The older (unsupported AirCam) models behave differently and also apparently
suffer some under the last release of the NVR that supported them. Since they
are EOL and not supported by current software, filter them out so we don't
break while trying to extract an image from them.
This adds tests for the uvc camera module. It's a good thing too,
because I found a few bugs which are fixed here as well:
- Graceful handling of non-integer port
- Failure to take the first host that works when probing host,internalHost
- Failure to detect if neither of them actually work
This also converts the code to only call add_devices once with a listcomp.
The NVR tells us the admin username, but not the password for the
camera. Right now, we assume the default password, which obviously
doesn't work for people that have changed it. The uvcclient library
provides a way to set the cached admin password for a camera, which
is stored in a client-specific location. We can utilize that to
grab the password, falling back to the default if it's unset. With
this, people just need to run a command per camera to set the
admin password on their systems, if it has changed.
This makes the UVC camera_image() method not log into the camera on
every single image fetch, which reduces load on hass and the camera,
and lowers the latency to get an actual image fetched.
This adds support for Ubiquiti's UniFi Video cameras via their
NVR device (or service). By configuring just the address of the
NVR and a valid API key, all cameras are discovered and enabled,
including direct-to-camera image snapshot-based video support.