"""Queries for logbook.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Final import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import select from sqlalchemy.orm import Query from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import ClauseList from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal from sqlalchemy.sql.selectable import Select from homeassistant.components.recorder.db_schema import ( EVENTS_CONTEXT_ID_INDEX, OLD_FORMAT_ATTRS_JSON, OLD_STATE, SHARED_ATTRS_JSON, STATES_CONTEXT_ID_INDEX, EventData, Events, StateAttributes, States, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder.filters import like_domain_matchers from ..const import ALWAYS_CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS, CONDITIONALLY_CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS # Domains that are continuous if there is a UOM set on the entity CONDITIONALLY_CONTINUOUS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE = like_domain_matchers( CONDITIONALLY_CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS ) # Domains that are always continuous ALWAYS_CONTINUOUS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE = like_domain_matchers(ALWAYS_CONTINUOUS_DOMAINS) UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON = '"unit_of_measurement":' UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON_LIKE = f"%{UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON}%" PSUEDO_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: Final = None # Since we don't store event_types and None # and we don't store state_changed in events # we use a NULL for state_changed events # when we synthesize them from the states table # since it avoids another column being sent # in the payload EVENT_COLUMNS = ( Events.event_id.label("event_id"), Events.event_type.label("event_type"), Events.event_data.label("event_data"), Events.time_fired_ts.label("time_fired_ts"), Events.context_id.label("context_id"), Events.context_user_id.label("context_user_id"), Events.context_parent_id.label("context_parent_id"), ) STATE_COLUMNS = ( States.state_id.label("state_id"), States.state.label("state"), States.entity_id.label("entity_id"), SHARED_ATTRS_JSON["icon"].as_string().label("icon"), OLD_FORMAT_ATTRS_JSON["icon"].as_string().label("old_format_icon"), ) STATE_CONTEXT_ONLY_COLUMNS = ( States.state_id.label("state_id"), States.state.label("state"), States.entity_id.label("entity_id"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("icon"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("old_format_icon"), ) EVENT_COLUMNS_FOR_STATE_SELECT = [ literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.Text).label("event_id"), # We use PSUEDO_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED aka None for # state_changed events since it takes up less # space in the response and every row has to be # marked with the event_type literal(value=PSUEDO_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label( "event_type" ), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.Text).label("event_data"), States.last_updated_ts.label("time_fired_ts"), States.context_id.label("context_id"), States.context_user_id.label("context_user_id"), States.context_parent_id.label("context_parent_id"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.Text).label("shared_data"), ] EMPTY_STATE_COLUMNS = ( literal(value=0, type_=sqlalchemy.Integer).label("state_id"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("state"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("entity_id"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("icon"), literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("old_format_icon"), ) EVENT_ROWS_NO_STATES = ( *EVENT_COLUMNS, EventData.shared_data.label("shared_data"), *EMPTY_STATE_COLUMNS, ) # Virtual column to tell logbook if it should avoid processing # the event as its only used to link contexts CONTEXT_ONLY = literal("1").label("context_only") NOT_CONTEXT_ONLY = literal(None).label("context_only") def select_events_context_id_subquery( start_day: float, end_day: float, event_types: tuple[str, ...], ) -> Select: """Generate the select for a context_id subquery.""" return ( select(Events.context_id) .where((Events.time_fired_ts > start_day) & (Events.time_fired_ts < end_day)) .where(Events.event_type.in_(event_types)) .outerjoin(EventData, (Events.data_id == EventData.data_id)) ) def select_events_context_only() -> Select: """Generate an events query that mark them as for context_only. By marking them as context_only we know they are only for linking context ids and we can avoid processing them. """ return select(*EVENT_ROWS_NO_STATES, CONTEXT_ONLY) def select_states_context_only() -> Select: """Generate an states query that mark them as for context_only. By marking them as context_only we know they are only for linking context ids and we can avoid processing them. """ return select( *EVENT_COLUMNS_FOR_STATE_SELECT, *STATE_CONTEXT_ONLY_COLUMNS, CONTEXT_ONLY ) def select_events_without_states( start_day: float, end_day: float, event_types: tuple[str, ...] ) -> Select: """Generate an events select that does not join states.""" return ( select(*EVENT_ROWS_NO_STATES, NOT_CONTEXT_ONLY) .where((Events.time_fired_ts > start_day) & (Events.time_fired_ts < end_day)) .where(Events.event_type.in_(event_types)) .outerjoin(EventData, (Events.data_id == EventData.data_id)) ) def select_states() -> Select: """Generate a states select that formats the states table as event rows.""" return select( *EVENT_COLUMNS_FOR_STATE_SELECT, *STATE_COLUMNS, NOT_CONTEXT_ONLY, ) def legacy_select_events_context_id( start_day: float, end_day: float, context_id: str ) -> Select: """Generate a legacy events context id select that also joins states.""" # This can be removed once we no longer have event_ids in the states table return ( select( *EVENT_COLUMNS, literal(value=None, type_=sqlalchemy.String).label("shared_data"), *STATE_COLUMNS, NOT_CONTEXT_ONLY, ) .outerjoin(States, (Events.event_id == States.event_id)) .where( (States.last_updated_ts == States.last_changed_ts) | States.last_changed_ts.is_(None) ) .where(_not_continuous_entity_matcher()) .outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) .where((Events.time_fired_ts > start_day) & (Events.time_fired_ts < end_day)) .where(Events.context_id == context_id) ) def apply_states_filters(query: Query, start_day: float, end_day: float) -> Query: """Filter states by time range. Filters states that do not have an old state or new state (added / removed) Filters states that are in a continuous domain with a UOM. Filters states that do not have matching last_updated_ts and last_changed_ts. """ return ( query.filter( (States.last_updated_ts > start_day) & (States.last_updated_ts < end_day) ) .outerjoin(OLD_STATE, (States.old_state_id == OLD_STATE.state_id)) .where(_missing_state_matcher()) .where(_not_continuous_entity_matcher()) .where( (States.last_updated_ts == States.last_changed_ts) | States.last_changed_ts.is_(None) ) .outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) ) def _missing_state_matcher() -> sqlalchemy.and_: # The below removes state change events that do not have # and old_state or the old_state is missing (newly added entities) # or the new_state is missing (removed entities) return sqlalchemy.and_( OLD_STATE.state_id.isnot(None), (States.state != OLD_STATE.state), States.state.isnot(None), ) def _not_continuous_entity_matcher() -> sqlalchemy.or_: """Match non continuous entities.""" return sqlalchemy.or_( # First exclude domains that may be continuous _not_possible_continuous_domain_matcher(), # But let in the entities in the possible continuous domains # that are not actually continuous sensors because they lack a UOM sqlalchemy.and_( _conditionally_continuous_domain_matcher, _not_uom_attributes_matcher() ).self_group(), ) def _not_possible_continuous_domain_matcher() -> sqlalchemy.and_: """Match not continuous domains. This matches domain that are always considered continuous and domains that are conditionally (if they have a UOM) continuous domains. """ return sqlalchemy.and_( *[ ~States.entity_id.like(entity_domain) for entity_domain in ( *ALWAYS_CONTINUOUS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE, *CONDITIONALLY_CONTINUOUS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE, ) ], ).self_group() def _conditionally_continuous_domain_matcher() -> sqlalchemy.or_: """Match conditionally continuous domains. This matches domain that are only considered continuous if a UOM is set. """ return sqlalchemy.or_( *[ States.entity_id.like(entity_domain) for entity_domain in CONDITIONALLY_CONTINUOUS_ENTITY_ID_LIKE ], ).self_group() def _not_uom_attributes_matcher() -> ClauseList: """Prefilter ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT as its much faster in sql.""" return ~StateAttributes.shared_attrs.like( UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON_LIKE ) | ~States.attributes.like(UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_JSON_LIKE) def apply_states_context_hints(query: Query) -> Query: """Force mysql to use the right index on large context_id selects.""" return query.with_hint( States, f"FORCE INDEX ({STATES_CONTEXT_ID_INDEX})", dialect_name="mysql" ) def apply_events_context_hints(query: Query) -> Query: """Force mysql to use the right index on large context_id selects.""" return query.with_hint( Events, f"FORCE INDEX ({EVENTS_CONTEXT_ID_INDEX})", dialect_name="mysql" )