"""The tests for the mFi sensor platform.""" from mficlient.client import FailedToLogin import pytest import requests import homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor as mfi import homeassistant.components.sensor as sensor_component from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component import tests.async_mock as mock PLATFORM = mfi COMPONENT = sensor_component THING = "sensor" GOOD_CONFIG = { "sensor": { "platform": "mfi", "host": "foo", "port": 6123, "username": "user", "password": "pass", "ssl": True, "verify_ssl": True, } } async def test_setup_missing_config(hass): """Test setup with missing configuration.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: config = {"sensor": {"platform": "mfi"}} assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) assert not mock_client.called async def test_setup_failed_login(hass): """Test setup with login failure.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: mock_client.side_effect = FailedToLogin assert not PLATFORM.setup_platform(hass, dict(GOOD_CONFIG), None) async def test_setup_failed_connect(hass): """Test setup with connection failure.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: mock_client.side_effect = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError assert not PLATFORM.setup_platform(hass, dict(GOOD_CONFIG), None) async def test_setup_minimum(hass): """Test setup with minimum configuration.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: config = dict(GOOD_CONFIG) del config[THING]["port"] assert await async_setup_component(hass, COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert mock_client.call_count == 1 assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call( "foo", "user", "pass", port=6443, use_tls=True, verify=True ) async def test_setup_with_port(hass): """Test setup with port.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: config = dict(GOOD_CONFIG) config[THING]["port"] = 6123 assert await async_setup_component(hass, COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert mock_client.call_count == 1 assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call( "foo", "user", "pass", port=6123, use_tls=True, verify=True ) async def test_setup_with_tls_disabled(hass): """Test setup without TLS.""" with mock.patch("homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient") as mock_client: config = dict(GOOD_CONFIG) del config[THING]["port"] config[THING]["ssl"] = False config[THING]["verify_ssl"] = False assert await async_setup_component(hass, COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert mock_client.call_count == 1 assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call( "foo", "user", "pass", port=6080, use_tls=False, verify=False ) async def test_setup_adds_proper_devices(hass): """Test if setup adds devices.""" with mock.patch( "homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MFiClient" ) as mock_client, mock.patch( "homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor.MfiSensor", side_effect=mfi.MfiSensor ) as mock_sensor: ports = { i: mock.MagicMock(model=model, label=f"Port {i}", value=0) for i, model in enumerate(mfi.SENSOR_MODELS) } ports["bad"] = mock.MagicMock(model="notasensor") mock_client.return_value.get_devices.return_value = [ mock.MagicMock(ports=ports) ] assert await async_setup_component(hass, COMPONENT.DOMAIN, GOOD_CONFIG) await hass.async_block_till_done() for ident, port in ports.items(): if ident != "bad": mock_sensor.assert_any_call(port, hass) assert mock.call(ports["bad"], hass) not in mock_sensor.mock_calls @pytest.fixture(name="port") def port_fixture(): """Port fixture.""" return mock.MagicMock() @pytest.fixture(name="sensor") def sensor_fixture(hass, port): """Sensor fixture.""" return mfi.MfiSensor(port, hass) async def test_name(port, sensor): """Test the name.""" assert port.label == sensor.name async def test_uom_temp(port, sensor): """Test the UOM temperature.""" port.tag = "temperature" assert TEMP_CELSIUS == sensor.unit_of_measurement async def test_uom_power(port, sensor): """Test the UOEM power.""" port.tag = "active_pwr" assert sensor.unit_of_measurement == "Watts" async def test_uom_digital(port, sensor): """Test the UOM digital input.""" port.model = "Input Digital" assert sensor.unit_of_measurement == "State" async def test_uom_unknown(port, sensor): """Test the UOM.""" port.tag = "balloons" assert sensor.unit_of_measurement == "balloons" async def test_uom_uninitialized(port, sensor): """Test that the UOM defaults if not initialized.""" type(port).tag = mock.PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError) assert sensor.unit_of_measurement == "State" async def test_state_digital(port, sensor): """Test the digital input.""" port.model = "Input Digital" port.value = 0 assert mfi.STATE_OFF == sensor.state port.value = 1 assert mfi.STATE_ON == sensor.state port.value = 2 assert mfi.STATE_ON == sensor.state async def test_state_digits(port, sensor): """Test the state of digits.""" port.tag = "didyoucheckthedict?" port.value = 1.25 with mock.patch.dict(mfi.DIGITS, {"didyoucheckthedict?": 1}): assert sensor.state == 1.2 with mock.patch.dict(mfi.DIGITS, {}): assert sensor.state == 1.0 async def test_state_uninitialized(port, sensor): """Test the state of uninitialized sensorfs.""" type(port).tag = mock.PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError) assert mfi.STATE_OFF == sensor.state async def test_update(port, sensor): """Test the update.""" sensor.update() assert port.refresh.call_count == 1 assert port.refresh.call_args == mock.call()