"""Numeric integration of data coming from a source sensor over time.""" from decimal import Decimal, DecimalException import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY, DEVICE_CLASS_POWER, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, STATE_CLASS_TOTAL, SensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_METHOD, CONF_NAME, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, TIME_DAYS, TIME_HOURS, TIME_MINUTES, TIME_SECONDS, ) from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_state_change_event from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_SOURCE_ID = "source" CONF_SOURCE_SENSOR = "source" CONF_ROUND_DIGITS = "round" CONF_UNIT_PREFIX = "unit_prefix" CONF_UNIT_TIME = "unit_time" CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = "unit" TRAPEZOIDAL_METHOD = "trapezoidal" LEFT_METHOD = "left" RIGHT_METHOD = "right" INTEGRATION_METHOD = [TRAPEZOIDAL_METHOD, LEFT_METHOD, RIGHT_METHOD] # SI Metric prefixes UNIT_PREFIXES = {None: 1, "k": 10 ** 3, "M": 10 ** 6, "G": 10 ** 9, "T": 10 ** 12} # SI Time prefixes UNIT_TIME = { TIME_SECONDS: 1, TIME_MINUTES: 60, TIME_HOURS: 60 * 60, TIME_DAYS: 24 * 60 * 60, } ICON = "mdi:chart-histogram" DEFAULT_ROUND = 3 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SOURCE_SENSOR): cv.entity_id, vol.Optional(CONF_ROUND_DIGITS, default=DEFAULT_ROUND): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_PREFIX, default=None): vol.In(UNIT_PREFIXES), vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_TIME, default=TIME_HOURS): vol.In(UNIT_TIME), vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_METHOD, default=TRAPEZOIDAL_METHOD): vol.In( INTEGRATION_METHOD ), } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the integration sensor.""" integral = IntegrationSensor( config[CONF_SOURCE_SENSOR], config.get(CONF_NAME), config[CONF_ROUND_DIGITS], config[CONF_UNIT_PREFIX], config[CONF_UNIT_TIME], config.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT), config[CONF_METHOD], ) async_add_entities([integral]) class IntegrationSensor(RestoreEntity, SensorEntity): """Representation of an integration sensor.""" def __init__( self, source_entity, name, round_digits, unit_prefix, unit_time, unit_of_measurement, integration_method, ): """Initialize the integration sensor.""" self._sensor_source_id = source_entity self._round_digits = round_digits self._state = STATE_UNAVAILABLE self._method = integration_method self._name = name if name is not None else f"{source_entity} integral" self._unit_template = ( f"{'' if unit_prefix is None else unit_prefix}{{}}{unit_time}" ) self._unit_of_measurement = unit_of_measurement self._unit_prefix = UNIT_PREFIXES[unit_prefix] self._unit_time = UNIT_TIME[unit_time] self._attr_state_class = STATE_CLASS_TOTAL async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Handle entity which will be added.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() state = await self.async_get_last_state() if state: try: self._state = Decimal(state.state) except (DecimalException, ValueError) as err: _LOGGER.warning("Could not restore last state: %s", err) else: self._attr_device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) if self._unit_of_measurement is None: self._unit_of_measurement = state.attributes.get( ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT ) @callback def calc_integration(event): """Handle the sensor state changes.""" old_state = event.data.get("old_state") new_state = event.data.get("new_state") if self._unit_of_measurement is None: unit = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) self._unit_of_measurement = self._unit_template.format( "" if unit is None else unit ) if ( self.device_class is None and new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == DEVICE_CLASS_POWER ): self._attr_device_class = DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY if ( old_state is None or old_state.state in (STATE_UNKNOWN, STATE_UNAVAILABLE) or new_state.state in (STATE_UNKNOWN, STATE_UNAVAILABLE) ): return try: # integration as the Riemann integral of previous measures. area = 0 elapsed_time = ( new_state.last_updated - old_state.last_updated ).total_seconds() if self._method == TRAPEZOIDAL_METHOD: area = ( (Decimal(new_state.state) + Decimal(old_state.state)) * Decimal(elapsed_time) / 2 ) elif self._method == LEFT_METHOD: area = Decimal(old_state.state) * Decimal(elapsed_time) elif self._method == RIGHT_METHOD: area = Decimal(new_state.state) * Decimal(elapsed_time) integral = area / (self._unit_prefix * self._unit_time) assert isinstance(integral, Decimal) except ValueError as err: _LOGGER.warning("While calculating integration: %s", err) except DecimalException as err: _LOGGER.warning( "Invalid state (%s > %s): %s", old_state.state, new_state.state, err ) except AssertionError as err: _LOGGER.error("Could not calculate integral: %s", err) else: if isinstance(self._state, Decimal): self._state += integral else: self._state = integral self.async_write_ha_state() async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self._sensor_source_id], calc_integration ) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def native_value(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" if isinstance(self._state, Decimal): return round(self._state, self._round_digits) return self._state @property def native_unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the sensor.""" return {ATTR_SOURCE_ID: self._sensor_source_id} @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return ICON