#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Lazy 'tox' to quickly check if branch is up to PR standards. This is NOT a tox replacement, only a quick check during development. """ import os import asyncio import sys import re import shlex from collections import namedtuple try: from colorlog.escape_codes import escape_codes except ImportError: escape_codes = None RE_ASCII = re.compile(r"\033\[[^m]*m") Error = namedtuple('Error', ['file', 'line', 'col', 'msg']) PASS = 'green' FAIL = 'bold_red' def printc(the_color, *args): """Color print helper.""" msg = ' '.join(args) if not escape_codes: print(msg) return try: print(escape_codes[the_color] + msg + escape_codes['reset']) except KeyError: print(msg) raise ValueError("Invalid color {}".format(the_color)) def validate_requirements_ok(): """Validate requirements, returns True of ok.""" # pylint: disable=E0402 from gen_requirements_all import main as req_main return req_main(True) == 0 async def read_stream(stream, display): """Read from stream line by line until EOF, display, and capture lines.""" output = [] while True: line = await stream.readline() if not line: break output.append(line) display(line.decode()) # assume it doesn't block return b''.join(output) async def async_exec(*args, display=False): """Execute, return code & log.""" argsp = [] for arg in args: if os.path.isfile(arg): argsp.append("\\\n {}".format(shlex.quote(arg))) else: argsp.append(shlex.quote(arg)) printc('cyan', *argsp) try: kwargs = {'loop': LOOP, 'stdout': asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT} if display: kwargs['stderr'] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE # pylint: disable=E1120 proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError as err: printc(FAIL, "Could not execute {}. Did you install test requirements?" .format(args[0])) raise err if not display: # Readin stdout into log stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() else: # read child's stdout/stderr concurrently (capture and display) stdout, _ = await asyncio.gather( read_stream(proc.stdout, sys.stdout.write), read_stream(proc.stderr, sys.stderr.write)) exit_code = await proc.wait() stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') return exit_code, stdout async def git(): """Exec git.""" if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[1] == '--': return sys.argv[2:] _, log = await async_exec('git', 'merge-base', 'upstream/dev', 'HEAD') merge_base = log.splitlines()[0] _, log = await async_exec('git', 'diff', merge_base, '--name-only') return log.splitlines() async def pylint(files): """Exec pylint.""" _, log = await async_exec('pylint', '-f', 'parseable', '--persistent=n', *files) res = [] for line in log.splitlines(): line = line.split(':') if len(line) < 3: continue res.append(Error(line[0].replace('\\', '/'), line[1], "", line[2].strip())) return res async def flake8(files): """Exec flake8.""" _, log = await async_exec('flake8', '--doctests', *files) res = [] for line in log.splitlines(): line = line.split(':') if len(line) < 4: continue res.append(Error(line[0].replace('\\', '/'), line[1], line[2], line[3].strip())) return res async def lint(files): """Perform lint.""" files = [file for file in files if os.path.isfile(file)] fres, pres = await asyncio.gather(flake8(files), pylint(files)) res = fres + pres res.sort(key=lambda item: item.file) if res: print("Pylint & Flake8 errors:") else: printc(PASS, "Pylint and Flake8 passed") lint_ok = True for err in res: err_msg = "{} {}:{} {}".format(err.file, err.line, err.col, err.msg) # tests/* does not have to pass lint if err.file.startswith('tests/'): print(err_msg) else: printc(FAIL, err_msg) lint_ok = False return lint_ok async def main(): """The main loop.""" # Ensure we are in the homeassistant root os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) files = await git() if not files: print("No changed files found. Please ensure you have added your " "changes with git add & git commit") return pyfile = re.compile(r".+\.py$") pyfiles = [file for file in files if pyfile.match(file)] print("=============================") printc('bold', "CHANGED FILES:\n", '\n '.join(pyfiles)) print("=============================") skip_lint = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--skiplint' if skip_lint: printc(FAIL, "LINT DISABLED") elif not await lint(pyfiles): printc(FAIL, "Please fix your lint issues before continuing") return test_files = set() gen_req = False for fname in pyfiles: if fname.startswith('homeassistant/components/'): gen_req = True # requirements script for components # Find test files... if fname.startswith('tests/'): if '/test_' in fname and os.path.isfile(fname): # All test helpers should be excluded test_files.add(fname) else: parts = fname.split('/') parts[0] = 'tests' if parts[-1] == '__init__.py': parts[-1] = 'test_init.py' elif parts[-1] == '__main__.py': parts[-1] = 'test_main.py' else: parts[-1] = 'test_' + parts[-1] fname = '/'.join(parts) if os.path.isfile(fname): test_files.add(fname) if gen_req: print("=============================") if validate_requirements_ok(): printc(PASS, "script/gen_requirements.py passed") else: printc(FAIL, "Please run script/gen_requirements.py") return print("=============================") if not test_files: print("No test files identified, ideally you should run tox") return code, _ = await async_exec( 'pytest', '-vv', '--force-sugar', '--', *test_files, display=True) print("=============================") if code == 0: printc(PASS, "Yay! This will most likely pass tox") else: printc(FAIL, "Tests not passing") if skip_lint: printc(FAIL, "LINT DISABLED") if __name__ == '__main__': LOOP = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() if sys.platform == 'win32' \ else asyncio.get_event_loop() try: LOOP.run_until_complete(main()) except (FileNotFoundError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass finally: LOOP.close()