"""Entity class that represents Z-Wave node.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from itertools import count from homeassistant.const import ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_WAKEUP from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import async_get_registry as get_dev_reg from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_get_registry from .const import ( ATTR_BASIC_LEVEL, ATTR_NODE_ID, ATTR_SCENE_DATA, ATTR_SCENE_ID, COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE, COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION, COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP, DOMAIN, EVENT_NODE_EVENT, EVENT_SCENE_ACTIVATED, ) from .util import is_node_parsed, node_device_id_and_name, node_name ATTR_QUERY_STAGE = "query_stage" ATTR_AWAKE = "is_awake" ATTR_READY = "is_ready" ATTR_FAILED = "is_failed" ATTR_PRODUCT_NAME = "product_name" ATTR_MANUFACTURER_NAME = "manufacturer_name" ATTR_NODE_NAME = "node_name" ATTR_APPLICATION_VERSION = "application_version" STAGE_COMPLETE = "Complete" _REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES = [ ATTR_QUERY_STAGE, ATTR_AWAKE, ATTR_READY, ATTR_FAILED, "is_info_received", "max_baud_rate", "is_zwave_plus", ] _OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES = ["capabilities", "neighbors", "location"] _COMM_ATTRIBUTES = [ "sentCnt", "sentFailed", "retries", "receivedCnt", "receivedDups", "receivedUnsolicited", "sentTS", "receivedTS", "lastRequestRTT", "averageRequestRTT", "lastResponseRTT", "averageResponseRTT", ] ATTRIBUTES = _REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES + _OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES class ZWaveBaseEntity(Entity): """Base class for Z-Wave Node and Value entities.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the base Z-Wave class.""" self._update_scheduled = False def maybe_schedule_update(self): """Maybe schedule state update. If value changed after device was created but before setup_platform was called - skip updating state. """ if self.hass and not self._update_scheduled: self.hass.add_job(self._schedule_update) @callback def _schedule_update(self): """Schedule delayed update.""" if self._update_scheduled: return @callback def do_update(): """Really update.""" self.async_write_ha_state() self._update_scheduled = False self._update_scheduled = True self.hass.loop.call_later(0.1, do_update) def try_remove_and_add(self): """Remove this entity and add it back.""" async def _async_remove_and_add(): await self.async_remove(force_remove=True) self.entity_id = None await self.platform.async_add_entities([self]) if self.hass and self.platform: self.hass.add_job(_async_remove_and_add) async def node_removed(self): """Call when a node is removed from the Z-Wave network.""" await self.async_remove(force_remove=True) registry = await async_get_registry(self.hass) if self.entity_id not in registry.entities: return registry.async_remove(self.entity_id) class ZWaveNodeEntity(ZWaveBaseEntity): """Representation of a Z-Wave node.""" def __init__(self, node, network): """Initialize node.""" super().__init__() from openzwave.network import ZWaveNetwork from pydispatch import dispatcher self._network = network self.node = node self.node_id = self.node.node_id self._name = node_name(self.node) self._product_name = node.product_name self._manufacturer_name = node.manufacturer_name self._unique_id = self._compute_unique_id() self._application_version = None self._attributes = {} self.wakeup_interval = None self.location = None self.battery_level = None dispatcher.connect( self.network_node_value_added, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE_ADDED ) dispatcher.connect(self.network_node_changed, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED) dispatcher.connect(self.network_node_changed, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NODE) dispatcher.connect(self.network_node_changed, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NOTIFICATION) dispatcher.connect(self.network_node_event, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NODE_EVENT) dispatcher.connect( self.network_scene_activated, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_SCENE_EVENT ) @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique ID of Z-wave node.""" return self._unique_id @property def device_info(self): """Return device information.""" identifier, name = node_device_id_and_name(self.node) info = { "identifiers": {identifier}, "manufacturer": self.node.manufacturer_name, "model": self.node.product_name, "name": name, } if self.node_id > 1: info["via_device"] = (DOMAIN, 1) return info def maybe_update_application_version(self, value): """Update application version if value is a Command Class Version, Application Value.""" if ( value and value.command_class == COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION and value.label == "Application Version" ): self._application_version = value.data def network_node_value_added(self, node=None, value=None, args=None): """Handle a added value to a none on the network.""" if node and node.node_id != self.node_id: return if args is not None and "nodeId" in args and args["nodeId"] != self.node_id: return self.maybe_update_application_version(value) def network_node_changed(self, node=None, value=None, args=None): """Handle a changed node on the network.""" if node and node.node_id != self.node_id: return if args is not None and "nodeId" in args and args["nodeId"] != self.node_id: return # Process central scene activation if value is not None and value.command_class == COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE: self.central_scene_activated(value.index, value.data) self.maybe_update_application_version(value) self.node_changed() def get_node_statistics(self): """Retrieve statistics from the node.""" return self._network.manager.getNodeStatistics( self._network.home_id, self.node_id ) def node_changed(self): """Update node properties.""" attributes = {} stats = self.get_node_statistics() for attr in ATTRIBUTES: value = getattr(self.node, attr) if attr in _REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES or value: attributes[attr] = value for attr in _COMM_ATTRIBUTES: attributes[attr] = stats[attr] if self.node.can_wake_up(): for value in self.node.get_values(COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP).values(): if value.index != 0: continue self.wakeup_interval = value.data break else: self.wakeup_interval = None self.battery_level = self.node.get_battery_level() self._product_name = self.node.product_name self._manufacturer_name = self.node.manufacturer_name self._name = node_name(self.node) self._attributes = attributes if not self._unique_id: self._unique_id = self._compute_unique_id() if self._unique_id: # Node info parsed. Remove and re-add self.try_remove_and_add() self.maybe_schedule_update() async def node_renamed(self, update_ids=False): """Rename the node and update any IDs.""" identifier, self._name = node_device_id_and_name(self.node) # Set the name in the devices. If they're customised # the customisation will not be stored as name and will stick. dev_reg = await get_dev_reg(self.hass) device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={identifier}) dev_reg.async_update_device(device.id, name=self._name) # update sub-devices too for i in count(2): identifier, new_name = node_device_id_and_name(self.node, i) device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={identifier}) if not device: break dev_reg.async_update_device(device.id, name=new_name) # Update entity ID. if update_ids: ent_reg = await async_get_registry(self.hass) new_entity_id = ent_reg.async_generate_entity_id( DOMAIN, self._name, self.platform.entities.keys() - {self.entity_id} ) if new_entity_id != self.entity_id: # Don't change the name attribute, it will be None unless # customised and if it's been customised, keep the # customisation. ent_reg.async_update_entity(self.entity_id, new_entity_id=new_entity_id) return # else for the above two ifs, update if not using update_entity self.async_write_ha_state() def network_node_event(self, node, value): """Handle a node activated event on the network.""" if node.node_id == self.node.node_id: self.node_event(value) def node_event(self, value): """Handle a node activated event for this node.""" if self.hass is None: return self.hass.bus.fire( EVENT_NODE_EVENT, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, ATTR_NODE_ID: self.node.node_id, ATTR_BASIC_LEVEL: value, }, ) def network_scene_activated(self, node, scene_id): """Handle a scene activated event on the network.""" if node.node_id == self.node.node_id: self.scene_activated(scene_id) def scene_activated(self, scene_id): """Handle an activated scene for this node.""" if self.hass is None: return self.hass.bus.fire( EVENT_SCENE_ACTIVATED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, ATTR_NODE_ID: self.node.node_id, ATTR_SCENE_ID: scene_id, }, ) def central_scene_activated(self, scene_id, scene_data): """Handle an activated central scene for this node.""" if self.hass is None: return self.hass.bus.fire( EVENT_SCENE_ACTIVATED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, ATTR_NODE_ID: self.node_id, ATTR_SCENE_ID: scene_id, ATTR_SCENE_DATA: scene_data, }, ) @property def state(self): """Return the state.""" if ATTR_READY not in self._attributes: return None if self._attributes[ATTR_FAILED]: return "dead" if self._attributes[ATTR_QUERY_STAGE] != "Complete": return "initializing" if not self._attributes[ATTR_AWAKE]: return "sleeping" if self._attributes[ATTR_READY]: return "ready" return None @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device specific state attributes.""" attrs = { ATTR_NODE_ID: self.node_id, ATTR_NODE_NAME: self._name, ATTR_MANUFACTURER_NAME: self._manufacturer_name, ATTR_PRODUCT_NAME: self._product_name, } attrs.update(self._attributes) if self.battery_level is not None: attrs[ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL] = self.battery_level if self.wakeup_interval is not None: attrs[ATTR_WAKEUP] = self.wakeup_interval if self._application_version is not None: attrs[ATTR_APPLICATION_VERSION] = self._application_version return attrs def _compute_unique_id(self): if is_node_parsed(self.node) or self.node.is_ready: return f"node-{self.node_id}" return None