"""Helpers for listening to events.""" import asyncio from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timedelta import functools as ft import logging import time from typing import ( Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, ) import attr from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NOW, EVENT_CORE_CONFIG_UPDATE, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, MATCH_ALL, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, State, callback, split_entity_id, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import EVENT_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED from homeassistant.helpers.sun import get_astral_event_next from homeassistant.helpers.template import RenderInfo, Template, result_as_boolean from homeassistant.helpers.typing import TemplateVarsType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe MAX_TIME_TRACKING_ERROR = 0.001 TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS = "track_state_change_callbacks" TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENER = "track_state_change_listener" TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS = "track_state_added_domain_callbacks" TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_LISTENER = "track_state_added_domain_listener" TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS = "track_state_removed_domain_callbacks" TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_LISTENER = "track_state_removed_domain_listener" TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_CALLBACKS = "track_entity_registry_updated_callbacks" TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_LISTENER = "track_entity_registry_updated_listener" _TEMPLATE_ALL_LISTENER = "all" _TEMPLATE_DOMAINS_LISTENER = "domains" _TEMPLATE_ENTITIES_LISTENER = "entities" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class TrackTemplate: """Class for keeping track of a template with variables. The template is template to calculate. The variables are variables to pass to the template. """ template: Template variables: TemplateVarsType @dataclass class TrackTemplateResult: """Class for result of template tracking. template The template that has changed. last_result The output from the template on the last successful run, or None if no previous successful run. result Result from the template run. This will be a string or an TemplateError if the template resulted in an error. """ template: Template last_result: Union[str, None, TemplateError] result: Union[str, TemplateError] def threaded_listener_factory(async_factory: Callable[..., Any]) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Convert an async event helper to a threaded one.""" @ft.wraps(async_factory) def factory(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Call async event helper safely.""" hass = args[0] if not isinstance(hass, HomeAssistant): raise TypeError("First parameter needs to be a hass instance") async_remove = run_callback_threadsafe( hass.loop, ft.partial(async_factory, *args, **kwargs) ).result() def remove() -> None: """Threadsafe removal.""" run_callback_threadsafe(hass.loop, async_remove).result() return remove return factory @callback @bind_hass def async_track_state_change( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_ids: Union[str, Iterable[str]], action: Callable[[str, State, State], None], from_state: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None, to_state: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Track specific state changes. entity_ids, from_state and to_state can be string or list. Use list to match multiple. Returns a function that can be called to remove the listener. If entity_ids are not MATCH_ALL along with from_state and to_state being None, async_track_state_change_event should be used instead as it is slightly faster. Must be run within the event loop. """ if from_state is not None: match_from_state = process_state_match(from_state) if to_state is not None: match_to_state = process_state_match(to_state) # Ensure it is a lowercase list with entity ids we want to match on if entity_ids == MATCH_ALL: pass elif isinstance(entity_ids, str): entity_ids = (entity_ids.lower(),) else: entity_ids = tuple(entity_id.lower() for entity_id in entity_ids) @callback def state_change_listener(event: Event) -> None: """Handle specific state changes.""" if from_state is not None: old_state = event.data.get("old_state") if old_state is not None: old_state = old_state.state if not match_from_state(old_state): return if to_state is not None: new_state = event.data.get("new_state") if new_state is not None: new_state = new_state.state if not match_to_state(new_state): return hass.async_run_job( action, event.data.get("entity_id"), event.data.get("old_state"), event.data.get("new_state"), ) if entity_ids != MATCH_ALL: # If we have a list of entity ids we use # async_track_state_change_event to route # by entity_id to avoid iterating though state change # events and creating a jobs where the most # common outcome is to return right away because # the entity_id does not match since usually # only one or two listeners want that specific # entity_id. return async_track_state_change_event(hass, entity_ids, state_change_listener) return hass.bus.async_listen(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, state_change_listener) track_state_change = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_state_change) @bind_hass def async_track_state_change_event( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_ids: Union[str, Iterable[str]], action: Callable[[Event], Any], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Track specific state change events indexed by entity_id. Unlike async_track_state_change, async_track_state_change_event passes the full event to the callback. In order to avoid having to iterate a long list of EVENT_STATE_CHANGED and fire and create a job for each one, we keep a dict of entity ids that care about the state change events so we can do a fast dict lookup to route events. """ entity_callbacks = hass.data.setdefault(TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS, {}) if TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENER not in hass.data: @callback def _async_state_change_dispatcher(event: Event) -> None: """Dispatch state changes by entity_id.""" entity_id = event.data.get("entity_id") if entity_id not in entity_callbacks: return for action in entity_callbacks[entity_id][:]: try: hass.async_run_job(action, event) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Error while processing state changed for %s", entity_id ) hass.data[TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENER] = hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, _async_state_change_dispatcher ) entity_ids = _async_string_to_lower_list(entity_ids) for entity_id in entity_ids: entity_callbacks.setdefault(entity_id, []).append(action) @callback def remove_listener() -> None: """Remove state change listener.""" _async_remove_indexed_listeners( hass, TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS, TRACK_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENER, entity_ids, action, ) return remove_listener @callback def _async_remove_indexed_listeners( hass: HomeAssistant, data_key: str, listener_key: str, storage_keys: Iterable[str], action: Callable[[Event], Any], ) -> None: """Remove a listener.""" callbacks = hass.data[data_key] for storage_key in storage_keys: callbacks[storage_key].remove(action) if len(callbacks[storage_key]) == 0: del callbacks[storage_key] if not callbacks: hass.data[listener_key]() del hass.data[listener_key] @bind_hass def async_track_entity_registry_updated_event( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_ids: Union[str, Iterable[str]], action: Callable[[Event], Any], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Track specific entity registry updated events indexed by entity_id. Similar to async_track_state_change_event. """ entity_callbacks = hass.data.setdefault(TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_CALLBACKS, {}) if TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_LISTENER not in hass.data: @callback def _async_entity_registry_updated_dispatcher(event: Event) -> None: """Dispatch entity registry updates by entity_id.""" entity_id = event.data.get("old_entity_id", event.data["entity_id"]) if entity_id not in entity_callbacks: return for action in entity_callbacks[entity_id][:]: try: hass.async_run_job(action, event) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Error while processing entity registry update for %s", entity_id, ) hass.data[TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_LISTENER] = hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED, _async_entity_registry_updated_dispatcher ) entity_ids = _async_string_to_lower_list(entity_ids) for entity_id in entity_ids: entity_callbacks.setdefault(entity_id, []).append(action) @callback def remove_listener() -> None: """Remove state change listener.""" _async_remove_indexed_listeners( hass, TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_CALLBACKS, TRACK_ENTITY_REGISTRY_UPDATED_LISTENER, entity_ids, action, ) return remove_listener @callback def _async_dispatch_domain_event( hass: HomeAssistant, event: Event, callbacks: Dict[str, List] ) -> None: domain = split_entity_id(event.data["entity_id"])[0] if domain not in callbacks and MATCH_ALL not in callbacks: return listeners = callbacks.get(domain, []) + callbacks.get(MATCH_ALL, []) for action in listeners: try: hass.async_run_job(action, event) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception( "Error while processing event %s for domain %s", event, domain ) @bind_hass def async_track_state_added_domain( hass: HomeAssistant, domains: Union[str, Iterable[str]], action: Callable[[Event], Any], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Track state change events when an entity is added to domains.""" domain_callbacks = hass.data.setdefault(TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS, {}) if TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_LISTENER not in hass.data: @callback def _async_state_change_dispatcher(event: Event) -> None: """Dispatch state changes by entity_id.""" if event.data.get("old_state") is not None: return _async_dispatch_domain_event(hass, event, domain_callbacks) hass.data[TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_LISTENER] = hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, _async_state_change_dispatcher ) domains = _async_string_to_lower_list(domains) for domain in domains: domain_callbacks.setdefault(domain, []).append(action) @callback def remove_listener() -> None: """Remove state change listener.""" _async_remove_indexed_listeners( hass, TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS, TRACK_STATE_ADDED_DOMAIN_LISTENER, domains, action, ) return remove_listener @bind_hass def async_track_state_removed_domain( hass: HomeAssistant, domains: Union[str, Iterable[str]], action: Callable[[Event], Any], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Track state change events when an entity is removed from domains.""" domain_callbacks = hass.data.setdefault(TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS, {}) if TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_LISTENER not in hass.data: @callback def _async_state_change_dispatcher(event: Event) -> None: """Dispatch state changes by entity_id.""" if event.data.get("new_state") is not None: return _async_dispatch_domain_event(hass, event, domain_callbacks) hass.data[TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_LISTENER] = hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, _async_state_change_dispatcher ) domains = _async_string_to_lower_list(domains) for domain in domains: domain_callbacks.setdefault(domain, []).append(action) @callback def remove_listener() -> None: """Remove state change listener.""" _async_remove_indexed_listeners( hass, TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_CALLBACKS, TRACK_STATE_REMOVED_DOMAIN_LISTENER, domains, action, ) return remove_listener @callback def _async_string_to_lower_list(instr: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> List[str]: if isinstance(instr, str): return [instr.lower()] return [mstr.lower() for mstr in instr] @callback @bind_hass def async_track_template( hass: HomeAssistant, template: Template, action: Callable[[str, Optional[State], Optional[State]], None], variables: Optional[TemplateVarsType] = None, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Add a listener that fires when a a template evaluates to 'true'. Listen for the result of the template becoming true, or a true-like string result, such as 'On', 'Open', or 'Yes'. If the template results in an error state when the value changes, this will be logged and not passed through. If the initial check of the template is invalid and results in an exception, the listener will still be registered but will only fire if the template result becomes true without an exception. Action arguments ---------------- entity_id ID of the entity that triggered the state change. old_state The old state of the entity that changed. new_state New state of the entity that changed. Parameters ---------- hass Home assistant object. template The template to calculate. action Callable to call with results. See above for arguments. variables Variables to pass to the template. Returns ------- Callable to unregister the listener. """ @callback def _template_changed_listener( event: Event, updates: List[TrackTemplateResult] ) -> None: """Check if condition is correct and run action.""" track_result = updates.pop() template = track_result.template last_result = track_result.last_result result = track_result.result if isinstance(result, TemplateError): _LOGGER.error( "Error while processing template: %s", template.template, exc_info=result, ) return if ( not isinstance(last_result, TemplateError) and result_as_boolean(last_result) or not result_as_boolean(result) ): return hass.async_run_job( action, event.data.get("entity_id"), event.data.get("old_state"), event.data.get("new_state"), ) info = async_track_template_result( hass, [TrackTemplate(template, variables)], _template_changed_listener ) return info.async_remove track_template = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_template) class _TrackTemplateResultInfo: """Handle removal / refresh of tracker.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, track_templates: Iterable[TrackTemplate], action: Callable, ): """Handle removal / refresh of tracker init.""" self.hass = hass self._action = action for track_template_ in track_templates: track_template_.template.hass = hass self._track_templates = track_templates self._listeners: Dict[str, Callable] = {} self._last_result: Dict[Template, Union[str, TemplateError]] = {} self._info: Dict[Template, RenderInfo] = {} self._last_domains: Set = set() self._last_entities: Set = set() def async_setup(self, raise_on_template_error: bool) -> None: """Activation of template tracking.""" for track_template_ in self._track_templates: template = track_template_.template variables = track_template_.variables self._info[template] = template.async_render_to_info(variables) if self._info[template].exception: if raise_on_template_error: raise self._info[template].exception _LOGGER.error( "Error while processing template: %s", track_template_.template, exc_info=self._info[template].exception, ) self._create_listeners() _LOGGER.debug( "Template group %s listens for %s", self._track_templates, self.listeners, ) @property def listeners(self) -> Dict: """State changes that will cause a re-render.""" return { "all": _TEMPLATE_ALL_LISTENER in self._listeners, "entities": self._last_entities, "domains": self._last_domains, } @property def _needs_all_listener(self) -> bool: for info in self._info.values(): # Tracking all states if info.all_states or info.all_states_lifecycle: return True # Previous call had an exception # so we do not know which states # to track if info.exception: return True return False @property def _all_templates_are_static(self) -> bool: for info in self._info.values(): if not info.is_static: return False return True @callback def _create_listeners(self) -> None: if self._all_templates_are_static: return if self._needs_all_listener: self._setup_all_listener() return self._last_entities, self._last_domains = _entities_domains_from_info( self._info.values() ) self._setup_domains_listener(self._last_domains) self._setup_entities_listener(self._last_domains, self._last_entities) @callback def _cancel_listener(self, listener_name: str) -> None: if listener_name not in self._listeners: return self._listeners.pop(listener_name)() @callback def _update_listeners(self) -> None: had_all_listener = _TEMPLATE_ALL_LISTENER in self._listeners if self._needs_all_listener: if had_all_listener: return self._last_domains = set() self._last_entities = set() self._cancel_listener(_TEMPLATE_DOMAINS_LISTENER) self._cancel_listener(_TEMPLATE_ENTITIES_LISTENER) self._setup_all_listener() return if had_all_listener: self._cancel_listener(_TEMPLATE_ALL_LISTENER) entities, domains = _entities_domains_from_info(self._info.values()) domains_changed = domains != self._last_domains if had_all_listener or domains_changed: domains_changed = True self._cancel_listener(_TEMPLATE_DOMAINS_LISTENER) self._setup_domains_listener(domains) if had_all_listener or domains_changed or entities != self._last_entities: self._cancel_listener(_TEMPLATE_ENTITIES_LISTENER) self._setup_entities_listener(domains, entities) self._last_domains = domains self._last_entities = entities @callback def _setup_entities_listener(self, domains: Set, entities: Set) -> None: if domains: entities = entities.copy() entities.update(self.hass.states.async_entity_ids(domains)) # Entities has changed to none if not entities: return self._listeners[_TEMPLATE_ENTITIES_LISTENER] = async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, entities, self._refresh ) @callback def _setup_domains_listener(self, domains: Set) -> None: if not domains: return self._listeners[_TEMPLATE_DOMAINS_LISTENER] = async_track_state_added_domain( self.hass, domains, self._refresh ) @callback def _setup_all_listener(self) -> None: self._listeners[_TEMPLATE_ALL_LISTENER] = self.hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._refresh ) @callback def async_remove(self) -> None: """Cancel the listener.""" for key in list(self._listeners): self._listeners.pop(key)() @callback def async_refresh(self) -> None: """Force recalculate the template.""" self._refresh(None) @callback def _event_triggers_template(self, template: Template, event: Event) -> bool: """Determine if a template should be re-rendered from an event.""" entity_id = event.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) return ( self._info[template].filter(entity_id) or event.data.get("new_state") is None or event.data.get("old_state") is None and self._info[template].filter_lifecycle(entity_id) ) @callback def _refresh(self, event: Optional[Event]) -> None: updates = [] info_changed = False for track_template_ in self._track_templates: template = track_template_.template if event: if not self._event_triggers_template(template, event): continue _LOGGER.debug( "Template update %s triggered by event: %s", template.template, event, ) self._info[template] = template.async_render_to_info( track_template_.variables ) info_changed = True try: result: Union[str, TemplateError] = self._info[template].result() except TemplateError as ex: result = ex last_result = self._last_result.get(template) # Check to see if the result has changed if result == last_result: continue if isinstance(result, TemplateError) and isinstance( last_result, TemplateError ): continue updates.append(TrackTemplateResult(template, last_result, result)) if info_changed: self._update_listeners() _LOGGER.debug( "Template group %s listens for %s", self._track_templates, self.listeners, ) if not updates: return for track_result in updates: self._last_result[track_result.template] = track_result.result self.hass.async_run_job(self._action, event, updates) TrackTemplateResultListener = Callable[ [ Event, List[TrackTemplateResult], ], None, ] """Type for the listener for template results. Action arguments ---------------- event Event that caused the template to change output. None if not triggered by an event. updates A list of TrackTemplateResult """ @callback @bind_hass def async_track_template_result( hass: HomeAssistant, track_templates: Iterable[TrackTemplate], action: TrackTemplateResultListener, raise_on_template_error: bool = False, ) -> _TrackTemplateResultInfo: """Add a listener that fires when a the result of a template changes. The action will fire with the initial result from the template, and then whenever the output from the template changes. The template will be reevaluated if any states referenced in the last run of the template change, or if manually triggered. If the result of the evaluation is different from the previous run, the listener is passed the result. If the template results in an TemplateError, this will be returned to the listener the first time this happens but not for subsequent errors. Once the template returns to a non-error condition the result is sent to the action as usual. Parameters ---------- hass Home assistant object. track_templates An iterable of TrackTemplate. action Callable to call with results. raise_on_template_error When set to True, if there is an exception processing the template during setup, the system will raise the exception instead of setting up tracking. Returns ------- Info object used to unregister the listener, and refresh the template. """ tracker = _TrackTemplateResultInfo(hass, track_templates, action) tracker.async_setup(raise_on_template_error) return tracker @callback @bind_hass def async_track_same_state( hass: HomeAssistant, period: timedelta, action: Callable[..., None], async_check_same_func: Callable[[str, Optional[State], Optional[State]], bool], entity_ids: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = MATCH_ALL, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Track the state of entities for a period and run an action. If async_check_func is None it use the state of orig_value. Without entity_ids we track all state changes. """ async_remove_state_for_cancel: Optional[CALLBACK_TYPE] = None async_remove_state_for_listener: Optional[CALLBACK_TYPE] = None @callback def clear_listener() -> None: """Clear all unsub listener.""" nonlocal async_remove_state_for_cancel, async_remove_state_for_listener if async_remove_state_for_listener is not None: async_remove_state_for_listener() async_remove_state_for_listener = None if async_remove_state_for_cancel is not None: async_remove_state_for_cancel() async_remove_state_for_cancel = None @callback def state_for_listener(now: Any) -> None: """Fire on state changes after a delay and calls action.""" nonlocal async_remove_state_for_listener async_remove_state_for_listener = None clear_listener() hass.async_run_job(action) @callback def state_for_cancel_listener(event: Event) -> None: """Fire on changes and cancel for listener if changed.""" entity: str = event.data["entity_id"] from_state: Optional[State] = event.data.get("old_state") to_state: Optional[State] = event.data.get("new_state") if not async_check_same_func(entity, from_state, to_state): clear_listener() async_remove_state_for_listener = async_track_point_in_utc_time( hass, state_for_listener, dt_util.utcnow() + period ) if entity_ids == MATCH_ALL: async_remove_state_for_cancel = hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, state_for_cancel_listener ) else: async_remove_state_for_cancel = async_track_state_change_event( hass, [entity_ids] if isinstance(entity_ids, str) else entity_ids, state_for_cancel_listener, ) return clear_listener track_same_state = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_same_state) @callback @bind_hass def async_track_point_in_time( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., None], point_in_time: datetime ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that fires once after a specific point in time.""" @callback def utc_converter(utc_now: datetime) -> None: """Convert passed in UTC now to local now.""" hass.async_run_job(action, dt_util.as_local(utc_now)) return async_track_point_in_utc_time(hass, utc_converter, point_in_time) track_point_in_time = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_point_in_time) @callback @bind_hass def async_track_point_in_utc_time( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., Any], point_in_time: datetime ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that fires once after a specific point in UTC time.""" # Ensure point_in_time is UTC utc_point_in_time = dt_util.as_utc(point_in_time) cancel_callback = hass.loop.call_at( hass.loop.time() + point_in_time.timestamp() - time.time(), hass.async_run_job, action, utc_point_in_time, ) @callback def unsub_point_in_time_listener() -> None: """Cancel the call_later.""" cancel_callback.cancel() return unsub_point_in_time_listener track_point_in_utc_time = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_point_in_utc_time) @callback @bind_hass def async_call_later( hass: HomeAssistant, delay: float, action: Callable[..., None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that is called in .""" return async_track_point_in_utc_time( hass, action, dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=delay) ) call_later = threaded_listener_factory(async_call_later) @callback @bind_hass def async_track_time_interval( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., Union[None, Awaitable]], interval: timedelta, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that fires repetitively at every timedelta interval.""" remove = None def next_interval() -> datetime: """Return the next interval.""" return dt_util.utcnow() + interval @callback def interval_listener(now: datetime) -> None: """Handle elapsed intervals.""" nonlocal remove remove = async_track_point_in_utc_time(hass, interval_listener, next_interval()) hass.async_run_job(action, now) remove = async_track_point_in_utc_time(hass, interval_listener, next_interval()) def remove_listener() -> None: """Remove interval listener.""" remove() return remove_listener track_time_interval = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_time_interval) @attr.s class SunListener: """Helper class to help listen to sun events.""" hass: HomeAssistant = attr.ib() action: Callable[..., None] = attr.ib() event: str = attr.ib() offset: Optional[timedelta] = attr.ib() _unsub_sun: Optional[CALLBACK_TYPE] = attr.ib(default=None) _unsub_config: Optional[CALLBACK_TYPE] = attr.ib(default=None) @callback def async_attach(self) -> None: """Attach a sun listener.""" assert self._unsub_config is None self._unsub_config = self.hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_CORE_CONFIG_UPDATE, self._handle_config_event ) self._listen_next_sun_event() @callback def async_detach(self) -> None: """Detach the sun listener.""" assert self._unsub_sun is not None assert self._unsub_config is not None self._unsub_sun() self._unsub_sun = None self._unsub_config() self._unsub_config = None @callback def _listen_next_sun_event(self) -> None: """Set up the sun event listener.""" assert self._unsub_sun is None self._unsub_sun = async_track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, self._handle_sun_event, get_astral_event_next(self.hass, self.event, offset=self.offset), ) @callback def _handle_sun_event(self, _now: Any) -> None: """Handle solar event.""" self._unsub_sun = None self._listen_next_sun_event() self.hass.async_run_job(self.action) @callback def _handle_config_event(self, _event: Any) -> None: """Handle core config update.""" assert self._unsub_sun is not None self._unsub_sun() self._unsub_sun = None self._listen_next_sun_event() @callback @bind_hass def async_track_sunrise( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., None], offset: Optional[timedelta] = None ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that will fire a specified offset from sunrise daily.""" listener = SunListener(hass, action, SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE, offset) listener.async_attach() return listener.async_detach track_sunrise = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_sunrise) @callback @bind_hass def async_track_sunset( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., None], offset: Optional[timedelta] = None ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that will fire a specified offset from sunset daily.""" listener = SunListener(hass, action, SUN_EVENT_SUNSET, offset) listener.async_attach() return listener.async_detach track_sunset = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_sunset) # For targeted patching in tests pattern_utc_now = dt_util.utcnow @callback @bind_hass def async_track_utc_time_change( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., None], hour: Optional[Any] = None, minute: Optional[Any] = None, second: Optional[Any] = None, local: bool = False, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that will fire if time matches a pattern.""" # We do not have to wrap the function with time pattern matching logic # if no pattern given if all(val is None for val in (hour, minute, second)): @callback def time_change_listener(event: Event) -> None: """Fire every time event that comes in.""" hass.async_run_job(action, event.data[ATTR_NOW]) return hass.bus.async_listen(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, time_change_listener) matching_seconds = dt_util.parse_time_expression(second, 0, 59) matching_minutes = dt_util.parse_time_expression(minute, 0, 59) matching_hours = dt_util.parse_time_expression(hour, 0, 23) next_time: datetime = dt_util.utcnow() def calculate_next(now: datetime) -> None: """Calculate and set the next time the trigger should fire.""" nonlocal next_time localized_now = dt_util.as_local(now) if local else now next_time = dt_util.find_next_time_expression_time( localized_now, matching_seconds, matching_minutes, matching_hours ) # Make sure rolling back the clock doesn't prevent the timer from # triggering. cancel_callback: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None calculate_next(next_time) @callback def pattern_time_change_listener() -> None: """Listen for matching time_changed events.""" nonlocal next_time, cancel_callback now = pattern_utc_now() hass.async_run_job(action, dt_util.as_local(now) if local else now) calculate_next(now + timedelta(seconds=1)) cancel_callback = hass.loop.call_at( -time.time() + hass.loop.time() + next_time.timestamp() + MAX_TIME_TRACKING_ERROR, pattern_time_change_listener, ) # We always get time.time() first to avoid time.time() # ticking forward after fetching hass.loop.time() # and callback being scheduled a few microseconds early. # # Since we loose additional time calling `hass.loop.time()` # we add MAX_TIME_TRACKING_ERROR to ensure # we always schedule the call within the time window between # second and the next second. # # For example: # If the clock ticks forward 30 microseconds when fectching # `hass.loop.time()` and we want the event to fire at exactly # 03:00:00.000000, the event would actually fire around # 02:59:59.999970. To ensure we always fire sometime between # 03:00:00.000000 and 03:00:00.999999 we add # MAX_TIME_TRACKING_ERROR to make up for the time # lost fetching the time. This ensures we do not fire the # event before the next time pattern match which would result # in the event being fired again since we would otherwise # potentially fire early. # cancel_callback = hass.loop.call_at( -time.time() + hass.loop.time() + next_time.timestamp() + MAX_TIME_TRACKING_ERROR, pattern_time_change_listener, ) @callback def unsub_pattern_time_change_listener() -> None: """Cancel the call_later.""" nonlocal cancel_callback assert cancel_callback is not None cancel_callback.cancel() return unsub_pattern_time_change_listener track_utc_time_change = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_utc_time_change) @callback @bind_hass def async_track_time_change( hass: HomeAssistant, action: Callable[..., None], hour: Optional[Any] = None, minute: Optional[Any] = None, second: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add a listener that will fire if UTC time matches a pattern.""" return async_track_utc_time_change(hass, action, hour, minute, second, local=True) track_time_change = threaded_listener_factory(async_track_time_change) def process_state_match( parameter: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] ) -> Callable[[str], bool]: """Convert parameter to function that matches input against parameter.""" if parameter is None or parameter == MATCH_ALL: return lambda _: True if isinstance(parameter, str) or not hasattr(parameter, "__iter__"): return lambda state: state == parameter parameter_set = set(parameter) return lambda state: state in parameter_set def _entities_domains_from_info(render_infos: Iterable[RenderInfo]) -> Tuple[Set, Set]: """Combine from multiple RenderInfo.""" entities = set() domains = set() for render_info in render_infos: if render_info.entities: entities.update(render_info.entities) if render_info.domains: domains.update(render_info.domains) if render_info.domains_lifecycle: domains.update(render_info.domains_lifecycle) return entities, domains