"""Support for LED lights.""" import logging from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, SUPPORT_EFFECT, SUPPORT_TRANSITION, SUPPORT_WHITE_VALUE, Light, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType import homeassistant.util.color as color_util from . import WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, WLEDDeviceEntity, wled_exception_handler from .const import ( ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY, ATTR_INTENSITY, ATTR_ON, ATTR_PALETTE, ATTR_PLAYLIST, ATTR_PRESET, ATTR_SEGMENT_ID, ATTR_SPEED, DOMAIN, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 1 async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: Callable[[List[Entity], bool], None], ) -> None: """Set up WLED light based on a config entry.""" coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] lights = [ WLEDLight(entry.entry_id, coordinator, light.segment_id) for light in coordinator.data.state.segments ] async_add_entities(lights, True) class WLEDLight(Light, WLEDDeviceEntity): """Defines a WLED light.""" def __init__( self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, segment: int ): """Initialize WLED light.""" self._rgbw = coordinator.data.info.leds.rgbw self._segment = segment # Only apply the segment ID if it is not the first segment name = coordinator.data.info.name if segment != 0: name += f" {segment}" super().__init__( entry_id=entry_id, coordinator=coordinator, name=name, icon="mdi:led-strip-variant", ) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return the unique ID for this sensor.""" return f"{self.coordinator.data.info.mac_address}_{self._segment}" @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the entity.""" playlist = self.coordinator.data.state.playlist if playlist == -1: playlist = None preset = self.coordinator.data.state.preset if preset == -1: preset = None return { ATTR_INTENSITY: self.coordinator.data.state.segments[ self._segment ].intensity, ATTR_PALETTE: self.coordinator.data.state.segments[ self._segment ].palette.name, ATTR_PLAYLIST: playlist, ATTR_PRESET: preset, ATTR_SPEED: self.coordinator.data.state.segments[self._segment].speed, } @property def hs_color(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: """Return the hue and saturation color value [float, float].""" color = self.coordinator.data.state.segments[self._segment].color_primary return color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*color[:3]) @property def effect(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the current effect of the light.""" return self.coordinator.data.state.segments[self._segment].effect.name @property def brightness(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the brightness of this light between 1..255.""" return self.coordinator.data.state.brightness @property def white_value(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the white value of this light between 0..255.""" color = self.coordinator.data.state.segments[self._segment].color_primary return color[-1] if self._rgbw else None @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Flag supported features.""" flags = ( SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP | SUPPORT_EFFECT | SUPPORT_TRANSITION ) if self._rgbw: flags |= SUPPORT_WHITE_VALUE return flags @property def effect_list(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list of supported effects.""" return [effect.name for effect in self.coordinator.data.effects] @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return the state of the light.""" return bool(self.coordinator.data.state.on) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the light.""" data = {ATTR_ON: False, ATTR_SEGMENT_ID: self._segment} if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # WLED uses 100ms per unit, so 10 = 1 second. data[ATTR_TRANSITION] = round(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 10) await self.coordinator.wled.light(**data) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the light.""" data = {ATTR_ON: True, ATTR_SEGMENT_ID: self._segment} if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: mireds = color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] ) data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] = tuple( map(int, color_util.color_temperature_to_rgb(mireds)) ) if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: hue, sat = kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR] data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] = color_util.color_hsv_to_RGB(hue, sat, 100) if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # WLED uses 100ms per unit, so 10 = 1 second. data[ATTR_TRANSITION] = round(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 10) if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: data[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] if ATTR_EFFECT in kwargs: data[ATTR_EFFECT] = kwargs[ATTR_EFFECT] # Support for RGBW strips, adds white value if self._rgbw and any( x in (ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE) for x in kwargs ): # WLED cannot just accept a white value, it needs the color. # We use the last know color in case just the white value changes. if all(x not in (ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_HS_COLOR) for x in kwargs): hue, sat = self.hs_color data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] = color_util.color_hsv_to_RGB(hue, sat, 100) # On a RGBW strip, when the color is pure white, disable the RGB LEDs in # WLED by setting RGB to 0,0,0 if data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] == (255, 255, 255): data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] = (0, 0, 0) # Add requested or last known white value if ATTR_WHITE_VALUE in kwargs: data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] += (kwargs[ATTR_WHITE_VALUE],) else: data[ATTR_COLOR_PRIMARY] += (self.white_value,) await self.coordinator.wled.light(**data)