"""Code to support homekit_controller tests.""" from datetime import timedelta from unittest import mock from homeassistant.components.homekit_controller import ( DOMAIN, HOMEKIT_ACCESSORY_DISPATCH, SERVICE_HOMEKIT) from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed, fire_service_discovered class FakePairing: """ A test fake that pretends to be a paired HomeKit accessory. This only contains methods and values that exist on the upstream Pairing class. """ def __init__(self, accessory): """Create a fake pairing from an accessory model.""" self.accessory = accessory self.pairing_data = { 'accessories': self.list_accessories_and_characteristics() } def list_accessories_and_characteristics(self): """Fake implementation of list_accessories_and_characteristics.""" return [self.accessory.to_accessory_and_service_list()] def get_characteristics(self, characteristics): """Fake implementation of get_characteristics.""" results = {} for aid, cid in characteristics: for service in self.accessory.services: for char in service.characteristics: if char.iid != cid: continue results[(aid, cid)] = { 'value': char.get_value() } return results def put_characteristics(self, characteristics): """Fake implementation of put_characteristics.""" for _, cid, new_val in characteristics: for service in self.accessory.services: for char in service.characteristics: if char.iid != cid: continue char.set_value(new_val) class FakeController: """ A test fake that pretends to be a paired HomeKit accessory. This only contains methods and values that exist on the upstream Controller class. """ def __init__(self): """Create a Fake controller with no pairings.""" self.pairings = {} def add(self, accessory): """Create and register a fake pairing for a simulated accessory.""" pairing = FakePairing(accessory) self.pairings['00:00:00:00:00:00'] = pairing return pairing class Helper: """Helper methods for interacting with HomeKit fakes.""" def __init__(self, hass, entity_id, pairing, accessory): """Create a helper for a given accessory/entity.""" from homekit.model.services import ServicesTypes from homekit.model.characteristics import CharacteristicsTypes self.hass = hass self.entity_id = entity_id self.pairing = pairing self.accessory = accessory self.characteristics = {} for service in self.accessory.services: service_name = ServicesTypes.get_short(service.type) for char in service.characteristics: char_name = CharacteristicsTypes.get_short(char.type) self.characteristics[(service_name, char_name)] = char async def poll_and_get_state(self): """Trigger a time based poll and return the current entity state.""" next_update = dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=60) async_fire_time_changed(self.hass, next_update) await self.hass.async_block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) assert state is not None return state async def setup_test_component(hass, services): """Load a fake homekit accessory based on a homekit accessory model.""" from homekit.model import Accessory from homekit.model.services import ServicesTypes domain = None for service in services: service_name = ServicesTypes.get_short(service.type) if service_name in HOMEKIT_ACCESSORY_DISPATCH: domain = HOMEKIT_ACCESSORY_DISPATCH[service_name] break assert domain, 'Cannot map test homekit services to homeassistant domain' config = { 'discovery': { } } with mock.patch('homekit.Controller') as controller: fake_controller = controller.return_value = FakeController() await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, config) accessory = Accessory('TestDevice', 'example.com', 'Test', '0001', '0.1') accessory.services.extend(services) pairing = fake_controller.add(accessory) discovery_info = { 'host': '', 'port': 8080, 'properties': { 'md': 'TestDevice', 'id': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'c#': 1, } } fire_service_discovered(hass, SERVICE_HOMEKIT, discovery_info) await hass.async_block_till_done() return Helper(hass, '.'.join((domain, 'testdevice')), pairing, accessory)