"""deCONZ sensor platform tests.""" from datetime import timedelta from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from homeassistant.components.deconz.const import CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN, SensorDeviceClass, SensorStateClass, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import RELOAD_AFTER_UPDATE_DELAY from homeassistant.const import ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, STATE_UNAVAILABLE from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.entity import EntityCategory from homeassistant.util import dt from .test_gateway import DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, setup_deconz_integration from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed async def test_no_sensors(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that no sensors in deconz results in no sensor entities.""" await setup_deconz_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 TEST_DATA = [ ( # Air quality sensor { "config": { "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 2, "etag": "c2d2e42396f7c78e11e46c66e2ec0200", "lastseen": "2020-11-20T22:48Z", "manufacturername": "BOSCH", "modelid": "AIR", "name": "BOSCH Air quality sensor", "state": { "airquality": "poor", "airqualityppb": 809, "lastupdated": "2020-11-20T22:48:00.209", }, "swversion": "20200402", "type": "ZHAAirQuality", "uniqueid": "00:12:4b:00:14:4d:00:07-02-fdef", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.bosch_air_quality_sensor", "unique_id": "00:12:4b:00:14:4d:00:07-02-fdef", "state": "poor", "entity_category": None, "device_class": None, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "friendly_name": "BOSCH Air quality sensor", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"airquality": "excellent"}}, "next_state": "excellent", }, ), ( # Air quality PPB sensor { "config": { "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 2, "etag": "c2d2e42396f7c78e11e46c66e2ec0200", "lastseen": "2020-11-20T22:48Z", "manufacturername": "BOSCH", "modelid": "AIR", "name": "BOSCH Air quality sensor", "state": { "airquality": "poor", "airqualityppb": 809, "lastupdated": "2020-11-20T22:48:00.209", }, "swversion": "20200402", "type": "ZHAAirQuality", "uniqueid": "00:12:4b:00:14:4d:00:07-02-fdef", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.bosch_air_quality_sensor_ppb", "unique_id": "00:12:4b:00:14:4d:00:07-ppb", "state": "809", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.AQI, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "unit_of_measurement": "ppb", "device_class": "aqi", "friendly_name": "BOSCH Air quality sensor PPB", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"airqualityppb": 1000}}, "next_state": "1000", }, ), ( # Battery sensor { "config": { "alert": "none", "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "23a8659f1cb22df2f51bc2da0e241bb4", "manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden", "modelid": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind", "name": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind", "state": { "battery": 100, "lastupdated": "none", }, "swversion": "2.2.007", "type": "ZHABattery", "uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:ff:fe:01:23:45-01-0001", }, { "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.fyrtur_block_out_roller_blind_battery", "unique_id": "00:0d:6f:ff:fe:01:23:45-battery", "state": "100", "entity_category": EntityCategory.DIAGNOSTIC, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.BATTERY, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "device_class": "battery", "friendly_name": "FYRTUR block-out roller blind Battery", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"battery": 50}}, "next_state": "50", }, ), ( # Consumption sensor { "config": {"on": True, "reachable": True}, "ep": 1, "etag": "a99e5bc463d15c23af7e89946e784cca", "manufacturername": "Heiman", "modelid": "SmartPlug", "name": "Consumption 15", "state": { "consumption": 11342, "lastupdated": "2018-03-12T19:19:08", "power": 123, }, "type": "ZHAConsumption", "uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:00:0b:7a:64:29-01-0702", }, { "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.consumption_15", "unique_id": "00:0d:6f:00:0b:7a:64:29-01-0702", "state": "11.342", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.ENERGY, "state_class": SensorStateClass.TOTAL_INCREASING, "attributes": { "state_class": "total_increasing", "on": True, "power": 123, "unit_of_measurement": "kWh", "device_class": "energy", "friendly_name": "Consumption 15", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"consumption": 10000}}, "next_state": "10.0", }, ), ( # Daylight sensor { "config": { "configured": True, "on": True, "sunriseoffset": 30, "sunsetoffset": -30, }, "etag": "55047cf652a7e594d0ee7e6fae01dd38", "manufacturername": "Philips", "modelid": "PHDL00", "name": "Daylight", "state": { "daylight": True, "lastupdated": "2018-03-24T17:26:12", "status": 170, }, "swversion": "1.0", "type": "Daylight", }, { "enable_entity": True, "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 2, "entity_id": "sensor.daylight", "unique_id": "", "state": "solar_noon", "entity_category": None, "device_class": None, "state_class": None, "attributes": { "on": True, "daylight": True, "icon": "mdi:white-balance-sunny", "friendly_name": "Daylight", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"status": 210}}, "next_state": "dusk", }, ), ( # Generic status sensor { "config": { "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "etag": "aacc83bc7d6e4af7e44014e9f776b206", "manufacturername": "Phoscon", "modelid": "PHOSCON_FSM_STATE", "name": "FSM_STATE Motion stair", "state": { "lastupdated": "2019-04-24T00:00:25", "status": 0, }, "swversion": "1.0", "type": "CLIPGenericStatus", "uniqueid": "fsm-state-1520195376277", }, { "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 2, "entity_id": "sensor.fsm_state_motion_stair", "unique_id": "fsm-state-1520195376277", "state": "0", "entity_category": None, "device_class": None, "state_class": None, "attributes": { "on": True, "friendly_name": "FSM_STATE Motion stair", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"status": 1}}, "next_state": "1", }, ), ( # Humidity sensor { "config": { "battery": 100, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "1220e5d026493b6e86207993703a8a71", "manufacturername": "LUMI", "modelid": "lumi.weather", "name": "Mi temperature 1", "state": { "humidity": 3555, "lastupdated": "2019-05-05T14:39:00", }, "swversion": "20161129", "type": "ZHAHumidity", "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0405", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.mi_temperature_1", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0405", "state": "35.5", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.HUMIDITY, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "unit_of_measurement": "%", "device_class": "humidity", "friendly_name": "Mi temperature 1", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"humidity": 1000}}, "next_state": "10.0", }, ), ( # Light level sensor { "config": { "alert": "none", "battery": 100, "ledindication": False, "on": True, "pending": [], "reachable": True, "tholddark": 12000, "tholdoffset": 7000, "usertest": False, }, "ep": 2, "etag": "5cfb81765e86aa53ace427cfd52c6d52", "manufacturername": "Philips", "modelid": "SML001", "name": "Motion sensor 4", "state": { "dark": True, "daylight": False, "lastupdated": "2019-05-05T14:37:06", "lightlevel": 6955, "lux": 5, }, "swversion": "", "type": "ZHALightLevel", "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:03:28:8c:9b-02-0400", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.motion_sensor_4", "unique_id": "00:17:88:01:03:28:8c:9b-02-0400", "state": "5.0", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.ILLUMINANCE, "state_class": None, "attributes": { "on": True, "dark": True, "daylight": False, "unit_of_measurement": "lx", "device_class": "illuminance", "friendly_name": "Motion sensor 4", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"lightlevel": 1000}}, "next_state": "1.3", }, ), ( # Power sensor { "config": { "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "96e71c7db4685b334d3d0decc3f11868", "manufacturername": "Heiman", "modelid": "SmartPlug", "name": "Power 16", "state": { "current": 34, "lastupdated": "2018-03-12T19:22:13", "power": 64, "voltage": 231, }, "type": "ZHAPower", "uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:00:0b:7a:64:29-01-0b04", }, { "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.power_16", "unique_id": "00:0d:6f:00:0b:7a:64:29-01-0b04", "state": "64", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.POWER, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "current": 34, "voltage": 231, "unit_of_measurement": "W", "device_class": "power", "friendly_name": "Power 16", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"power": 1000}}, "next_state": "1000", }, ), ( # Pressure sensor { "config": { "battery": 100, "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "1220e5d026493b6e86207993703a8a71", "manufacturername": "LUMI", "modelid": "lumi.weather", "name": "Mi temperature 1", "state": { "lastupdated": "2019-05-05T14:39:00", "pressure": 1010, }, "swversion": "20161129", "type": "ZHAPressure", "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0403", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.mi_temperature_1", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0403", "state": "1010", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.PRESSURE, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "unit_of_measurement": "hPa", "device_class": "pressure", "friendly_name": "Mi temperature 1", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"pressure": 500}}, "next_state": "500", }, ), ( # Temperature sensor { "config": { "battery": 100, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "1220e5d026493b6e86207993703a8a71", "manufacturername": "LUMI", "modelid": "lumi.weather", "name": "Mi temperature 1", "state": { "lastupdated": "2019-05-05T14:39:00", "temperature": 2182, }, "swversion": "20161129", "type": "ZHATemperature", "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0402", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.mi_temperature_1", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:45:dc:53-01-0402", "state": "21.8", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "unit_of_measurement": "°C", "device_class": "temperature", "friendly_name": "Mi temperature 1", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"temperature": 1800}}, "next_state": "18.0", }, ), ( # Time sensor { "config": { "battery": 40, "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "28e796678d9a24712feef59294343bb6", "lastseen": "2020-11-22T11:26Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": "eTRV0100", "name": "eTRV Séjour", "state": { "lastset": "2020-11-19T08:07:08Z", "lastupdated": "2020-11-22T10:51:03.444", "localtime": "2020-11-22T10:51:01", "utc": "2020-11-22T10:51:01Z", }, "swversion": "20200429", "type": "ZHATime", "uniqueid": "cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:38:4d:b3-01-000a", }, { "entity_count": 2, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.etrv_sejour", "unique_id": "cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:38:4d:b3-01-000a", "state": "2020-11-19T08:07:08+00:00", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.TIMESTAMP, "state_class": SensorStateClass.TOTAL_INCREASING, "attributes": { "state_class": "total_increasing", "device_class": "timestamp", "friendly_name": "eTRV Séjour", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"lastset": "2020-12-14T10:12:14Z"}}, "next_state": "2020-12-14T10:12:14+00:00", }, ), ( # Secondary temperature sensor { "config": { "battery": 100, "on": True, "reachable": True, "temperature": 2600, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "18c0f3c2100904e31a7f938db2ba9ba9", "manufacturername": "dresden elektronik", "modelid": "lumi.sensor_motion.aq2", "name": "Alarm 10", "state": { "alarm": False, "lastupdated": "none", "lowbattery": None, "tampered": None, }, "swversion": "20170627", "type": "ZHAAlarm", "uniqueid": "00:15:8d:00:02:b5:d1:80-01-0500", }, { "entity_count": 3, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.alarm_10_temperature", "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:02:b5:d1:80-temperature", "state": "26.0", "entity_category": None, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "unit_of_measurement": "°C", "device_class": "temperature", "friendly_name": "Alarm 10 Temperature", }, "websocket_event": {"state": {"temperature": 1800}}, "next_state": "26.0", }, ), ( # Battery from switch { "config": { "battery": 90, "group": "201", "on": True, "reachable": True, }, "ep": 2, "etag": "233ae541bbb7ac98c42977753884b8d2", "manufacturername": "Philips", "mode": 1, "modelid": "RWL021", "name": "Dimmer switch 3", "state": { "buttonevent": 1002, "lastupdated": "2019-04-28T20:29:13", }, "swversion": "", "type": "ZHASwitch", "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:02:0e:32:a3-02-fc00", }, { "entity_count": 1, "device_count": 3, "entity_id": "sensor.dimmer_switch_3_battery", "unique_id": "00:17:88:01:02:0e:32:a3-battery", "state": "90", "entity_category": EntityCategory.DIAGNOSTIC, "device_class": SensorDeviceClass.BATTERY, "state_class": SensorStateClass.MEASUREMENT, "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "on": True, "event_id": "dimmer_switch_3", "unit_of_measurement": "%", "device_class": "battery", "friendly_name": "Dimmer switch 3 Battery", }, "websocket_event": {"config": {"battery": 80}}, "next_state": "80", }, ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("sensor_data, expected", TEST_DATA) async def test_sensors( hass, aioclient_mock, mock_deconz_websocket, sensor_data, expected ): """Test successful creation of sensor entities.""" ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, {"sensors": {"1": sensor_data}}): config_entry = await setup_deconz_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, options={CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR: True} ) # Enable in entity registry if expected.get("enable_entity"): ent_reg.async_update_entity(entity_id=expected["entity_id"], disabled_by=None) await hass.async_block_till_done() async_fire_time_changed( hass, dt.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=RELOAD_AFTER_UPDATE_DELAY + 1), ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == expected["entity_count"] # Verify entity state sensor = hass.states.get(expected["entity_id"]) assert sensor.state == expected["state"] assert sensor.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == expected["device_class"] assert sensor.attributes == expected["attributes"] # Verify entity registry assert ( ent_reg.async_get(expected["entity_id"]).entity_category is expected["entity_category"] ) ent_reg_entry = ent_reg.async_get(expected["entity_id"]) assert ent_reg_entry.entity_category is expected["entity_category"] assert ent_reg_entry.unique_id == expected["unique_id"] # Verify device registry assert ( len(dr.async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, config_entry.entry_id)) == expected["device_count"] ) # Change state event_changed_sensor = {"t": "event", "e": "changed", "r": "sensors", "id": "1"} event_changed_sensor |= expected["websocket_event"] await mock_deconz_websocket(data=event_changed_sensor) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(expected["entity_id"]).state == expected["next_state"] # Unload entry await hass.config_entries.async_unload(config_entry.entry_id) assert hass.states.get(expected["entity_id"]).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # Remove entry await hass.config_entries.async_remove(config_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 async def test_not_allow_clip_sensor(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that CLIP sensors are not allowed.""" data = { "sensors": { "1": { "name": "CLIP temperature sensor", "type": "CLIPTemperature", "state": {"temperature": 2600}, "config": {}, "uniqueid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02-00", }, } } with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, data): await setup_deconz_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, options={CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR: False} ) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 async def test_allow_clip_sensors(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that CLIP sensors can be allowed.""" data = { "sensors": { "1": { "name": "Light level sensor", "type": "ZHALightLevel", "state": {"lightlevel": 30000, "dark": False}, "config": {"on": True, "reachable": True, "temperature": 10}, "uniqueid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-00", }, "2": { "id": "CLIP light sensor id", "name": "CLIP light level sensor", "type": "CLIPLightLevel", "state": {"lightlevel": 30000}, "config": {"reachable": True}, "uniqueid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01-00", }, "3": { "config": {"on": True, "reachable": True}, "etag": "a5ed309124d9b7a21ef29fc278f2625e", "manufacturername": "Philips", "modelid": "CLIPGenericStatus", "name": "CLIP Flur", "state": {"lastupdated": "2021-10-01T10:23:06.779", "status": 0}, "swversion": "1.0", "type": "CLIPGenericStatus", "uniqueid": "/sensors/3", }, } } with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, data): config_entry = await setup_deconz_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, options={CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR: True}, ) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 4 assert hass.states.get("sensor.clip_light_level_sensor").state == "999.8" assert hass.states.get("sensor.clip_flur").state == "0" # Disallow clip sensors hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( config_entry, options={CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR: False} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 assert not hass.states.get("sensor.clip_light_level_sensor") assert not hass.states.get("sensor.clip_flur") # Allow clip sensors hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( config_entry, options={CONF_ALLOW_CLIP_SENSOR: True} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 4 assert hass.states.get("sensor.clip_light_level_sensor").state == "999.8" assert hass.states.get("sensor.clip_flur").state == "0" async def test_add_new_sensor(hass, aioclient_mock, mock_deconz_websocket): """Test that adding a new sensor works.""" event_added_sensor = { "t": "event", "e": "added", "r": "sensors", "id": "1", "sensor": { "id": "Light sensor id", "name": "Light level sensor", "type": "ZHALightLevel", "state": {"lightlevel": 30000, "dark": False}, "config": {"on": True, "reachable": True, "temperature": 10}, "uniqueid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-00", }, } await setup_deconz_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 await mock_deconz_websocket(data=event_added_sensor) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 assert hass.states.get("sensor.light_level_sensor").state == "999.8" async def test_add_battery_later(hass, aioclient_mock, mock_deconz_websocket): """Test that a sensor without an initial battery state creates a battery sensor once state exist.""" data = { "sensors": { "1": { "name": "Switch 1", "type": "ZHASwitch", "state": {"buttonevent": 1000}, "config": {}, "uniqueid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00-00", } } } with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, data): await setup_deconz_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 assert not hass.states.get("sensor.switch_1_battery") event_changed_sensor = { "t": "event", "e": "changed", "r": "sensors", "id": "1", "config": {"battery": 50}, } await mock_deconz_websocket(data=event_changed_sensor) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1 assert hass.states.get("sensor.switch_1_battery").state == "50" @pytest.mark.parametrize("model_id", ["0x8030", "0x8031", "0x8034", "0x8035"]) async def test_special_danfoss_battery_creation(hass, aioclient_mock, model_id): """Test the special Danfoss battery creation works. Normally there should only be one battery sensor per device from deCONZ. With specific Danfoss devices each endpoint can report its own battery state. """ data = { "sensors": { "1": { "config": { "battery": 70, "heatsetpoint": 2300, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, "schedule": {}, "schedule_on": False, }, "ep": 1, "etag": "982d9acc38bee5b251e24a9be26558e4", "lastseen": "2021-02-15T12:23Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": model_id, "name": "0x8030", "state": { "lastupdated": "2021-02-15T12:23:07.994", "on": False, "temperature": 2307, }, "swversion": "YYYYMMDD", "type": "ZHAThermostat", "uniqueid": "58:8e:81:ff:fe:00:11:22-01-0201", }, "2": { "config": { "battery": 86, "heatsetpoint": 2300, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, "schedule": {}, "schedule_on": False, }, "ep": 2, "etag": "62f12749f9f51c950086aff37dd02b61", "lastseen": "2021-02-15T12:23Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": model_id, "name": "0x8030", "state": { "lastupdated": "2021-02-15T12:23:22.399", "on": False, "temperature": 2316, }, "swversion": "YYYYMMDD", "type": "ZHAThermostat", "uniqueid": "58:8e:81:ff:fe:00:11:22-02-0201", }, "3": { "config": { "battery": 86, "heatsetpoint": 2350, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, "schedule": {}, "schedule_on": False, }, "ep": 3, "etag": "f50061174bb7f18a3d95789bab8b646d", "lastseen": "2021-02-15T12:23Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": model_id, "name": "0x8030", "state": { "lastupdated": "2021-02-15T12:23:25.466", "on": False, "temperature": 2337, }, "swversion": "YYYYMMDD", "type": "ZHAThermostat", "uniqueid": "58:8e:81:ff:fe:00:11:22-03-0201", }, "4": { "config": { "battery": 85, "heatsetpoint": 2300, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, "schedule": {}, "schedule_on": False, }, "ep": 4, "etag": "eea97adf8ce1b971b8b6a3a31793f96b", "lastseen": "2021-02-15T12:23Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": model_id, "name": "0x8030", "state": { "lastupdated": "2021-02-15T12:23:41.939", "on": False, "temperature": 2333, }, "swversion": "YYYYMMDD", "type": "ZHAThermostat", "uniqueid": "58:8e:81:ff:fe:00:11:22-04-0201", }, "5": { "config": { "battery": 83, "heatsetpoint": 2300, "offset": 0, "on": True, "reachable": True, "schedule": {}, "schedule_on": False, }, "ep": 5, "etag": "1f7cd1a5d66dc27ac5eb44b8c47362fb", "lastseen": "2021-02-15T12:23Z", "manufacturername": "Danfoss", "modelid": model_id, "name": "0x8030", "state": {"lastupdated": "none", "on": False, "temperature": 2325}, "swversion": "YYYYMMDD", "type": "ZHAThermostat", "uniqueid": "58:8e:81:ff:fe:00:11:22-05-0201", }, } } with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, data): await setup_deconz_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 10 assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids(SENSOR_DOMAIN)) == 5 async def test_unsupported_sensor(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that unsupported sensors doesn't break anything.""" data = { "sensors": { "0": {"type": "not supported", "name": "name", "state": {}, "config": {}} } } with patch.dict(DECONZ_WEB_REQUEST, data): await setup_deconz_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0