"""Coordinators for the Shelly integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timedelta from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar, cast import aioshelly from aioshelly.ble import async_ensure_ble_enabled, async_stop_scanner from aioshelly.block_device import BlockDevice from aioshelly.exceptions import DeviceConnectionError, InvalidAuthError, RpcCallError from aioshelly.rpc_device import RpcDevice, UpdateType from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import ATTR_DEVICE_ID, CONF_HOST, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import ( CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, async_get as dr_async_get, ) from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator, UpdateFailed from .bluetooth import async_connect_scanner from .const import ( ATTR_CHANNEL, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE, ATTR_DEVICE, ATTR_GENERATION, BATTERY_DEVICES_WITH_PERMANENT_CONNECTION, BLE_MIN_VERSION, CONF_BLE_SCANNER_MODE, CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD, DATA_CONFIG_ENTRY, DOMAIN, DUAL_MODE_LIGHT_MODELS, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT, LOGGER, MODELS_SUPPORTING_LIGHT_EFFECTS, REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL, RPC_INPUTS_EVENTS_TYPES, RPC_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, RPC_SENSORS_POLLING_INTERVAL, SHBTN_MODELS, SLEEP_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER, UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER, BLEScannerMode, ) from .utils import device_update_info, get_rpc_device_wakeup_period _DeviceT = TypeVar("_DeviceT", bound="BlockDevice|RpcDevice") @dataclass class ShellyEntryData: """Class for sharing data within a given config entry.""" block: ShellyBlockCoordinator | None = None device: BlockDevice | RpcDevice | None = None rest: ShellyRestCoordinator | None = None rpc: ShellyRpcCoordinator | None = None rpc_poll: ShellyRpcPollingCoordinator | None = None def get_entry_data(hass: HomeAssistant) -> dict[str, ShellyEntryData]: """Return Shelly entry data for a given config entry.""" return cast(dict[str, ShellyEntryData], hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_CONFIG_ENTRY]) class ShellyCoordinatorBase(DataUpdateCoordinator[None], Generic[_DeviceT]): """Coordinator for a Shelly device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, device: _DeviceT, update_interval: float, ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry self.device = device self.device_id: str | None = None device_name = device.name if device.initialized else entry.title interval_td = timedelta(seconds=update_interval) super().__init__(hass, LOGGER, name=device_name, update_interval=interval_td) self._debounced_reload: Debouncer[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] = Debouncer( hass, LOGGER, cooldown=ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, immediate=False, function=self._async_reload_entry, ) entry.async_on_unload(self._debounced_reload.async_cancel) @property def model(self) -> str: """Model of the device.""" return cast(str, self.entry.data["model"]) @property def mac(self) -> str: """Mac address of the device.""" return cast(str, self.entry.unique_id) @property def sw_version(self) -> str: """Firmware version of the device.""" return self.device.firmware_version if self.device.initialized else "" @property def sleep_period(self) -> int: """Sleep period of the device.""" return self.entry.data.get(CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD, 0) def async_setup(self) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" dev_reg = dr_async_get(self.hass) device_entry = dev_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=self.entry.entry_id, name=self.name, connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self.mac)}, manufacturer="Shelly", model=aioshelly.const.MODEL_NAMES.get(self.model, self.model), sw_version=self.sw_version, hw_version=f"gen{self.device.gen} ({self.model})", configuration_url=f"http://{self.entry.data[CONF_HOST]}", ) self.device_id = device_entry.id async def _async_reload_entry(self) -> None: """Reload entry.""" self._debounced_reload.async_cancel() LOGGER.debug("Reloading entry %s", self.name) await self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(self.entry.entry_id) class ShellyBlockCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[BlockDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly block based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, device: BlockDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly block device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry if self.sleep_period: update_interval = SLEEP_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * self.sleep_period else: update_interval = ( UPDATE_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * device.settings["coiot"]["update_period"] ) super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) self._last_cfg_changed: int | None = None self._last_mode: str | None = None self._last_effect: int | None = None self._last_input_events_count: dict = {} entry.async_on_unload( self.async_add_listener(self._async_device_updates_handler) ) entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, self._handle_ha_stop) ) @callback def _async_device_updates_handler(self) -> None: """Handle device updates.""" if not self.device.initialized: return assert self.device.blocks # For buttons which are battery powered - set initial value for last_event_count if self.model in SHBTN_MODELS and self._last_input_events_count.get(1) is None: for block in self.device.blocks: if block.type != "device": continue if len(block.wakeupEvent) == 1 and block.wakeupEvent[0] == "button": self._last_input_events_count[1] = -1 break # Check for input events and config change cfg_changed = 0 for block in self.device.blocks: if block.type == "device": cfg_changed = block.cfgChanged # For dual mode bulbs ignore change if it is due to mode/effect change if self.model in DUAL_MODE_LIGHT_MODELS: if "mode" in block.sensor_ids: if self._last_mode != block.mode: self._last_cfg_changed = None self._last_mode = block.mode if self.model in MODELS_SUPPORTING_LIGHT_EFFECTS: if "effect" in block.sensor_ids: if self._last_effect != block.effect: self._last_cfg_changed = None self._last_effect = block.effect if ( "inputEvent" not in block.sensor_ids or "inputEventCnt" not in block.sensor_ids ): LOGGER.debug("Skipping non-input event block %s", block.description) continue channel = int(block.channel or 0) + 1 event_type = block.inputEvent last_event_count = self._last_input_events_count.get(channel) self._last_input_events_count[channel] = block.inputEventCnt if ( last_event_count is None or last_event_count == block.inputEventCnt or event_type == "" ): LOGGER.debug("Skipping block event %s", event_type) continue if event_type in INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT: self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: self.device_id, ATTR_DEVICE: self.device.settings["device"]["hostname"], ATTR_CHANNEL: channel, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE: INPUTS_EVENTS_DICT[event_type], ATTR_GENERATION: 1, }, ) if self._last_cfg_changed is not None and cfg_changed > self._last_cfg_changed: LOGGER.info( "Config for %s changed, reloading entry in %s seconds", self.name, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, ) self.hass.async_create_task(self._debounced_reload.async_call()) self._last_cfg_changed = cfg_changed async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if self.sleep_period: # Sleeping device, no point polling it, just mark it unavailable raise UpdateFailed( f"Sleeping device did not update within {self.sleep_period} seconds interval" ) LOGGER.debug("Polling Shelly Block Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.update() except DeviceConnectionError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error fetching data: {repr(err)}") from err except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) else: device_update_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) def async_setup(self) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" super().async_setup() self.device.subscribe_updates(self.async_set_updated_data) def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the coordinator.""" self.device.shutdown() @callback def _handle_ha_stop(self, _event: Event) -> None: """Handle Home Assistant stopping.""" LOGGER.debug("Stopping block device coordinator for %s", self.name) self.shutdown() class ShellyRestCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[BlockDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly REST device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, device: BlockDevice, entry: ConfigEntry ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly REST device coordinator.""" update_interval = REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL if ( device.settings["device"]["type"] in BATTERY_DEVICES_WITH_PERMANENT_CONNECTION ): update_interval = ( SLEEP_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * device.settings["coiot"]["update_period"] ) super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" LOGGER.debug("REST update for %s", self.name) try: await self.device.update_status() if self.device.status["uptime"] > 2 * REST_SENSORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: return old_firmware = self.device.firmware_version await self.device.update_shelly() if self.device.firmware_version == old_firmware: return except DeviceConnectionError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error fetching data: {repr(err)}") from err except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) else: device_update_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) class ShellyRpcCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[RpcDevice]): """Coordinator for a Shelly RPC based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, device: RpcDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the Shelly RPC device coordinator.""" self.entry = entry if self.sleep_period: update_interval = SLEEP_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * self.sleep_period else: update_interval = RPC_RECONNECT_INTERVAL super().__init__(hass, entry, device, update_interval) self.connected = False self._disconnected_callbacks: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] self._connection_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._event_listeners: list[Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None]] = [] entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, self._handle_ha_stop) ) entry.async_on_unload(entry.add_update_listener(self._async_update_listener)) def update_sleep_period(self) -> bool: """Check device sleep period & update if changed.""" if ( not self.device.initialized or not (wakeup_period := get_rpc_device_wakeup_period(self.device.status)) or wakeup_period == self.sleep_period ): return False data = {**self.entry.data} data[CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD] = wakeup_period self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(self.entry, data=data) update_interval = SLEEP_PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * wakeup_period self.update_interval = timedelta(seconds=update_interval) return True @callback def async_subscribe_events( self, event_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Subscribe to events.""" def _unsubscribe() -> None: self._event_listeners.remove(event_callback) self._event_listeners.append(event_callback) return _unsubscribe async def _async_update_listener( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry ) -> None: """Reconfigure on update.""" async with self._connection_lock: if self.connected: self._async_run_disconnected_events() await self._async_run_connected_events() @callback def _async_device_event_handler(self, event_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Handle device events.""" events: list[dict[str, Any]] = event_data["events"] for event in events: event_type = event.get("event") if event_type is None: continue for event_callback in self._event_listeners: event_callback(event) if event_type == "config_changed": self.update_sleep_period() LOGGER.info( "Config for %s changed, reloading entry in %s seconds", self.name, ENTRY_RELOAD_COOLDOWN, ) self.hass.async_create_task(self._debounced_reload.async_call()) elif event_type in RPC_INPUTS_EVENTS_TYPES: self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_SHELLY_CLICK, { ATTR_DEVICE_ID: self.device_id, ATTR_DEVICE: self.device.hostname, ATTR_CHANNEL: event["id"] + 1, ATTR_CLICK_TYPE: event["event"], ATTR_GENERATION: 2, }, ) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if self.update_sleep_period(): return if self.sleep_period: # Sleeping device, no point polling it, just mark it unavailable raise UpdateFailed( f"Sleeping device did not update within {self.sleep_period} seconds interval" ) if self.device.connected: return LOGGER.debug("Reconnecting to Shelly RPC Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.initialize() device_update_info(self.hass, self.device, self.entry) except DeviceConnectionError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Device disconnected: {repr(err)}") from err except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) async def _async_disconnected(self) -> None: """Handle device disconnected.""" # Sleeping devices send data and disconnect # There are no disconnect events for sleeping devices if self.sleep_period: return async with self._connection_lock: if not self.connected: # Already disconnected return self.connected = False self._async_run_disconnected_events() # Try to reconnect right away if hass is not stopping if not self.hass.is_stopping: await self.async_request_refresh() @callback def _async_run_disconnected_events(self) -> None: """Run disconnected events. This will be executed on disconnect or when the config entry is updated. """ for disconnected_callback in self._disconnected_callbacks: disconnected_callback() self._disconnected_callbacks.clear() async def _async_connected(self) -> None: """Handle device connected.""" async with self._connection_lock: if self.connected: # Already connected return self.connected = True await self._async_run_connected_events() async def _async_run_connected_events(self) -> None: """Run connected events. This will be executed on connect or when the config entry is updated. """ if not self.sleep_period: await self._async_connect_ble_scanner() async def _async_connect_ble_scanner(self) -> None: """Connect BLE scanner.""" ble_scanner_mode = self.entry.options.get( CONF_BLE_SCANNER_MODE, BLEScannerMode.DISABLED ) if ble_scanner_mode == BLEScannerMode.DISABLED: await async_stop_scanner(self.device) return if AwesomeVersion(self.device.version) < BLE_MIN_VERSION: LOGGER.error( "BLE not supported on device %s with firmware %s; upgrade to %s", self.name, self.device.version, BLE_MIN_VERSION, ) return if await async_ensure_ble_enabled(self.device): # BLE enable required a reboot, don't bother connecting # the scanner since it will be disconnected anyway return self._disconnected_callbacks.append( await async_connect_scanner(self.hass, self, ble_scanner_mode) ) @callback def _async_handle_update(self, device_: RpcDevice, update_type: UpdateType) -> None: """Handle device update.""" if update_type is UpdateType.INITIALIZED: self.hass.async_create_task(self._async_connected()) self.async_set_updated_data(None) elif update_type is UpdateType.DISCONNECTED: self.hass.async_create_task(self._async_disconnected()) elif update_type is UpdateType.STATUS: self.async_set_updated_data(None) elif update_type is UpdateType.EVENT and (event := self.device.event): self._async_device_event_handler(event) def async_setup(self) -> None: """Set up the coordinator.""" super().async_setup() self.device.subscribe_updates(self._async_handle_update) if self.device.initialized: # If we are already initialized, we are connected self.hass.async_create_task(self._async_connected()) async def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the coordinator.""" if self.device.connected: await async_stop_scanner(self.device) await self.device.shutdown() await self._async_disconnected() async def _handle_ha_stop(self, _event: Event) -> None: """Handle Home Assistant stopping.""" LOGGER.debug("Stopping RPC device coordinator for %s", self.name) await self.shutdown() class ShellyRpcPollingCoordinator(ShellyCoordinatorBase[RpcDevice]): """Polling coordinator for a Shelly RPC based device.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, device: RpcDevice ) -> None: """Initialize the RPC polling coordinator.""" super().__init__(hass, entry, device, RPC_SENSORS_POLLING_INTERVAL) async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Fetch data.""" if not self.device.connected: raise UpdateFailed("Device disconnected") LOGGER.debug("Polling Shelly RPC Device - %s", self.name) try: await self.device.update_status() except (DeviceConnectionError, RpcCallError) as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Device disconnected: {repr(err)}") from err except InvalidAuthError: self.entry.async_start_reauth(self.hass) def get_block_coordinator_by_device_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str ) -> ShellyBlockCoordinator | None: """Get a Shelly block device coordinator for the given device id.""" dev_reg = dr_async_get(hass) if device := dev_reg.async_get(device_id): for config_entry in device.config_entries: if not (entry_data := get_entry_data(hass).get(config_entry)): continue if coordinator := entry_data.block: return coordinator return None def get_rpc_coordinator_by_device_id( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str ) -> ShellyRpcCoordinator | None: """Get a Shelly RPC device coordinator for the given device id.""" dev_reg = dr_async_get(hass) if device := dev_reg.async_get(device_id): for config_entry in device.config_entries: if not (entry_data := get_entry_data(hass).get(config_entry)): continue if coordinator := entry_data.rpc: return coordinator return None async def async_reconnect_soon(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Try to reconnect soon.""" if ( not entry.data.get(CONF_SLEEP_PERIOD) and not hass.is_stopping and entry.state == ConfigEntryState.LOADED and (entry_data := get_entry_data(hass).get(entry.entry_id)) and (coordinator := entry_data.rpc) ): hass.async_create_task(coordinator.async_request_refresh())