register the view with a router.""" assert self.url is not None, 'No url set for view' urls = [self.url] + self.extra_urls for method in ('get', 'post', 'delete', 'put'): handler = getattr(self, method, None) if not handler: continue handler = request_handler_factory(self, handler) for url in urls: router.add_route(method, url, handler) # aiohttp_cors does not work with class based views # self.app.router.add_route('*', self.url, self, name=self.name) # for url in self.extra_urls: # self.app.router.add_route('*', url, self) def request_handler_factory(view, handler): """Wrap the handler classes.""" assert asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler) or is_callback(handler), \ "Handler should be a coroutine or a callback." async def handle(request): """Handle incoming request.""" if not request.app['hass'].is_running: return web.Response(status=503) authenticated = request.get(KEY_AUTHENTICATED, False) if view.requires_auth and not authenticated: raise HTTPUnauthorized() _LOGGER.info('Serving %s to %s (auth: %s)', request.path, request.get(KEY_REAL_IP), authenticated) result = handler(request, **request.match_info) if asyncio.iscoroutine(result): result = await result if isinstance(result, web.StreamResponse): # The method handler returned a ready-made Response, how nice of it return result status_code = 200 if isinstance(result, tuple): result, status_code = result if isinstance(result, str): result = result.encode('utf-8') elif result is None: result = b'' elif not isinstance(result, bytes): assert False, ('Result should be None, string, bytes or Response. ' 'Got: {}').format(result) return web.Response(body=result, status=status_code) return handle