"""Provides the constants needed for the component.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Final import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.backports.enum import StrEnum from homeassistant.const import ( CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER, CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION, LIGHT_LUX, PERCENTAGE, POWER_VOLT_AMPERE_REACTIVE, SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS, SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT, UnitOfApparentPower, UnitOfDataRate, UnitOfElectricCurrent, UnitOfElectricPotential, UnitOfEnergy, UnitOfFrequency, UnitOfInformation, UnitOfIrradiance, UnitOfLength, UnitOfMass, UnitOfPower, UnitOfPrecipitationDepth, UnitOfPressure, UnitOfSoundPressure, UnitOfSpeed, UnitOfTemperature, UnitOfVolume, UnitOfVolumetricFlux, ) from homeassistant.util.unit_conversion import BaseUnitConverter, TemperatureConverter ATTR_VALUE = "value" ATTR_MIN = "min" ATTR_MAX = "max" ATTR_STEP = "step" DEFAULT_MIN_VALUE = 0.0 DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE = 100.0 DEFAULT_STEP = 1.0 DOMAIN = "number" SERVICE_SET_VALUE = "set_value" # MODE_* are deprecated as of 2021.12, use the NumberMode enum instead. MODE_AUTO: Final = "auto" MODE_BOX: Final = "box" MODE_SLIDER: Final = "slider" class NumberDeviceClass(StrEnum): """Device class for numbers.""" # NumberDeviceClass should be aligned with NumberDeviceClass APPARENT_POWER = "apparent_power" """Apparent power. Unit of measurement: `VA` """ AQI = "aqi" """Air Quality Index. Unit of measurement: `None` """ ATMOSPHERIC_PRESSURE = "atmospheric_pressure" """Atmospheric pressure. Unit of measurement: `UnitOfPressure` units """ BATTERY = "battery" """Percentage of battery that is left. Unit of measurement: `%` """ CO = "carbon_monoxide" """Carbon Monoxide gas concentration. Unit of measurement: `ppm` (parts per million) """ CO2 = "carbon_dioxide" """Carbon Dioxide gas concentration. Unit of measurement: `ppm` (parts per million) """ CURRENT = "current" """Current. Unit of measurement: `A`, `mA` """ DATA_RATE = "data_rate" """Data rate. Unit of measurement: UnitOfDataRate """ DATA_SIZE = "data_size" """Data size. Unit of measurement: UnitOfInformation """ DISTANCE = "distance" """Generic distance. Unit of measurement: `LENGTH_*` units - SI /metric: `mm`, `cm`, `m`, `km` - USCS / imperial: `in`, `ft`, `yd`, `mi` """ ENERGY = "energy" """Energy. Unit of measurement: `Wh`, `kWh`, `MWh`, `MJ`, `GJ` """ FREQUENCY = "frequency" """Frequency. Unit of measurement: `Hz`, `kHz`, `MHz`, `GHz` """ GAS = "gas" """Gas. Unit of measurement: - SI / metric: `m³` - USCS / imperial: `ft³`, `CCF` """ HUMIDITY = "humidity" """Relative humidity. Unit of measurement: `%` """ ILLUMINANCE = "illuminance" """Illuminance. Unit of measurement: `lx` """ IRRADIANCE = "irradiance" """Irradiance. Unit of measurement: - SI / metric: `W/m²` - USCS / imperial: `BTU/(h⋅ft²)` """ MOISTURE = "moisture" """Moisture. Unit of measurement: `%` """ MONETARY = "monetary" """Amount of money. Unit of measurement: ISO4217 currency code See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes for active codes """ NITROGEN_DIOXIDE = "nitrogen_dioxide" """Amount of NO2. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ NITROGEN_MONOXIDE = "nitrogen_monoxide" """Amount of NO. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ NITROUS_OXIDE = "nitrous_oxide" """Amount of N2O. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ OZONE = "ozone" """Amount of O3. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ PM1 = "pm1" """Particulate matter <= 0.1 μm. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ PM10 = "pm10" """Particulate matter <= 10 μm. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ PM25 = "pm25" """Particulate matter <= 2.5 μm. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ POWER_FACTOR = "power_factor" """Power factor. Unit of measurement: `%`, `None` """ POWER = "power" """Power. Unit of measurement: `W`, `kW` """ PRECIPITATION = "precipitation" """Accumulated precipitation. Unit of measurement: UnitOfPrecipitationDepth - SI / metric: `cm`, `mm` - USCS / imperial: `in` """ PRECIPITATION_INTENSITY = "precipitation_intensity" """Precipitation intensity. Unit of measurement: UnitOfVolumetricFlux - SI /metric: `mm/d`, `mm/h` - USCS / imperial: `in/d`, `in/h` """ PRESSURE = "pressure" """Pressure. Unit of measurement: - `mbar`, `cbar`, `bar` - `Pa`, `hPa`, `kPa` - `inHg` - `psi` """ REACTIVE_POWER = "reactive_power" """Reactive power. Unit of measurement: `var` """ SIGNAL_STRENGTH = "signal_strength" """Signal strength. Unit of measurement: `dB`, `dBm` """ SOUND_PRESSURE = "sound_pressure" """Sound pressure. Unit of measurement: `dB`, `dBA` """ SPEED = "speed" """Generic speed. Unit of measurement: `SPEED_*` units or `UnitOfVolumetricFlux` - SI /metric: `mm/d`, `mm/h`, `m/s`, `km/h` - USCS / imperial: `in/d`, `in/h`, `ft/s`, `mph` - Nautical: `kn` """ SULPHUR_DIOXIDE = "sulphur_dioxide" """Amount of SO2. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ TEMPERATURE = "temperature" """Temperature. Unit of measurement: `°C`, `°F`, `K` """ VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUNDS = "volatile_organic_compounds" """Amount of VOC. Unit of measurement: `µg/m³` """ VOLTAGE = "voltage" """Voltage. Unit of measurement: `V`, `mV` """ VOLUME = "volume" """Generic volume. Unit of measurement: `VOLUME_*` units - SI / metric: `mL`, `L`, `m³` - USCS / imperial: `ft³`, `CCF`, `fl. oz.`, `gal` (warning: volumes expressed in USCS/imperial units are currently assumed to be US volumes) """ WATER = "water" """Water. Unit of measurement: - SI / metric: `m³`, `L` - USCS / imperial: `ft³`, `CCF`, `gal` (warning: volumes expressed in USCS/imperial units are currently assumed to be US volumes) """ WEIGHT = "weight" """Generic weight, represents a measurement of an object's mass. Weight is used instead of mass to fit with every day language. Unit of measurement: `MASS_*` units - SI / metric: `µg`, `mg`, `g`, `kg` - USCS / imperial: `oz`, `lb` """ WIND_SPEED = "wind_speed" """Wind speed. Unit of measurement: `SPEED_*` units - SI /metric: `m/s`, `km/h` - USCS / imperial: `ft/s`, `mph` - Nautical: `kn` """ class NumberMode(StrEnum): """Modes for number entities.""" AUTO = "auto" BOX = "box" SLIDER = "slider" DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA: Final = vol.All(vol.Lower, vol.Coerce(NumberDeviceClass)) DEVICE_CLASS_UNITS: dict[NumberDeviceClass, set[type[StrEnum] | str | None]] = { NumberDeviceClass.APPARENT_POWER: set(UnitOfApparentPower), NumberDeviceClass.AQI: {None}, NumberDeviceClass.ATMOSPHERIC_PRESSURE: set(UnitOfPressure), NumberDeviceClass.BATTERY: {PERCENTAGE}, NumberDeviceClass.CO: {CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION}, NumberDeviceClass.CO2: {CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION}, NumberDeviceClass.CURRENT: set(UnitOfElectricCurrent), NumberDeviceClass.DATA_RATE: set(UnitOfDataRate), NumberDeviceClass.DATA_SIZE: set(UnitOfInformation), NumberDeviceClass.DISTANCE: set(UnitOfLength), NumberDeviceClass.ENERGY: set(UnitOfEnergy), NumberDeviceClass.FREQUENCY: set(UnitOfFrequency), NumberDeviceClass.GAS: { UnitOfVolume.CENTUM_CUBIC_FEET, UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, }, NumberDeviceClass.HUMIDITY: {PERCENTAGE}, NumberDeviceClass.ILLUMINANCE: {LIGHT_LUX}, NumberDeviceClass.IRRADIANCE: set(UnitOfIrradiance), NumberDeviceClass.MOISTURE: {PERCENTAGE}, NumberDeviceClass.NITROGEN_DIOXIDE: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.NITROGEN_MONOXIDE: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.NITROUS_OXIDE: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.OZONE: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.PM1: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.PM10: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.PM25: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.POWER_FACTOR: {PERCENTAGE, None}, NumberDeviceClass.POWER: {UnitOfPower.WATT, UnitOfPower.KILO_WATT}, NumberDeviceClass.PRECIPITATION: set(UnitOfPrecipitationDepth), NumberDeviceClass.PRECIPITATION_INTENSITY: set(UnitOfVolumetricFlux), NumberDeviceClass.PRESSURE: set(UnitOfPressure), NumberDeviceClass.REACTIVE_POWER: {POWER_VOLT_AMPERE_REACTIVE}, NumberDeviceClass.SIGNAL_STRENGTH: { SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS, SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT, }, NumberDeviceClass.SOUND_PRESSURE: set(UnitOfSoundPressure), NumberDeviceClass.SPEED: set(UnitOfSpeed).union(set(UnitOfVolumetricFlux)), NumberDeviceClass.SULPHUR_DIOXIDE: {CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER}, NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE: set(UnitOfTemperature), NumberDeviceClass.VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUNDS: { CONCENTRATION_MICROGRAMS_PER_CUBIC_METER }, NumberDeviceClass.VOLTAGE: set(UnitOfElectricPotential), NumberDeviceClass.VOLUME: set(UnitOfVolume), NumberDeviceClass.WATER: { UnitOfVolume.CENTUM_CUBIC_FEET, UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_FEET, UnitOfVolume.CUBIC_METERS, UnitOfVolume.GALLONS, UnitOfVolume.LITERS, }, NumberDeviceClass.WEIGHT: set(UnitOfMass), NumberDeviceClass.WIND_SPEED: set(UnitOfSpeed), } UNIT_CONVERTERS: dict[str, type[BaseUnitConverter]] = { NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE: TemperatureConverter, }