""" Support for Alexa skill service end point. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/alexa/ """ import copy import enum import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import HTTP_BAD_REQUEST from homeassistant.helpers import template, script, config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) API_ENDPOINT = '/api/alexa' CONF_ACTION = 'action' CONF_CARD = 'card' CONF_INTENTS = 'intents' CONF_SPEECH = 'speech' CONF_TYPE = 'type' CONF_TITLE = 'title' CONF_CONTENT = 'content' CONF_TEXT = 'text' DOMAIN = 'alexa' DEPENDENCIES = ['http'] class SpeechType(enum.Enum): """The Alexa speech types.""" plaintext = "PlainText" ssml = "SSML" class CardType(enum.Enum): """The Alexa card types.""" simple = "Simple" link_account = "LinkAccount" CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: { CONF_INTENTS: { cv.string: { vol.Optional(CONF_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_CARD): { vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): cv.enum(CardType), vol.Required(CONF_TITLE): cv.template, vol.Required(CONF_CONTENT): cv.template, }, vol.Optional(CONF_SPEECH): { vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): cv.enum(SpeechType), vol.Required(CONF_TEXT): cv.template, } } } } }) def setup(hass, config): """Activate Alexa component.""" hass.wsgi.register_view(AlexaView(hass, config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_INTENTS, {}))) return True class AlexaView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle Alexa requests.""" url = API_ENDPOINT name = 'api:alexa' def __init__(self, hass, intents): """Initialize Alexa view.""" super().__init__(hass) intents = copy.deepcopy(intents) template.attach(hass, intents) for name, intent in intents.items(): if CONF_ACTION in intent: intent[CONF_ACTION] = script.Script( hass, intent[CONF_ACTION], "Alexa intent {}".format(name)) self.intents = intents def post(self, request): """Handle Alexa.""" data = request.json _LOGGER.debug('Received Alexa request: %s', data) req = data.get('request') if req is None: _LOGGER.error('Received invalid data from Alexa: %s', data) return self.json_message('Expected request value not received', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) req_type = req['type'] if req_type == 'SessionEndedRequest': return None intent = req.get('intent') response = AlexaResponse(self.hass, intent) if req_type == 'LaunchRequest': response.add_speech( SpeechType.plaintext, "Hello, and welcome to the future. How may I help?") return self.json(response) if req_type != 'IntentRequest': _LOGGER.warning('Received unsupported request: %s', req_type) return self.json_message( 'Received unsupported request: {}'.format(req_type), HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) intent_name = intent['name'] config = self.intents.get(intent_name) if config is None: _LOGGER.warning('Received unknown intent %s', intent_name) response.add_speech( SpeechType.plaintext, "This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant.") return self.json(response) speech = config.get(CONF_SPEECH) card = config.get(CONF_CARD) action = config.get(CONF_ACTION) if action is not None: action.run(response.variables) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if speech is not None: response.add_speech(speech[CONF_TYPE], speech[CONF_TEXT]) if card is not None: response.add_card(card[CONF_TYPE], card[CONF_TITLE], card[CONF_CONTENT]) return self.json(response) class AlexaResponse(object): """Help generating the response for Alexa.""" def __init__(self, hass, intent=None): """Initialize the response.""" self.hass = hass self.speech = None self.card = None self.reprompt = None self.session_attributes = {} self.should_end_session = True if intent is not None and 'slots' in intent: self.variables = {key: value['value'] for key, value in intent['slots'].items() if 'value' in value} else: self.variables = {} def add_card(self, card_type, title, content): """Add a card to the response.""" assert self.card is None card = { "type": card_type.value } if card_type == CardType.link_account: self.card = card return card["title"] = title.render(self.variables) card["content"] = content.render(self.variables) self.card = card def add_speech(self, speech_type, text): """Add speech to the response.""" assert self.speech is None key = 'ssml' if speech_type == SpeechType.ssml else 'text' if isinstance(text, template.Template): text = text.render(self.variables) self.speech = { 'type': speech_type.value, key: text } def add_reprompt(self, speech_type, text): """Add reprompt if user does not answer.""" assert self.reprompt is None key = 'ssml' if speech_type == SpeechType.ssml else 'text' self.reprompt = { 'type': speech_type.value, key: text.render(self.variables) } def as_dict(self): """Return response in an Alexa valid dict.""" response = { 'shouldEndSession': self.should_end_session } if self.card is not None: response['card'] = self.card if self.speech is not None: response['outputSpeech'] = self.speech if self.reprompt is not None: response['reprompt'] = { 'outputSpeech': self.reprompt } return { 'version': '1.0', 'sessionAttributes': self.session_attributes, 'response': response, }