* No longer require pyunify during tests
* No longer require cast during tests
* No longer required dependency for tests
* No longer require pymochad for tests
* Astral is a core dependency
* Avoid having to install datadog dependency during tests
* CMUS test doesn't test anything
* Frontier Silicon doesn't test anything
* No longer require mutagen
* Update requirements_test_all.txt
* Remove stale comment
* ps - do not install all dependencies
* Comment out blinkt because it depends on GPIO
* Add pip upgrade check back
* Disable import error blinkt
* Update comment
* Fix comment
* Add new raspihats component
* added raspihats to COMMENT_REQUIREMENTS in gen_requirements_all.py
* disabled pylint import errors
* using hass.data for storing i2c-hats manager
* Added eddystone_temperature platform.
* Fixed style issues.
* Fixed style issues #2.
* Fixed style issues #3.
* Added new platform to .coveragerc
* Refactored platform to use the beacontools package.
* Fixed style issues and added beacontools to excluded requirements.
* Removed obsolete constants and added pylint exception.
* Added blank line
* Updated beacontools to version 1.0.0
* Updated beacontools to version 1.0.1
* Forgot to regenerate requirements_all
* Minor changes
* Refactors script/setup_docker_prereqs
Refactors script/setup_docker_prereqs to allow toggling of packages
to being installed
* Adds support for openalpr to Docker
* Updates Dockerfile
Comments ENV directives in order to preserve cache.
* Fixes incorrect position of echo
* Fixes telldus installer by updating apt before pkg install
* Remove build dirs from docker image to keep the layers small
* Create setup_docker_prereqs script to prepare docker env
* Add documentation for required packages, drop colorlog and cython in first step of Dockerfile since it will be installed later on anyway. Drop libglib2.0-dev and libbluetooth-dev
* Also remove early install of colorlog and cython in Dockerfile.dev
* Re-add libglib2.0-dev and libbluetooth-dev for Bluetooth LE
* Add a volume to store the tox cache on the host. This gives quite some speed boost when running lint_docker and test_docker.
* Only map .tox directory for cache.
* Allow bower install of frontend components as root. Needed for frontend development in docker since everything runs as root in the docker image.
* Improve development workflow in docker
* Use LANG=C.UTF-8 in tox. Fixes installation of libraries with UTF-8 in it's readme.
* Install mysqlclient psycopg2 uvloop after requirements_all.txt again, but with a --no-cache-dir this time. Allows bootstrap_frontend to be executed in a different path like the other scripts.