""" homeassistant.components.groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides functionality to group devices that can be turned on or off. """ import logging import homeassistant as ha import homeassistant.components as components DOMAIN = "group" ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" STATE_ATTR_ENTITY_IDS = "entity_ids" _GROUP_TYPES = { "on_off": (components.STATE_ON, components.STATE_OFF), "home_not_home": (components.STATE_HOME, components.STATE_NOT_HOME) } def _get_group_type(state): """ Determine the group type based on the given group type. """ for group_type, states in _GROUP_TYPES.items(): if state in states: return group_type return None def is_on(statemachine, entity_id): """ Returns if the group state is in its ON-state. """ state = statemachine.get_state(entity_id) if state: group_type = _get_group_type(state.state) if group_type: # We found group_type, compare to ON-state return state.state == _GROUP_TYPES[group_type][0] else: return False else: return False def get_entity_ids(statemachine, entity_id): """ Get the entity ids that make up this group. """ try: return \ statemachine.get_state(entity_id).attributes[STATE_ATTR_ENTITY_IDS] except (AttributeError, KeyError): # AttributeError if state did not exist # KeyError if key did not exist in attributes return [] # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals def setup(bus, statemachine, name, entity_ids): """ Sets up a group state that is the combined state of several states. Supports ON/OFF and DEVICE_HOME/DEVICE_NOT_HOME. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Loop over the given entities to: # - determine which group type this is (on_off, device_home) # - if all states exist and have valid states # - retrieve the current state of the group errors = [] group_type, group_on, group_off, group_state = None, None, None, None for entity_id in entity_ids: state = statemachine.get_state(entity_id) # Try to determine group type if we didn't yet if not group_type and state: group_type = _get_group_type(state.state) if group_type: group_on, group_off = _GROUP_TYPES[group_type] group_state = group_off else: # We did not find a matching group_type errors.append("Found unexpected state '{}'".format( name, state.state)) break # Check if entity exists if not state: errors.append("Entity {} does not exist".format(entity_id)) # Check if entity is valid state elif state.state != group_off and state.state != group_on: errors.append("State of {} is {} (expected: {}, {})".format( entity_id, state.state, group_off, group_on)) # Keep track of the group state to init later on elif group_state == group_off and state.state == group_on: group_state = group_on if errors: logger.error("Error setting up state group {}: {}".format( name, ", ".join(errors))) return False group_entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(name) state_attr = {STATE_ATTR_ENTITY_IDS: entity_ids} # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _update_group_state(entity_id, old_state, new_state): """ Updates the group state based on a state change by a tracked entity. """ cur_group_state = statemachine.get_state(group_entity_id).state # if cur_group_state = OFF and new_state = ON: set ON # if cur_group_state = ON and new_state = OFF: research # else: ignore if cur_group_state == group_off and new_state.state == group_on: statemachine.set_state(group_entity_id, group_on, state_attr) elif cur_group_state == group_on and new_state.state == group_off: # Check if any of the other states is still on if not any([statemachine.is_state(ent_id, group_on) for ent_id in entity_ids if entity_id != ent_id]): statemachine.set_state(group_entity_id, group_off, state_attr) for entity_id in entity_ids: ha.track_state_change(bus, entity_id, _update_group_state) # group.setup is called to setup each group. Only the first time will we # register a turn_on and turn_off method for groups. if not bus.has_service(DOMAIN, components.SERVICE_TURN_ON): def _turn_group_on_service(service): """ Call components.turn_on for each entity_id from this group. """ for entity_id in get_entity_ids(statemachine, service.data.get( components.ATTR_ENTITY_ID)): components.turn_on(bus, entity_id) bus.register_service(DOMAIN, components.SERVICE_TURN_ON, _turn_group_on_service) if not bus.has_service(DOMAIN, components.SERVICE_TURN_OFF): def _turn_group_off_service(service): """ Call components.turn_off for each entity_id in this group. """ for entity_id in get_entity_ids(statemachine, service.data.get( components.ATTR_ENTITY_ID)): components.turn_off(bus, entity_id) bus.register_service(DOMAIN, components.SERVICE_TURN_OFF, _turn_group_off_service) statemachine.set_state(group_entity_id, group_state, state_attr) return True