""" homeassistant.components.binary.nest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support for Nest Thermostat Binary Sensors. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.nest/ """ import logging import socket import homeassistant.components.nest as nest from homeassistant.components.sensor.nest import NestSensor BINARY_TYPES = ['fan', 'hvac_ac_state', 'hvac_aux_heater_state', 'hvac_heat_x2_state', 'hvac_heat_x3_state', 'hvac_alt_heat_state', 'hvac_alt_heat_x2_state', 'hvac_emer_heat_state', 'online'] def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): "Setup nest binary sensors from config file" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: for structure in nest.NEST.structures: for device in structure.devices: for variable in config['monitored_conditions']: if variable in BINARY_TYPES: add_devices([NestBinarySensor( structure, device, variable)]) else: logger.error('Nest sensor type: "%s" does not exist', variable) except socket.error: logger.error( "Connection error logging into the nest web service." ) class NestBinarySensor(NestSensor): """ Represents a Nst Binary sensor. """ @property def is_on(self): return bool(getattr(self.device, self.variable))