"""Support for Osram Lightify.""" import logging import random import socket from lightify import Lightify import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, EFFECT_RANDOM, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, SUPPORT_EFFECT, SUPPORT_TRANSITION, Light, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util.color as color_util _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_NODES = "allow_lightify_nodes" CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_GROUPS = "allow_lightify_groups" CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SENSORS = "allow_lightify_sensors" CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SWITCHES = "allow_lightify_switches" CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_STATUS = "interval_lightify_status" CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF = "interval_lightify_conf" DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_NODES = True DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_GROUPS = True DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SENSORS = True DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SWITCHES = True DEFAULT_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_STATUS = 5 DEFAULT_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF = 3600 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_NODES, default=DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_NODES ): cv.boolean, vol.Optional( CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_GROUPS, default=DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_GROUPS ): cv.boolean, vol.Optional( CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SENSORS, default=DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SENSORS ): cv.boolean, vol.Optional( CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SWITCHES, default=DEFAULT_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SWITCHES ): cv.boolean, vol.Optional( CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_STATUS, default=DEFAULT_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_STATUS ): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional( CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF, default=DEFAULT_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF ): cv.positive_int, } ) DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS = 2 DEFAULT_KELVIN = 2700 def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Osram Lightify lights.""" host = config[CONF_HOST] try: bridge = Lightify(host, log_level=logging.NOTSET) except socket.error as err: msg = "Error connecting to bridge: {} due to: {}".format(host, str(err)) _LOGGER.exception(msg) return setup_bridge(bridge, add_entities, config) def setup_bridge(bridge, add_entities, config): """Set up the Lightify bridge.""" lights = {} groups = {} groups_last_updated = [0] def update_lights(): """Update the lights objects with the latest info from the bridge.""" try: new_lights = bridge.update_all_light_status( config[CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_STATUS] ) lights_changed = bridge.lights_changed() except TimeoutError: _LOGGER.error("Timeout during updating of lights") return 0 except OSError: _LOGGER.error("OSError during updating of lights") return 0 if new_lights and config[CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_NODES]: new_entities = [] for addr, light in new_lights.items(): if ( light.devicetype().name == "SENSOR" and not config[CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SENSORS] ) or ( light.devicetype().name == "SWITCH" and not config[CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_SWITCHES] ): continue if addr not in lights: osram_light = OsramLightifyLight( light, update_lights, lights_changed ) lights[addr] = osram_light new_entities.append(osram_light) else: lights[addr].update_luminary(light) add_entities(new_entities) return lights_changed def update_groups(): """Update the groups objects with the latest info from the bridge.""" lights_changed = update_lights() try: bridge.update_scene_list(config[CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF]) new_groups = bridge.update_group_list(config[CONF_INTERVAL_LIGHTIFY_CONF]) groups_updated = bridge.groups_updated() except TimeoutError: _LOGGER.error("Timeout during updating of scenes/groups") return 0 except OSError: _LOGGER.error("OSError during updating of scenes/groups") return 0 if new_groups: new_groups = {group.idx(): group for group in new_groups.values()} new_entities = [] for idx, group in new_groups.items(): if idx not in groups: osram_group = OsramLightifyGroup( group, update_groups, groups_updated ) groups[idx] = osram_group new_entities.append(osram_group) else: groups[idx].update_luminary(group) add_entities(new_entities) if groups_updated > groups_last_updated[0]: groups_last_updated[0] = groups_updated for idx, osram_group in groups.items(): if idx not in new_groups: osram_group.update_static_attributes() return max(lights_changed, groups_updated) update_lights() if config[CONF_ALLOW_LIGHTIFY_GROUPS]: update_groups() class Luminary(Light): """Representation of Luminary Lights and Groups.""" def __init__(self, luminary, update_func, changed): """Initialize a Luminary Light.""" self.update_func = update_func self._luminary = luminary self._changed = changed self._unique_id = None self._supported_features = [] self._effect_list = [] self._is_on = False self._available = True self._min_mireds = None self._max_mireds = None self._brightness = None self._color_temp = None self._rgb_color = None self._device_attributes = None self.update_static_attributes() self.update_dynamic_attributes() def _get_unique_id(self): """Get a unique ID (not implemented).""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_supported_features(self): """Get list of supported features.""" features = 0 if "lum" in self._luminary.supported_features(): features = features | SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_TRANSITION if "temp" in self._luminary.supported_features(): features = features | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP | SUPPORT_TRANSITION if "rgb" in self._luminary.supported_features(): features = features | SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_TRANSITION | SUPPORT_EFFECT return features def _get_effect_list(self): """Get list of supported effects.""" effects = [] if "rgb" in self._luminary.supported_features(): effects.append(EFFECT_RANDOM) return effects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the luminary.""" return self._luminary.name() @property def hs_color(self): """Return last hs color value set.""" return color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*self._rgb_color) @property def color_temp(self): """Return the color temperature.""" return self._color_temp @property def brightness(self): """Return brightness of the luminary (0..255).""" return self._brightness @property def is_on(self): """Return True if the device is on.""" return self._is_on @property def supported_features(self): """List of supported features.""" return self._supported_features @property def effect_list(self): """List of supported effects.""" return self._effect_list @property def min_mireds(self): """Return the coldest color_temp that this light supports.""" return self._min_mireds @property def max_mireds(self): """Return the warmest color_temp that this light supports.""" return self._max_mireds @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return self._unique_id @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" return self._device_attributes @property def available(self): """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._available def play_effect(self, effect, transition): """Play selected effect.""" if effect == EFFECT_RANDOM: self._rgb_color = ( random.randrange(0, 256), random.randrange(0, 256), random.randrange(0, 256), ) self._luminary.set_rgb(*self._rgb_color, transition) self._luminary.set_onoff(True) return True return False def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" transition = int(kwargs.get(ATTR_TRANSITION, 0) * 10) if ATTR_EFFECT in kwargs: self.play_effect(kwargs[ATTR_EFFECT], transition) return if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb_color = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR]) self._luminary.set_rgb(*self._rgb_color, transition) if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: self._color_temp = kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] self._luminary.set_temperature( int(color_util.color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin(self._color_temp)), transition, ) self._is_on = True if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: self._brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] self._luminary.set_luminance(int(self._brightness / 2.55), transition) else: self._luminary.set_onoff(True) def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" self._is_on = False if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: transition = int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 10) self._brightness = DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS self._luminary.set_luminance(0, transition) else: self._luminary.set_onoff(False) def update_luminary(self, luminary): """Update internal luminary object.""" self._luminary = luminary self.update_static_attributes() def update_static_attributes(self): """Update static attributes of the luminary.""" self._unique_id = self._get_unique_id() self._supported_features = self._get_supported_features() self._effect_list = self._get_effect_list() if self._supported_features & SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP: self._min_mireds = color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( self._luminary.max_temp() or DEFAULT_KELVIN ) self._max_mireds = color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( self._luminary.min_temp() or DEFAULT_KELVIN ) def update_dynamic_attributes(self): """Update dynamic attributes of the luminary.""" self._is_on = self._luminary.on() self._available = self._luminary.reachable() and not self._luminary.deleted() if self._supported_features & SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS: self._brightness = int(self._luminary.lum() * 2.55) if self._supported_features & SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP: self._color_temp = color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( self._luminary.temp() or DEFAULT_KELVIN ) if self._supported_features & SUPPORT_COLOR: self._rgb_color = self._luminary.rgb() def update(self): """Synchronize state with bridge.""" changed = self.update_func() if changed > self._changed: self._changed = changed self.update_dynamic_attributes() class OsramLightifyLight(Luminary): """Representation of an Osram Lightify Light.""" def _get_unique_id(self): """Get a unique ID.""" return self._luminary.addr() def update_static_attributes(self): """Update static attributes of the luminary.""" super().update_static_attributes() attrs = { "device_type": "{} ({})".format( self._luminary.type_id(), self._luminary.devicename() ), "firmware_version": self._luminary.version(), } if self._luminary.devicetype().name == "SENSOR": attrs["sensor_values"] = self._luminary.raw_values() self._device_attributes = attrs class OsramLightifyGroup(Luminary): """Representation of an Osram Lightify Group.""" def _get_unique_id(self): """Get a unique ID for the group.""" # Actually, it's a wrong choice for a unique ID, because a combination of # lights is NOT unique (Osram Lightify allows to create different groups # with the same lights). Also a combination of lights may easily change, # but the group remains the same from the user's perspective. # It should be something like "-" # For now keeping it as is for backward compatibility with existing # users. return f"{self._luminary.lights()}" def _get_supported_features(self): """Get list of supported features.""" features = super()._get_supported_features() if self._luminary.scenes(): features = features | SUPPORT_EFFECT return features def _get_effect_list(self): """Get list of supported effects.""" effects = super()._get_effect_list() effects.extend(self._luminary.scenes()) return sorted(effects) def play_effect(self, effect, transition): """Play selected effect.""" if super().play_effect(effect, transition): return True if effect in self._luminary.scenes(): self._luminary.activate_scene(effect) return True return False def update_static_attributes(self): """Update static attributes of the luminary.""" super().update_static_attributes() self._device_attributes = {"lights": self._luminary.light_names()}