"""Event parser and human readable log generator.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta import logging from typing import Any import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import websocket_api from homeassistant.components.recorder import get_instance from homeassistant.components.websocket_api import messages from homeassistant.components.websocket_api.connection import ActiveConnection from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entityfilter import EntityFilter from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_point_in_utc_time from homeassistant.helpers.json import JSON_DUMP import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .const import DOMAIN from .helpers import ( async_determine_event_types, async_filter_entities, async_subscribe_events, ) from .models import LogbookConfig, async_event_to_row from .processor import EventProcessor MAX_PENDING_LOGBOOK_EVENTS = 2048 EVENT_COALESCE_TIME = 0.35 # minimum size that we will split the query BIG_QUERY_HOURS = 25 # how many hours to deliver in the first chunk when we split the query BIG_QUERY_RECENT_HOURS = 24 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass(slots=True) class LogbookLiveStream: """Track a logbook live stream.""" stream_queue: asyncio.Queue[Event] subscriptions: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] end_time_unsub: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None task: asyncio.Task | None = None wait_sync_task: asyncio.Task | None = None @callback def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up the logbook websocket API.""" websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, ws_get_events) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, ws_event_stream) @callback def _async_send_empty_response( connection: ActiveConnection, msg_id: int, start_time: dt, end_time: dt | None ) -> None: """Send an empty response. The current case for this is when they ask for entity_ids that will all be filtered away because they have UOMs or state_class. """ connection.send_result(msg_id) stream_end_time = end_time or dt_util.utcnow() empty_stream_message = _generate_stream_message([], start_time, stream_end_time) empty_response = messages.event_message(msg_id, empty_stream_message) connection.send_message(JSON_DUMP(empty_response)) async def _async_send_historical_events( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: ActiveConnection, msg_id: int, start_time: dt, end_time: dt, formatter: Callable[[int, Any], dict[str, Any]], event_processor: EventProcessor, partial: bool, force_send: bool = False, ) -> dt | None: """Select historical data from the database and deliver it to the websocket. If the query is considered a big query we will split the request into two chunks so that they get the recent events first and the select that is expected to take a long time comes in after to ensure they are not stuck at a loading screen and can start looking at the data right away. This function returns the time of the most recent event we sent to the websocket. """ is_big_query = ( not event_processor.entity_ids and not event_processor.device_ids and ((end_time - start_time) > timedelta(hours=BIG_QUERY_HOURS)) ) if not is_big_query: message, last_event_time = await _async_get_ws_stream_events( hass, msg_id, start_time, end_time, formatter, event_processor, partial, ) # If there is no last_event_time, there are no historical # results, but we still send an empty message # if its the last one (not partial) so # consumers of the api know their request was # answered but there were no results if last_event_time or not partial or force_send: connection.send_message(message) return last_event_time # This is a big query so we deliver # the first three hours and then # we fetch the old data recent_query_start = end_time - timedelta(hours=BIG_QUERY_RECENT_HOURS) recent_message, recent_query_last_event_time = await _async_get_ws_stream_events( hass, msg_id, recent_query_start, end_time, formatter, event_processor, partial=True, ) if recent_query_last_event_time: connection.send_message(recent_message) older_message, older_query_last_event_time = await _async_get_ws_stream_events( hass, msg_id, start_time, recent_query_start, formatter, event_processor, partial, ) # If there is no last_event_time, there are no historical # results, but we still send an empty message # if its the last one (not partial) so # consumers of the api know their request was # answered but there were no results if older_query_last_event_time or not partial or force_send: connection.send_message(older_message) # Returns the time of the newest event return recent_query_last_event_time or older_query_last_event_time async def _async_get_ws_stream_events( hass: HomeAssistant, msg_id: int, start_time: dt, end_time: dt, formatter: Callable[[int, Any], dict[str, Any]], event_processor: EventProcessor, partial: bool, ) -> tuple[str, dt | None]: """Async wrapper around _ws_formatted_get_events.""" return await get_instance(hass).async_add_executor_job( _ws_stream_get_events, msg_id, start_time, end_time, formatter, event_processor, partial, ) def _generate_stream_message( events: list[dict[str, Any]], start_day: dt, end_day: dt ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Generate a logbook stream message response.""" return { "events": events, "start_time": dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(start_day), "end_time": dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(end_day), } def _ws_stream_get_events( msg_id: int, start_day: dt, end_day: dt, formatter: Callable[[int, Any], dict[str, Any]], event_processor: EventProcessor, partial: bool, ) -> tuple[str, dt | None]: """Fetch events and convert them to json in the executor.""" events = event_processor.get_events(start_day, end_day) last_time = None if events: last_time = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(events[-1]["when"]) message = _generate_stream_message(events, start_day, end_day) if partial: # This is a hint to consumers of the api that # we are about to send a another block of historical # data in case the UI needs to show that historical # data is still loading in the future message["partial"] = True return JSON_DUMP(formatter(msg_id, message)), last_time async def _async_events_consumer( subscriptions_setup_complete_time: dt, connection: ActiveConnection, msg_id: int, stream_queue: asyncio.Queue[Event], event_processor: EventProcessor, ) -> None: """Stream events from the queue.""" event_processor.switch_to_live() while True: events: list[Event] = [await stream_queue.get()] # If the event is older than the last db # event we already sent it so we skip it. if events[0].time_fired <= subscriptions_setup_complete_time: continue # We sleep for the EVENT_COALESCE_TIME so # we can group events together to minimize # the number of websocket messages when the # system is overloaded with an event storm await asyncio.sleep(EVENT_COALESCE_TIME) while not stream_queue.empty(): events.append(stream_queue.get_nowait()) if logbook_events := event_processor.humanify( async_event_to_row(e) for e in events ): connection.send_message( JSON_DUMP( messages.event_message( msg_id, {"events": logbook_events}, ) ) ) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "logbook/event_stream", vol.Required("start_time"): str, vol.Optional("end_time"): str, vol.Optional("entity_ids"): [str], vol.Optional("device_ids"): [str], } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def ws_event_stream( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Handle logbook stream events websocket command.""" start_time_str = msg["start_time"] msg_id: int = msg["id"] utc_now = dt_util.utcnow() if start_time := dt_util.parse_datetime(start_time_str): start_time = dt_util.as_utc(start_time) if not start_time or start_time > utc_now: connection.send_error(msg_id, "invalid_start_time", "Invalid start_time") return end_time_str = msg.get("end_time") end_time: dt | None = None if end_time_str: if not (end_time := dt_util.parse_datetime(end_time_str)): connection.send_error(msg_id, "invalid_end_time", "Invalid end_time") return end_time = dt_util.as_utc(end_time) if end_time < start_time: connection.send_error(msg_id, "invalid_end_time", "Invalid end_time") return device_ids = msg.get("device_ids") entity_ids = msg.get("entity_ids") if entity_ids: entity_ids = async_filter_entities(hass, entity_ids) if not entity_ids and not device_ids: _async_send_empty_response(connection, msg_id, start_time, end_time) return event_types = async_determine_event_types(hass, entity_ids, device_ids) event_processor = EventProcessor( hass, event_types, entity_ids, device_ids, None, timestamp=True, include_entity_name=False, ) if end_time and end_time <= utc_now: # Not live stream but we it might be a big query connection.subscriptions[msg_id] = callback(lambda: None) connection.send_result(msg_id) # Fetch everything from history await _async_send_historical_events( hass, connection, msg_id, start_time, end_time, messages.event_message, event_processor, partial=False, ) return subscriptions: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] stream_queue: asyncio.Queue[Event] = asyncio.Queue(MAX_PENDING_LOGBOOK_EVENTS) live_stream = LogbookLiveStream( subscriptions=subscriptions, stream_queue=stream_queue ) @callback def _unsub(*time: Any) -> None: """Unsubscribe from all events.""" for subscription in subscriptions: subscription() subscriptions.clear() if live_stream.task: live_stream.task.cancel() if live_stream.wait_sync_task: live_stream.wait_sync_task.cancel() if live_stream.end_time_unsub: live_stream.end_time_unsub() live_stream.end_time_unsub = None if end_time: live_stream.end_time_unsub = async_track_point_in_utc_time( hass, _unsub, end_time ) @callback def _queue_or_cancel(event: Event) -> None: """Queue an event to be processed or cancel.""" try: stream_queue.put_nowait(event) except asyncio.QueueFull: _LOGGER.debug( "Client exceeded max pending messages of %s", MAX_PENDING_LOGBOOK_EVENTS, ) _unsub() entities_filter: EntityFilter | None = None if not event_processor.limited_select: logbook_config: LogbookConfig = hass.data[DOMAIN] entities_filter = logbook_config.entity_filter async_subscribe_events( hass, subscriptions, _queue_or_cancel, event_types, entities_filter, entity_ids, device_ids, ) subscriptions_setup_complete_time = dt_util.utcnow() connection.subscriptions[msg_id] = _unsub connection.send_result(msg_id) # Fetch everything from history last_event_time = await _async_send_historical_events( hass, connection, msg_id, start_time, subscriptions_setup_complete_time, messages.event_message, event_processor, partial=True, # Force a send since the wait for the sync task # can take a a while if the recorder is busy and # we want to make sure the client is not still spinning # because it is waiting for the first message force_send=True, ) if msg_id not in connection.subscriptions: # Unsubscribe happened while sending historical events return live_stream.task = asyncio.create_task( _async_events_consumer( subscriptions_setup_complete_time, connection, msg_id, stream_queue, event_processor, ) ) live_stream.wait_sync_task = asyncio.create_task( get_instance(hass).async_block_till_done() ) await live_stream.wait_sync_task # # Fetch any events from the database that have # not been committed since the original fetch # so we can switch over to using the subscriptions # # We only want events that happened after the last event # we had from the last database query # await _async_send_historical_events( hass, connection, msg_id, last_event_time or start_time, subscriptions_setup_complete_time, messages.event_message, event_processor, partial=False, ) def _ws_formatted_get_events( msg_id: int, start_time: dt, end_time: dt, event_processor: EventProcessor, ) -> str: """Fetch events and convert them to json in the executor.""" return JSON_DUMP( messages.result_message( msg_id, event_processor.get_events(start_time, end_time) ) ) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "logbook/get_events", vol.Required("start_time"): str, vol.Optional("end_time"): str, vol.Optional("entity_ids"): [str], vol.Optional("device_ids"): [str], vol.Optional("context_id"): str, } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def ws_get_events( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Handle logbook get events websocket command.""" start_time_str = msg["start_time"] end_time_str = msg.get("end_time") utc_now = dt_util.utcnow() if start_time := dt_util.parse_datetime(start_time_str): start_time = dt_util.as_utc(start_time) else: connection.send_error(msg["id"], "invalid_start_time", "Invalid start_time") return if not end_time_str: end_time = utc_now elif parsed_end_time := dt_util.parse_datetime(end_time_str): end_time = dt_util.as_utc(parsed_end_time) else: connection.send_error(msg["id"], "invalid_end_time", "Invalid end_time") return if start_time > utc_now: connection.send_result(msg["id"], []) return device_ids = msg.get("device_ids") entity_ids = msg.get("entity_ids") context_id = msg.get("context_id") if entity_ids: entity_ids = async_filter_entities(hass, entity_ids) if not entity_ids and not device_ids: # Everything has been filtered away connection.send_result(msg["id"], []) return event_types = async_determine_event_types(hass, entity_ids, device_ids) event_processor = EventProcessor( hass, event_types, entity_ids, device_ids, context_id, timestamp=True, include_entity_name=False, ) connection.send_message( await get_instance(hass).async_add_executor_job( _ws_formatted_get_events, msg["id"], start_time, end_time, event_processor, ) )