""" tests.test_component_http ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tests Home Assistant HTTP component does what it should do. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-public-methods import re import unittest import requests import homeassistant.core as ha import homeassistant.bootstrap as bootstrap import homeassistant.components.http as http from homeassistant.const import HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH API_PASSWORD = "test1234" # Somehow the socket that holds the default port does not get released # when we close down HA in a different test case. Until I have figured # out what is going on, let's run this test on a different port. SERVER_PORT = 8121 HTTP_BASE_URL = "{}".format(SERVER_PORT) HA_HEADERS = {HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH: API_PASSWORD} hass = None def _url(path=""): """ Helper method to generate urls. """ return HTTP_BASE_URL + path def setUpModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Initalizes a Home Assistant server. """ global hass hass = ha.HomeAssistant() hass.bus.listen('test_event', lambda _: _) hass.states.set('test.test', 'a_state') bootstrap.setup_component( hass, http.DOMAIN, {http.DOMAIN: {http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: API_PASSWORD, http.CONF_SERVER_PORT: SERVER_PORT}}) bootstrap.setup_component(hass, 'frontend') hass.start() def tearDownModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Stops the Home Assistant server. """ hass.stop() class TestFrontend(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the frontend. """ def test_frontend_and_static(self): """ Tests if we can get the frontend. """ req = requests.get(_url("")) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) # Test we can retrieve frontend.js frontendjs = re.search( r'(?P\/static\/frontend-[A-Za-z0-9]{32}.html)', req.text) self.assertIsNotNone(frontendjs) req = requests.head(_url(frontendjs.groups(0)[0])) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) def test_auto_filling_in_api_password(self): req = requests.get( _url("?{}={}".format(http.DATA_API_PASSWORD, API_PASSWORD))) self.assertEqual(200, req.status_code) auth_text = re.search(r"auth='{}'".format(API_PASSWORD), req.text) self.assertIsNotNone(auth_text) def test_404(self): self.assertEqual(404, requests.get(_url("/not-existing")).status_code) def test_we_cannot_POST_to_root(self): self.assertEqual(405, requests.post(_url("")).status_code)