"""Event parser and human readable log generator.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Generator, Sequence from contextlib import suppress from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime as dt from typing import Any from sqlalchemy.engine import Result from sqlalchemy.engine.row import Row from homeassistant.components.recorder.filters import Filters from homeassistant.components.recorder.models import ( bytes_to_uuid_hex_or_none, process_datetime_to_timestamp, process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat, ) from homeassistant.components.recorder.util import session_scope from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DOMAIN, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, ATTR_NAME, ATTR_SERVICE, EVENT_CALL_SERVICE, EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, split_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .const import ( ATTR_MESSAGE, CONTEXT_DOMAIN, CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID, CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID_NAME, CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE, CONTEXT_MESSAGE, CONTEXT_NAME, CONTEXT_SERVICE, CONTEXT_SOURCE, CONTEXT_STATE, CONTEXT_USER_ID, DOMAIN, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_DOMAIN, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ENTITY_ID, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ICON, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_MESSAGE, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_SOURCE, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_STATE, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_WHEN, ) from .helpers import is_sensor_continuous from .models import EventAsRow, LazyEventPartialState, LogbookConfig, async_event_to_row from .queries import statement_for_request from .queries.common import PSEUDO_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED @dataclass class LogbookRun: """A logbook run which may be a long running event stream or single request.""" context_lookup: ContextLookup external_events: dict[ str, tuple[str, Callable[[LazyEventPartialState], dict[str, Any]]] ] event_cache: EventCache entity_name_cache: EntityNameCache include_entity_name: bool format_time: Callable[[Row | EventAsRow], Any] class EventProcessor: """Stream into logbook format.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, event_types: tuple[str, ...], entity_ids: list[str] | None = None, device_ids: list[str] | None = None, context_id: str | None = None, timestamp: bool = False, include_entity_name: bool = True, ) -> None: """Init the event stream.""" assert not ( context_id and (entity_ids or device_ids) ), "can't pass in both context_id and (entity_ids or device_ids)" self.hass = hass self.ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) self.event_types = event_types self.entity_ids = entity_ids self.device_ids = device_ids self.context_id = context_id logbook_config: LogbookConfig = hass.data[DOMAIN] self.filters: Filters | None = logbook_config.sqlalchemy_filter format_time = ( _row_time_fired_timestamp if timestamp else _row_time_fired_isoformat ) self.logbook_run = LogbookRun( context_lookup=ContextLookup(hass), external_events=logbook_config.external_events, event_cache=EventCache({}), entity_name_cache=EntityNameCache(self.hass), include_entity_name=include_entity_name, format_time=format_time, ) self.context_augmenter = ContextAugmenter(self.logbook_run) @property def limited_select(self) -> bool: """Check if the stream is limited by entities context or device ids.""" return bool(self.entity_ids or self.context_id or self.device_ids) def switch_to_live(self) -> None: """Switch to live stream. Clear caches so we can reduce memory pressure. """ self.logbook_run.event_cache.clear() self.logbook_run.context_lookup.clear() def get_events( self, start_day: dt, end_day: dt, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Get events for a period of time.""" def yield_rows(result: Result) -> Sequence[Row] | Result: """Yield rows from the database.""" # end_day - start_day intentionally checks .days and not .total_seconds() # since we don't want to switch over to buffered if they go # over one day by a few hours since the UI makes it so easy to do that. if self.limited_select or (end_day - start_day).days <= 1: return result.all() # Only buffer rows to reduce memory pressure # if we expect the result set is going to be very large. # What is considered very large is going to differ # based on the hardware Home Assistant is running on. # # sqlalchemy suggests that is at least 10k, but for # even and RPi3 that number seems higher in testing # so we don't switch over until we request > 1 day+ of data. # return result.yield_per(1024) stmt = statement_for_request( start_day, end_day, self.event_types, self.entity_ids, self.device_ids, self.filters, self.context_id, ) with session_scope(hass=self.hass) as session: return self.humanify(yield_rows(session.execute(stmt))) def humanify( self, rows: Generator[EventAsRow, None, None] | Sequence[Row] | Result ) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """Humanify rows.""" return list( _humanify( rows, self.ent_reg, self.logbook_run, self.context_augmenter, ) ) def _humanify( rows: Generator[EventAsRow, None, None] | Sequence[Row] | Result, ent_reg: er.EntityRegistry, logbook_run: LogbookRun, context_augmenter: ContextAugmenter, ) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Generate a converted list of events into entries.""" # Continuous sensors, will be excluded from the logbook continuous_sensors: dict[str, bool] = {} context_lookup = logbook_run.context_lookup external_events = logbook_run.external_events event_cache = logbook_run.event_cache entity_name_cache = logbook_run.entity_name_cache include_entity_name = logbook_run.include_entity_name format_time = logbook_run.format_time # Process rows for row in rows: context_id = context_lookup.memorize(row) if row.context_only: continue event_type = row.event_type if event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: continue if event_type is PSEUDO_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: entity_id = row.entity_id assert entity_id is not None # Skip continuous sensors if ( is_continuous := continuous_sensors.get(entity_id) ) is None and split_entity_id(entity_id)[0] == SENSOR_DOMAIN: is_continuous = is_sensor_continuous(ent_reg, entity_id) continuous_sensors[entity_id] = is_continuous if is_continuous: continue data = { LOGBOOK_ENTRY_WHEN: format_time(row), LOGBOOK_ENTRY_STATE: row.state, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ENTITY_ID: entity_id, } if include_entity_name: data[LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME] = entity_name_cache.get(entity_id) if icon := row.icon or row.old_format_icon: data[LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ICON] = icon context_augmenter.augment(data, row, context_id) yield data elif event_type in external_events: domain, describe_event = external_events[event_type] data = describe_event(event_cache.get(row)) data[LOGBOOK_ENTRY_WHEN] = format_time(row) data[LOGBOOK_ENTRY_DOMAIN] = domain context_augmenter.augment(data, row, context_id) yield data elif event_type == EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY: event = event_cache.get(row) if not (event_data := event.data): continue entry_domain = event_data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) entry_entity_id = event_data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if entry_domain is None and entry_entity_id is not None: with suppress(IndexError): entry_domain = split_entity_id(str(entry_entity_id))[0] data = { LOGBOOK_ENTRY_WHEN: format_time(row), LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME: event_data.get(ATTR_NAME), LOGBOOK_ENTRY_MESSAGE: event_data.get(ATTR_MESSAGE), LOGBOOK_ENTRY_DOMAIN: entry_domain, LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ENTITY_ID: entry_entity_id, } context_augmenter.augment(data, row, context_id) yield data class ContextLookup: """A lookup class for context origins.""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Memorize context origin.""" self.hass = hass self._memorize_new = True self._lookup: dict[bytes | None, Row | EventAsRow | None] = {None: None} def memorize(self, row: Row | EventAsRow) -> bytes | None: """Memorize a context from the database.""" if self._memorize_new: context_id_bin: bytes = row.context_id_bin self._lookup.setdefault(context_id_bin, row) return context_id_bin return None def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the context origins and stop recording new ones.""" self._lookup.clear() self._memorize_new = False def get(self, context_id_bin: bytes) -> Row | EventAsRow | None: """Get the context origin.""" return self._lookup.get(context_id_bin) class ContextAugmenter: """Augment data with context trace.""" def __init__(self, logbook_run: LogbookRun) -> None: """Init the augmenter.""" self.context_lookup = logbook_run.context_lookup self.entity_name_cache = logbook_run.entity_name_cache self.external_events = logbook_run.external_events self.event_cache = logbook_run.event_cache self.include_entity_name = logbook_run.include_entity_name def _get_context_row( self, context_id: bytes | None, row: Row | EventAsRow ) -> Row | EventAsRow | None: """Get the context row from the id or row context.""" if context_id: return self.context_lookup.get(context_id) if (context := getattr(row, "context", None)) is not None and ( origin_event := context.origin_event ) is not None: return async_event_to_row(origin_event) return None def augment( self, data: dict[str, Any], row: Row | EventAsRow, context_id: bytes | None ) -> None: """Augment data from the row and cache.""" if context_user_id_bin := row.context_user_id_bin: data[CONTEXT_USER_ID] = bytes_to_uuid_hex_or_none(context_user_id_bin) if not (context_row := self._get_context_row(context_id, row)): return if _rows_match(row, context_row): # This is the first event with the given ID. Was it directly caused by # a parent event? context_parent_id_bin = row.context_parent_id_bin if ( not context_parent_id_bin or ( context_row := self._get_context_row( context_parent_id_bin, context_row ) ) is None ): return # Ensure the (parent) context_event exists and is not the root cause of # this log entry. if _rows_match(row, context_row): return event_type = context_row.event_type # State change if context_entity_id := context_row.entity_id: data[CONTEXT_STATE] = context_row.state data[CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID] = context_entity_id if self.include_entity_name: data[CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID_NAME] = self.entity_name_cache.get( context_entity_id ) return # Call service if event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: event = self.event_cache.get(context_row) event_data = event.data data[CONTEXT_DOMAIN] = event_data.get(ATTR_DOMAIN) data[CONTEXT_SERVICE] = event_data.get(ATTR_SERVICE) data[CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE] = event_type return if event_type not in self.external_events: return domain, describe_event = self.external_events[event_type] data[CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE] = event_type data[CONTEXT_DOMAIN] = domain event = self.event_cache.get(context_row) described = describe_event(event) if name := described.get(LOGBOOK_ENTRY_NAME): data[CONTEXT_NAME] = name if message := described.get(LOGBOOK_ENTRY_MESSAGE): data[CONTEXT_MESSAGE] = message # In 2022.12 and later drop `CONTEXT_MESSAGE` if `CONTEXT_SOURCE` is available if source := described.get(LOGBOOK_ENTRY_SOURCE): data[CONTEXT_SOURCE] = source if not (attr_entity_id := described.get(LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ENTITY_ID)): return data[CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID] = attr_entity_id if self.include_entity_name: data[CONTEXT_ENTITY_ID_NAME] = self.entity_name_cache.get(attr_entity_id) def _rows_match(row: Row | EventAsRow, other_row: Row | EventAsRow) -> bool: """Check of rows match by using the same method as Events __hash__.""" if ( row is other_row or (state_id := row.state_id) and state_id == other_row.state_id or (event_id := row.event_id) and event_id == other_row.event_id ): return True return False def _row_time_fired_isoformat(row: Row | EventAsRow) -> str: """Convert the row timed_fired to isoformat.""" return process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(row.time_fired_ts) or dt_util.utcnow() ) def _row_time_fired_timestamp(row: Row | EventAsRow) -> float: """Convert the row timed_fired to timestamp.""" return row.time_fired_ts or process_datetime_to_timestamp(dt_util.utcnow()) class EntityNameCache: """A cache to lookup the name for an entity. This class should not be used to lookup attributes that are expected to change state. """ def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Init the cache.""" self._hass = hass self._names: dict[str, str] = {} def get(self, entity_id: str) -> str: """Lookup an the friendly name.""" if entity_id in self._names: return self._names[entity_id] if (current_state := self._hass.states.get(entity_id)) and ( friendly_name := current_state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) ): self._names[entity_id] = friendly_name else: return split_entity_id(entity_id)[1].replace("_", " ") return self._names[entity_id] class EventCache: """Cache LazyEventPartialState by row.""" def __init__(self, event_data_cache: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Init the cache.""" self._event_data_cache = event_data_cache self.event_cache: dict[Row | EventAsRow, LazyEventPartialState] = {} def get(self, row: EventAsRow | Row) -> LazyEventPartialState: """Get the event from the row.""" if isinstance(row, EventAsRow): return LazyEventPartialState(row, self._event_data_cache) if event := self.event_cache.get(row): return event self.event_cache[row] = lazy_event = LazyEventPartialState( row, self._event_data_cache ) return lazy_event def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the event cache.""" self._event_data_cache = {} self.event_cache = {}