"""Test backup platform for the Recorder integration."""

from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest

from homeassistant.components.recorder.backup import async_post_backup, async_pre_backup
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError

async def test_async_pre_backup(hass: HomeAssistant, recorder_mock) -> None:
    """Test pre backup."""
    with patch(
    ) as lock_mock:
        await async_pre_backup(hass)
        assert lock_mock.called

async def test_async_pre_backup_with_timeout(
    hass: HomeAssistant, recorder_mock
) -> None:
    """Test pre backup with timeout."""
    with patch(
    ) as lock_mock, pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
        await async_pre_backup(hass)
        assert lock_mock.called

async def test_async_pre_backup_with_migration(
    hass: HomeAssistant, recorder_mock
) -> None:
    """Test pre backup with migration."""
    with patch(
    ), pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError):
        await async_pre_backup(hass)

async def test_async_post_backup(hass: HomeAssistant, recorder_mock) -> None:
    """Test post backup."""
    with patch(
    ) as unlock_mock:
        await async_post_backup(hass)
        assert unlock_mock.called

async def test_async_post_backup_failure(hass: HomeAssistant, recorder_mock) -> None:
    """Test post backup failure."""
    with patch(
    ) as unlock_mock, pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError):
        await async_post_backup(hass)
        assert unlock_mock.called