"""The tests for the Modbus cover component.""" import logging import pytest from homeassistant.components.cover import DOMAIN as COVER_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.modbus.const import ( CALL_TYPE_COIL, CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING, CONF_REGISTER, CONF_STATUS_REGISTER_TYPE, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_COVERS, CONF_NAME, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, CONF_SLAVE, STATE_CLOSED, STATE_OPEN, ) from .conftest import ReadResult, base_config_test, base_test, prepare_service_update @pytest.mark.parametrize( "do_options", [ {}, { CONF_SLAVE: 10, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: 20, }, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("read_type", [CALL_TYPE_COIL, CONF_REGISTER]) async def test_config_cover(hass, do_options, read_type): """Run test for cover.""" device_name = "test_cover" device_config = { CONF_NAME: device_name, read_type: 1234, **do_options, } await base_config_test( hass, device_config, device_name, COVER_DOMAIN, CONF_COVERS, None, method_discovery=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regs,expected", [ ( [0x00], STATE_CLOSED, ), ( [0x80], STATE_CLOSED, ), ( [0xFE], STATE_CLOSED, ), ( [0xFF], STATE_OPEN, ), ( [0x01], STATE_OPEN, ), ], ) async def test_coil_cover(hass, regs, expected): """Run test for given config.""" cover_name = "modbus_test_cover" state = await base_test( hass, { CONF_NAME: cover_name, CALL_TYPE_COIL: 1234, CONF_SLAVE: 1, }, cover_name, COVER_DOMAIN, CONF_COVERS, None, regs, expected, method_discovery=True, scan_interval=5, ) assert state == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "regs,expected", [ ( [0x00], STATE_CLOSED, ), ( [0x80], STATE_OPEN, ), ( [0xFE], STATE_OPEN, ), ( [0xFF], STATE_OPEN, ), ( [0x01], STATE_OPEN, ), ], ) async def test_register_cover(hass, regs, expected): """Run test for given config.""" cover_name = "modbus_test_cover" state = await base_test( hass, { CONF_NAME: cover_name, CONF_REGISTER: 1234, CONF_SLAVE: 1, }, cover_name, COVER_DOMAIN, CONF_COVERS, None, regs, expected, method_discovery=True, scan_interval=5, ) assert state == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("read_type", [CALL_TYPE_COIL, CONF_REGISTER]) async def test_unsupported_config_cover(hass, read_type, caplog): """ Run test for cover. Initialize the Cover in the legacy manner via platform. This test expects that the Cover won't be initialized, and that we get a config warning. """ device_name = "test_cover" device_config = {CONF_NAME: device_name, read_type: 1234} caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING) caplog.clear() await base_config_test( hass, device_config, device_name, COVER_DOMAIN, CONF_COVERS, None, method_discovery=False, expect_init_to_fail=True, ) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.records[0].levelname == "WARNING" async def test_service_cover_update(hass, mock_pymodbus): """Run test for service homeassistant.update_entity.""" entity_id = "cover.test" config = { CONF_COVERS: [ { CONF_NAME: "test", CONF_REGISTER: 1234, CONF_STATUS_REGISTER_TYPE: CALL_TYPE_REGISTER_HOLDING, } ] } mock_pymodbus.read_holding_registers.return_value = ReadResult([0x00]) await prepare_service_update( hass, config, ) await hass.services.async_call( "homeassistant", "update_entity", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_CLOSED mock_pymodbus.read_holding_registers.return_value = ReadResult([0x01]) await hass.services.async_call( "homeassistant", "update_entity", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OPEN