* create binary sensor even if initial update fails
* fixed broken test assertion
* fixed broken test assertion
* avoid fetching resource twice - manually in the setup_platform and then through add_devices
* raising PlatformNotReady instead of creating the sensor if the initial rest call fails; throttling the update to avoid fetching the same resource again immediately after setting up sensor
* rolled back throttling of the rest update call; can still avoid updating the binary sensor's rest resoure twice; fixed tests
* typo
* De-run_forever()-ization
* Use asyncio.run (or our own implementation on Python <3.7)
* hass.start is only used by tests
* setup_and_run_hass() is now async
* Add "main" async hass.run method
* move SIGINT handling to helpers/signal.py
* add flag to .run to disable hass's signal handlers
* Teach async_start and async_stop to not step on each other
(more than necessary)
* shorten over-long lines
* restore missing "import asyncio"
* move run_asyncio to homeassistant.util.async_
* LOGGER: warn => warning
* Add "force" flag to async_stop
only useful for testing
* Add 'attrs==18.2.0' to requirements_all.txt
Required for keeping requirements_test_all.txt in sync, where it is in
turn required to prevent auto-downgrading "attrs" during "pip install"
* Fixes for mypy
* Fix "mock_signal" fixture
* Revert mistaken edit
* Flake8 fixes
* mypy fixes
* pylint fix
* Revert adding attrs== to requirements_test*.txt
solved by using "pip -c"
* Rename "run" to "async_run", as per calling conventions
## Description:
More fixes flagged by pylint 2 that don't hurt to have before the actual pylint 2 upgrade (which I'll submit soon).
## Checklist:
- [ ] The code change is tested and works locally.
- [x] Local tests pass with `tox`. **Your PR cannot be merged unless tests pass**
* Option to load or not to load clip sensors on start
* Full flow
* Fix config flow and add tests
* Fix attribute dark reporting properly
* Imported and properly configured deCONZ shouldn't need extra input to create config entry
* Add new device without restarting hass
* Remove debug prints
* Fix copy paste error
* Fix comments from balloob
Add tests to verify signalling with new added devices
* Fix hound comments
Add test to verify when new sensor is added
* Fix tests
* Unload entry should unsubscribe all deconz dispatchers
* Make sure mock setup also creates unsub in hass data
* Fix copy paste issue
* Lint
* Use forward entry setup with light platform
* Move sensor to forward entry setup
* Use forward entry setup with binary sensors
* Use forward entry setup with scene platform
* Remove import of unused functionality
* Move deconz setup in to setup entry
Create initial negative tests for setup entry
* Fix hound comment
* Improved tests
* Add test for scene platform
* Add test for binary sensor platform
* Add test for light platform
* Add test for light platform
* Add test for sensor platform
* Fix hound comment
* More asserts on sensor types
* Extend Threshold binary sensor to support ranges
- Adds support for ranges
- Threshold type (lower, upper, range) is defined by supplied
thresholds (lower, upper)
- Adds verbose status/position relative to threshold as attribute
* Minor changes (ordering, names, etc.)
* Update name
* Update name
* Add attribute to show who last un/set alarm.
This allows showing the name of the SPC user who last
issued an arm/disarm command and also allows for
automations to depend on this value.
* Optimize
* Update spc.py
* Update spc.py
* fix
* Fix test.
* Fix for removed is_state_attr.
* Initial commit of Vultr components
Have a working Vultr hub and binary sensor which pulls down the
following attributes of your VPS:
- Date created
- Subscription id (server id)
- Cost per month (in US$)
- Operating System installed
- IPv4 address
- label (human readable name)
- region
- number of vcpus
- which storage package chosen
- IPV6 address (if applicable)
- RAM amount
Working next on sensor and then testing / coverage.
* Added Vultr sensor for pending charges and current bandwidth. Refactored binary_sensor and hub too
* Corrected is_on bases
* Added basic tests for Vultr binary & platform
* Updated require files
* Changing test fixture to highlight different cases
* Written basic test for sensor.vultr
* Resolved linting errors and broken test
* Increase test coverage and corrected docs
* Resolved hound issues
* Revert back negative binary test
* Another hound resolve
* Refactoring and adding is switch, moving over to vultr branch
* Made Vultr components more resiliant to invalid configs
* Added negetive test for vultr binary sensor
* Added better testing of vultr sensor
* Resolved vultr platform test affecting subsequent vultr tests
* Moving VULTR components to single use design
* Added in sensor name config
* Added missing sensors var
* Resolved init data setting of sensors, added in name conf to switch
* Made the Vultr component more resiliant to startup failure with better alerting
* Various Vultr component changes
- Refactored sensor, binary_sensor, and switch to reference one subscription
- Improved test coverage
* Resolved local tox linting issue
* Added more testing for Vultr switch
* Improved test coverage for Vultr components
* Made PR comment changes to vultr binary sensor
* Made PR comment changes to Vultr sensor
* resolved PR comments for Vultr Switch
* Resolved vultr sensor name and improved tests
* Improved Vultr switch testing (default name formatting)
* Removed vultr hub failure checking
* Trend sensor now uses linear regression to calculate trend
* Added numpy to trend sensor test requirements
* Added trendline tests
* Trend sensor now has max_samples attribute
* Trend sensor uses utcnow from HA utils
* Trend sensor now completes setup in async_added_to_hass
* Fixed linter issues
* Fixed broken import
* Trend tests make use of max_samples
* Added @asyncio.coroutine decorator to trend update callback
* Update trend.py
* Extended Ring DoorBell to support camera playback and wifi sensors
* Bump python-ringdoorbell to version 0.1.6
* Support to camera playback via ffmpeg
* Extended ringdoorbell sensors to report WiFi attributes
* Extended unittests
* Makes lint happy
* Added support to stickup cameras and fixed logic
* Fixed unittests for stickup cameras
* Makes lint happy
* Refactored attributions and removed extra refresh method.
* Added hysteresis attribute to threshold binary sensor
* Added threshold binary sensor hysteresis test case
* Changed threshold binary sensor property name to be more self explanatory
* Pulled default hysteresis value into top level declaration
* Fixed linter errors
* Fixed additional linter errors
* Move comment to docs
* MQTT Binary Sensor - Add availability_topic for online/offline status
Added topic, configurable payloads, and tests.
* Relocated state subscribe function
Moved state subscribe function to follow the state listener function.
* renamed add_devices to async_add_devices according to hass naming scheme
* replaced some occurencies of async_add_entites to async_add_devices
* fixed unit test
* fixed unit test
* Allow multiple observations of same entity
* There may be different probabilities for multiple states of the same
This change addresses the need by:
* Keeping a list of observations for each entity to check on each state
change of the given entity.
* Adding a numeric id to each observation so that they can be
effectively added and removed from `self.current_obs`.
* Adding a test to confirm functionality.
* fix overzealous indenting
* Bayesian Binary Sensor
* It would be beneficial to leverage various sensor outputs in a
Bayesian manner in order to sense more complex events.
This change addresses the need by:
* `BayesianBinarySensor` class in
* Tests in `./tests/components/binary_sensor/test_bayesian.py`
This is my first time in this code-base. I did try to follow conventions
that I was able to find, but I'm sure there will be some issues to
straighten out.
* minor cleanup
* Address reviewer's comments
This change addresses the need by:
* Removing `CONF_SENSOR_CLASS` and its usage in `get_deprecated`.
* Make probability update function a static method, and use single `_`
to match project conventions.
* Address linter failures
* fix `device_class` declaration
* Address Comments
* Not validating config schema enough.
* Not following common practices for async initialization.
* Naive implementation of Bayes' rule.
This change addresses the need by:
* Improving config validation for observations.
* Moving initialization logic into `async_added_to_hass`.
* Re-configuring Bayesian updates to allow true P|Q usage.
* address linting issues
* Improve DRYness by adding `_update_current_obs` method
* update doc strings and ensure functions are set up properly for async
* Make only 1 state change handle
* fix style
* fix style part 2
* fix lint
* Add support for offset for the workday sensor
* Update tests for workday sensor
* Changed from 'offset' to 'days_offset'
* Attributes bugfix (dictionary key variable repeated with different values)
* Added possibilities to use template in the command_line sensor
* Minor style guideline conforms
* Minor style guideline conforms
* Added new test for template rendering
* Minor style guideline conforms
* Minor style guideline conforms
* Fixed failing testcases
* Fix style violations
* fix code pretty
* Add support for Vanderbilt SPC alarm panels.
* Arm/disarm + read state
* Autodiscover and add motion sensors
* Fix code formatting.
* Use asyncio.async for Python < 3.4.4.
* Fix for moved aiohttp exceptions.
* Add docstrings.
* Fix tests and add docstrings.