"""Support for the AccuWeather service.""" from __future__ import annotations from statistics import mean from typing import Any, cast from homeassistant.components.weather import ( ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION, ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION, ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION_PROBABILITY, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW, ATTR_FORECAST_TIME, ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_BEARING, ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED, Forecast, WeatherEntity, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import CoordinatorEntity from homeassistant.util.dt import utc_from_timestamp from . import AccuWeatherDataUpdateCoordinator from .const import ( API_IMPERIAL, API_METRIC, ATTR_FORECAST, ATTRIBUTION, CONDITION_CLASSES, DOMAIN, MANUFACTURER, NAME, ) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 1 async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Add a AccuWeather weather entity from a config_entry.""" name: str = entry.data[CONF_NAME] coordinator: AccuWeatherDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] async_add_entities([AccuWeatherEntity(name, coordinator)]) class AccuWeatherEntity(CoordinatorEntity, WeatherEntity): """Define an AccuWeather entity.""" coordinator: AccuWeatherDataUpdateCoordinator def __init__( self, name: str, coordinator: AccuWeatherDataUpdateCoordinator ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(coordinator) self._name = name self._unit_system = API_METRIC if self.coordinator.is_metric else API_IMPERIAL @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name.""" return self._name @property def attribution(self) -> str: """Return the attribution.""" return ATTRIBUTION @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique_id for this entity.""" return self.coordinator.location_key @property def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: """Return the device info.""" return { "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self.coordinator.location_key)}, "name": NAME, "manufacturer": MANUFACTURER, "entry_type": "service", } @property def condition(self) -> str | None: """Return the current condition.""" try: return [ k for k, v in CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if self.coordinator.data["WeatherIcon"] in v ][0] except IndexError: return None @property def temperature(self) -> float: """Return the temperature.""" return cast( float, self.coordinator.data["Temperature"][self._unit_system]["Value"] ) @property def temperature_unit(self) -> str: """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS if self.coordinator.is_metric else TEMP_FAHRENHEIT @property def pressure(self) -> float: """Return the pressure.""" return cast( float, self.coordinator.data["Pressure"][self._unit_system]["Value"] ) @property def humidity(self) -> int: """Return the humidity.""" return cast(int, self.coordinator.data["RelativeHumidity"]) @property def wind_speed(self) -> float: """Return the wind speed.""" return cast( float, self.coordinator.data["Wind"]["Speed"][self._unit_system]["Value"] ) @property def wind_bearing(self) -> int: """Return the wind bearing.""" return cast(int, self.coordinator.data["Wind"]["Direction"]["Degrees"]) @property def visibility(self) -> float: """Return the visibility.""" return cast( float, self.coordinator.data["Visibility"][self._unit_system]["Value"] ) @property def ozone(self) -> int | None: """Return the ozone level.""" # We only have ozone data for certain locations and only in the forecast data. if self.coordinator.forecast and self.coordinator.data[ATTR_FORECAST][0].get( "Ozone" ): return cast(int, self.coordinator.data[ATTR_FORECAST][0]["Ozone"]["Value"]) return None @property def forecast(self) -> list[Forecast] | None: """Return the forecast array.""" if not self.coordinator.forecast: return None # remap keys from library to keys understood by the weather component return [ { ATTR_FORECAST_TIME: utc_from_timestamp(item["EpochDate"]).isoformat(), ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP: item["TemperatureMax"]["Value"], ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW: item["TemperatureMin"]["Value"], ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION: self._calc_precipitation(item), ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION_PROBABILITY: round( mean( [ item["PrecipitationProbabilityDay"], item["PrecipitationProbabilityNight"], ] ) ), ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED: item["WindDay"]["Speed"]["Value"], ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_BEARING: item["WindDay"]["Direction"]["Degrees"], ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION: [ k for k, v in CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if item["IconDay"] in v ][0], } for item in self.coordinator.data[ATTR_FORECAST] ] @staticmethod def _calc_precipitation(day: dict[str, Any]) -> float: """Return sum of the precipitation.""" precip_sum = 0 precip_types = ["Rain", "Snow", "Ice"] for precip in precip_types: precip_sum = sum( [ precip_sum, day[f"{precip}Day"]["Value"], day[f"{precip}Night"]["Value"], ] ) return round(precip_sum, 1)