""" homeassistant.remote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A module containing drop in replacements for core parts that will interface with a remote instance of home assistant. If a connection error occurs while communicating with the API a HomeAssistantError will be raised. """ import threading import logging import json import enum import urllib.parse import requests import homeassistant as ha from homeassistant.const import ( SERVER_PORT, AUTH_HEADER, URL_API, URL_API_STATES, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY, URL_API_EVENTS, URL_API_EVENTS_EVENT, URL_API_SERVICES, URL_API_SERVICES_SERVICE, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD) METHOD_GET = "get" METHOD_POST = "post" METHOD_DELETE = "delete" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class APIStatus(enum.Enum): """ Represents API status. """ # pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods OK = "ok" INVALID_PASSWORD = "invalid_password" CANNOT_CONNECT = "cannot_connect" UNKNOWN = "unknown" def __str__(self): return self.value class API(object): """ Object to pass around Home Assistant API location and credentials. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, host, api_password, port=None): self.host = host self.port = port or SERVER_PORT self.api_password = api_password self.base_url = "http://{}:{}".format(host, self.port) self.status = None self._headers = {AUTH_HEADER: api_password} def validate_api(self, force_validate=False): """ Tests if we can communicate with the API. """ if self.status is None or force_validate: self.status = validate_api(self) return self.status == APIStatus.OK def __call__(self, method, path, data=None): """ Makes a call to the Home Assistant api. """ if data is not None: data = json.dumps(data, cls=JSONEncoder) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.base_url, path) try: if method == METHOD_GET: return requests.get( url, params=data, timeout=5, headers=self._headers) else: return requests.request( method, url, data=data, timeout=5, headers=self._headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: _LOGGER.exception("Error connecting to server") raise ha.HomeAssistantError("Error connecting to server") except requests.exceptions.Timeout: error = "Timeout when talking to {}".format(self.host) _LOGGER.exception(error) raise ha.HomeAssistantError(error) def __repr__(self): return "API({}, {}, {})".format( self.host, self.api_password, self.port) class HomeAssistant(ha.HomeAssistant): """ Home Assistant that forwards work. """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, remote_api, local_api=None): if not remote_api.validate_api(): raise ha.HomeAssistantError( "Remote API at {}:{} not valid: {}".format( remote_api.host, remote_api.port, remote_api.status)) self.remote_api = remote_api self.local_api = local_api self._pool = pool = ha.create_worker_pool() self.bus = EventBus(remote_api, pool) self.services = ha.ServiceRegistry(self.bus, pool) self.states = StateMachine(self.bus, self.remote_api) def start(self): # If there is no local API setup but we do want to connect with remote # We create a random password and set up a local api if self.local_api is None: import homeassistant.components.http as http import random # pylint: disable=too-many-format-args random_password = '{:30}'.format(random.randrange(16**30)) http.setup( self, {http.DOMAIN: {http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: random_password}}) ha.Timer(self) self.bus.fire(ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, origin=ha.EventOrigin.remote) # Setup that events from remote_api get forwarded to local_api # Do this after we fire START, otherwise HTTP is not started if not connect_remote_events(self.remote_api, self.local_api): raise ha.HomeAssistantError(( 'Could not setup event forwarding from api {} to ' 'local api {}').format(self.remote_api, self.local_api)) def stop(self): """ Stops Home Assistant and shuts down all threads. """ _LOGGER.info("Stopping") self.bus.fire(ha.EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, origin=ha.EventOrigin.remote) # Disconnect master event forwarding disconnect_remote_events(self.remote_api, self.local_api) # Wait till all responses to homeassistant_stop are done self._pool.block_till_done() self._pool.stop() class EventBus(ha.EventBus): """ EventBus implementation that forwards fire_event to remote API. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, api, pool=None): super().__init__(pool) self._api = api def fire(self, event_type, event_data=None, origin=ha.EventOrigin.local): """ Forward local events to remote target, handles remote event as usual. """ # All local events that are not TIME_CHANGED are forwarded to API if origin == ha.EventOrigin.local and \ event_type != ha.EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: fire_event(self._api, event_type, event_data) else: super().fire(event_type, event_data, origin) class EventForwarder(object): """ Listens for events and forwards to specified APIs. """ def __init__(self, hass, restrict_origin=None): self.hass = hass self.restrict_origin = restrict_origin # We use a tuple (host, port) as key to ensure # that we do not forward to the same host twice self._targets = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() def connect(self, api): """ Attach to a HA instance and forward events. Will overwrite old target if one exists with same host/port. """ with self._lock: if len(self._targets) == 0: # First target we get, setup listener for events self.hass.bus.listen(ha.MATCH_ALL, self._event_listener) key = (api.host, api.port) self._targets[key] = api def disconnect(self, api): """ Removes target from being forwarded to. """ with self._lock: key = (api.host, api.port) did_remove = self._targets.pop(key, None) is None if len(self._targets) == 0: # Remove event listener if no forwarding targets present self.hass.bus.remove_listener(ha.MATCH_ALL, self._event_listener) return did_remove def _event_listener(self, event): """ Listen and forwards all events. """ with self._lock: # We don't forward time events or, if enabled, non-local events if event.event_type == ha.EVENT_TIME_CHANGED or \ (self.restrict_origin and event.origin != self.restrict_origin): return for api in self._targets.values(): fire_event(api, event.event_type, event.data) class StateMachine(ha.StateMachine): """ Fires set events to an API. Uses state_change events to track states. """ def __init__(self, bus, api): super().__init__(None) self._api = api self.mirror() bus.listen(ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._state_changed_listener) def set(self, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None): """ Calls set_state on remote API . """ set_state(self._api, entity_id, new_state, attributes) def mirror(self): """ Discards current data and mirrors the remote state machine. """ self._states = {state.entity_id: state for state in get_states(self._api)} def _state_changed_listener(self, event): """ Listens for state changed events and applies them. """ self._states[event.data['entity_id']] = event.data['new_state'] class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ JSONEncoder that supports Home Assistant objects. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,method-hidden def default(self, obj): """ Converts Home Assistant objects and hands other objects to the original method. """ if isinstance(obj, ha.State): return obj.as_dict() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def validate_api(api): """ Makes a call to validate API. """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API) if req.status_code == 200: return APIStatus.OK elif req.status_code == 401: return APIStatus.INVALID_PASSWORD else: return APIStatus.UNKNOWN except ha.HomeAssistantError: return APIStatus.CANNOT_CONNECT def connect_remote_events(from_api, to_api): """ Sets up from_api to forward all events to to_api. """ data = { 'host': to_api.host, 'api_password': to_api.api_password, 'port': to_api.port } try: req = from_api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, data) if req.status_code == 200: return True else: _LOGGER.error( "Error settign up event forwarding: %s - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False except ha.HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error setting up event forwarding") return False def disconnect_remote_events(from_api, to_api): """ Disconnects forwarding events from from_api to to_api. """ data = { 'host': to_api.host, 'port': to_api.port } try: req = from_api(METHOD_DELETE, URL_API_EVENT_FORWARD, data) if req.status_code == 200: return True else: _LOGGER.error( "Error removing event forwarding: %s - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False except ha.HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error removing an event forwarder") return False def get_event_listeners(api): """ List of events that is being listened for. """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_EVENTS) return req.json() if req.status_code == 200 else {} except (ha.HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected result retrieving event listeners") return {} def fire_event(api, event_type, data=None): """ Fire an event at remote API. """ try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_EVENTS_EVENT.format(event_type), data) if req.status_code != 200: _LOGGER.error("Error firing event: %d - %d", req.status_code, req.text) except ha.HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error firing event") def get_state(api, entity_id): """ Queries given API for state of entity_id. """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id)) # req.status_code == 422 if entity does not exist return ha.State.from_dict(req.json()) \ if req.status_code == 200 else None except (ha.HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Error fetching state") return None def get_states(api): """ Queries given API for all states. """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_STATES) return [ha.State.from_dict(item) for item in req.json()] except (ha.HomeAssistantError, ValueError, AttributeError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Error fetching states") return [] def set_state(api, entity_id, new_state, attributes=None): """ Tells API to update state for entity_id. Returns True if success. """ attributes = attributes or {} data = {'state': new_state, 'attributes': attributes} try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_STATES_ENTITY.format(entity_id), data) if req.status_code not in (200, 201): _LOGGER.error("Error changing state: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) return False else: return True except ha.HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error setting state") return False def is_state(api, entity_id, state): """ Queries API to see if entity_id is specified state. """ cur_state = get_state(api, entity_id) return cur_state and cur_state.state == state def get_services(api): """ Returns a list of dicts. Each dict has a string "domain" and a list of strings "services". """ try: req = api(METHOD_GET, URL_API_SERVICES) return req.json() if req.status_code == 200 else {} except (ha.HomeAssistantError, ValueError): # ValueError if req.json() can't parse the json _LOGGER.exception("Got unexpected services result") return {} def call_service(api, domain, service, service_data=None): """ Calls a service at the remote API. """ try: req = api(METHOD_POST, URL_API_SERVICES_SERVICE.format(domain, service), service_data) if req.status_code != 200: _LOGGER.error("Error calling service: %d - %s", req.status_code, req.text) except ha.HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.exception("Error calling service")