"""Test data purging.""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta import json import sqlite3 from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from sqlalchemy.exc import DatabaseError, OperationalError from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from homeassistant.components import recorder from homeassistant.components.recorder import PurgeTask from homeassistant.components.recorder.const import MAX_ROWS_TO_PURGE from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import ( Events, RecorderRuns, StateAttributes, States, StatisticsRuns, StatisticsShortTerm, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder.purge import purge_old_data from homeassistant.components.recorder.util import session_scope from homeassistant.const import EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, STATE_ON from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from .common import ( async_recorder_block_till_done, async_wait_purge_done, async_wait_recording_done, ) from tests.common import SetupRecorderInstanceT async def test_purge_old_states( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test deleting old states.""" instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_states(hass) # make sure we start with 6 states with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 6 assert states[0].old_state_id is None assert states[5].old_state_id == states[4].state_id assert state_attributes.count() == 3 events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "state_changed") assert events.count() == 6 assert "test.recorder2" in instance._old_states purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=4) # run purge_old_data() finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert not finished assert states.count() == 2 assert state_attributes.count() == 1 assert "test.recorder2" in instance._old_states states_after_purge = session.query(States) assert states_after_purge[1].old_state_id == states_after_purge[0].state_id assert states_after_purge[0].old_state_id is None finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert finished assert states.count() == 2 assert state_attributes.count() == 1 assert "test.recorder2" in instance._old_states # run purge_old_data again purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert not finished assert states.count() == 0 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 assert "test.recorder2" not in instance._old_states # Add some more states await _add_test_states(hass) # make sure we start with 6 states with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 6 assert states[0].old_state_id is None assert states[5].old_state_id == states[4].state_id events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "state_changed") assert events.count() == 6 assert "test.recorder2" in instance._old_states state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert state_attributes.count() == 3 async def test_purge_old_states_encouters_database_corruption( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test database image image is malformed while deleting old states.""" await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_states(hass) await async_wait_recording_done(hass) sqlite3_exception = DatabaseError("statement", {}, []) sqlite3_exception.__cause__ = sqlite3.DatabaseError() with patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.move_away_broken_database" ) as move_away, patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.purge.purge_old_data", side_effect=sqlite3_exception, ): await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, {"keep_days": 0} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) assert move_away.called # Ensure the whole database was reset due to the database error with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states_after_purge = session.query(States) assert states_after_purge.count() == 0 async def test_purge_old_states_encounters_temporary_mysql_error( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, caplog, ): """Test retry on specific mysql operational errors.""" instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_states(hass) await async_wait_recording_done(hass) mysql_exception = OperationalError("statement", {}, []) mysql_exception.orig = MagicMock(args=(1205, "retryable")) with patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.util.time.sleep" ) as sleep_mock, patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.purge._purge_old_recorder_runs", side_effect=[mysql_exception, None], ), patch.object( instance.engine.dialect, "name", "mysql" ): await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, {"keep_days": 0} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) await async_wait_recording_done(hass) assert "retrying" in caplog.text assert sleep_mock.called async def test_purge_old_states_encounters_operational_error( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, caplog, ): """Test error on operational errors that are not mysql does not retry.""" await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_states(hass) await async_wait_recording_done(hass) exception = OperationalError("statement", {}, []) with patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.purge._purge_old_recorder_runs", side_effect=exception, ): await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, {"keep_days": 0} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) await async_wait_recording_done(hass) assert "retrying" not in caplog.text assert "Error executing purge" in caplog.text async def test_purge_old_events( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test deleting old events.""" instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_events(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type.like("EVENT_TEST%")) assert events.count() == 6 purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=4) # run purge_old_data() finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert not finished assert events.count() == 2 # we should only have 2 events left finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert finished assert events.count() == 2 async def test_purge_old_recorder_runs( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test deleting old recorder runs keeps current run.""" instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_recorder_runs(hass) # make sure we start with 7 recorder runs with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: recorder_runs = session.query(RecorderRuns) assert recorder_runs.count() == 7 purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() # run purge_old_data() finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert not finished finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert finished assert recorder_runs.count() == 1 async def test_purge_old_statistics_runs( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test deleting old statistics runs keeps the latest run.""" instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) await _add_test_statistics_runs(hass) # make sure we start with 7 statistics runs with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: statistics_runs = session.query(StatisticsRuns) assert statistics_runs.count() == 7 purge_before = dt_util.utcnow() # run purge_old_data() finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert not finished finished = purge_old_data(instance, purge_before, repack=False) assert finished assert statistics_runs.count() == 1 async def test_purge_method( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, caplog, ): """Test purge method.""" def assert_recorder_runs_equal(run1, run2): assert run1.run_id == run2.run_id assert run1.start == run2.start assert run1.end == run2.end assert run1.closed_incorrect == run2.closed_incorrect assert run1.created == run2.created def assert_statistic_runs_equal(run1, run2): assert run1.run_id == run2.run_id assert run1.start == run2.start await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) service_data = {"keep_days": 4} await _add_test_events(hass) await _add_test_states(hass) await _add_test_statistics(hass) await _add_test_recorder_runs(hass) await _add_test_statistics_runs(hass) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) # make sure we start with 6 states with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 6 events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type.like("EVENT_TEST%")) assert events.count() == 6 statistics = session.query(StatisticsShortTerm) assert statistics.count() == 6 recorder_runs = session.query(RecorderRuns) assert recorder_runs.count() == 7 runs_before_purge = recorder_runs.all() statistics_runs = session.query(StatisticsRuns) assert statistics_runs.count() == 7 statistic_runs_before_purge = statistics_runs.all() for itm in runs_before_purge: session.expunge(itm) for itm in statistic_runs_before_purge: session.expunge(itm) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_purge_done(hass) # run purge method - no service data, use defaults await hass.services.async_call("recorder", "purge") await hass.async_block_till_done() # Small wait for recorder thread await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type.like("EVENT_TEST%")) statistics = session.query(StatisticsShortTerm) # only purged old states, events and statistics assert states.count() == 4 assert events.count() == 4 assert statistics.count() == 4 # run purge method - correct service data await hass.services.async_call("recorder", "purge", service_data=service_data) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Small wait for recorder thread await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type.like("EVENT_TEST%")) statistics = session.query(StatisticsShortTerm) recorder_runs = session.query(RecorderRuns) statistics_runs = session.query(StatisticsRuns) # we should only have 2 states, events and statistics left after purging assert states.count() == 2 assert events.count() == 2 assert statistics.count() == 2 # now we should only have 3 recorder runs left runs = recorder_runs.all() assert_recorder_runs_equal(runs[0], runs_before_purge[0]) assert_recorder_runs_equal(runs[1], runs_before_purge[5]) assert_recorder_runs_equal(runs[2], runs_before_purge[6]) # now we should only have 3 statistics runs left runs = statistics_runs.all() assert_statistic_runs_equal(runs[0], statistic_runs_before_purge[0]) assert_statistic_runs_equal(runs[1], statistic_runs_before_purge[5]) assert_statistic_runs_equal(runs[2], statistic_runs_before_purge[6]) assert "EVENT_TEST_PURGE" not in (event.event_type for event in events.all()) # run purge method - correct service data, with repack service_data["repack"] = True await hass.services.async_call("recorder", "purge", service_data=service_data) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_purge_done(hass) assert "Vacuuming SQL DB to free space" in caplog.text async def test_purge_edge_case( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test states and events are purged even if they occurred shortly before purge_before.""" async def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant, timestamp: datetime) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: session.add( Events( event_id=1001, event_type="EVENT_TEST_PURGE", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) session.add( States( entity_id="test.recorder2", state="purgeme", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, event_id=1001, attributes_id=1002, ) ) session.add( StateAttributes( shared_attrs="{}", hash=1234, attributes_id=1002, ) ) await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, None) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) service_data = {"keep_days": 2} timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1) await _add_db_entries(hass, timestamp) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 1 state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert state_attributes.count() == 1 events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_TEST_PURGE") assert events.count() == 1 await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 0 events = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_TEST_PURGE") assert events.count() == 0 async def test_purge_cutoff_date( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test states and events are purged only if they occurred before "now() - keep_days".""" async def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant, cutoff: datetime, rows: int) -> None: timestamp_keep = cutoff timestamp_purge = cutoff - timedelta(microseconds=1) with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: session.add( Events( event_id=1000, event_type="KEEP", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp_keep, ) ) session.add( States( entity_id="test.cutoff", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp_keep, last_updated=timestamp_keep, event_id=1000, attributes_id=1000, ) ) session.add( StateAttributes( shared_attrs="{}", hash=1234, attributes_id=1000, ) ) for row in range(1, rows): session.add( Events( event_id=1000 + row, event_type="PURGE", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp_purge, ) ) session.add( States( entity_id="test.cutoff", state="purge", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp_purge, last_updated=timestamp_purge, event_id=1000 + row, attributes_id=1000 + row, ) ) session.add( StateAttributes( shared_attrs="{}", hash=1234, attributes_id=1000 + row, ) ) instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, None) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) service_data = {"keep_days": 2} # Force multiple purge batches to be run rows = MAX_ROWS_TO_PURGE + 1 cutoff = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=service_data["keep_days"]) await _add_db_entries(hass, cutoff, rows) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) events = session.query(Events) assert states.filter(States.state == "purge").count() == rows - 1 assert states.filter(States.state == "keep").count() == 1 assert ( state_attributes.outerjoin( States, StateAttributes.attributes_id == States.attributes_id ) .filter(States.state == "keep") .count() == 1 ) assert events.filter(Events.event_type == "PURGE").count() == rows - 1 assert events.filter(Events.event_type == "KEEP").count() == 1 instance.queue.put(PurgeTask(cutoff, repack=False, apply_filter=False)) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) events = session.query(Events) assert states.filter(States.state == "purge").count() == 0 assert ( state_attributes.outerjoin( States, StateAttributes.attributes_id == States.attributes_id ) .filter(States.state == "purge") .count() == 0 ) assert states.filter(States.state == "keep").count() == 1 assert ( state_attributes.outerjoin( States, StateAttributes.attributes_id == States.attributes_id ) .filter(States.state == "keep") .count() == 1 ) assert events.filter(Events.event_type == "PURGE").count() == 0 assert events.filter(Events.event_type == "KEEP").count() == 1 # Make sure we can purge everything instance.queue.put(PurgeTask(dt_util.utcnow(), repack=False, apply_filter=False)) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 0 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 # Make sure we can purge everything when the db is already empty instance.queue.put(PurgeTask(dt_util.utcnow(), repack=False, apply_filter=False)) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 0 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 async def test_purge_filtered_states( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test filtered states are purged.""" config: ConfigType = {"exclude": {"entities": ["sensor.excluded"]}} instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, config) assert instance.entity_filter("sensor.excluded") is False def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be purged for days in range(1, 4): timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(1000, 1020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.excluded", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) # Add state **without** state_changed event that should be purged timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) session.add( States( entity_id="sensor.excluded", state="purgeme", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, ) ) # Add states and state_changed events that should be keeped timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2) for event_id in range(200, 210): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.keep", "keep", timestamp, event_id, ) # Add states with linked old_state_ids that need to be handled timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=0) state_attrs = StateAttributes( hash=0, shared_attrs=json.dumps( {"sensor.linked_old_state_id": "sensor.linked_old_state_id"} ), ) state_1 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=1, state_attributes=state_attrs, ) timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=4) state_2 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=2, state_attributes=state_attrs, ) state_3 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=62, # keep state_attributes=state_attrs, ) session.add_all((state_attrs, state_1, state_2, state_3)) # Add event that should be keeped session.add( Events( event_id=100, event_type="EVENT_KEEP", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) service_data = {"keep_days": 10} _add_db_entries(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 74 events_state_changed = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) events_keep = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_KEEP") assert events_state_changed.count() == 70 assert events_keep.count() == 1 # Normal purge doesn't remove excluded entities await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 74 events_state_changed = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) assert events_state_changed.count() == 70 events_keep = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_KEEP") assert events_keep.count() == 1 # Test with 'apply_filter' = True service_data["apply_filter"] = True await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 13 events_state_changed = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) assert events_state_changed.count() == 10 events_keep = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_KEEP") assert events_keep.count() == 1 states_sensor_excluded = session.query(States).filter( States.entity_id == "sensor.excluded" ) assert states_sensor_excluded.count() == 0 assert session.query(States).get(72).old_state_id is None assert session.query(States).get(72).attributes_id == 71 assert session.query(States).get(73).old_state_id is None assert session.query(States).get(73).attributes_id == 71 final_keep_state = session.query(States).get(74) assert final_keep_state.old_state_id == 62 # should have been kept assert final_keep_state.attributes_id == 71 assert session.query(StateAttributes).count() == 11 # Do it again to make sure nothing changes await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: final_keep_state = session.query(States).get(74) assert final_keep_state.old_state_id == 62 # should have been kept assert final_keep_state.attributes_id == 71 assert session.query(StateAttributes).count() == 11 # Finally make sure we can delete them all except for the ones missing an event_id service_data = {"keep_days": 0} await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: remaining = list(session.query(States)) for state in remaining: assert state.event_id is None assert len(remaining) == 3 assert session.query(StateAttributes).count() == 1 async def test_purge_filtered_states_to_empty( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test filtered states are purged all the way to an empty db.""" config: ConfigType = {"exclude": {"entities": ["sensor.excluded"]}} instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, config) assert instance.entity_filter("sensor.excluded") is False def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be purged for days in range(1, 4): timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(1000, 1020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.excluded", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) service_data = {"keep_days": 10} _add_db_entries(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 60 assert state_attributes.count() == 60 # Test with 'apply_filter' = True service_data["apply_filter"] = True await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 0 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 # Do it again to make sure nothing changes # Why do we do this? Should we check the end result? await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) async def test_purge_without_state_attributes_filtered_states_to_empty( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test filtered legacy states without state attributes are purged all the way to an empty db.""" config: ConfigType = {"exclude": {"entities": ["sensor.old_format"]}} instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, config) assert instance.entity_filter("sensor.old_format") is False def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be purged # in the legacy format timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=5) event_id = 1021 session.add( States( entity_id="sensor.old_format", state=STATE_ON, attributes=json.dumps({"old": "not_using_state_attributes"}), last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, event_id=event_id, state_attributes=None, ) ) session.add( Events( event_id=event_id, event_type=EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) service_data = {"keep_days": 10} _add_db_entries(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 1 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 # Test with 'apply_filter' = True service_data["apply_filter"] = True await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) state_attributes = session.query(StateAttributes) assert states.count() == 0 assert state_attributes.count() == 0 # Do it again to make sure nothing changes # Why do we do this? Should we check the end result? await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) async def test_purge_filtered_events( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test filtered events are purged.""" config: ConfigType = {"exclude": {"event_types": ["EVENT_PURGE"]}} await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, config) def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add events that should be purged for days in range(1, 4): timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(1000, 1020): session.add( Events( event_id=event_id * days, event_type="EVENT_PURGE", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) # Add states and state_changed events that should be keeped timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) for event_id in range(200, 210): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.keep", "keep", timestamp, event_id, ) service_data = {"keep_days": 10} _add_db_entries(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events_purge = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_PURGE") events_keep = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) states = session.query(States) assert events_purge.count() == 60 assert events_keep.count() == 10 assert states.count() == 10 # Normal purge doesn't remove excluded events await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events_purge = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_PURGE") events_keep = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) states = session.query(States) assert events_purge.count() == 60 assert events_keep.count() == 10 assert states.count() == 10 # Test with 'apply_filter' = True service_data["apply_filter"] = True await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events_purge = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_PURGE") events_keep = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) states = session.query(States) assert events_purge.count() == 0 assert events_keep.count() == 10 assert states.count() == 10 async def test_purge_filtered_events_state_changed( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT, ): """Test filtered state_changed events are purged. This should also remove all states.""" config: ConfigType = {"exclude": {"event_types": [EVENT_STATE_CHANGED]}} instance = await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass, config) # Assert entity_id is NOT excluded assert instance.entity_filter("sensor.excluded") is True def _add_db_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be purged for days in range(1, 4): timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(1000, 1020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.excluded", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) # Add events that should be keeped timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) for event_id in range(200, 210): session.add( Events( event_id=event_id, event_type="EVENT_KEEP", event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) # Add states with linked old_state_ids that need to be handled timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=0) state_1 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=1, ) timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=4) state_2 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=2, ) state_3 = States( entity_id="sensor.linked_old_state_id", state="keep", attributes="{}", last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, old_state_id=62, # keep ) session.add_all((state_1, state_2, state_3)) service_data = {"keep_days": 10, "apply_filter": True} _add_db_entries(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events_keep = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_KEEP") events_purge = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) states = session.query(States) assert events_keep.count() == 10 assert events_purge.count() == 60 assert states.count() == 63 await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: events_keep = session.query(Events).filter(Events.event_type == "EVENT_KEEP") events_purge = session.query(Events).filter( Events.event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED ) states = session.query(States) assert events_keep.count() == 10 assert events_purge.count() == 0 assert states.count() == 3 assert session.query(States).get(61).old_state_id is None assert session.query(States).get(62).old_state_id is None assert session.query(States).get(63).old_state_id == 62 # should have been kept async def test_purge_entities( hass: HomeAssistant, async_setup_recorder_instance: SetupRecorderInstanceT ): """Test purging of specific entities.""" await async_setup_recorder_instance(hass) async def _purge_entities(hass, entity_ids, domains, entity_globs): service_data = { "entity_id": entity_ids, "domains": domains, "entity_globs": entity_globs, } await hass.services.async_call( recorder.DOMAIN, recorder.SERVICE_PURGE_ENTITIES, service_data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass) await async_wait_purge_done(hass) def _add_purge_records(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be purged for days in range(1, 4): timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(1000, 1020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.purge_entity", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(10000, 10020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "purge_domain.entity", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days) for event_id in range(100000, 100020): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "binary_sensor.purge_glob", "purgeme", timestamp, event_id * days, ) def _add_keep_records(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: # Add states and state_changed events that should be kept timestamp = dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2) for event_id in range(200, 210): _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session, "sensor.keep", "keep", timestamp, event_id, ) _add_purge_records(hass) _add_keep_records(hass) # Confirm standard service call with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 190 await _purge_entities(hass, "sensor.purge_entity", "purge_domain", "*purge_glob") with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 10 states_sensor_kept = session.query(States).filter( States.entity_id == "sensor.keep" ) assert states_sensor_kept.count() == 10 _add_purge_records(hass) # Confirm each parameter purges only the associated records with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 190 await _purge_entities(hass, "sensor.purge_entity", [], []) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 130 await _purge_entities(hass, [], "purge_domain", []) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 70 await _purge_entities(hass, [], [], "*purge_glob") with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 10 states_sensor_kept = session.query(States).filter( States.entity_id == "sensor.keep" ) assert states_sensor_kept.count() == 10 _add_purge_records(hass) # Confirm calling service without arguments matches all records (default filter behaviour) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 190 await _purge_entities(hass, [], [], []) with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: states = session.query(States) assert states.count() == 0 async def _add_test_states(hass: HomeAssistant): """Add multiple states to the db for testing.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() five_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=5) eleven_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=11) base_attributes = {"test_attr": 5, "test_attr_10": "nice"} async def set_state(entity_id, state, **kwargs): """Set the state.""" hass.states.async_set(entity_id, state, **kwargs) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) for event_id in range(6): if event_id < 2: timestamp = eleven_days_ago state = f"autopurgeme_{event_id}" attributes = {"autopurgeme": True, **base_attributes} elif event_id < 4: timestamp = five_days_ago state = f"purgeme_{event_id}" attributes = {"purgeme": True, **base_attributes} else: timestamp = utcnow state = f"dontpurgeme_{event_id}" attributes = {"dontpurgeme": True, **base_attributes} with patch( "homeassistant.components.recorder.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=timestamp ): await set_state("test.recorder2", state, attributes=attributes) async def _add_test_events(hass: HomeAssistant): """Add a few events for testing.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() five_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=5) eleven_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=11) event_data = {"test_attr": 5, "test_attr_10": "nice"} await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: for event_id in range(6): if event_id < 2: timestamp = eleven_days_ago event_type = "EVENT_TEST_AUTOPURGE" elif event_id < 4: timestamp = five_days_ago event_type = "EVENT_TEST_PURGE" else: timestamp = utcnow event_type = "EVENT_TEST" session.add( Events( event_type=event_type, event_data=json.dumps(event_data), origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) ) async def _add_test_statistics(hass: HomeAssistant): """Add multiple statistics to the db for testing.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() five_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=5) eleven_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=11) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: for event_id in range(6): if event_id < 2: timestamp = eleven_days_ago state = "-11" elif event_id < 4: timestamp = five_days_ago state = "-5" else: timestamp = utcnow state = "0" session.add( StatisticsShortTerm( start=timestamp, state=state, ) ) async def _add_test_recorder_runs(hass: HomeAssistant): """Add a few recorder_runs for testing.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() five_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=5) eleven_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=11) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: for rec_id in range(6): if rec_id < 2: timestamp = eleven_days_ago elif rec_id < 4: timestamp = five_days_ago else: timestamp = utcnow session.add( RecorderRuns( start=timestamp, created=dt_util.utcnow(), end=timestamp + timedelta(days=1), ) ) async def _add_test_statistics_runs(hass: HomeAssistant): """Add a few recorder_runs for testing.""" utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() five_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=5) eleven_days_ago = utcnow - timedelta(days=11) await hass.async_block_till_done() await async_wait_recording_done(hass) with recorder.session_scope(hass=hass) as session: for rec_id in range(6): if rec_id < 2: timestamp = eleven_days_ago elif rec_id < 4: timestamp = five_days_ago else: timestamp = utcnow session.add( StatisticsRuns( start=timestamp, ) ) def _add_state_and_state_changed_event( session: Session, entity_id: str, state: str, timestamp: datetime, event_id: int, ) -> None: """Add state and state_changed event to database for testing.""" state_attrs = StateAttributes( hash=event_id, shared_attrs=json.dumps({entity_id: entity_id}) ) session.add(state_attrs) session.add( States( entity_id=entity_id, state=state, attributes=None, last_changed=timestamp, last_updated=timestamp, event_id=event_id, state_attributes=state_attrs, ) ) session.add( Events( event_id=event_id, event_type=EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data="{}", origin="LOCAL", time_fired=timestamp, ) )