"""Provide common fixtures for tests."""

from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, patch

import pytest
from typing_extensions import Generator

from homeassistant.components.openexchangerates.const import DOMAIN

from tests.common import MockConfigEntry

def mock_config_entry() -> MockConfigEntry:
    """Return the default mocked config entry."""
    return MockConfigEntry(
        domain=DOMAIN, data={"api_key": "test-api-key", "base": "USD"}

def mock_setup_entry() -> Generator[AsyncMock]:
    """Mock setting up a config entry."""
    with patch(
    ) as mock_setup:
        yield mock_setup

def mock_latest_rates_config_flow() -> Generator[AsyncMock]:
    """Return a mocked WLED client."""
    with patch(
    ) as mock_latest:
        mock_latest.return_value = {"EUR": 1.0}
        yield mock_latest