"""Unit system helper class and methods.""" from __future__ import annotations from numbers import Number from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Final import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ACCUMULATED_PRECIPITATION, LENGTH, MASS, PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, UNIT_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TEMPLATE, VOLUME, WIND_SPEED, UnitOfLength, UnitOfMass, UnitOfPrecipitationDepth, UnitOfPressure, UnitOfSpeed, UnitOfTemperature, UnitOfVolume, ) from homeassistant.helpers.frame import report from .unit_conversion import ( DistanceConverter, PressureConverter, SpeedConverter, TemperatureConverter, VolumeConverter, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorDeviceClass _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL: Final = "imperial" _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC: Final = "metric" _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_US_CUSTOMARY: Final = "us_customary" LENGTH_UNITS = DistanceConverter.VALID_UNITS MASS_UNITS: set[str] = { UnitOfMass.POUNDS, UnitOfMass.OUNCES, UnitOfMass.KILOGRAMS, UnitOfMass.GRAMS, } PRESSURE_UNITS = PressureConverter.VALID_UNITS VOLUME_UNITS = VolumeConverter.VALID_UNITS WIND_SPEED_UNITS = SpeedConverter.VALID_UNITS TEMPERATURE_UNITS: set[str] = {UnitOfTemperature.FAHRENHEIT, UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS} def _is_valid_unit(unit: str, unit_type: str) -> bool: """Check if the unit is valid for it's type.""" if unit_type == LENGTH: return unit in LENGTH_UNITS if unit_type == ACCUMULATED_PRECIPITATION: return unit in LENGTH_UNITS if unit_type == WIND_SPEED: return unit in WIND_SPEED_UNITS if unit_type == TEMPERATURE: return unit in TEMPERATURE_UNITS if unit_type == MASS: return unit in MASS_UNITS if unit_type == VOLUME: return unit in VOLUME_UNITS if unit_type == PRESSURE: return unit in PRESSURE_UNITS return False class UnitSystem: """A container for units of measure.""" def __init__( self, name: str, *, accumulated_precipitation: UnitOfPrecipitationDepth, conversions: dict[tuple[SensorDeviceClass | str | None, str | None], str], length: UnitOfLength, mass: UnitOfMass, pressure: UnitOfPressure, temperature: UnitOfTemperature, volume: UnitOfVolume, wind_speed: UnitOfSpeed, ) -> None: """Initialize the unit system object.""" errors: str = ", ".join( UNIT_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TEMPLATE.format(unit, unit_type) for unit, unit_type in ( (accumulated_precipitation, ACCUMULATED_PRECIPITATION), (temperature, TEMPERATURE), (length, LENGTH), (wind_speed, WIND_SPEED), (volume, VOLUME), (mass, MASS), (pressure, PRESSURE), ) if not _is_valid_unit(unit, unit_type) ) if errors: raise ValueError(errors) self._name = name self.accumulated_precipitation_unit = accumulated_precipitation self.temperature_unit = temperature self.length_unit = length self.mass_unit = mass self.pressure_unit = pressure self.volume_unit = volume self.wind_speed_unit = wind_speed self._conversions = conversions @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the unit system.""" report( "accesses the `name` property of the unit system. " "This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.1. " "Please adjust to use instance check instead.", error_if_core=False, ) if self is IMPERIAL_SYSTEM: # kept for compatibility reasons, with associated warning above return _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL return self._name @property def is_metric(self) -> bool: """Determine if this is the metric unit system.""" report( "accesses the `is_metric` property of the unit system. " "This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2023.1. " "Please adjust to use instance check instead.", error_if_core=False, ) return self is METRIC_SYSTEM def temperature(self, temperature: float, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given temperature to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(temperature, Number): raise TypeError(f"{temperature!s} is not a numeric value.") return TemperatureConverter.convert( temperature, from_unit, self.temperature_unit ) def length(self, length: float | None, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given length to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(length, Number): raise TypeError(f"{length!s} is not a numeric value.") # type ignore: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7207 return DistanceConverter.convert( # type: ignore[unreachable] length, from_unit, self.length_unit ) def accumulated_precipitation(self, precip: float | None, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given length to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(precip, Number): raise TypeError(f"{precip!s} is not a numeric value.") # type ignore: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7207 return DistanceConverter.convert( # type: ignore[unreachable] precip, from_unit, self.accumulated_precipitation_unit ) def pressure(self, pressure: float | None, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given pressure to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(pressure, Number): raise TypeError(f"{pressure!s} is not a numeric value.") # type ignore: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7207 return PressureConverter.convert( # type: ignore[unreachable] pressure, from_unit, self.pressure_unit ) def wind_speed(self, wind_speed: float | None, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given wind_speed to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(wind_speed, Number): raise TypeError(f"{wind_speed!s} is not a numeric value.") # type ignore: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7207 return SpeedConverter.convert(wind_speed, from_unit, self.wind_speed_unit) # type: ignore[unreachable] def volume(self, volume: float | None, from_unit: str) -> float: """Convert the given volume to this unit system.""" if not isinstance(volume, Number): raise TypeError(f"{volume!s} is not a numeric value.") # type ignore: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7207 return VolumeConverter.convert(volume, from_unit, self.volume_unit) # type: ignore[unreachable] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Convert the unit system to a dictionary.""" return { LENGTH: self.length_unit, ACCUMULATED_PRECIPITATION: self.accumulated_precipitation_unit, MASS: self.mass_unit, PRESSURE: self.pressure_unit, TEMPERATURE: self.temperature_unit, VOLUME: self.volume_unit, WIND_SPEED: self.wind_speed_unit, } def get_converted_unit( self, device_class: SensorDeviceClass | str | None, original_unit: str | None, ) -> str | None: """Return converted unit given a device class or an original unit.""" return self._conversions.get((device_class, original_unit)) def get_unit_system(key: str) -> UnitSystem: """Get unit system based on key.""" if key == _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_US_CUSTOMARY: return US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM if key == _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC: return METRIC_SYSTEM raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is not a valid unit system key") def _deprecated_unit_system(value: str) -> str: """Convert deprecated unit system.""" if value == _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL: # need to add warning in 2023.1 return _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_US_CUSTOMARY return value validate_unit_system = vol.All( vol.Lower, _deprecated_unit_system, vol.Any(_CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC, _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_US_CUSTOMARY), ) METRIC_SYSTEM = UnitSystem( _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC, accumulated_precipitation=UnitOfPrecipitationDepth.MILLIMETERS, conversions={ # Force atmospheric pressures to hPa **{ ("atmospheric_pressure", unit): UnitOfPressure.HPA for unit in UnitOfPressure if unit != UnitOfPressure.HPA }, # Convert non-metric distances ("distance", UnitOfLength.FEET): UnitOfLength.METERS, ("distance", UnitOfLength.INCHES): UnitOfLength.MILLIMETERS, ("distance", UnitOfLength.MILES): UnitOfLength.KILOMETERS, ("distance", UnitOfLength.YARDS): UnitOfLength.METERS, # Convert non-metric volumes of gas meters ("gas", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, # Convert non-metric precipitation ("precipitation", UnitOfLength.INCHES): UnitOfLength.MILLIMETERS, # Convert non-metric pressure ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.PSI): UnitOfPressure.KPA, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.INHG): UnitOfPressure.HPA, # Convert non-metric speeds except knots to km/h ("speed", UnitOfSpeed.FEET_PER_SECOND): UnitOfSpeed.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, ("speed", UnitOfSpeed.MILES_PER_HOUR): UnitOfSpeed.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, # Convert non-metric volumes ("volume", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, ("volume", UnitOfVolume.FLUID_OUNCES): UnitOfVolume.MILLILITERS, ("volume", UnitOfVolume.GALLONS): UnitOfVolume.LITERS, # Convert non-metric volumes of water meters ("water", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, ("water", UnitOfVolume.GALLONS): UnitOfVolume.LITERS, }, length=UnitOfLength.KILOMETERS, mass=UnitOfMass.GRAMS, pressure=UnitOfPressure.PA, temperature=UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS, volume=UnitOfVolume.LITERS, wind_speed=UnitOfSpeed.METERS_PER_SECOND, ) US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM = UnitSystem( _CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_US_CUSTOMARY, accumulated_precipitation=UnitOfPrecipitationDepth.INCHES, conversions={ # Force atmospheric pressures to inHg **{ ("atmospheric_pressure", unit): UnitOfPressure.INHG for unit in UnitOfPressure if unit != UnitOfPressure.INHG }, # Convert non-USCS distances ("distance", UnitOfLength.CENTIMETERS): UnitOfLength.INCHES, ("distance", UnitOfLength.KILOMETERS): UnitOfLength.MILES, ("distance", UnitOfLength.METERS): UnitOfLength.FEET, ("distance", UnitOfLength.MILLIMETERS): UnitOfLength.INCHES, # Convert non-USCS volumes of gas meters ("gas", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, # Convert non-USCS precipitation ("precipitation", UnitOfLength.MILLIMETERS): UnitOfLength.INCHES, # Convert non-USCS pressure ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.MBAR): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.CBAR): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.BAR): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.PA): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.HPA): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.KPA): UnitOfPressure.PSI, ("pressure", UnitOfPressure.MMHG): UnitOfPressure.INHG, # Convert non-USCS speeds except knots to mph ("speed", UnitOfSpeed.METERS_PER_SECOND): UnitOfSpeed.MILES_PER_HOUR, ("speed", UnitOfSpeed.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR): UnitOfSpeed.MILES_PER_HOUR, # Convert non-USCS volumes ("volume", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, ("volume", UnitOfVolume.LITERS): UnitOfVolume.GALLONS, ("volume", UnitOfVolume.MILLILITERS): UnitOfVolume.FLUID_OUNCES, # Convert non-USCS volumes of water meters ("water", UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS): UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, ("water", UnitOfVolume.LITERS): UnitOfVolume.GALLONS, }, length=UnitOfLength.MILES, mass=UnitOfMass.POUNDS, pressure=UnitOfPressure.PSI, temperature=UnitOfTemperature.FAHRENHEIT, volume=UnitOfVolume.GALLONS, wind_speed=UnitOfSpeed.MILES_PER_HOUR, ) IMPERIAL_SYSTEM = US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM """IMPERIAL_SYSTEM is deprecated. Please use US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM instead."""