""" homeassistant.components.script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scripts are a sequence of actions that can be triggered manually by the user or automatically based upon automation events, etc. """ import logging from datetime import timedelta import homeassistant.util.dt as date_util import threading from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_point_in_time from homeassistant.util import split_entity_id from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED) DOMAIN = "script" DEPENDENCIES = ["group"] CONF_ALIAS = "alias" CONF_SERVICE = "execute_service" CONF_SERVICE_DATA = "service_data" CONF_SEQUENCE = "sequence" CONF_EVENT = "event" CONF_EVENT_DATA = "event_data" CONF_DELAY = "delay" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup(hass, config): """ Load the scripts from the configuration. """ scripts = [] for name, cfg in config[DOMAIN].items(): if CONF_SEQUENCE not in cfg: _LOGGER.warn("Missing key 'sequence' for script %s", name) continue alias = cfg.get(CONF_ALIAS, name) entity_id = "{}.{}".format(DOMAIN, name) script = Script(hass, entity_id, alias, cfg[CONF_SEQUENCE]) hass.services.register(DOMAIN, name, script) scripts.append(script) def turn_on(service): """ Calls a script. """ for entity_id in service.data['entity_id']: domain, service = split_entity_id(entity_id) hass.services.call(domain, service, {}) def turn_off(service): """ Cancels a script. """ for entity_id in service.data['entity_id']: for script in scripts: if script.entity_id == entity_id: script.cancel() hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, turn_on) hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, turn_off) return True class Script(object): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A script contains a sequence of service calls or configured delays that are executed in order. Each script also has a state (on/off) indicating whether the script is running or not. """ def __init__(self, hass, entity_id, alias, sequence): self.hass = hass self.alias = alias self.sequence = sequence self.entity_id = entity_id self._lock = threading.Lock() self._reset() def cancel(self): """ Cancels a running script and resets the state back to off. """ _LOGGER.info("Cancelled script %s", self.alias) with self._lock: if self.listener: self.hass.bus.remove_listener(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, self.listener) self.listener = None self._reset() def _reset(self): """ Resets a script back to default state so that it is ready to run from the start again. """ self.actions = None self.listener = None self.last_action = "Not Running" self.hass.states.set(self.entity_id, STATE_OFF, { "friendly_name": self.alias, "last_action": self.last_action }) def _execute_until_done(self): """ Executes a sequence of actions until finished or until a delay is encountered. If a delay action is encountered, the script registers itself to be called again in the future, when _execute_until_done will resume. Returns True if finished, False otherwise. """ for action in self.actions: if CONF_SERVICE in action: self._call_service(action) elif CONF_EVENT in action: self._fire_event(action) elif CONF_DELAY in action: delay = timedelta(**action[CONF_DELAY]) point_in_time = date_util.now() + delay self.listener = track_point_in_time( self.hass, self, point_in_time) return False return True def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Executes the script. """ _LOGGER.info("Executing script %s", self.alias) with self._lock: if self.actions is None: self.actions = (action for action in self.sequence) if not self._execute_until_done(): state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) state.attributes['last_action'] = self.last_action self.hass.states.set(self.entity_id, STATE_ON, state.attributes) else: self._reset() def _call_service(self, action): """ Calls the service specified in the action. """ self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_SERVICE]) _LOGGER.info("Executing script %s step %s", self.alias, self.last_action) domain, service = split_entity_id(action[CONF_SERVICE]) data = action.get(CONF_SERVICE_DATA, {}) self.hass.services.call(domain, service, data) def _fire_event(self, action): """ Fires an event. """ self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_EVENT]) _LOGGER.info("Executing script %s step %s", self.alias, self.last_action) self.hass.bus.fire(action[CONF_EVENT], action.get(CONF_EVENT_DATA))