"""Conftest for the KNX integration.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from unittest.mock import DEFAULT, AsyncMock, Mock, patch import pytest from xknx import XKNX from xknx.core import XknxConnectionState from xknx.dpt import DPTArray, DPTBinary from xknx.io import DEFAULT_MCAST_GRP, DEFAULT_MCAST_PORT from xknx.telegram import Telegram, TelegramDirection from xknx.telegram.address import GroupAddress, IndividualAddress from xknx.telegram.apci import APCI, GroupValueRead, GroupValueResponse, GroupValueWrite from homeassistant.components.knx.const import ( CONF_KNX_AUTOMATIC, CONF_KNX_CONNECTION_TYPE, CONF_KNX_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT, CONF_KNX_DEFAULT_STATE_UPDATER, CONF_KNX_INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS, CONF_KNX_MCAST_GRP, CONF_KNX_MCAST_PORT, CONF_KNX_RATE_LIMIT, CONF_KNX_STATE_UPDATER, DOMAIN as KNX_DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry class KNXTestKit: """Test helper for the KNX integration.""" INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS = "1.2.3" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, mock_config_entry: MockConfigEntry): """Init KNX test helper class.""" self.hass: HomeAssistant = hass self.mock_config_entry: MockConfigEntry = mock_config_entry self.xknx: XKNX # outgoing telegrams will be put in the Queue instead of sent to the interface # telegrams to an InternalGroupAddress won't be queued here self._outgoing_telegrams: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue() def assert_state(self, entity_id: str, state: str, **attributes) -> None: """Assert the state of an entity.""" test_state = self.hass.states.get(entity_id) assert test_state.state == state for attribute, value in attributes.items(): assert test_state.attributes.get(attribute) == value async def setup_integration(self, config): """Create the KNX integration.""" async def patch_xknx_start(): """Patch `xknx.start` for unittests.""" # after XKNX.__init__() to not overwrite it by the config entry again # before StateUpdater starts to avoid slow down of tests self.xknx.rate_limit = 0 # set XknxConnectionState.CONNECTED to avoid `unavailable` entities at startup # and start StateUpdater. This would be awaited on normal startup too. await self.xknx.connection_manager.connection_state_changed( XknxConnectionState.CONNECTED ) def knx_ip_interface_mock(): """Create a xknx knx ip interface mock.""" mock = Mock() mock.start = AsyncMock(side_effect=patch_xknx_start) mock.stop = AsyncMock() mock.send_telegram = AsyncMock(side_effect=self._outgoing_telegrams.put) return mock def fish_xknx(*args, **kwargs): """Get the XKNX object from the constructor call.""" self.xknx = args[0] return DEFAULT with patch( "xknx.xknx.knx_interface_factory", return_value=knx_ip_interface_mock(), side_effect=fish_xknx, ): self.mock_config_entry.add_to_hass(self.hass) await async_setup_component(self.hass, KNX_DOMAIN, {KNX_DOMAIN: config}) await self.hass.async_block_till_done() ######################## # Telegram counter tests ######################## def _list_remaining_telegrams(self) -> str: """Return a string containing remaining outgoing telegrams in test Queue. One per line.""" remaining_telegrams = [] while not self._outgoing_telegrams.empty(): remaining_telegrams.append(self._outgoing_telegrams.get_nowait()) return "\n".join(map(str, remaining_telegrams)) async def assert_no_telegram(self) -> None: """Assert if every telegram in test Queue was checked.""" await self.hass.async_block_till_done() assert self._outgoing_telegrams.empty(), ( f"Found remaining unasserted Telegrams: {self._outgoing_telegrams.qsize()}\n" f"{self._list_remaining_telegrams()}" ) async def assert_telegram_count(self, count: int) -> None: """Assert outgoing telegram count in test Queue.""" await self.hass.async_block_till_done() actual_count = self._outgoing_telegrams.qsize() assert actual_count == count, ( f"Outgoing telegrams: {actual_count} - Expected: {count}\n" f"{self._list_remaining_telegrams()}" ) #################### # APCI Service tests #################### async def assert_telegram( self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...] | None, apci_type: type[APCI], ) -> None: """Assert outgoing telegram. One by one in timely order.""" await self.xknx.telegrams.join() await self.hass.async_block_till_done() try: telegram = self._outgoing_telegrams.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: raise AssertionError( f"No Telegram found. Expected: {apci_type.__name__} -" f" {group_address} - {payload}" ) assert isinstance( telegram.payload, apci_type ), f"APCI type mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {apci_type.__name__}" assert ( str(telegram.destination_address) == group_address ), f"Group address mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {group_address}" if payload is not None: assert ( telegram.payload.value.value == payload # type: ignore ), f"Payload mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {payload}" async def assert_read(self, group_address: str) -> None: """Assert outgoing GroupValueRead telegram. One by one in timely order.""" await self.assert_telegram(group_address, None, GroupValueRead) async def assert_response( self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...] ) -> None: """Assert outgoing GroupValueResponse telegram. One by one in timely order.""" await self.assert_telegram(group_address, payload, GroupValueResponse) async def assert_write( self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...] ) -> None: """Assert outgoing GroupValueWrite telegram. One by one in timely order.""" await self.assert_telegram(group_address, payload, GroupValueWrite) #################### # Incoming telegrams #################### @staticmethod def _payload_value(payload: int | tuple[int, ...]) -> DPTArray | DPTBinary: """Prepare payload value for GroupValueWrite or GroupValueResponse.""" if isinstance(payload, int): return DPTBinary(payload) return DPTArray(payload) async def _receive_telegram(self, group_address: str, payload: APCI) -> None: """Inject incoming KNX telegram.""" self.xknx.telegrams.put_nowait( Telegram( destination_address=GroupAddress(group_address), direction=TelegramDirection.INCOMING, payload=payload, source_address=IndividualAddress(self.INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS), ) ) await self.xknx.telegrams.join() await self.hass.async_block_till_done() async def receive_read( self, group_address: str, ) -> None: """Inject incoming GroupValueRead telegram.""" await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueRead()) async def receive_response( self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...] ) -> None: """Inject incoming GroupValueResponse telegram.""" payload_value = self._payload_value(payload) await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueResponse(payload_value)) async def receive_write( self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...] ) -> None: """Inject incoming GroupValueWrite telegram.""" payload_value = self._payload_value(payload) await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueWrite(payload_value)) @pytest.fixture def mock_config_entry() -> MockConfigEntry: """Return the default mocked config entry.""" return MockConfigEntry( title="KNX", domain=KNX_DOMAIN, data={ CONF_KNX_CONNECTION_TYPE: CONF_KNX_AUTOMATIC, CONF_KNX_RATE_LIMIT: CONF_KNX_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT, CONF_KNX_STATE_UPDATER: CONF_KNX_DEFAULT_STATE_UPDATER, CONF_KNX_MCAST_PORT: DEFAULT_MCAST_PORT, CONF_KNX_MCAST_GRP: DEFAULT_MCAST_GRP, CONF_KNX_INDIVIDUAL_ADDRESS: XKNX.DEFAULT_ADDRESS, }, ) @pytest.fixture async def knx(request, hass, mock_config_entry: MockConfigEntry): """Create a KNX TestKit instance.""" knx_test_kit = KNXTestKit(hass, mock_config_entry) yield knx_test_kit await knx_test_kit.assert_no_telegram()