"""The bluetooth integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable from datetime import datetime, timedelta import itertools import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Final from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementDataCallback from bleak_retry_connector import NO_RSSI_VALUE, RSSI_SWITCH_THRESHOLD, BleakSlotManager from bluetooth_adapters import ( ADAPTER_ADDRESS, ADAPTER_PASSIVE_SCAN, AdapterDetails, BluetoothAdapters, ) from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, Event, HomeAssistant, callback as hass_callback, ) from homeassistant.helpers import discovery_flow from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval from homeassistant.util.dt import monotonic_time_coarse from .advertisement_tracker import ( TRACKER_BUFFERING_WOBBLE_SECONDS, AdvertisementTracker, ) from .base_scanner import BaseHaScanner, BluetoothScannerDevice from .const import ( FALLBACK_MAXIMUM_STALE_ADVERTISEMENT_SECONDS, UNAVAILABLE_TRACK_SECONDS, ) from .match import ( ADDRESS, CALLBACK, CONNECTABLE, BluetoothCallbackMatcher, BluetoothCallbackMatcherIndex, BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback, IntegrationMatcher, ble_device_matches, ) from .models import BluetoothCallback, BluetoothChange, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak from .storage import BluetoothStorage from .usage import install_multiple_bleak_catcher, uninstall_multiple_bleak_catcher from .util import async_load_history_from_system if TYPE_CHECKING: from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData FILTER_UUIDS: Final = "UUIDs" APPLE_MFR_ID: Final = 76 APPLE_IBEACON_START_BYTE: Final = 0x02 # iBeacon (tilt_ble) APPLE_HOMEKIT_START_BYTE: Final = 0x06 # homekit_controller APPLE_DEVICE_ID_START_BYTE: Final = 0x10 # bluetooth_le_tracker APPLE_HOMEKIT_NOTIFY_START_BYTE: Final = 0x11 # homekit_controller APPLE_START_BYTES_WANTED: Final = { APPLE_IBEACON_START_BYTE, APPLE_HOMEKIT_START_BYTE, APPLE_HOMEKIT_NOTIFY_START_BYTE, APPLE_DEVICE_ID_START_BYTE, } MONOTONIC_TIME: Final = monotonic_time_coarse _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _dispatch_bleak_callback( callback: AdvertisementDataCallback | None, filters: dict[str, set[str]], device: BLEDevice, advertisement_data: AdvertisementData, ) -> None: """Dispatch the callback.""" if not callback: # Callback destroyed right before being called, ignore return if (uuids := filters.get(FILTER_UUIDS)) and not uuids.intersection( advertisement_data.service_uuids ): return try: callback(device, advertisement_data) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error in callback: %s", callback) class BluetoothManager: """Manage Bluetooth.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, integration_matcher: IntegrationMatcher, bluetooth_adapters: BluetoothAdapters, storage: BluetoothStorage, slot_manager: BleakSlotManager, ) -> None: """Init bluetooth manager.""" self.hass = hass self._integration_matcher = integration_matcher self._cancel_unavailable_tracking: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._advertisement_tracker = AdvertisementTracker() self._unavailable_callbacks: dict[ str, list[Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None]] ] = {} self._connectable_unavailable_callbacks: dict[ str, list[Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None]] ] = {} self._callback_index = BluetoothCallbackMatcherIndex() self._bleak_callbacks: list[ tuple[AdvertisementDataCallback, dict[str, set[str]]] ] = [] self._all_history: dict[str, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak] = {} self._connectable_history: dict[str, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak] = {} self._non_connectable_scanners: list[BaseHaScanner] = [] self._connectable_scanners: list[BaseHaScanner] = [] self._adapters: dict[str, AdapterDetails] = {} self._sources: dict[str, BaseHaScanner] = {} self._bluetooth_adapters = bluetooth_adapters self.storage = storage self.slot_manager = slot_manager @property def supports_passive_scan(self) -> bool: """Return if passive scan is supported.""" return any(adapter[ADAPTER_PASSIVE_SCAN] for adapter in self._adapters.values()) def async_scanner_count(self, connectable: bool = True) -> int: """Return the number of scanners.""" if connectable: return len(self._connectable_scanners) return len(self._connectable_scanners) + len(self._non_connectable_scanners) async def async_diagnostics(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Diagnostics for the manager.""" scanner_diagnostics = await asyncio.gather( *[ scanner.async_diagnostics() for scanner in itertools.chain( self._non_connectable_scanners, self._connectable_scanners ) ] ) return { "adapters": self._adapters, "slot_manager": self.slot_manager.diagnostics(), "scanners": scanner_diagnostics, "connectable_history": [ service_info.as_dict() for service_info in self._connectable_history.values() ], "all_history": [ service_info.as_dict() for service_info in self._all_history.values() ], "advertisement_tracker": self._advertisement_tracker.async_diagnostics(), } def _find_adapter_by_address(self, address: str) -> str | None: for adapter, details in self._adapters.items(): if details[ADAPTER_ADDRESS] == address: return adapter return None @hass_callback def async_scanner_by_source(self, source: str) -> BaseHaScanner | None: """Return the scanner for a source.""" return self._sources.get(source) async def async_get_bluetooth_adapters( self, cached: bool = True ) -> dict[str, AdapterDetails]: """Get bluetooth adapters.""" if not self._adapters or not cached: if not cached: await self._bluetooth_adapters.refresh() self._adapters = self._bluetooth_adapters.adapters return self._adapters async def async_get_adapter_from_address(self, address: str) -> str | None: """Get adapter from address.""" if adapter := self._find_adapter_by_address(address): return adapter await self._bluetooth_adapters.refresh() self._adapters = self._bluetooth_adapters.adapters return self._find_adapter_by_address(address) async def async_setup(self) -> None: """Set up the bluetooth manager.""" await self._bluetooth_adapters.refresh() install_multiple_bleak_catcher() self._all_history, self._connectable_history = async_load_history_from_system( self._bluetooth_adapters, self.storage ) self.async_setup_unavailable_tracking() seen: set[str] = set() for address, service_info in itertools.chain( self._connectable_history.items(), self._all_history.items() ): if address in seen: continue seen.add(address) self._async_trigger_matching_discovery(service_info) @hass_callback def async_stop(self, event: Event) -> None: """Stop the Bluetooth integration at shutdown.""" _LOGGER.debug("Stopping bluetooth manager") if self._cancel_unavailable_tracking: self._cancel_unavailable_tracking() self._cancel_unavailable_tracking = None uninstall_multiple_bleak_catcher() @hass_callback def async_scanner_devices_by_address( self, address: str, connectable: bool ) -> list[BluetoothScannerDevice]: """Get BluetoothScannerDevice by address.""" scanners = self._get_scanners_by_type(True) if not connectable: scanners.extend(self._get_scanners_by_type(False)) return [ BluetoothScannerDevice(scanner, *device_adv) for scanner in scanners if ( device_adv := scanner.discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data.get( address ) ) ] @hass_callback def _async_all_discovered_addresses(self, connectable: bool) -> Iterable[str]: """Return all of discovered addresses. Include addresses from all the scanners including duplicates. """ yield from itertools.chain.from_iterable( scanner.discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data for scanner in self._get_scanners_by_type(True) ) if not connectable: yield from itertools.chain.from_iterable( scanner.discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data for scanner in self._get_scanners_by_type(False) ) @hass_callback def async_discovered_devices(self, connectable: bool) -> list[BLEDevice]: """Return all of combined best path to discovered from all the scanners.""" return [ history.device for history in self._get_history_by_type(connectable).values() ] @hass_callback def async_setup_unavailable_tracking(self) -> None: """Set up the unavailable tracking.""" self._cancel_unavailable_tracking = async_track_time_interval( self.hass, self._async_check_unavailable, timedelta(seconds=UNAVAILABLE_TRACK_SECONDS), ) @hass_callback def _async_check_unavailable(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Watch for unavailable devices and cleanup state history.""" monotonic_now = MONOTONIC_TIME() connectable_history = self._connectable_history all_history = self._all_history tracker = self._advertisement_tracker intervals = tracker.intervals for connectable in (True, False): unavailable_callbacks = self._get_unavailable_callbacks_by_type(connectable) history = connectable_history if connectable else all_history disappeared = set(history).difference( self._async_all_discovered_addresses(connectable) ) for address in disappeared: if not connectable: # # For non-connectable devices we also check the device has exceeded # the advertising interval before we mark it as unavailable # since it may have gone to sleep and since we do not need an active # connection to it we can only determine its availability # by the lack of advertisements if advertising_interval := intervals.get(address): advertising_interval += TRACKER_BUFFERING_WOBBLE_SECONDS else: advertising_interval = ( FALLBACK_MAXIMUM_STALE_ADVERTISEMENT_SECONDS ) time_since_seen = monotonic_now - all_history[address].time if time_since_seen <= advertising_interval: continue # The second loop (connectable=False) is responsible for removing # the device from all the interval tracking since it is no longer # available for both connectable and non-connectable tracker.async_remove_address(address) service_info = history.pop(address) if not (callbacks := unavailable_callbacks.get(address)): continue for callback in callbacks: try: callback(service_info) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error in unavailable callback") def _prefer_previous_adv_from_different_source( self, old: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, new: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, debug: bool, ) -> bool: """Prefer previous advertisement from a different source if it is better.""" if new.time - old.time > ( stale_seconds := self._advertisement_tracker.intervals.get( new.address, FALLBACK_MAXIMUM_STALE_ADVERTISEMENT_SECONDS ) ): # If the old advertisement is stale, any new advertisement is preferred if debug: _LOGGER.debug( ( "%s (%s): Switching from %s to %s (time elapsed:%s > stale" " seconds:%s)" ), new.name, new.address, self._async_describe_source(old), self._async_describe_source(new), new.time - old.time, stale_seconds, ) return False if (new.rssi or NO_RSSI_VALUE) - RSSI_SWITCH_THRESHOLD > ( old.rssi or NO_RSSI_VALUE ): # If new advertisement is RSSI_SWITCH_THRESHOLD more, # the new one is preferred. if debug: _LOGGER.debug( ( "%s (%s): Switching from %s to %s (new rssi:%s - threshold:%s >" " old rssi:%s)" ), new.name, new.address, self._async_describe_source(old), self._async_describe_source(new), new.rssi, RSSI_SWITCH_THRESHOLD, old.rssi, ) return False return True @hass_callback def scanner_adv_received(self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> None: """Handle a new advertisement from any scanner. Callbacks from all the scanners arrive here. """ # Pre-filter noisy apple devices as they can account for 20-35% of the # traffic on a typical network. advertisement_data = service_info.advertisement manufacturer_data = advertisement_data.manufacturer_data if ( len(manufacturer_data) == 1 and (apple_data := manufacturer_data.get(APPLE_MFR_ID)) and apple_data[0] not in APPLE_START_BYTES_WANTED and not advertisement_data.service_data ): return device = service_info.device address = device.address all_history = self._all_history connectable = service_info.connectable connectable_history = self._connectable_history old_connectable_service_info = connectable and connectable_history.get(address) source = service_info.source debug = _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) # This logic is complex due to the many combinations of scanners # that are supported. # # We need to handle multiple connectable and non-connectable scanners # and we need to handle the case where a device is connectable on one scanner # but not on another. # # The device may also be connectable only by a scanner that has worse # signal strength than a non-connectable scanner. # # all_history - the history of all advertisements from all scanners with the # best advertisement from each scanner # connectable_history - the history of all connectable advertisements from all # scanners with the best advertisement from each # connectable scanner # if ( (old_service_info := all_history.get(address)) and source != old_service_info.source and (scanner := self._sources.get(old_service_info.source)) and scanner.scanning and self._prefer_previous_adv_from_different_source( old_service_info, service_info, debug ) ): # If we are rejecting the new advertisement and the device is connectable # but not in the connectable history or the connectable source is the same # as the new source, we need to add it to the connectable history if connectable: if old_connectable_service_info and ( # If its the same as the preferred source, we are done # as we know we prefer the old advertisement # from the check above (old_connectable_service_info is old_service_info) # If the old connectable source is different from the preferred # source, we need to check it as well to see if we prefer # the old connectable advertisement or ( source != old_connectable_service_info.source and ( connectable_scanner := self._sources.get( old_connectable_service_info.source ) ) and connectable_scanner.scanning and self._prefer_previous_adv_from_different_source( old_connectable_service_info, service_info, debug ) ) ): return connectable_history[address] = service_info return if connectable: connectable_history[address] = service_info all_history[address] = service_info # Track advertisement intervals to determine when we need to # switch adapters or mark a device as unavailable tracker = self._advertisement_tracker if (last_source := tracker.sources.get(address)) and last_source != source: # Source changed, remove the old address from the tracker tracker.async_remove_address(address) if address not in tracker.intervals: tracker.async_collect(service_info) # If the advertisement data is the same as the last time we saw it, we # don't need to do anything else unless its connectable and we are missing # connectable history for the device so we can make it available again # after unavailable callbacks. if ( # Ensure its not a connectable device missing from connectable history not (connectable and not old_connectable_service_info) # Than check if advertisement data is the same and old_service_info and not ( service_info.manufacturer_data != old_service_info.manufacturer_data or service_info.service_data != old_service_info.service_data or service_info.service_uuids != old_service_info.service_uuids or service_info.name != old_service_info.name ) ): return if not connectable and old_connectable_service_info: # Since we have a connectable path and our BleakClient will # route any connection attempts to the connectable path, we # mark the service_info as connectable so that the callbacks # will be called and the device can be discovered. service_info = BluetoothServiceInfoBleak( name=service_info.name, address=service_info.address, rssi=service_info.rssi, manufacturer_data=service_info.manufacturer_data, service_data=service_info.service_data, service_uuids=service_info.service_uuids, source=service_info.source, device=service_info.device, advertisement=service_info.advertisement, connectable=True, time=service_info.time, ) matched_domains = self._integration_matcher.match_domains(service_info) if debug: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: %s %s match: %s", self._async_describe_source(service_info), address, advertisement_data, matched_domains, ) if connectable or old_connectable_service_info: # Bleak callbacks must get a connectable device for callback_filters in self._bleak_callbacks: _dispatch_bleak_callback(*callback_filters, device, advertisement_data) for match in self._callback_index.match_callbacks(service_info): callback = match[CALLBACK] try: callback(service_info, BluetoothChange.ADVERTISEMENT) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error in bluetooth callback") for domain in matched_domains: discovery_flow.async_create_flow( self.hass, domain, {"source": config_entries.SOURCE_BLUETOOTH}, service_info, ) @hass_callback def _async_describe_source(self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> str: """Describe a source.""" if scanner := self._sources.get(service_info.source): description = scanner.name else: description = service_info.source if service_info.connectable: description += " [connectable]" return description @hass_callback def async_track_unavailable( self, callback: Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None], address: str, connectable: bool, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register a callback.""" unavailable_callbacks = self._get_unavailable_callbacks_by_type(connectable) unavailable_callbacks.setdefault(address, []).append(callback) @hass_callback def _async_remove_callback() -> None: unavailable_callbacks[address].remove(callback) if not unavailable_callbacks[address]: del unavailable_callbacks[address] return _async_remove_callback @hass_callback def async_register_callback( self, callback: BluetoothCallback, matcher: BluetoothCallbackMatcher | None, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register a callback.""" callback_matcher = BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback(callback=callback) if not matcher: callback_matcher[CONNECTABLE] = True else: # We could write out every item in the typed dict here # but that would be a bit inefficient and verbose. callback_matcher.update(matcher) # type: ignore[typeddict-item] callback_matcher[CONNECTABLE] = matcher.get(CONNECTABLE, True) connectable = callback_matcher[CONNECTABLE] self._callback_index.add_callback_matcher(callback_matcher) @hass_callback def _async_remove_callback() -> None: self._callback_index.remove_callback_matcher(callback_matcher) # If we have history for the subscriber, we can trigger the callback # immediately with the last packet so the subscriber can see the # device. all_history = self._get_history_by_type(connectable) service_infos: Iterable[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak] = [] if address := callback_matcher.get(ADDRESS): if service_info := all_history.get(address): service_infos = [service_info] else: service_infos = all_history.values() for service_info in service_infos: if ble_device_matches(callback_matcher, service_info): try: callback(service_info, BluetoothChange.ADVERTISEMENT) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error in bluetooth callback") return _async_remove_callback @hass_callback def async_ble_device_from_address( self, address: str, connectable: bool ) -> BLEDevice | None: """Return the BLEDevice if present.""" all_history = self._get_history_by_type(connectable) if history := all_history.get(address): return history.device return None @hass_callback def async_address_present(self, address: str, connectable: bool) -> bool: """Return if the address is present.""" return address in self._get_history_by_type(connectable) @hass_callback def async_discovered_service_info( self, connectable: bool ) -> Iterable[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak]: """Return all the discovered services info.""" return self._get_history_by_type(connectable).values() @hass_callback def async_last_service_info( self, address: str, connectable: bool ) -> BluetoothServiceInfoBleak | None: """Return the last service info for an address.""" return self._get_history_by_type(connectable).get(address) def _async_trigger_matching_discovery( self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak ) -> None: """Trigger discovery for matching domains.""" for domain in self._integration_matcher.match_domains(service_info): discovery_flow.async_create_flow( self.hass, domain, {"source": config_entries.SOURCE_BLUETOOTH}, service_info, ) @hass_callback def async_rediscover_address(self, address: str) -> None: """Trigger discovery of devices which have already been seen.""" self._integration_matcher.async_clear_address(address) if service_info := self._connectable_history.get(address): self._async_trigger_matching_discovery(service_info) return if service_info := self._all_history.get(address): self._async_trigger_matching_discovery(service_info) def _get_scanners_by_type(self, connectable: bool) -> list[BaseHaScanner]: """Return the scanners by type.""" if connectable: return self._connectable_scanners return self._non_connectable_scanners def _get_unavailable_callbacks_by_type( self, connectable: bool ) -> dict[str, list[Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None]]]: """Return the unavailable callbacks by type.""" if connectable: return self._connectable_unavailable_callbacks return self._unavailable_callbacks def _get_history_by_type( self, connectable: bool ) -> dict[str, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak]: """Return the history by type.""" return self._connectable_history if connectable else self._all_history def async_register_scanner( self, scanner: BaseHaScanner, connectable: bool, connection_slots: int | None = None, ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Register a new scanner.""" _LOGGER.debug("Registering scanner %s", scanner.name) scanners = self._get_scanners_by_type(connectable) def _unregister_scanner() -> None: _LOGGER.debug("Unregistering scanner %s", scanner.name) self._advertisement_tracker.async_remove_source(scanner.source) scanners.remove(scanner) del self._sources[scanner.source] if connection_slots: self.slot_manager.remove_adapter(scanner.adapter) scanners.append(scanner) self._sources[scanner.source] = scanner if connection_slots: self.slot_manager.register_adapter(scanner.adapter, connection_slots) return _unregister_scanner @hass_callback def async_register_bleak_callback( self, callback: AdvertisementDataCallback, filters: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Register a callback.""" callback_entry = (callback, filters) self._bleak_callbacks.append(callback_entry) @hass_callback def _remove_callback() -> None: self._bleak_callbacks.remove(callback_entry) # Replay the history since otherwise we miss devices # that were already discovered before the callback was registered # or we are in passive mode for history in self._connectable_history.values(): _dispatch_bleak_callback( callback, filters, history.device, history.advertisement ) return _remove_callback @hass_callback def async_release_connection_slot(self, device: BLEDevice) -> None: """Release a connection slot.""" self.slot_manager.release_slot(device) @hass_callback def async_allocate_connection_slot(self, device: BLEDevice) -> bool: """Allocate a connection slot.""" return self.slot_manager.allocate_slot(device)