"""Common libraries for test setup.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable import copy from dataclasses import dataclass, field import time from typing import Any, Generator, TypeVar from google_nest_sdm.auth import AbstractAuth from google_nest_sdm.device import Device from google_nest_sdm.device_manager import DeviceManager from google_nest_sdm.event import EventMessage from google_nest_sdm.event_media import CachePolicy from google_nest_sdm.google_nest_subscriber import GoogleNestSubscriber from homeassistant.components.application_credentials import ClientCredential from homeassistant.components.nest import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.nest.const import SDM_SCOPES from tests.common import MockConfigEntry # Typing helpers PlatformSetup = Callable[[], Awaitable[None]] _T = TypeVar("_T") YieldFixture = Generator[_T, None, None] WEB_AUTH_DOMAIN = DOMAIN APP_AUTH_DOMAIN = f"{DOMAIN}.installed" PROJECT_ID = "some-project-id" CLIENT_ID = "some-client-id" CLIENT_SECRET = "some-client-secret" CLOUD_PROJECT_ID = "cloud-id-9876" SUBSCRIBER_ID = "projects/cloud-id-9876/subscriptions/subscriber-id-9876" CONFIG = { "nest": { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET, "project_id": PROJECT_ID, "subscriber_id": SUBSCRIBER_ID, }, } FAKE_TOKEN = "some-token" FAKE_REFRESH_TOKEN = "some-refresh-token" def create_token_entry(token_expiration_time=None): """Create OAuth 'token' data for a ConfigEntry.""" if token_expiration_time is None: token_expiration_time = time.time() + 86400 return { "access_token": FAKE_TOKEN, "refresh_token": FAKE_REFRESH_TOKEN, "scope": " ".join(SDM_SCOPES), "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_at": token_expiration_time, } def create_config_entry(token_expiration_time=None) -> MockConfigEntry: """Create a ConfigEntry and add it to Home Assistant.""" config_entry_data = { "sdm": {}, # Indicates new SDM API, not legacy API "auth_implementation": "nest", "token": create_token_entry(token_expiration_time), } return MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data=config_entry_data) @dataclass class NestTestConfig: """Holder for integration configuration.""" config: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) config_entry_data: dict[str, Any] | None = None auth_implementation: str = WEB_AUTH_DOMAIN credential: ClientCredential | None = None # Exercises mode where all configuration is in configuration.yaml TEST_CONFIG_YAML_ONLY = NestTestConfig( config=CONFIG, config_entry_data={ "sdm": {}, "token": create_token_entry(), }, ) TEST_CONFIGFLOW_YAML_ONLY = NestTestConfig( config=TEST_CONFIG_YAML_ONLY.config, ) # Exercises mode where subscriber id is created in the config flow, but # all authentication is defined in configuration.yaml TEST_CONFIG_HYBRID = NestTestConfig( config={ "nest": { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET, "project_id": PROJECT_ID, }, }, config_entry_data={ "sdm": {}, "token": create_token_entry(), "cloud_project_id": CLOUD_PROJECT_ID, "subscriber_id": SUBSCRIBER_ID, }, ) TEST_CONFIGFLOW_HYBRID = NestTestConfig(TEST_CONFIG_HYBRID.config) # Exercises mode where all configuration is from the config flow TEST_CONFIG_APP_CREDS = NestTestConfig( config_entry_data={ "sdm": {}, "token": create_token_entry(), "project_id": PROJECT_ID, "cloud_project_id": CLOUD_PROJECT_ID, "subscriber_id": SUBSCRIBER_ID, }, auth_implementation="imported-cred", credential=ClientCredential(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET), ) TEST_CONFIGFLOW_APP_CREDS = NestTestConfig( config=TEST_CONFIG_APP_CREDS.config, auth_implementation="imported-cred", credential=ClientCredential(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET), ) TEST_CONFIG_LEGACY = NestTestConfig( config={ "nest": { "client_id": "some-client-id", "client_secret": "some-client-secret", }, }, config_entry_data={ "auth_implementation": "local", "tokens": { "expires_at": time.time() + 86400, "access_token": { "token": "some-token", }, }, }, ) TEST_CONFIG_ENTRY_LEGACY = NestTestConfig( config_entry_data={ "auth_implementation": "local", "tokens": { "expires_at": time.time() + 86400, "access_token": { "token": "some-token", }, }, }, ) class FakeSubscriber(GoogleNestSubscriber): """Fake subscriber that supplies a FakeDeviceManager.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize Fake Subscriber.""" self._device_manager = DeviceManager() def set_update_callback(self, callback: Callable[[EventMessage], Awaitable[None]]): """Capture the callback set by Home Assistant.""" self._device_manager.set_update_callback(callback) async def create_subscription(self): """Create the subscription.""" return async def delete_subscription(self): """Delete the subscription.""" return async def start_async(self): """Return the fake device manager.""" return self._device_manager async def async_get_device_manager(self) -> DeviceManager: """Return the fake device manager.""" return self._device_manager @property def cache_policy(self) -> CachePolicy: """Return the cache policy.""" return self._device_manager.cache_policy def stop_async(self): """No-op to stop the subscriber.""" return None async def async_receive_event(self, event_message: EventMessage): """Simulate a received pubsub message, invoked by tests.""" # Update device state, then invoke HomeAssistant to refresh await self._device_manager.async_handle_event(event_message) DEVICE_ID = "enterprise/project-id/devices/device-id" DEVICE_COMMAND = f"{DEVICE_ID}:executeCommand" class CreateDevice: """Fixture used for creating devices.""" def __init__( self, device_manager: DeviceManager, auth: AbstractAuth, ) -> None: """Initialize CreateDevice.""" self.device_manager = device_manager self.auth = auth self.data = {"traits": {}} def create( self, raw_traits: dict[str, Any] = None, raw_data: dict[str, Any] = None ) -> None: """Create a new device with the specifeid traits.""" data = copy.deepcopy(self.data) data.update(raw_data if raw_data else {}) data["traits"].update(raw_traits if raw_traits else {}) self.device_manager.add_device(Device.MakeDevice(data, auth=self.auth))