* Move secret cache out of loader so it can be referenced by other folders
* Unit test to verify secrets from another folder work & see if it overrides parent secret
* Clear secret cache after load
* Fix: Circular dependencies of internal files
* Change: dt.date for Date and dt.datetime for DateTime
* Use NewType if available
* FIX: Wrong version test
* Remove: Date and DateTime types due to error
* Change to HomeAssistantType
* General Improvement of Typing
* Improve typing config_validation
* Improve typing script
* General Typing Improvements
* Improve NewType check
* Improve typing db_migrator
* Improve util/__init__ typing
* Improve helpers/location typing
* Regroup imports and remove pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
* General typing improvements
* Add __main__ type hints
* Fix most errors of __main__
* Add ignore for script.run()
* Add type annotations for from_config_dict and from_config_file
* Fix errors
* Fix requirement error
* Add mypy type check to tests
* Enable travis typing check
* Messed up the tox deps
* Laxer type checker
* Stick version numbers
* Move elevation to core config
* Migrate forecast test to requests-mock
* Migrate YR tests to requests-mock
* Add requests_mock to requirements_test.txt
* Move conf code from bootstrap to config
* More config fixes
* Fix some more issues
* Add test for set config and failing auto detect
Instead of nested tracebacks, show a simpler error message.
Config directory: /home/user/.homeassistant
ERROR:homeassistant.util.yaml:duplicate key: "script"
in "/home/user/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 95, column 0
in "/home/user/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 108, column 0
This revision of event decorators removes much of the complexity. The
decorated functions are no longer wrapped with a class that tracks
last_run, etc. Bootstrap now gives hass to the event_decorators module
before initializing components so the decorators no longer require
1) helpers/event should not import the sun component unless it is
requested. This prevents circular import.
2) fixed import typo in bootstrap
2) bootstrap cannot import event_decorators until it is needed because
this leads to a circular import.
Created event decorators for custom components. Decorators were created
for the events: track_state_change, track_sunrise, track_sunset, and
Since the requirements only change when the software is updated,
this adds a command line switch to disable pip installs on
startup. The default behavior is maintained when the switch is
not specified. Skipping pip helps a lot with startup on older RPi
Created three additional flags for the hass command:
-v - Toggle verbose log file output
—pid-file - Specify PID file path
—daemon - Launch as daemon (nix only)
The core now binds to SIGQUIT on nix systems to trigger a clean
Modified HTTP server to write logging messages through the logging
Rewrote imports of exceptions to be from the exceptions module.
Made nmap scanner check for libnmap dependency without crashing.
Various flake8 and pylint updates.
Revised main to use frontend and demo strings rather than importing
their domains.
Removed submodule validation.
Moved local library mounting to the bootstrap module and out of core.
Added requirements_all.txt for all dependencies.
Made core dependencies looser.
Small updates to setup.py.