* Prevent iCloud exceptions in logfile
With this change ValueError exceptions in the logfile caused by this component will disappear.
These errors are caused by the iCloud API returning an HTTP 450 error and the external lib throwing a ValueError because of it.
A PR has been raised against the external library, but that fix did not yet make it into a new version of the library. This will catch the exception in the mean time.... https://github.com/picklepete/pyicloud/pull/138
* Align log messages
* Mysensors nodes can be renamed in the config file
* Replace nodes array with dict. Replace whole name of the node.
* Improved iteration on node names
While waiting for a new pyfoscam release, we can fix this for users
just by changing the import. Foscam devices a pretty widely deployed,
so a regression here is definitely no fun.
Fixes Bug #8940
* Refactor mysensors callback and add validation
* Add mysensors entity class. The mysensors entity class inherits from
a more general mysensors device class.
* Extract mysensors name function.
* Add setup_mysensors_platform for mysensors platforms.
* Add mysensors const schemas.
* Update mysensors callback and add child validation.
* Remove gateway wrapper class.
* Add better logging for mysensors callback.
* Add discover_persistent_devices function.
* Remove discovery in mysensors component setup.
* Clean up gateway storage in hass.data.
* Update all mysensors platforms.
* Add repr for MySensorsNotificationDevice.
* Fix bug in mysensors climate target temperatures.
* Clean up platforms. Child validation simplifies assumptions in
* Remove not needed try except statements. All messages are validated
already in pymysensors.
* Clean up logging.
* Add timer debug logging if callback is slow.
* Upgrade pymysensors to 0.11.0.
* Make dispatch callback async
* Pass tuple device_args and optional add_devices
* Also return new_devices as list instead of dictionary.
* Adds support for the Xiaomi Philips LED Ball and Ceiling Lamp
* Documentation url updated.
* New component to .coveragerc added.
* Unused import removed.
* translate labeled as static method.
* Mixed parameters in log message fixed.
* Order of requirements_all.txt fixed.
* Plattform updated. It's async now.
* Simplifiable if-statement fixed.
* Some more clean-up of unneeded stuff.
* Platform schema updated.
* Component is called xiaomi_philipslight now.
* Requirements all updated.
* Initialization of some variables updated.
* Raise PlatformNotReady exception if light cannot be discovered.
* Import of math removed.
Missing space added.
* Remove unnecessary updates
* Refactor mysensors callback and add validation
* Add mysensors entity class. The mysensors entity class inherits from
a more general mysensors device class.
* Extract mysensors name function.
* Add setup_mysensors_platform for mysensors platforms.
* Add mysensors const schemas.
* Update mysensors callback and add child validation.
* Remove gateway wrapper class.
* Add better logging for mysensors callback.
* Add discover_persistent_devices function.
* Remove discovery in mysensors component setup.
* Clean up gateway storage in hass.data.
* Update all mysensors platforms.
* Add repr for MySensorsNotificationDevice.
* Fix bug in mysensors climate target temperatures.
* Clean up platforms. Child validation simplifies assumptions in
* Remove not needed try except statements. All messages are validated
already in pymysensors.
* Clean up logging.
* Add timer debug logging if callback is slow.
* Upgrade pymysensors to 0.11.0.
* Make dispatch callback async
* Pass tuple device_args and optional add_devices
* Also return new_devices as list instead of dictionary.
* Emulate set_current_position in cover.template
* Add opportunistic mode
* Prevent another move when cover is already moving. Add tests for opotunistic/timed-delay mode
* Remove timed-move capabilities
* Set init state to unknown
* cleanup template
* Update test_template.py
* Simplisafe unknown status fix
Changed simplisafe-python requirement to 1.0.5 and changed state return
case statements to lower case
* Bump requirements_all.txt
* cast strings to integers for hsv_to_rgb conversion, fixes#6473
* remove type_checking, flake8 does not like that.
* use hsv_to_rgb to convert to correct rgb value
* Support changing the bulb color for tplink smartbulbs, related to #8766
* existence of ATTR_RGB_COLOR in kwargs, not just its existence...
* return modified supported features
* rgb-hsv conversion utils from hass return bogus values (at least for this device), so doing conversions directly with colorsys
* add typing & documentation for color model conversions
* make linters happy
* cast hsv to integer before passing it to the backend library
* make sure the bulb is on before adjusting the other settings
* allow floats as inputs for conversions, return always integers
* use typing hint in the parameter list instead of at assignment
* do not assign local color state inside turn_on, but let update handle doing it
* use forward declaration for typing, fixes travis requirements build hopefully
* rename hsv and rgb
* remove type-checking check, forward declarations should work just fine without it
* disable (broken) pylint warnings, these can be removed after astroid is updated from 1.4.9 to 1.5
* Pilight switch: restore last state after restart
This uses the restore_state helper to set the last known state to
pilight switches when the devices are initialized after a HA
Without this HA forget the state on every restart and needs to be told
the sttae by retoggling the switches. This can cause unwanted effects
as a switch toggling may emit an RF signal.
* Make hound happy
Signed-off-by: Jan Losinski <losinski@wh2.tu-dresden.de>
* Remove entity_id generation as requested in review.
* Make hound happy again.
* fix comments
* fix lint