""" Support for scripts. Scripts are a sequence of actions that can be triggered manually by the user or automatically based upon automation events, etc. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/script/ """ import asyncio import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_RELOAD, STATE_ON, CONF_ALIAS) from homeassistant.core import split_entity_id from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.script import Script _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = 'script' DEPENDENCIES = ['group'] ATTR_CAN_CANCEL = 'can_cancel' ATTR_LAST_ACTION = 'last_action' ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED = 'last_triggered' ATTR_VARIABLES = 'variables' CONF_SEQUENCE = 'sequence' ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + '.{}' GROUP_NAME_ALL_SCRIPTS = 'all scripts' SCRIPT_ENTRY_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ CONF_ALIAS: cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SEQUENCE): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, }) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({cv.slug: SCRIPT_ENTRY_SCHEMA}) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) SCRIPT_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(dict) SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(ATTR_VARIABLES): dict, }) RELOAD_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({}) @bind_hass def is_on(hass, entity_id): """Return if the script is on based on the statemachine.""" return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) @bind_hass def turn_on(hass, entity_id, variables=None): """Turn script on.""" _, object_id = split_entity_id(entity_id) hass.services.call(DOMAIN, object_id, variables) @bind_hass def turn_off(hass, entity_id): """Turn script on.""" hass.services.call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}) @bind_hass def toggle(hass, entity_id): """Toggle the script.""" hass.services.call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TOGGLE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}) @bind_hass def reload(hass): """Reload script component.""" hass.services.call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD) @bind_hass def async_reload(hass): """Reload the scripts from config. Returns a coroutine object. """ return hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD) @asyncio.coroutine def async_setup(hass, config): """Load the scripts from the configuration.""" component = EntityComponent( _LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass, group_name=GROUP_NAME_ALL_SCRIPTS) yield from _async_process_config(hass, config, component) @asyncio.coroutine def reload_service(service): """Call a service to reload scripts.""" conf = yield from component.async_prepare_reload() if conf is None: return yield from _async_process_config(hass, conf, component) @asyncio.coroutine def turn_on_service(service): """Call a service to turn script on.""" # We could turn on script directly here, but we only want to offer # one way to do it. Otherwise no easy way to detect invocations. var = service.data.get(ATTR_VARIABLES) for script in component.async_extract_from_service(service): yield from hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, script.object_id, var) @asyncio.coroutine def turn_off_service(service): """Cancel a script.""" # Stopping a script is ok to be done in parallel yield from asyncio.wait( [script.async_turn_off() for script in component.async_extract_from_service(service)], loop=hass.loop) @asyncio.coroutine def toggle_service(service): """Toggle a script.""" for script in component.async_extract_from_service(service): yield from script.async_toggle() hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, reload_service, schema=RELOAD_SERVICE_SCHEMA) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, turn_on_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, turn_off_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TOGGLE, toggle_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA) return True @asyncio.coroutine def _async_process_config(hass, config, component): """Process group configuration.""" @asyncio.coroutine def service_handler(service): """Execute a service call to script.<script name>.""" entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(service.service) script = component.entities.get(entity_id) if script.is_on: _LOGGER.warning("Script %s already running.", entity_id) return yield from script.async_turn_on(variables=service.data) scripts = [] for object_id, cfg in config[DOMAIN].items(): alias = cfg.get(CONF_ALIAS, object_id) script = ScriptEntity(hass, object_id, alias, cfg[CONF_SEQUENCE]) scripts.append(script) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, object_id, service_handler, schema=SCRIPT_SERVICE_SCHEMA) yield from component.async_add_entities(scripts) class ScriptEntity(ToggleEntity): """Representation of a script entity.""" def __init__(self, hass, object_id, name, sequence): """Initialize the script.""" self.object_id = object_id self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(object_id) self.script = Script(hass, sequence, name, self.async_update_ha_state) @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the entity.""" return self.script.name @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" attrs = {} attrs[ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED] = self.script.last_triggered if self.script.can_cancel: attrs[ATTR_CAN_CANCEL] = self.script.can_cancel if self.script.last_action: attrs[ATTR_LAST_ACTION] = self.script.last_action return attrs @property def is_on(self): """Return true if script is on.""" return self.script.is_running @asyncio.coroutine def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the script on.""" yield from self.script.async_run(kwargs.get(ATTR_VARIABLES)) @asyncio.coroutine def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn script off.""" self.script.async_stop() def async_remove(self): """Remove script from HASS. This method must be run in the event loop and returns a coroutine. """ if self.script.is_running: self.script.async_stop() # remove service self.hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, self.object_id) return super().async_remove()