"""Tests for the light intents.""" from homeassistant.components import light from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES, ColorMode, intent from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TURN_ON from homeassistant.helpers.intent import IntentHandleError from tests.common import async_mock_service async def test_intent_set_color(hass): """Test the set color intent.""" hass.states.async_set( "light.hello_2", "off", {ATTR_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES: [ColorMode.HS]} ) hass.states.async_set("switch.hello", "off") calls = async_mock_service(hass, light.DOMAIN, light.SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_SET, {"name": {"value": "Hello"}, "color": {"value": "blue"}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "Changed hello 2 to the color blue" assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == light.DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "light.hello_2" assert call.data.get(light.ATTR_RGB_COLOR) == (0, 0, 255) async def test_intent_set_color_tests_feature(hass): """Test the set color intent.""" hass.states.async_set("light.hello", "off") calls = async_mock_service(hass, light.DOMAIN, light.SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) try: await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_SET, {"name": {"value": "Hello"}, "color": {"value": "blue"}}, ) assert False, "handling intent should have raised" except IntentHandleError as err: assert str(err) == "Entity hello does not support changing colors" assert len(calls) == 0 async def test_intent_set_color_and_brightness(hass): """Test the set color intent.""" hass.states.async_set( "light.hello_2", "off", {ATTR_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES: [ColorMode.HS]} ) hass.states.async_set("switch.hello", "off") calls = async_mock_service(hass, light.DOMAIN, light.SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_SET, { "name": {"value": "Hello"}, "color": {"value": "blue"}, "brightness": {"value": "20"}, }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "Changed hello 2 to the color blue and 20% brightness" ) assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == light.DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "light.hello_2" assert call.data.get(light.ATTR_RGB_COLOR) == (0, 0, 255) assert call.data.get(light.ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT) == 20