"""Support for Fibaro binary sensors."""
import logging

from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import (
    BinarySensorDevice, ENTITY_ID_FORMAT)
from homeassistant.components.fibaro import (
    FIBARO_DEVICES, FibaroDevice)
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_ICON)

DEPENDENCIES = ['fibaro']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'com.fibaro.floodSensor':   ['Flood', 'mdi:water', 'flood'],
    'com.fibaro.motionSensor':   ['Motion', 'mdi:run', 'motion'],
    'com.fibaro.doorSensor':   ['Door', 'mdi:window-open', 'door'],
    'com.fibaro.windowSensor': ['Window', 'mdi:window-open', 'window'],
    'com.fibaro.smokeSensor': ['Smoke', 'mdi:smoking', 'smoke'],
    'com.fibaro.FGMS001': ['Motion', 'mdi:run', 'motion'],
    'com.fibaro.heatDetector': ['Heat', 'mdi:fire', 'heat'],

def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
    """Perform the setup for Fibaro controller devices."""
    if discovery_info is None:

         for device in hass.data[FIBARO_DEVICES]['binary_sensor']], True)

class FibaroBinarySensor(FibaroDevice, BinarySensorDevice):
    """Representation of a Fibaro Binary Sensor."""

    def __init__(self, fibaro_device):
        """Initialize the binary_sensor."""
        self._state = None
        self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(self.ha_id)
        stype = None
        devconf = fibaro_device.device_config
        if fibaro_device.type in SENSOR_TYPES:
            stype = fibaro_device.type
        elif fibaro_device.baseType in SENSOR_TYPES:
            stype = fibaro_device.baseType
        if stype:
            self._device_class = SENSOR_TYPES[stype][2]
            self._icon = SENSOR_TYPES[stype][1]
            self._device_class = None
            self._icon = None
        # device_config overrides:
        self._device_class = devconf.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS,
        self._icon = devconf.get(CONF_ICON, self._icon)

    def icon(self):
        """Icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
        return self._icon

    def device_class(self):
        """Return the device class of the sensor."""
        return self._device_class

    def is_on(self):
        """Return true if sensor is on."""
        return self._state

    def update(self):
        """Get the latest data and update the state."""
        self._state = self.current_binary_state