From f75b325ab2bb985c4c83b03997017109aa3a0bac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 00:14:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] [ci skip] Translation update --- .../components/adax/translations/fr.json | 22 ++++- .../components/adax/translations/he.json | 8 +- .../components/airthings/translations/fr.json | 21 +++++ .../components/airtouch4/translations/fr.json | 6 +- .../amberelectric/translations/fr.json | 22 +++++ .../components/apple_tv/translations/fr.json | 21 ++++- .../components/arcam_fmj/translations/fr.json | 2 +- .../aseko_pool_live/translations/fr.json | 20 +++++ .../aurora_abb_powerone/translations/fr.json | 23 +++++ .../azure_devops/translations/fr.json | 2 +- .../components/balboa/translations/fr.json | 28 ++++++ .../binary_sensor/translations/fr.json | 27 ++++++ .../components/blebox/translations/fr.json | 2 +- .../components/bond/translations/fr.json | 2 +- .../components/brother/translations/fr.json | 2 +- .../components/brunt/translations/fr.json | 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d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "heater_not_available": "Chauffage non disponible. Essayez de r\u00e9initialiser le chauffage en appuyant sur + et OK pendant quelques secondes.", + "heater_not_found": "Chauffage introuvable. Essayez de rapprocher le radiateur de l'ordinateur Home Assistant.", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, "step": { + "cloud": { + "data": { + "account_id": "Identifiant de compte", + "password": "Mot der passe" + } + }, + "local": { + "data": { + "wifi_pswd": "Mot de passe WiFi", + "wifi_ssid": "identifiant Wifi" + }, + "description": "R\u00e9initialisez le radiateur en appuyant sur + et OK jusqu'\u00e0 ce que l'\u00e9cran affiche \u00ab\u00a0Reset\u00a0\u00bb. Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton OK du radiateur et maintenez-le enfonc\u00e9 jusqu'\u00e0 ce que le voyant bleu commence \u00e0 clignoter avant d'appuyer sur Soumettre. La configuration du chauffage peut prendre quelques minutes." + }, "user": { "data": { "account_id": "identifiant de compte", + "connection_type": "S\u00e9lectionner le type de connexion", "host": "H\u00f4te", "password": "Mot de passe" - } + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le type de connexion. Local n\u00e9cessite des radiateurs avec Bluetooth" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/adax/translations/he.json b/homeassistant/components/adax/translations/he.json index 54d31cd2669..0ba47926a07 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/adax/translations/he.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/adax/translations/he.json @@ -1,13 +1,19 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "\u05ea\u05e6\u05d5\u05e8\u05ea \u05d4\u05d4\u05ea\u05e7\u05df \u05db\u05d1\u05e8 \u05e0\u05e7\u05d1\u05e2\u05d4" + "already_configured": "\u05ea\u05e6\u05d5\u05e8\u05ea \u05d4\u05d4\u05ea\u05e7\u05df \u05db\u05d1\u05e8 \u05e0\u05e7\u05d1\u05e2\u05d4", + "invalid_auth": "\u05d0\u05d9\u05de\u05d5\u05ea \u05dc\u05d0 \u05d7\u05d5\u05e7\u05d9" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u05d4\u05d4\u05ea\u05d7\u05d1\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea \u05e0\u05db\u05e9\u05dc\u05d4", "invalid_auth": "\u05d0\u05d9\u05de\u05d5\u05ea \u05dc\u05d0 \u05d7\u05d5\u05e7\u05d9" }, "step": { + "cloud": { + "data": { + "password": "\u05e1\u05d9\u05e1\u05de\u05d4" + } + }, "user": { "data": { "account_id": "\u05de\u05d6\u05d4\u05d4 \u05d7\u05e9\u05d1\u05d5\u05df", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/airthings/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/airthings/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1ad84e8bd99 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/airthings/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "description": "Connectez-vous sur {url} pour trouver vos identifiants", + "id": "ID", + "secret": "Secret" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/airtouch4/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/airtouch4/translations/fr.json index 33580a8eae3..8dce645e3f0 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/airtouch4/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/airtouch4/translations/fr.json @@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" }, "error": { - "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "no_units": "Impossible de trouver des groupes AirTouch 4." }, "step": { "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te" - } + }, + "title": "Configurez les d\u00e9tails de votre connexion AirTouch 4." } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/amberelectric/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/amberelectric/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..487ceff33f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/amberelectric/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "config": { + "step": { + "site": { + "data": { + "site_name": "Nom du site", + "site_nmi": "Site NMI" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le NMI du site que vous souhaitez ajouter", + "title": "Amber Electrique" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "api_token": "Jeton d'API", + "site_id": "ID du site" + }, + "description": "Acc\u00e9dez \u00e0 {api_url} pour g\u00e9n\u00e9rer une cl\u00e9 API", + "title": "Amber Electrique" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/apple_tv/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/apple_tv/translations/fr.json index 056a98ea74f..23fed83cfc4 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/apple_tv/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/apple_tv/translations/fr.json @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ { "config": { "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", "already_configured_device": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", "backoff": "L'appareil n'accepte pas les demandes d'appariement pour le moment (vous avez peut-\u00eatre saisi un code PIN non valide trop de fois), r\u00e9essayez plus tard.", "device_did_not_pair": "Aucune tentative pour terminer l'appairage n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 effectu\u00e9e \u00e0 partir de l'appareil.", + "device_not_found": "L'appareil n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9 lors de la d\u00e9couverte, veuillez r\u00e9essayer de l'ajouter.", + "inconsistent_device": "Les protocoles attendus n'ont pas \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9s lors de la d\u00e9couverte. Cela indique normalement un probl\u00e8me avec le DNS multicast (Zeroconf). Veuillez r\u00e9essayer d'ajouter l'appareil.", "invalid_config": "La configuration de cet appareil est incompl\u00e8te. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer de l'ajouter.", "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le r\u00e9seau", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", + "setup_failed": "\u00c9chec de la configuration de l'appareil.", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "error": { @@ -16,14 +21,14 @@ "no_usable_service": "Un dispositif a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9, mais aucun moyen d\u2019\u00e9tablir un lien avec lui. Si vous continuez \u00e0 voir ce message, essayez de sp\u00e9cifier son adresse IP ou de red\u00e9marrer votre Apple TV.", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Apple TV: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name} ({type})", "step": { "confirm": { - "description": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'ajouter l'Apple TV nomm\u00e9e \u00ab {name} \u00bb \u00e0 Home Assistant. \n\n **Pour terminer le processus, vous devrez peut-\u00eatre saisir plusieurs codes PIN.** \n\n Veuillez noter que vous ne pourrez *pas* \u00e9teindre votre Apple TV avec cette int\u00e9gration. Seul le lecteur multim\u00e9dia de Home Assistant s'\u00e9teint!", + "description": "Vous \u00eates sur le point d'ajouter ` {name} ` de type ` {type} ` \u00e0 Home Assistant. \n\n **Pour terminer le processus, vous devrez peut-\u00eatre saisir plusieurs codes PIN.** \n\n Veuillez noter que vous ne pourrez *pas* \u00e9teindre votre Apple TV avec cette int\u00e9gration. Seul le lecteur multim\u00e9dia de Home Assistant s'\u00e9teindra !", "title": "Confirmer l'ajout d'Apple TV" }, "pair_no_pin": { - "description": "L'appairage est requis pour le service ` {protocol} `. Veuillez saisir le code PIN {pin} sur votre Apple TV pour continuer.", + "description": "L'appariement est requis pour le service ` {protocol} `. Veuillez saisir le code PIN {pin} sur votre appareil pour continuer.", "title": "Appairage" }, "pair_with_pin": { @@ -33,6 +38,14 @@ "description": "L'appairage est requis pour le protocole `{protocol}`. Veuillez saisir le code PIN affich\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9cran. Les z\u00e9ros doivent \u00eatre omis, c'est-\u00e0-dire entrer 123 si le code affich\u00e9 est 0123.", "title": "Appairage" }, + "password": { + "description": "Un mot de passe est requis par ` {protocol} `. Ceci n'est pas encore pris en charge, veuillez d\u00e9sactiver le mot de passe pour continuer.", + "title": "Mot de passe requis" + }, + "protocol_disabled": { + "description": "L'appairage est requis pour ` {protocol} ` mais il est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 sur l'appareil. Veuillez examiner les restrictions d'acc\u00e8s potentielles (par exemple, autoriser tous les appareils du r\u00e9seau local \u00e0 se connecter) sur l'appareil. \n\n Vous pouvez continuer sans appairer ce protocole, mais certaines fonctionnalit\u00e9s seront limit\u00e9es.", + "title": "Appairage impossible" + }, "reconfigure": { "description": "Cette Apple TV rencontre des difficult\u00e9s de connexion et doit \u00eatre reconfigur\u00e9e.", "title": "Reconfiguration de l'appareil" @@ -45,7 +58,7 @@ "data": { "device_input": "Appareil" }, - "description": "Commencez par entrer le nom de l'appareil (par exemple, Cuisine ou Chambre) ou l'adresse IP de l'Apple TV que vous souhaitez ajouter. Si des appareils ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9s automatiquement sur votre r\u00e9seau, ils sont affich\u00e9s ci-dessous. \n\n Si vous ne voyez pas votre appareil ou rencontrez des probl\u00e8mes, essayez de sp\u00e9cifier l'adresse IP de l'appareil. \n\n {devices}", + "description": "Commencez par saisir le nom de l'appareil (par exemple, cuisine ou chambre) ou l'adresse IP de l'Apple TV que vous souhaitez ajouter. \n\n Si vous ne pouvez pas voir votre appareil ou rencontrez des probl\u00e8mes, essayez de sp\u00e9cifier l'adresse IP de l'appareil.", "title": "Configurer une nouvelle Apple TV" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/arcam_fmj/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/arcam_fmj/translations/fr.json index 938e9ab7b5d..363621cc94a 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/arcam_fmj/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/arcam_fmj/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "one": "Vide", "other": "Vide" }, - "flow_title": "Arcam FMJ sur {host}", + "flow_title": "{host}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous ajouter Arcam FMJ sur ` {host} ` \u00e0 HomeAssistant ?" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/aseko_pool_live/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/aseko_pool_live/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d28b22f8d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/aseko_pool_live/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "email": "Email", + "password": "Mot de passe" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/aurora_abb_powerone/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/aurora_abb_powerone/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d87822fb7c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/aurora_abb_powerone/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "no_serial_ports": "Aucun port com trouv\u00e9. Besoin d'un p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique RS485 valide pour communiquer." + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "Connexion impossible, veuillez v\u00e9rifier le port s\u00e9rie, l'adresse, la connexion \u00e9lectrique et que l'onduleur est allum\u00e9 (\u00e0 la lumi\u00e8re du jour)", + "cannot_open_serial_port": "Impossible d'ouvrir le port s\u00e9rie, veuillez v\u00e9rifier et r\u00e9essayer", + "invalid_serial_port": "Le port s\u00e9rie n'est pas un p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique valide ou n'a pas pu \u00eatre ouvert", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "address": "Adresse de l'onduleur", + "port": "Port adaptateur RS485 ou USB-RS485" + }, + "description": "L'onduleur doit \u00eatre connect\u00e9 via un adaptateur RS485, veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le port s\u00e9rie et l'adresse de l'onduleur comme configur\u00e9 sur le panneau LCD" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/azure_devops/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/azure_devops/translations/fr.json index 27513074046..17bc6104112 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/azure_devops/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/azure_devops/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "project_error": "Impossible d'obtenir les informations sur le projet." }, - "flow_title": "Azure DevOps: {project_url}", + "flow_title": "{project_url}", "step": { "reauth": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/balboa/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/balboa/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c9c24b8dee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/balboa/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te" + }, + "title": "Connectez-vous \u00e0 l'appareil Wi-Fi Balboa" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "sync_time": "Synchronisez l'heure de votre client Balboa Spa avec Home Assistant" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/binary_sensor/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/binary_sensor/translations/fr.json index 74f54a30814..b1a1d7ee351 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/binary_sensor/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/binary_sensor/translations/fr.json @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ "is_not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} est d\u00e9branch\u00e9", "is_not_powered": "{entity_name} n'est pas aliment\u00e9", "is_not_present": "{entity_name} n'est pas pr\u00e9sent", + "is_not_running": "{entity_name} n'est pas en cours d'ex\u00e9cution", + "is_not_tampered": "{entity_name} ne d\u00e9tecte pas la falsification", "is_not_unsafe": "{entity_name} est en s\u00e9curit\u00e9", "is_occupied": "{entity_name} est occup\u00e9", "is_off": "{entity_name} est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9", @@ -40,8 +42,10 @@ "is_powered": "{entity_name} est aliment\u00e9", "is_present": "{entity_name} est pr\u00e9sent", "is_problem": "{entity_name} d\u00e9tecte un probl\u00e8me", + "is_running": "{entity_name} est en cours d'ex\u00e9cution", "is_smoke": "{entity_name} d\u00e9tecte de la fum\u00e9e", "is_sound": "{entity_name} d\u00e9tecte du son", + "is_tampered": "{entity_name} d\u00e9tecte une falsification", "is_unsafe": "{entity_name} est dangereux", "is_update": "{entity_name} a une mise \u00e0 jour disponible", "is_vibration": "{entity_name} d\u00e9tecte des vibrations" @@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ "connected": "{entity_name} connect\u00e9", "gas": "{entity_name} a commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter du gaz", "hot": "{entity_name} est devenu chaud", + "is_not_tampered": "{entity_name} a cess\u00e9 de d\u00e9tecter la falsification", + "is_tampered": "{entity_name} commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter une falsification", "light": "{entity_name} a commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter la lumi\u00e8re", "locked": "{entity_name} verrouill\u00e9", "moist": "{entity_name} est devenu humide", @@ -77,6 +83,8 @@ "not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} d\u00e9branch\u00e9", "not_powered": "{entity_name} non aliment\u00e9", "not_present": "{entity_name} non pr\u00e9sent", + "not_running": "{entity_name} n'est plus en cours d'ex\u00e9cution", + "not_tampered": "{entity_name} a cess\u00e9 de d\u00e9tecter la falsification", "not_unsafe": "{entity_name} est devenu s\u00fbr", "occupied": "{entity_name} est devenu occup\u00e9", "opened": "{entity_name} ouvert", @@ -84,8 +92,10 @@ "powered": "{entity_name} aliment\u00e9", "present": "{entity_name} pr\u00e9sent", "problem": "{entity_name} a commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter un probl\u00e8me", + "running": "{entity_name} commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 s'ex\u00e9cuter", "smoke": "{entity_name} commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter la fum\u00e9e", "sound": "{entity_name} commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter le son", + "tampered": "{entity_name} commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter une falsification", "turned_off": "{entity_name} est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9", "turned_on": "{entity_name} est activ\u00e9", "unsafe": "{entity_name} est devenu dangereux", @@ -93,6 +103,19 @@ "vibration": "{entity_name} a commenc\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9tecter les vibrations" } }, + "device_class": { + "cold": "froid", + "gas": "gaz", + "heat": "Chauffer", + "moisture": "humidit\u00e9", + "motion": "mouvement", + "occupancy": "occupation", + "power": "Puissance", + "problem": "Probl\u00e8me", + "smoke": "fum\u00e9e", + "sound": "son", + "vibration": "vibration" + }, "state": { "_": { "off": "Inactif", @@ -170,6 +193,10 @@ "off": "OK", "on": "Probl\u00e8me" }, + "running": { + "off": "\u00c0 l'arr\u00eat", + "on": "En marche" + }, "safety": { "off": "S\u00e9curis\u00e9", "on": "Dangereux" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/blebox/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/blebox/translations/fr.json index 83983be5be1..6a5224f9239 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/blebox/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/blebox/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "unknown": "Erreur inattendue", "unsupported_version": "L'appareil BleBox a un micrologiciel obsol\u00e8te. Veuillez d'abord le mettre \u00e0 jour." }, - "flow_title": "P\u00e9riph\u00e9rique Blebox: {name} ({host)}", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/bond/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/bond/translations/fr.json index 7d2450dc9b5..f968622e214 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/bond/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/bond/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "old_firmware": "Ancien micrologiciel non pris en charge sur l'appareil Bond - veuillez mettre \u00e0 niveau avant de continuer", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Lien : {name} ({host})", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/brother/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/brother/translations/fr.json index d5a53b94622..ada9ca7385d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/brother/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/brother/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "snmp_error": "Serveur SNMP d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 ou imprimante non prise en charge.", "wrong_host": "Nom d'h\u00f4te ou adresse IP invalide." }, - "flow_title": "Imprimante Brother: {model} {serial_number}", + "flow_title": "{model} {serial_number}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/brunt/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/brunt/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..611a57ea313 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/brunt/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "reauth_confirm": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir \u00e0 nouveau le mot de passe pour\u00a0: {username}", + "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "title": "Configurez votre int\u00e9gration Brunt" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/bsblan/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/bsblan/translations/fr.json index 2d1388bed18..dda5e5c293c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/bsblan/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/bsblan/translations/fr.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "BSB-Lan: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/button/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/button/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5e6adf70da1 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/button/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "action_type": { + "press": "Appuyez sur le bouton {entity_name}" + }, + "trigger_type": { + "pressed": "{entity_name} a \u00e9t\u00e9 press\u00e9" + } + }, + "title": "Bouton" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/canary/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/canary/translations/fr.json index 9bb1761f9fb..45b06208df4 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/canary/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/canary/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "Canary : {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/cloud/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/cloud/translations/fr.json index 9bb4029fce0..76d6bce9a05 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/cloud/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/cloud/translations/fr.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "relayer_connected": "Relais connect\u00e9", "remote_connected": "Contr\u00f4le \u00e0 distance connect\u00e9", "remote_enabled": "Contr\u00f4le \u00e0 distance activ\u00e9", + "remote_server": "Serveur distant", "subscription_expiration": "Expiration de l'abonnement" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/cloudflare/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/cloudflare/translations/fr.json index 7add319cf29..73c2d76b4fc 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/cloudflare/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/cloudflare/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "invalid_zone": "Zone invalide" }, - "flow_title": "Cloudflare: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "reauth_confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/crownstone/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/crownstone/translations/fr.json index 55336a6a87f..783cd25bd49 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/crownstone/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/crownstone/translations/fr.json @@ -1,20 +1,95 @@ { - "options": { + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "usb_setup_complete": "Configuration de la cl\u00e9 USB Crownstone termin\u00e9e.", + "usb_setup_unsuccessful": "La configuration USB de Crownstone a \u00e9chou\u00e9." + }, + "error": { + "account_not_verified": "Compte non v\u00e9rifi\u00e9. Veuillez activer votre compte via l'e-mail d'activation de Crownstone.", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, "step": { "usb_config": { "data": { "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" - } - }, - "usb_config_option": { - "data": { - "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" - } + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le port s\u00e9rie du dongle USB Crownstone ou s\u00e9lectionnez \u00ab\u00a0Ne pas utiliser USB\u00a0\u00bb si vous ne souhaitez pas configurer un dongle USB. \n\n Recherchez un appareil avec VID 10C4 et PID EA60.", + "title": "Configuration du dongle USB Crownstone" }, "usb_manual_config": { "data": { "usb_manual_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" + }, + "description": "Entrez manuellement le chemin d'un dongle USB Crownstone.", + "title": "Chemin d'acc\u00e8s manuel du dongle USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_sphere_config": { + "data": { + "usb_sphere": "Crownstone Sphere" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez une sph\u00e8re Crownstone o\u00f9 se trouve l\u2019USB.", + "title": "Sph\u00e8re USB Crownstone" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "email": "Email", + "password": "Mot de passe" + }, + "title": "Compte Crownstone" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "usb_sphere_option": "Sph\u00e8re Crownstone o\u00f9 se trouve la cl\u00e9 USB", + "use_usb_option": "Utilisez un dongle USB Crownstone pour la transmission de donn\u00e9es locale" } + }, + "usb_config": { + "data": { + "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le port s\u00e9rie du dongle USB Crownstone. \n\n Recherchez un appareil avec VID 10C4 et PID EA60.", + "title": "Configuration du dongle USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_config_option": { + "data": { + "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le port s\u00e9rie du dongle USB Crownstone. \n\n Recherchez un appareil avec VID 10C4 et PID EA60.", + "title": "Configuration du dongle USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_manual_config": { + "data": { + "usb_manual_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" + }, + "description": "Entrez manuellement le chemin d'un dongle USB Crownstone.", + "title": "Chemin d'acc\u00e8s manuel du dongle USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_manual_config_option": { + "data": { + "usb_manual_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" + }, + "description": "Entrez manuellement le chemin d'un dongle USB Crownstone.", + "title": "Chemin d'acc\u00e8s manuel du dongle USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_sphere_config": { + "data": { + "usb_sphere": "Crownstone Sphere" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez une sph\u00e8re Crownstone o\u00f9 se trouve l\u2019USB.", + "title": "Sph\u00e8re USB Crownstone" + }, + "usb_sphere_config_option": { + "data": { + "usb_sphere": "Crownstone Sphere" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez une sph\u00e8re Crownstone o\u00f9 se trouve l\u2019USB.", + "title": "Sph\u00e8re USB Crownstone" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/daikin/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/daikin/translations/fr.json index 8d033bdb853..3b2dcd8ce27 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/daikin/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/daikin/translations/fr.json @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, "error": { + "api_password": "Authentification invalide, utilisez la cl\u00e9 API ou le mot de passe.", "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/translations/fr.json index 48322a55659..464cc2e139e 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/translations/fr.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "error": { "no_key": "Impossible d'obtenir une cl\u00e9 d'API" }, - "flow_title": "Passerelle deCONZ Zigbee ({host})", + "flow_title": "{host}", "step": { "hassio_confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer Home Assistant pour qu'il se connecte \u00e0 la passerelle deCONZ fournie par le module compl\u00e9mentaire {addon} ?", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/denonavr/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/denonavr/translations/fr.json index 0b7fb29a6d8..474f02f5e21 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/denonavr/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/denonavr/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "error": { "discovery_error": "Impossible de d\u00e9couvrir un r\u00e9cepteur r\u00e9seau Denon AVR" }, - "flow_title": "R\u00e9cepteur r\u00e9seau Denon AVR: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Veuillez confirmer l'ajout du r\u00e9cepteur", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/devolo_home_network/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/devolo_home_network/translations/fr.json index 1c0fc4827c2..49dc24e0db1 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/devolo_home_network/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/devolo_home_network/translations/fr.json @@ -1,18 +1,24 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "home_control": "L'unit\u00e9 centrale devolo Home Control ne fonctionne pas avec cette int\u00e9gration." }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, + "flow_title": "{product} ( {name} )", "step": { "user": { "data": { "ip_address": "Adresse IP" }, "description": "Voulez-vous commencer la configuration ?" + }, + "zeroconf_confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous ajouter le p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique r\u00e9seau domestique devolo avec le nom d'h\u00f4te ` {host_name} ` \u00e0 Home Assistant\u00a0?", + "title": "Appareil r\u00e9seau domestique devolo d\u00e9couvert" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/directv/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/directv/translations/fr.json index 6d5bc24cb5a..9f227f2004e 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/directv/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/directv/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "DirecTV: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "ssdp_confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/dlna_dmr/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/dlna_dmr/translations/fr.json index 4db8bec9bd6..f7a1b9cd71c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/dlna_dmr/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/dlna_dmr/translations/fr.json @@ -1,25 +1,57 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "alternative_integration": "L'appareil est mieux pris en charge par une autre int\u00e9gration", + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "could_not_connect": "\u00c9chec de la connexion au p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique DLNA", + "discovery_error": "\u00c9chec de la d\u00e9couverte d'un p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique DLNA correspondant", + "incomplete_config": "Il manque une variable requise dans la configuration", + "non_unique_id": "Plusieurs appareils trouv\u00e9s avec le m\u00eame identifiant unique", + "not_dmr": "L'appareil n'est pas un moteur de rendu multim\u00e9dia num\u00e9rique pris en charge" }, "error": { - "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "could_not_connect": "\u00c9chec de la connexion au p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique DLNA", + "not_dmr": "L'appareil n'est pas un moteur de rendu multim\u00e9dia num\u00e9rique pris en charge" }, + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous commencer la configuration ?" }, + "import_turn_on": { + "description": "Veuillez allumer l'appareil et cliquer sur soumettre pour continuer la migration" + }, "manual": { "data": { "url": "URL" - } + }, + "description": "URL vers un fichier XML de description d'appareil", + "title": "Connexion manuelle de l'appareil DLNA DMR" }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te", "url": "URL" - } + }, + "description": "Choisissez un appareil \u00e0 configurer ou laissez vide pour saisir une URL", + "title": "P\u00e9riph\u00e9riques DLNA DMR d\u00e9couverts" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "error": { + "invalid_url": "URL invalide" + }, + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "callback_url_override": "URL de rappel de l'\u00e9couteur d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement", + "listen_port": "Port d'\u00e9coute d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement (al\u00e9atoire s'il n'est pas d\u00e9fini)", + "poll_availability": "Sondage pour la disponibilit\u00e9 de l'appareil" + }, + "title": "Configuration du moteur de rendu multim\u00e9dia num\u00e9rique DLNA" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/doorbird/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/doorbird/translations/fr.json index 92961908be4..68165d762f9 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/doorbird/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/doorbird/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "DoorBird {name} ({host})", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/efergy/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/efergy/translations/fr.json index 1e0299533ea..2e98eca19e7 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/efergy/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/efergy/translations/fr.json @@ -1,12 +1,21 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API" + }, + "title": "Efergy" + } } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/elgato/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/elgato/translations/fr.json index 6cd1cd247a7..5f3e99b0425 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/elgato/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/elgato/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "Elgato Key Light: {serial_number}", + "flow_title": "{serial_number}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3c19c6975dd --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "bad_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "invalid_pin": "Le code PIN fourni n\u2019est pas valide", + "network_error": "Une erreur r\u00e9seau s'est produite", + "no_panel_online": "Aucun panneau de contr\u00f4le Elmax en ligne n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9.", + "unknown_error": "une erreur inattendue est apparue" + }, + "step": { + "panels": { + "data": { + "panel_id": "Identifiant du panneau", + "panel_name": "Nom du panneau", + "panel_pin": "Code PIN" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le panneau que vous souhaitez contr\u00f4ler avec cette int\u00e9gration. Veuillez noter que le panneau doit \u00eatre allum\u00e9 pour \u00eatre configur\u00e9.", + "title": "S\u00e9lection du panneau" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "Veuillez vous connecter au cloud Elmax en utilisant vos informations d'identification", + "title": "Connexion au compte" + } + } + }, + "title": "Configuration d\u2019Elmax Cloud" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/he.json b/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/he.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e428d0009ae --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/elmax/translations/he.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "\u05ea\u05e6\u05d5\u05e8\u05ea \u05d4\u05d4\u05ea\u05e7\u05df \u05db\u05d1\u05e8 \u05e0\u05e7\u05d1\u05e2\u05d4" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "password": "\u05e1\u05d9\u05e1\u05de\u05d4", + "username": "\u05e9\u05dd \u05de\u05e9\u05ea\u05de\u05e9" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/emonitor/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/emonitor/translations/fr.json index 9557160e335..aaacc8bf140 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/emonitor/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/emonitor/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "SiteSage {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} ( {host} )?", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/enphase_envoy/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/enphase_envoy/translations/fr.json index a369562d70c..165c54c67d1 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/enphase_envoy/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/enphase_envoy/translations/fr.json @@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Envoy\u00e9 {serial} ({host})", + "flow_title": "{serial} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te", "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" - } + }, + "description": "Pour les mod\u00e8les plus r\u00e9cents, saisissez le nom d'utilisateur \u00ab\u00a0envoy\u00a0\u00bb sans mot de passe. Pour les mod\u00e8les plus anciens, entrez le nom d'utilisateur \u00ab\u00a0installer\u00a0\u00bb sans mot de passe. Pour tous les autres mod\u00e8les, entrez un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe valides." } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/environment_canada/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/environment_canada/translations/fr.json index 84333da4f4a..d09b1eec095 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/environment_canada/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/environment_canada/translations/fr.json @@ -1,15 +1,22 @@ { "config": { "error": { + "bad_station_id": "L'ID de station est invalide, manquant ou introuvable dans la base de donn\u00e9es d'ID de station", "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "error_response": "R\u00e9ponse d'Environnement Canada par erreur", + "too_many_attempts": "Les connexions \u00e0 Environnement Canada sont limit\u00e9es en termes de taux; R\u00e9essayez dans 60 secondes", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "step": { "user": { "data": { + "language": "Langue des informations m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques", "latitude": "Latitude", - "longitude": "Longitude" - } + "longitude": "Longitude", + "station": "ID de la station m\u00e9t\u00e9orologique" + }, + "description": "Un ID de station ou une latitude/longitude doit \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9. La latitude/longitude par d\u00e9faut utilis\u00e9e sont les valeurs configur\u00e9es dans votre installation Home Assistant. La station m\u00e9t\u00e9o la plus proche des coordonn\u00e9es sera utilis\u00e9e si vous sp\u00e9cifiez des coordonn\u00e9es. Si un code de station est utilis\u00e9, il doit suivre le format : PP/code, o\u00f9 PP est la province \u00e0 deux lettres et le code est l'ID de la station. La liste des identifiants de station peut \u00eatre trouv\u00e9e ici : Les informations m\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques peuvent \u00eatre r\u00e9cup\u00e9r\u00e9es en anglais ou en fran\u00e7ais.", + "title": "Environnement Canada\u00a0: emplacement m\u00e9t\u00e9o et langue" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/esphome/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/esphome/translations/fr.json index 860755e97ba..7125ef9c395 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/esphome/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/esphome/translations/fr.json @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", - "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours" + "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { "connection_error": "Impossible de se connecter \u00e0 ESP. Assurez-vous que votre fichier YAML contient une ligne 'api:'.", @@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ "invalid_psk": "La cl\u00e9 de chiffrement de transport n\u2019est pas valide. Assurez-vous qu\u2019elle correspond \u00e0 ce que vous avez dans votre configuration", "resolve_error": "Impossible de r\u00e9soudre l'adresse de l'ESP. Si cette erreur persiste, veuillez d\u00e9finir une adresse IP statique:" }, - "flow_title": "ESPHome: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "authenticate": { "data": { @@ -28,6 +29,12 @@ }, "description": "Entrez la cl\u00e9 de chiffrement que vous avez d\u00e9finie dans votre configuration pour {name}." }, + "reauth_confirm": { + "data": { + "noise_psk": "Cl\u00e9 de chiffrement" + }, + "description": "L'appareil ESPHome {name} activ\u00e9 le cryptage de transport ou modifi\u00e9 la cl\u00e9 de cryptage. Veuillez saisir la cl\u00e9 mise \u00e0 jour." + }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/flux_led/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/flux_led/translations/fr.json index 9cb1d7dfd16..c2177a0cb1f 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/flux_led/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/flux_led/translations/fr.json @@ -1,9 +1,34 @@ { "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", + "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le r\u00e9seau" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + }, + "flow_title": "{model} {id} ( {ipaddr} )", "step": { + "discovery_confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {model} {id} ( {ipaddr} )\u00a0?" + }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te" + }, + "description": "Si vous laissez l'h\u00f4te vide, la d\u00e9couverte sera utilis\u00e9e pour trouver des p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques." + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "custom_effect_colors": "Effet personnalis\u00e9 : liste de 1 \u00e0 16 couleurs [R, V, B]. Exemple\u00a0: [255,0,255],[60,128,0]", + "custom_effect_speed_pct": "Effet personnalis\u00e9\u00a0: vitesse en pourcentage pour l'effet qui change les couleurs.", + "custom_effect_transition": "Effet personnalis\u00e9 : Type de transition entre les couleurs.", + "mode": "Le mode de luminosit\u00e9 choisi." } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/forked_daapd/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/forked_daapd/translations/fr.json index 2b3633f01a0..11951f50a95 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/forked_daapd/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/forked_daapd/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "wrong_password": "Mot de passe incorrect.", "wrong_server_type": "L'int\u00e9gration forked-daapd n\u00e9cessite un serveur forked-daapd avec la version > = 27.0." }, - "flow_title": "serveur forked-daapd: {name} ( {host} )", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/fritz/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/fritz/translations/fr.json index f46c47cab5e..38c8a9e802d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/fritz/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/fritz/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "connection_error": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "FRITZ!Box Tools : {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/fritzbox/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/fritzbox/translations/fr.json index 1f9d5d9893b..8a75221ea88 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/fritzbox/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/fritzbox/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "AVM FRITZ!Box : {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/translations/fr.json index 99baf51d0bd..2d1cadb8a48 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "Moniteur d'appels AVM FRITZ! Box: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "phonebook": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/fronius/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/fronius/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e7ea85962bd --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/fronius/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "invalid_host": "Nom d'h\u00f4te ou adresse IP non valide" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "flow_title": "{device}", + "step": { + "confirm_discovery": { + "description": "Voulez-vous ajouter {device} \u00e0 Home Assistant\u00a0?" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te" + }, + "description": "Configurez l'adresse IP ou le nom d'h\u00f4te local de votre appareil Fronius.", + "title": "Fronius SolarNet" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/goalzero/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/goalzero/translations/fr.json index 469f37143a2..7def0d06402 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/goalzero/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/goalzero/translations/fr.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", "invalid_host": "Nom d'h\u00f4te ou adresse IP non valide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/harmony/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/harmony/translations/fr.json index 25b9e24eb5f..077405be95f 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/harmony/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/harmony/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Logitech Harmony Hub {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "link": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} ( {host} ) ?", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/homekit/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/homekit/translations/fr.json index ef931792193..a66192ace9a 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/homekit/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/homekit/translations/fr.json @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ }, "cameras": { "data": { + "camera_audio": "Cam\u00e9ras prenant en charge l'audio", "camera_copy": "Cam\u00e9ras prenant en charge les flux H.264 natifs" }, "description": "V\u00e9rifiez toutes les cam\u00e9ras prenant en charge les flux H.264 natifs. Si la cam\u00e9ra ne produit pas de flux H.264, le syst\u00e8me transcodera la vid\u00e9o en H.264 pour HomeKit. Le transcodage n\u00e9cessite un processeur performant et il est peu probable qu'il fonctionne sur des ordinateurs \u00e0 carte unique.", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/translations/fr.json index 72d8d58517f..18f3e82aa76 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/translations/fr.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "unable_to_pair": "Impossible d'appairer, veuillez r\u00e9essayer.", "unknown_error": "L'appareil a signal\u00e9 une erreur inconnue. L'appairage a \u00e9chou\u00e9." }, - "flow_title": "{name} via le protocole accessoire HomeKit", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "busy_error": { "description": "Annulez l'association sur tous les contr\u00f4leurs ou essayez de red\u00e9marrer l'appareil, puis continuez \u00e0 reprendre l'association.", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/huawei_lte/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/huawei_lte/translations/fr.json index d04f7e83d3f..ca360ffc077 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/huawei_lte/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/huawei_lte/translations/fr.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "response_error": "Erreur inconnue de l'appareil", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Huawei LTE: {nom}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/hue/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/hue/translations/fr.json index ee82b3ec4e6..63032e42dac 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/hue/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/hue/translations/fr.json @@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ }, "device_automation": { "trigger_subtype": { + "1": "Premier bouton", + "2": "Deuxi\u00e8me bouton", + "3": "Troisi\u00e8me bouton", + "4": "Quatri\u00e8me bouton", "button_1": "Premier bouton", "button_2": "Deuxi\u00e8me bouton", "button_3": "Troisi\u00e8me bouton", @@ -47,11 +51,16 @@ "turn_on": "Allumer" }, "trigger_type": { + "double_short_release": "Les deux \" {subtype} \" ont \u00e9t\u00e9 rel\u00e2ch\u00e9s", + "initial_press": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" appuy\u00e9 initialement", + "long_release": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" rel\u00e2ch\u00e9 apr\u00e8s un appui long", "remote_button_long_release": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" rel\u00e2ch\u00e9 apr\u00e8s un appui long", "remote_button_short_press": "bouton \"{subtype}\" est press\u00e9", "remote_button_short_release": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" est rel\u00e2ch\u00e9", "remote_double_button_long_press": "Les deux \"{sous-type}\" ont \u00e9t\u00e9 rel\u00e2ch\u00e9s apr\u00e8s un appui long", - "remote_double_button_short_press": "Les deux \" {subtype} \" ont \u00e9t\u00e9 rel\u00e2ch\u00e9s" + "remote_double_button_short_press": "Les deux \" {subtype} \" ont \u00e9t\u00e9 rel\u00e2ch\u00e9s", + "repeat": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" maintenu enfonc\u00e9", + "short_release": "Bouton \" {subtype} \" rel\u00e2ch\u00e9 apr\u00e8s un appui court" } }, "options": { @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "init": { "data": { "allow_hue_groups": "Autoriser les groupes Hue", + "allow_hue_scenes": "Autoriser les sc\u00e8nes Hue", "allow_unreachable": "Autoriser les ampoules inaccessibles \u00e0 signaler correctement leur \u00e9tat" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/iotawatt/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/iotawatt/translations/fr.json index 9cb1d7dfd16..1452beb4465 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/iotawatt/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/iotawatt/translations/fr.json @@ -1,6 +1,18 @@ { "config": { + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, "step": { + "auth": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "L'appareil IoTawatt n\u00e9cessite une authentification. Veuillez saisir le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe et cliquez sur le bouton Soumettre." + }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/ipp/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/ipp/translations/fr.json index 21805c55330..4ae1cc602f4 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/ipp/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/ipp/translations/fr.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "connection_upgrade": "Impossible de se connecter \u00e0 l'imprimante. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer avec l'option SSL / TLS coch\u00e9e." }, - "flow_title": "Imprimante: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/isy994/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/isy994/translations/fr.json index 8a4e4ffa707..654df08431d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/isy994/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/isy994/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "invalid_host": "L'entr\u00e9e d'h\u00f4te n'\u00e9tait pas au format URL complet, par exemple", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Appareils universels ISY994 {name} ( {host} )", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/knx/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/knx/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9efac4d94d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/knx/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le service est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "single_instance_allowed": "D\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9. Une seule configuration possible." + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + }, + "step": { + "manual_tunnel": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te", + "individual_address": "Adresse individuelle pour la connexion", + "local_ip": "IP locale (laisser vide en cas de doute)", + "port": "Port", + "route_back": "Retour/Mode NAT" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir les informations de connexion de votre p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique de tunneling." + }, + "routing": { + "data": { + "individual_address": "Adresse individuelle pour la connexion de routage", + "multicast_group": "Le groupe multicast utilis\u00e9 pour le routage", + "multicast_port": "Le port multicast utilis\u00e9 pour le routage" + }, + "description": "Veuillez configurer les options de routage." + }, + "tunnel": { + "data": { + "gateway": "Connexion tunnel KNX" + }, + "description": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une passerelle dans la liste." + }, + "type": { + "data": { + "connection_type": "Type de connexion KNX" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir le type de connexion que nous devons utiliser pour votre connexion KNX.\n AUTOMATIQUE - L'int\u00e9gration prend en charge la connectivit\u00e9 \u00e0 votre bus KNX en effectuant un scan de passerelle.\n TUNNELING - L'int\u00e9gration se connectera \u00e0 votre bus KNX via tunneling.\n ROUTAGE - L'int\u00e9gration se connectera \u00e0 votre bus KNX via le routage." + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "connection_type": "Type de connexion KNX", + "individual_address": "Adresse individuelle par d\u00e9faut", + "multicast_group": "Groupe de multidiffusion utilis\u00e9 pour le routage et la d\u00e9couverte", + "multicast_port": "Port de multidiffusion utilis\u00e9 pour le routage et la d\u00e9couverte", + "rate_limit": "Nombre maximal de t\u00e9l\u00e9grammes sortants par seconde", + "state_updater": "Activer globalement la lecture des \u00e9tats depuis le bus KNX" + } + }, + "tunnel": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te", + "local_ip": "IP locale (laisser vide en cas de doute)", + "port": "Port", + "route_back": "Retour/Mode NAT" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/kodi/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/kodi/translations/fr.json index 8e740466bc4..e94282fa393 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/kodi/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/kodi/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Kodi: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "credentials": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/konnected/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/konnected/translations/fr.json index 7d50c474909..2ddd335fa9e 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/konnected/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/konnected/translations/fr.json @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "abort": { "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "not_konn_panel": "Non reconnu comme appareil", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ca.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ca.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e6d704f1668 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ca.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "codi d'empremta rebut", + "send_keys": "claus d'enviament rebudes", + "transmitter": "codi del transmissor rebut", + "transponder": "codi del transpoder rebut" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/de.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/de.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e7716b1beba --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/de.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "Fingerabdruckcode empfangen", + "send_keys": "Sendeschl\u00fcssel empfangen", + "transmitter": "Sendercode empfangen", + "transponder": "Transpondercode empfangen" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/et.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/et.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eff0c5bd79e --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/et.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "vastu v\u00f5etud s\u00f5rmej\u00e4ljekood", + "send_keys": "vastuv\u00f5etud v\u00f5tmete saatmine", + "transmitter": "saatja kood vastu v\u00f5etud", + "transponder": "saadud transpooderi kood" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7a2202e58a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "code d'empreinte digitale re\u00e7u", + "send_keys": "code \u00e9metteur re\u00e7u", + "transmitter": "code \u00e9metteur re\u00e7u", + "transponder": "code transpodeur re\u00e7u" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/id.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/id.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e265e2e357b --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/id.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "kode sidik jari diterima", + "send_keys": "kode dikirim diterima", + "transmitter": "kode pemancar diterima", + "transponder": "kode transponder diterima" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ja.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ja.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b656835dcbc --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ja.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "\u6307\u7d0b\u30b3\u30fc\u30c9\u3092\u53d7\u4fe1\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f(fingerprint code received)", + "send_keys": "\u9001\u4fe1\u30ad\u30fc\u3092\u53d7\u4fe1\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f(send keys received)", + "transmitter": "\u9001\u4fe1\u6a5f\u30b3\u30fc\u30c9\u53d7\u4fe1\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f(transmitter code received)", + "transponder": "\u30c8\u30e9\u30f3\u30b9\u30dd\u30fc\u30c0\u30fc\u30b3\u30fc\u30c9\u3092\u53d7\u4fe1\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f(transpoder code received)" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ru.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ru.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0953ee96ef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/ru.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d \u043a\u043e\u0434 \u043e\u0442\u043f\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430 \u043f\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0430", + "send_keys": "\u043e\u0442\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043a\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0435\u0439", + "transmitter": "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d \u043a\u043e\u0434 \u043e\u0442 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0447\u0438\u043a\u0430", + "transponder": "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043d \u043a\u043e\u0434 \u043e\u0442 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0451\u043c\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/zh-Hant.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/zh-Hant.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d72235caabe --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/translations/zh-Hant.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "device_automation": { + "trigger_type": { + "fingerprint": "\u5df2\u6536\u5230\u6307\u7d0b\u78bc", + "send_keys": "\u5df2\u6536\u5230\u50b3\u9001\u5bc6\u9470", + "transmitter": "\u5df2\u6536\u5230\u767c\u5c04\u5668\u78bc", + "transponder": "\u5df2\u6536\u5230\u8a62\u7b54\u5668\u78bc" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lookin/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/lookin/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7276af22624 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/lookin/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le r\u00e9seau" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le r\u00e9seau", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", + "step": { + "device_name": { + "data": { + "name": "Nom" + } + }, + "discovery_confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} ( {host} )?" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "ip_address": "Adresse IP" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lutron_caseta/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/lutron_caseta/translations/fr.json index 0dcc8755173..cdf584fcc00 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/lutron_caseta/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/lutron_caseta/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "Lutron Cas\u00e9ta {name} ( {host} )", + "flow_title": "{name} ( {host} )", "step": { "import_failed": { "description": "Impossible de configurer la passerelle (h\u00f4te: {host} ) import\u00e9 \u00e0 partir de configuration.yaml.", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/mill/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/mill/translations/fr.json index ffcff15ade8..440ef77ea0a 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/mill/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/mill/translations/fr.json @@ -7,11 +7,25 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, "step": { - "user": { + "cloud": { "data": { "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" } + }, + "local": { + "data": { + "ip_address": "Adresse IP" + }, + "description": "Adresse IP locale de l'appareil." + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "connection_type": "S\u00e9lectionner le type de connexion", + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "S\u00e9lectionnez le type de connexion. Local n\u00e9cessite des radiateurs de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration 3" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/translations/fr.json index 5847c82af6a..696927d66db 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/translations/fr.json @@ -2,17 +2,24 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", - "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours" + "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours", + "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil restant trouv\u00e9" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, "step": { + "usb_confirm": { + "description": "Il s'agit d'une int\u00e9gration pour les appels fixes utilisant un modem vocal CX93001. Cela peut r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer les informations d'identification de l'appelant avec une option pour rejeter un appel entrant.", + "title": "Modem t\u00e9l\u00e9phonique" + }, "user": { "data": { "name": "Nom", "port": "Port" - } + }, + "description": "Il s'agit d'une int\u00e9gration pour les appels fixes utilisant un modem vocal CX93001. Cela peut r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer les informations d'identification de l'appelant avec une option pour rejeter un appel entrant.", + "title": "Modem t\u00e9l\u00e9phonique" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/motion_blinds/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/motion_blinds/translations/fr.json index dc883066c47..75fb1daa9be 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/motion_blinds/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/motion_blinds/translations/fr.json @@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ "connection_error": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, "error": { - "discovery_error": "Impossible de d\u00e9couvrir une Motion Gateway" + "discovery_error": "Impossible de d\u00e9couvrir une Motion Gateway", + "invalid_interface": "Interface r\u00e9seau non valide" }, "flow_title": "Stores de mouvement", "step": { "connect": { "data": { - "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API" + "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API", + "interface": "Interface r\u00e9seau \u00e0 utiliser" }, "description": "Vous aurez besoin de la cl\u00e9 API de 16 caract\u00e8res, voir pour les instructions", "title": "Stores de mouvement" @@ -33,5 +35,16 @@ "title": "Stores de mouvement" } } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "wait_for_push": "Attendre la mise \u00e0 jour de la diffusion group\u00e9e" + }, + "description": "Sp\u00e9cifiez les param\u00e8tres optionnels", + "title": "Store motoris\u00e9" + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/motioneye/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/motioneye/translations/fr.json index c7a27090396..db844987d88 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/motioneye/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/motioneye/translations/fr.json @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ "step": { "init": { "data": { + "stream_url_template": "Mod\u00e8le d'URL de flux", "webhook_set": "Configurer les webhooks motionEye pour signaler les \u00e9v\u00e9nements \u00e0 Home Assistant", "webhook_set_overwrite": "\u00c9craser les webhooks non reconnus" } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/nam/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/nam/translations/fr.json index fbb2f4ae367..58a626f4071 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/nam/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/nam/translations/fr.json @@ -2,17 +2,34 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", - "device_unsupported": "L'appareil n'est pas pris en charge." + "device_unsupported": "L'appareil n'est pas pris en charge.", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", + "reauth_unsuccessful": "La r\u00e9authentification a \u00e9chou\u00e9, veuillez supprimer l'int\u00e9gration et la reconfigurer." }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "{nom}", + "flow_title": "{host}", "step": { "confirm_discovery": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer Nettigo Air Monitor chez {host} ?" }, + "credentials": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe." + }, + "reauth_confirm": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe corrects pour l'h\u00f4te\u00a0: {host}" + }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/nest/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/nest/translations/fr.json index 06f6897f364..adb7999d772 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/nest/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/nest/translations/fr.json @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ "config": { "abort": { "authorize_url_timeout": "D\u00e9lai de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de l'URL d'authentification d\u00e9pass\u00e9.", + "invalid_access_token": "Jeton d'acc\u00e8s non valide", "missing_configuration": "Le composant n'est pas configur\u00e9. Veuillez suivre la documentation.", "no_url_available": "Aucune URL disponible. Pour plus d'informations sur cette erreur, [consultez la section d'aide] ( {docs_url} )", "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", @@ -12,12 +13,22 @@ "default": "Authentification r\u00e9ussie" }, "error": { + "bad_project_id": "Veuillez saisir un ID de projet Cloud valide (v\u00e9rifiez Cloud\u00a0Console)", "internal_error": "Erreur interne lors de la validation du code", "invalid_pin": "Code PIN invalide", + "subscriber_error": "Erreur d'abonn\u00e9 inconnue, voir les journaux", "timeout": "D\u00e9lai de la validation du code expir\u00e9", - "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue", + "wrong_project_id": "Veuillez saisir un ID de projet Cloud valide (ID de projet d'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l'appareil trouv\u00e9)" }, "step": { + "auth": { + "data": { + "code": "Jeton d'acc\u00e8s" + }, + "description": "Pour lier votre compte Google, [autorisez votre compte]( {url} ). \n\n Apr\u00e8s autorisation, copiez-collez le code d'authentification fourni ci-dessous.", + "title": "Associer un compte Google" + }, "init": { "data": { "flow_impl": "Fournisseur" @@ -35,6 +46,13 @@ "pick_implementation": { "title": "S\u00e9lectionner une m\u00e9thode d'authentification" }, + "pubsub": { + "data": { + "cloud_project_id": "ID de projet Google Cloud" + }, + "description": "Visitez la [Console Cloud]({url}) pour trouver votre ID de projet Google Cloud.", + "title": "Configurer Google\u00a0Cloud" + }, "reauth_confirm": { "description": "L'int\u00e9gration Nest doit r\u00e9-authentifier votre compte", "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/netatmo/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/netatmo/translations/fr.json index 3a66f224bc2..5de581d301b 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/netatmo/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/netatmo/translations/fr.json @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ "authorize_url_timeout": "D\u00e9lai de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de l'URL d'authentification d\u00e9pass\u00e9.", "missing_configuration": "Le composant n'est pas configur\u00e9. Veuillez suivre la documentation.", "no_url_available": "Aucune URL disponible. Pour plus d'informations sur cette erreur, [consultez la section d'aide] ( {docs_url} )", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", "single_instance_allowed": "D\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9. Une seule configuration possible." }, "create_entry": { @@ -12,6 +13,10 @@ "step": { "pick_implementation": { "title": "S\u00e9lectionner une m\u00e9thode d'authentification" + }, + "reauth_confirm": { + "description": "L'int\u00e9gration Netatmo doit r\u00e9-authentifier votre compte", + "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" } } }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/netgear/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/netgear/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f4b0af97896 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/netgear/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "config": "Erreur de connexion ou de connexion : veuillez v\u00e9rifier votre configuration" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te (facultatif)", + "password": "Mot de passe", + "port": "Port (facultatif)", + "ssl": "Utilise un certificat SSL", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur (Optional)" + }, + "description": "H\u00f4te par d\u00e9faut\u00a0: {host}\n Port par d\u00e9faut\u00a0: {port}\n Nom d'utilisateur par d\u00e9faut\u00a0: {username}", + "title": "Netgear" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "consider_home": "Consid\u00e9rez le temps pass\u00e9 \u00e0 la maison (secondes)" + }, + "description": "Sp\u00e9cifiez les param\u00e8tres optionnels", + "title": "Netgear" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/nina/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/nina/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..83f994b79a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/nina/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "single_instance_allowed": "D\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9. Une seule configuration possible." + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "no_selection": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner au moins une ville/une region", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "_a_to_d": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (A-D)", + "_e_to_h": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (E-H)", + "_i_to_l": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (I-L)", + "_m_to_q": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (M-Q)", + "_r_to_u": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (R-U)", + "_v_to_z": "Ville/R\u00e9gion (V-Z)", + "corona_filter": "Supprimer les avertissements Corona", + "slots": "Nombre maximal d'avertissements par ville/region" + }, + "title": "S\u00e9lectionnez la ville/la region" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/notion/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/notion/translations/fr.json index 5979af3cf04..111fc918818 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/notion/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/notion/translations/fr.json @@ -1,13 +1,22 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", - "no_devices": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le compte" + "no_devices": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le compte", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "step": { + "reauth_confirm": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe" + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir \u00e0 nouveau le mot de passe pour {username} .", + "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" + }, "user": { "data": { "password": "Mot de passe", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/nzbget/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/nzbget/translations/fr.json index 15420989501..fc043e36108 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/nzbget/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/nzbget/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "NZBGet: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/octoprint/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/octoprint/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..779335b2229 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/octoprint/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "auth_failed": "\u00c9chec de la r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration de la cl\u00e9 API de l'application", + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "flow_title": "Imprimante OctoPrint\u00a0: {host}", + "progress": { + "get_api_key": "Ouvrez l'interface utilisateur d'OctoPrint et cliquez sur \u00abAutoriser\u00bb sur la demande d'acc\u00e8s pour \u00abHome Assistant\u00bb." + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te", + "path": "Chemin d\u2019acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l\u2019application", + "port": "Num\u00e9ro de port", + "ssl": "Utiliser SSL", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/opengarage/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/opengarage/translations/fr.json index 909f8bd9eec..571a2c68b22 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/opengarage/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/opengarage/translations/fr.json @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ "step": { "user": { "data": { + "device_key": "Cl\u00e9 de l'appareil", "host": "H\u00f4te", "port": "Port", "verify_ssl": "V\u00e9rifier le certificat SSL" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/ovo_energy/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/ovo_energy/translations/fr.json index 9be6b4d3c11..2c2482d9f5f 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/ovo_energy/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/ovo_energy/translations/fr.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "OVO Energy: {username}", + "flow_title": "{username}", "step": { "reauth": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/plugwise/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/plugwise/translations/fr.json index ce262e72f24..5370a18ba56 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/plugwise/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/plugwise/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Smile: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/powerwall/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/powerwall/translations/fr.json index 61e69d3dedc..a6a6edab938 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/powerwall/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/powerwall/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "unknown": "Erreur inattendue", "wrong_version": "Votre Powerwall utilise une version logicielle qui n'est pas prise en charge. Veuillez envisager de mettre \u00e0 niveau ou de signaler ce probl\u00e8me afin qu'il puisse \u00eatre r\u00e9solu." }, - "flow_title": "Tesla Powerwall ( {ip_address} )", + "flow_title": "{ip_address}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/pvpc_hourly_pricing/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/pvpc_hourly_pricing/translations/fr.json index e22a70092c3..afbea0852c4 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/pvpc_hourly_pricing/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/pvpc_hourly_pricing/translations/fr.json @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ "name": "Nom du capteur", "power": "Puissance souscrite (kW)", "power_p3": "Puissance souscrite pour la p\u00e9riode de vall\u00e9e P3 (kW)", - "tariff": "Tarif souscrit (1, 2, ou 3 p\u00e9riodes)" + "tariff": "Tarif applicable par zone g\u00e9ographique" }, - "description": "Ce capteur utilise l'API officielle pour obtenir la [tarification horaire de l'\u00e9lectricit\u00e9 (PVPC)] ( en Espagne. \n Pour une explication plus pr\u00e9cise, visitez la [documentation d'int\u00e9gration] ( \n\n S\u00e9lectionnez le tarif contract\u00e9 en fonction du nombre de p\u00e9riodes de facturation par jour: \n - 1 p\u00e9riode: normale \n - 2 p\u00e9riodes: discrimination (tarif \u00e0 la nuit) \n - 3 p\u00e9riodes: voiture \u00e9lectrique (tarif \u00e0 la nuit sur 3 p\u00e9riodes)", - "title": "S\u00e9lection tarifaire" + "description": "Ce capteur utilise l'API officielle pour obtenir [tarification horaire de l'\u00e9lectricit\u00e9 (PVPC)]( en Espagne.\n Pour des explications plus pr\u00e9cises, visitez les [docs d'int\u00e9gration](", + "title": "Configuration du capteur" } } }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/rainmachine/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/rainmachine/translations/fr.json index de4e5cdc1ed..db8bac46b59 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/rainmachine/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/rainmachine/translations/fr.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "RainMachine {ip}", + "flow_title": "{ip}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/rdw/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/rdw/translations/fr.json index 4da885d870f..b312cd2ba0a 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/rdw/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/rdw/translations/fr.json @@ -1,7 +1,15 @@ { "config": { "error": { - "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown_license_plate": "plaque d'immatriculation inconnue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "license_plate": "Plaque d'immatriculation" + } + } } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/renault/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/renault/translations/fr.json index 8cfc294cf4a..406339b0445 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/renault/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/renault/translations/fr.json @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", - "kamereon_no_account": "Impossible de trouver le compte Kamereon." + "kamereon_no_account": "Impossible de trouver le compte Kamereon.", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { "invalid_credentials": "Authentification invalide" @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ "data": { "password": "Mot de passe" }, + "description": "Veuillez mettre \u00e0 jour votre mot de passe pour {username}", "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" }, "user": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx/translations/fr.json index 8794b3913f1..d101cfbc57a 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx/translations/fr.json @@ -39,6 +39,16 @@ } } }, + "device_automation": { + "action_type": { + "send_command": "Envoyer la commande\u00a0: {subtype}", + "send_status": "Envoyer la mise \u00e0 jour du statut\u00a0: {subtype}" + }, + "trigger_type": { + "command": "Commande re\u00e7ue\u00a0: {subtype}", + "status": "Statut re\u00e7u\u00a0: {subtype}" + } + }, "one": "Vide", "options": { "error": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/ridwell/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/ridwell/translations/fr.json index 3324689e3d3..09b73beb37c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/ridwell/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/ridwell/translations/fr.json @@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ "data": { "password": "Mot de passe" }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir \u00e0 nouveau le mot de passe pour {username}\u00a0:", "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" }, "user": { "data": { "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" - } + }, + "description": "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe\u00a0:" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/roku/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/roku/translations/fr.json index 4888ed60a1a..64a928de567 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/roku/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/roku/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "Roku: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "discovery_confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/roomba/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/roomba/translations/fr.json index b4c06b26c9f..5cbb1090cc0 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/roomba/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/roomba/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "iRobot {name} ( {host} )", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "init": { "data": { @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ "blid": "BLID", "host": "H\u00f4te" }, - "description": "Aucun Roomba ou Braava d\u00e9couvert sur votre r\u00e9seau. Le BLID est la partie du nom d'h\u00f4te du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique apr\u00e8s `iRobot-`. Veuillez suivre les \u00e9tapes d\u00e9crites dans la documentation \u00e0 {auth_help_url}\u00b4", + "description": "Aucun Roomba ou Braava n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9couvert sur votre r\u00e9seau.", "title": "Se connecter manuellement \u00e0 l'appareil" }, "user": { @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "password": "Mot de passe" }, "description": "La r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration du BLID et du mot de passe est actuellement un processus manuel. Veuillez suivre les \u00e9tapes d\u00e9crites dans la documentation \u00e0 l'adresse:", - "title": "Se connecter \u00e0 l'appareil" + "title": "Se connecter automatiquement \u00e0 l'appareil" } } }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/fr.json index 03d6eb2b3c6..1d9bebb5569 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/fr.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "error": { "auth_missing": "Home Assistant n'est pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 se connecter \u00e0 ce t\u00e9l\u00e9viseur Samsung. Veuillez v\u00e9rifier les param\u00e8tres de votre t\u00e9l\u00e9viseur pour autoriser Home Assistant." }, - "flow_title": "Samsung TV: {model}", + "flow_title": "{device}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez vous installer la TV {device} Samsung? Si vous n'avez jamais connect\u00e9 Home Assistant avant, vous devriez voir une fen\u00eatre contextuelle sur votre t\u00e9l\u00e9viseur demandant une authentification. Les configurations manuelles de ce t\u00e9l\u00e9viseur seront \u00e9cras\u00e9es.", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/sv.json b/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/sv.json index 835bb5e5c9b..38b3bea8a22 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/sv.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/samsungtv/translations/sv.json @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ "already_configured": "Denna Samsung TV \u00e4r redan konfigurerad.", "already_in_progress": "Samsung TV-konfiguration p\u00e5g\u00e5r redan.", "auth_missing": "Home Assistant har inte beh\u00f6righet att ansluta till denna Samsung TV. Kontrollera tv:ns inst\u00e4llningar f\u00f6r att godk\u00e4nna Home Assistant.", - "not_supported": "Denna Samsung TV-enhet st\u00f6ds f\u00f6r n\u00e4rvarande inte." + "id_missing": "Denna Samsung-enhet har inget serienummer.", + "not_supported": "Denna Samsung TV-enhet st\u00f6ds f\u00f6r n\u00e4rvarande inte.", + "unknown": "Ov\u00e4ntat fel" }, - "flow_title": "Samsung TV: {model}", + "flow_title": "{device}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Vill du st\u00e4lla in Samsung TV {device}? Om du aldrig har anslutit Home Assistant innan du ska se ett popup-f\u00f6nster p\u00e5 tv:n och be om auktorisering. Manuella konfigurationer f\u00f6r den h\u00e4r TV:n skrivs \u00f6ver.", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/screenlogic/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/screenlogic/translations/fr.json index efd9740ac31..62f26aae2b6 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/screenlogic/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/screenlogic/translations/fr.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "ScreenLogic {nom}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "gateway_entry": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/sense/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/sense/translations/fr.json index 83ec49fd388..bdd588eae74 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/sense/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/sense/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ "user": { "data": { "email": "Email", - "password": "Mot de passe" + "password": "Mot de passe", + "timeout": "D\u00e9lai expir\u00e9" }, "title": "Connectez-vous \u00e0 votre moniteur d'\u00e9nergie Sense" } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/sensor/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/sensor/translations/fr.json index d25cb4766cb..eb9bba61311 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/sensor/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/sensor/translations/fr.json @@ -6,12 +6,22 @@ "is_carbon_monoxide": "Niveau actuel de concentration de monoxyde de carbone {entity_name}", "is_current": "Courant actuel pour {entity_name}", "is_energy": "\u00c9nergie actuelle pour {entity_name}", + "is_frequency": "Fr\u00e9quence actuelle de {entity_name}", + "is_gas": "Gaz actuel de {entity_name}", "is_humidity": "Humidit\u00e9 de {entity_name}", "is_illuminance": "\u00c9clairement de {entity_name}", + "is_nitrogen_dioxide": "Niveau actuel de concentration en dioxyde d'azote de {entity_name}", + "is_nitrogen_monoxide": "Niveau actuel de concentration en monoxyde d'azote de {entity_name}", + "is_nitrous_oxide": "Niveau actuel de concentration d'oxyde nitreux de {entity_name}", + "is_ozone": "Niveau de concentration d'ozone actuel de {entity_name}", + "is_pm1": "Niveau de concentration actuel de {entity_name}", + "is_pm10": "Niveau de concentration actuel de {entity_name}", + "is_pm25": "Niveau de concentration actuel de {entity_name}", "is_power": "Puissance de {entity_name}", "is_power_factor": "Facteur de puissance actuel pour {entity_name}", "is_pressure": "Pression de {entity_name}", "is_signal_strength": "Force du signal de {entity_name}", + "is_sulphur_dioxide": "Niveau de concentration actuel de {entity_name}", "is_temperature": "Temp\u00e9rature de {entity_name}", "is_value": "La valeur actuelle de {entity_name}", "is_volatile_organic_compounds": "Niveau actuel de concentration en compos\u00e9s organiques volatils de {entity_name}", @@ -23,12 +33,22 @@ "carbon_monoxide": "{entity_name} changements de concentration de monoxyde de carbone", "current": "{entity_name} changement de courant", "energy": "{entity_name} changement d'\u00e9nergie", + "frequency": "{entity_name} changements de fr\u00e9quence", + "gas": "{entity_name} changements de gaz", "humidity": "{entity_name} modification de l'humidit\u00e9", "illuminance": "{entity_name} modification de l'\u00e9clairement", + "nitrogen_dioxide": "Modifications de la concentration de dioxyde d'azote de {entity_name}", + "nitrogen_monoxide": "Modifications de la concentration de monoxyde d'azote de {entity_name}", + "nitrous_oxide": "{entity_name} concentration d'oxyde nitreux de {entity_name}", + "ozone": "{entity_name} changements de concentration d'ozone", + "pm1": "{entity_name} Modifications de la concentration de PM1", + "pm10": "{entity_name} Modifications de la concentration de PM10", + "pm25": "{entity_name} Modifications de la concentration de PM2,5", "power": "{entity_name} modification de la puissance", "power_factor": "{entity_name} changement de facteur de puissance", "pressure": "{entity_name} modification de la pression", "signal_strength": "{entity_name} modification de la force du signal", + "sulphur_dioxide": "{entity_name} changements de concentration de dioxyde de soufre", "temperature": "{entity_name} modification de temp\u00e9rature", "value": "Changements de valeur de {entity_name}", "volatile_organic_compounds": "{entity_name} changements de concentration de compos\u00e9s organiques volatils", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/shelly/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/shelly/translations/fr.json index 68dc5de667a..83b66645157 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/shelly/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/shelly/translations/fr.json @@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ "button4": "Quatri\u00e8me bouton" }, "trigger_type": { + "btn_down": "{sous-type} bouton en bas", + "btn_up": "{sous-type} bouton haut", "double": "{subtype} double-cliqu\u00e9", + "double_push": "{subtype} double pression", "long": "{subtype} long cliqu\u00e9", "long_push": "{subtype} appui long", "long_single": "{subtype} clic long et simple clic", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/fr.json index b1ea8441369..d0ff1347bbd 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/fr.json @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Ce compte SimpliSafe est d\u00e9j\u00e0 utilis\u00e9.", - "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", + "wrong_account": "Les informations d'identification d'utilisateur fournies ne correspondent pas \u00e0 ce compte SimpliSafe." }, "error": { "identifier_exists": "Compte d\u00e9j\u00e0 enregistr\u00e9", @@ -11,6 +12,13 @@ "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "step": { + "input_auth_code": { + "data": { + "auth_code": "Code d'autorisation" + }, + "description": "Saisissez le code d'autorisation \u00e0 partir de l'URL de l'application Web SimpliSafe\u00a0:", + "title": "Terminer l'autorisation" + }, "mfa": { "description": "V\u00e9rifiez votre messagerie pour un lien de SimpliSafe. Apr\u00e8s avoir v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 le lien, revenez ici pour terminer l'installation de l'int\u00e9gration.", "title": "Authentification multi facteur SimpliSafe" @@ -24,10 +32,12 @@ }, "user": { "data": { + "auth_code": "Code d'autorisation", "code": "Code (utilis\u00e9 dans l'interface Home Assistant)", "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Email" }, + "description": "SimpliSafe s'authentifie avec Home Assistant via l'application Web SimpliSafe. En raison de limitations techniques, il y a une \u00e9tape manuelle \u00e0 la fin de ce processus ; veuillez vous assurer de lire la [documentation]( {docs_url} ) avant de commencer. \n\n 1. Cliquez sur [ici]( {url} ) pour ouvrir l'application Web SimpliSafe et saisissez vos informations d'identification. \n\n 2. Une fois le processus de connexion termin\u00e9, revenez ici et saisissez le code d'autorisation ci-dessous.", "title": "Veuillez saisir vos informations" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/id.json b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/id.json index 733af744e30..743af691714 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/id.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/id.json @@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ }, "user": { "data": { + "auth_code": "Kode Otorisasi", "code": "Kode (digunakan di antarmuka Home Assistant)", "password": "Kata Sandi", "username": "Email" }, - "description": "Sejak tahun 2021, SimpliSafe telah berpindah ke mekanisme autentikasi baru melalui aplikasi webnya. Karena keterbatasan teknis, ada langkah manual di akhir proses ini; pastikan Anda membaca [dokumentasi] ( sebelum memulai.\n\nJika siap, klik [di sini]({url}) untuk membuka aplikasi web SimpliSafe dan masukkan kredensial Anda. Setelah proses selesai, kembali ke sini dan klik Kirim.", + "description": "SimpliSafe mengautentikasi dengan Home Assistant melalui aplikasi web. Karena keterbatasan teknis, ada langkah manual di akhir proses ini; pastikan Anda membaca [dokumentasi] ({docs_url}) sebelum memulai.\n\n1. Klik [di sini]({url}) untuk membuka aplikasi web SimpliSafe dan masukkan kredensial Anda. \n\n2. Setelah proses masuk selesai, kembali ke sini dan klik masukkan kode otorisasi di bawah ini.", "title": "Isi informasi Anda." } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/zh-Hant.json b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/zh-Hant.json index d967899b1dd..ae22f8c8f0d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/zh-Hant.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/translations/zh-Hant.json @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "password": "\u5bc6\u78bc", "username": "\u96fb\u5b50\u90f5\u4ef6" }, - "description": "SimpliSafe \u81ea 2021 \u958b\u59cb\u8b8a\u66f4\u70ba\u900f\u904e Web App \u65b9\u5f0f\u7684\u8a8d\u8b49\u6a5f\u5236\u3002\u7531\u65bc\u6280\u8853\u9650\u5236\u3001\u65bc\u6b64\u904e\u7a0b\u7d50\u675f\u6642\u5c07\u6703\u6709\u4e00\u6b65\u624b\u52d5\u968e\u6bb5\uff1b\u65bc\u958b\u59cb\u524d\u3001\u8acb\u78ba\u5b9a\u53c3\u95b1 [\u76f8\u95dc\u6587\u4ef6](\u3002\n\n\u6e96\u5099\u5c31\u7dd2\u5f8c\u3001\u9ede\u9078 [\u6b64\u8655]({url}) \u4ee5\u958b\u555f SimpliSafe Web App \u4e26\u8f38\u5165\u9a57\u8b49\u3002\u5b8c\u6210\u5f8c\u56de\u5230\u9019\u88e1\u9ede\u9078\u50b3\u9001\u3002", + "description": "SimpliSafe \u70ba\u900f\u904e Web App \u65b9\u5f0f\u7684\u8a8d\u8b49\u6a5f\u5236\u3002\u7531\u65bc\u6280\u8853\u9650\u5236\u3001\u65bc\u6b64\u904e\u7a0b\u7d50\u675f\u6642\u5c07\u6703\u6709\u4e00\u6b65\u624b\u52d5\u968e\u6bb5\uff1b\u65bc\u958b\u59cb\u524d\u3001\u8acb\u78ba\u5b9a\u53c3\u95b1 [\u76f8\u95dc\u6587\u4ef6]({docs_url})\u3002\n\n1. \u9ede\u9078 [\u6b64\u8655] ({url}) \u4ee5\u958b\u555f SimpliSafe Web App \u4e26\u8f38\u5165\u9a57\u8b49\u3002\n\n2. \u7576\u767b\u5165\u5b8c\u6210\u5f8c\u3001\u56de\u5230\u6b64\u8655\u65bc\u4e0b\u65b9\u8f38\u5165\u8a8d\u8b49\u78bc\u3002", "title": "\u586b\u5beb\u8cc7\u8a0a\u3002" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/smappee/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/smappee/translations/fr.json index 4bcdd0b5c16..ba57f8c36c4 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/smappee/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/smappee/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "missing_configuration": "Le composant n'est pas configur\u00e9. Veuillez suivre la documentation.", "no_url_available": "Aucune URL disponible. Pour plus d'informations sur cette erreur, [consultez la section d'aide] ( {docs_url} )" }, - "flow_title": "Smappee: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "environment": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/soma/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/soma/translations/fr.json index 8531f839df0..c9c9bb07643 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/soma/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/soma/translations/fr.json @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_setup": "D\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9. Une seule configuration possible.", - "authorize_url_timeout": "D\u00e9lai d'attente g\u00e9n\u00e9rant l'autorisation de l'URL.", - "connection_error": "Impossible de se connecter \u00e0 SOMA Connect.", + "authorize_url_timeout": "D\u00e9lai de g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de l'URL d'authentification d\u00e9pass\u00e9.", + "connection_error": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "missing_configuration": "Le composant Soma n'est pas configur\u00e9. Veuillez suivre la documentation.", "result_error": "SOMA Connect a r\u00e9pondu avec l'\u00e9tat d'erreur." }, "create_entry": { - "default": "Authentifi\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s avec Soma." + "default": "Authentification r\u00e9ussie" }, "step": { "user": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/somfy_mylink/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/somfy_mylink/translations/fr.json index f31a3b9d86f..46781252523 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/somfy_mylink/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/somfy_mylink/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Somfy MyLink {mac} ( {ip} )", + "flow_title": "{mac} ({ip})", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/sonarr/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/sonarr/translations/fr.json index 154d3435da3..c4a7a8764ac 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/sonarr/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/sonarr/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" }, - "flow_title": "Sonarr: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "reauth_confirm": { "description": "L'int\u00e9gration Sonarr doit \u00eatre r\u00e9-authentifi\u00e9e manuellement avec l'API Sonarr h\u00e9berg\u00e9e sur: {host}", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/songpal/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/songpal/translations/fr.json index 84f115ec1a5..cbc1f83b94c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/songpal/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/songpal/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "Sony Songpal {name} ({host})", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "init": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} ({host})?" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/squeezebox/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/squeezebox/translations/fr.json index c416a18b49d..1dca7a14308 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/squeezebox/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/squeezebox/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "no_server_found": "Impossible de d\u00e9couvrir automatiquement le serveur.", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Logitech Squeezebox: {host}", + "flow_title": "{host}", "step": { "edit": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/stookalert/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/stookalert/translations/fr.json index 9c74e1b5026..dce990944f6 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/stookalert/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/stookalert/translations/fr.json @@ -2,6 +2,13 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Le service est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "province": "Province" + } + } } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/surepetcare/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/surepetcare/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b6704aabae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/surepetcare/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/switchbot/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/switchbot/translations/fr.json index d155457d4b6..c554326c5da 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/switchbot/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/switchbot/translations/fr.json @@ -1,7 +1,37 @@ { "config": { "abort": { + "already_configured_device": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "no_unconfigured_devices": "Aucun p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique non configur\u00e9 trouv\u00e9.", + "switchbot_unsupported_type": "Type Switchbot non pris en charge.", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + }, + "flow_title": "{name}", + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "mac": "Adresse MAC de l'appareil", + "name": "Nom", + "password": "Mot de passe" + }, + "title": "Configurer l'appareil Switchbot" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "retry_count": "Nombre de nouvelles tentatives", + "retry_timeout": "D\u00e9lai d'attente entre les tentatives", + "scan_timeout": "Combien de temps pour rechercher les donn\u00e9es publicitaires", + "update_time": "Temps entre les mises \u00e0 jour (secondes)" + } + } } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/syncthru/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/syncthru/translations/fr.json index 2e1d73688e0..1936e2f4a16 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/syncthru/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/syncthru/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "syncthru_not_supported": "L'appareil ne prend pas en charge SyncThru", "unknown_state": "\u00c9tat de l'imprimante inconnu, v\u00e9rifiez l'URL et la connectivit\u00e9 r\u00e9seau" }, - "flow_title": "Imprimante Samsung SyncThru: {nom}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/synology_dsm/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/synology_dsm/translations/fr.json index 2589139b9ec..503db024603 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/synology_dsm/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/synology_dsm/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "otp_failed": "\u00c9chec de l'authentification en deux \u00e9tapes, r\u00e9essayez avec un nouveau code d'acc\u00e8s", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Synology DSM {name} ({host})", + "flow_title": "{name} ({host})", "step": { "2sa": { "data": { @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ "data": { "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" - } + }, + "title": "Synology DSM R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" }, "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/system_bridge/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/system_bridge/translations/fr.json index 99b38c44ad8..1c2a1b23c9c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/system_bridge/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/system_bridge/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, - "flow_title": "Pont syst\u00e8me: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "authenticate": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tailscale/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tailscale/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eb307c84de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tailscale/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" + }, + "step": { + "reauth_confirm": { + "data": { + "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API" + }, + "description": "Les jetons d'API Tailscale sont valides pendant 90 jours. Vous pouvez cr\u00e9er une nouvelle cl\u00e9 API Tailscale \u00e0 l'adresse" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API", + "tailnet": "Tailnet" + }, + "description": "Pour vous authentifier avec Tailscale, vous devrez cr\u00e9er une cl\u00e9 API sur \n\n Un Tailnet est le nom de votre r\u00e9seau Tailscale. Vous pouvez le trouver dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur gauche du panneau d'administration Tailscale (\u00e0 c\u00f4t\u00e9 du logo Tailscale)." + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tesla_wall_connector/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tesla_wall_connector/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6cf4aacf7d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tesla_wall_connector/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "flow_title": "{serial_number} ( {host} )", + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te" + }, + "title": "Configurer le connecteur mural Tesla" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "scan_interval": "Fr\u00e9quence de mise \u00e0 jour" + }, + "title": "Configurer les options pour le connecteur mural Tesla" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..95951419dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "no_devices_found": "Aucun appareil trouv\u00e9 sur le r\u00e9seau" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + }, + "flow_title": "{name}", + "step": { + "confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous commencer la configuration ?" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te" + }, + "description": "Saisissez le nom d'h\u00f4te ou l'adresse IP de votre appareil TOLO Sauna." + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..24b1f41f755 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tolo/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "state": { + "tolo__lamp_mode": { + "automatic": "automatique", + "manual": "Manuel" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/totalconnect/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/totalconnect/translations/fr.json index 6c51c724f77..a538750f455 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/totalconnect/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/totalconnect/translations/fr.json @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "no_locations": "Aucun emplacement n'est disponible pour cet utilisateur, v\u00e9rifiez les param\u00e8tres de TotalConnect", "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ "location": "Emplacement", "usercode": "Code d'utilisateur" }, - "description": "Saisissez le code d'utilisateur de cet utilisateur \u00e0 cet emplacement", + "description": "Entrez le code utilisateur pour cet utilisateur \u00e0 l'emplacement {location_id}", "title": "Codes d'utilisateur de l'emplacement" }, "reauth_confirm": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tplink/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tplink/translations/fr.json index 7d1efcafeb8..0607c01c14d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/tplink/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/tplink/translations/fr.json @@ -8,14 +8,24 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, + "flow_title": "{name} {model} ( {host} )", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer TP-Link smart devices?" }, + "discovery_confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} {model} ( {host} )\u00a0?" + }, + "pick_device": { + "data": { + "device": "Appareil" + } + }, "user": { "data": { "host": "H\u00f4te" - } + }, + "description": "Si vous laissez l'h\u00f4te vide, la d\u00e9couverte sera utilis\u00e9e pour trouver des p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques." } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tractive/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/tractive/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..20a6e9b7ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tractive/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "state": { + "tractive__tracker_state": { + "not_reporting": "Ne pas signaler", + "operational": "Op\u00e9rationnel", + "system_shutdown_user": "Arr\u00eater l'h\u00f4te", + "system_startup": "D\u00e9marrage du syst\u00e8me" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tradfri/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tradfri/translations/fr.json index 2d32029c954..94796c720df 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/tradfri/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/tradfri/translations/fr.json @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ "already_in_progress": "La configuration est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours" }, "error": { + "cannot_authenticate": "Impossible de s'authentifier, Gateway est-il associ\u00e9 \u00e0 un autre serveur comme par exemple Homekit\u00a0?", "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_key": "\u00c9chec de l'enregistrement avec la cl\u00e9 fournie. Si cela se reproduit, essayez de red\u00e9marrer la passerelle.", "timeout": "D\u00e9lai d'attente de la validation du code expir\u00e9" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/trafikverket_weatherstation/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/trafikverket_weatherstation/translations/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d988b3aba97 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/trafikverket_weatherstation/translations/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "invalid_station": "Impossible de trouver une station m\u00e9t\u00e9o avec le nom sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9", + "more_stations": "Trouv\u00e9 plusieurs stations m\u00e9t\u00e9o avec le nom sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9" + }, + "step": { + "user": { + "data": { + "api_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'API", + "conditions": "Conditions surveill\u00e9es", + "name": "Nom d'utilisateur", + "station": "Station" + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/fr.json index f74ed38c18c..0f8dd7b6742 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/fr.json @@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ "single_instance_allowed": "D\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9. Une seule configuration possible." }, "error": { - "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "login_error": "Erreur de connexion ( {code} ): {msg}" }, "flow_title": "Configuration Tuya", "step": { "login": { "data": { + "access_id": "Identifiant d'acc\u00e8s", + "access_secret": "Access Secret", "country_code": "Code pays", "endpoint": "Zone de disponibilit\u00e9", "password": "Mot de passe", @@ -23,14 +26,17 @@ }, "user": { "data": { - "country_code": "Le code de pays de votre compte (par exemple, 1 pour les \u00c9tats-Unis ou 86 pour la Chine)", + "access_id": "Identifiant d'acc\u00e8s Tuya IoT", + "access_secret": "Tuya IoT Access Secret", + "country_code": "Pays", "password": "Mot de passe", "platform": "L'application dans laquelle votre compte est enregistr\u00e9", "region": "R\u00e9gion", - "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + "tuya_project_type": "Type de projet cloud Tuya", + "username": "Compte" }, "description": "Saisissez vos informations d'identification Tuya.", - "title": "Tuya" + "title": "Int\u00e9gration de Tuya" } } }, diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ index 6ca8d863030..3591eb2b864 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ +++ b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ @@ -1,13 +1,49 @@ { "state": { + "tuya__basic_anti_flickr": { + "0": "D\u00e9sactiv\u00e9", + "1": "50 Hz", + "2": "60 Hz" + }, "tuya__basic_nightvision": { + "0": "automatique", "1": "Inactif", "2": "Actif" }, + "tuya__decibel_sensitivity": { + "0": "Faible sensibilit\u00e9", + "1": "Haute sensibilit\u00e9" + }, + "tuya__fingerbot_mode": { + "click": "Appuyer", + "switch": "Interrupteur" + }, + "tuya__ipc_work_mode": { + "0": "Mode faible consommation", + "1": "Mode de travail continu" + }, + "tuya__led_type": { + "halogen": "Halog\u00e8ne", + "incandescent": "Incandescent", + "led": "LED" + }, "tuya__light_mode": { - "none": "Inactif" + "none": "Inactif", + "pos": "Indiquer l'emplacement du commutateur", + "relay": "Indiquer l\u2019\u00e9tat marche/arr\u00eat de l\u2019interrupteur" + }, + "tuya__motion_sensitivity": { + "0": "Faible sensibilit\u00e9", + "1": "Sensibilit\u00e9 moyenne", + "2": "Haute sensibilit\u00e9" + }, + "tuya__record_mode": { + "1": "Enregistrer uniquement les \u00e9v\u00e9nements", + "2": "Enregistrement continu" }, "tuya__relay_status": { + "last": "Se souvenir du dernier \u00e9tat", + "memory": "Se souvenir du dernier \u00e9tat", "off": "Inactif", "on": "Actif", "power_off": "Inactif", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..795e4c5d43e --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/tuya/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "state": { + "tuya__status": { + "boiling_temp": "Temp\u00e9rature de chauffage", + "cooling": "Refroidissement", + "heating": "En chauffe", + "heating_temp": "Temp\u00e9rature de chauffage", + "reserve_1": "R\u00e9serve 1", + "reserve_2": "R\u00e9serve 2", + "reserve_3": "R\u00e9serve 3", + "standby": "En veille", + "warm": "Pr\u00e9servation de la chaleur" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/unifi/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/unifi/translations/fr.json index 5486b633fd4..36c9ee5bcc6 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/unifi/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/unifi/translations/fr.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "service_unavailable": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "unknown_client_mac": "Aucun client disponible sur cette adresse MAC" }, - "flow_title": "UniFi Network {site} ( {host} )", + "flow_title": "{site} ({host})", "step": { "user": { "data": { @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ "poe_clients": "Autoriser le contr\u00f4le POE des clients" }, "description": "Configurer les contr\u00f4les client \n\n Cr\u00e9ez des interrupteurs pour les num\u00e9ros de s\u00e9rie pour lesquels vous souhaitez contr\u00f4ler l'acc\u00e8s au r\u00e9seau.", - "title": "Options UniFi 2/3" + "title": "Options de r\u00e9seau UniFi 2/3" }, "device_tracker": { "data": { @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "track_wired_clients": "Inclure les clients du r\u00e9seau filaire" }, "description": "Configurer le suivi des appareils", - "title": "Options UniFi 1/3" + "title": "Options de r\u00e9seau UniFi 1/3" }, "init": { "data": { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "allow_uptime_sensors": "Capteurs de disponibilit\u00e9 pour les clients r\u00e9seau" }, "description": "Configurer des capteurs de statistiques", - "title": "Options UniFi 3/3" + "title": "Options de r\u00e9seau UniFi 3/3" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/upnp/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/upnp/translations/fr.json index 574cb9f4f93..1c5a1c61309 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/upnp/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/upnp/translations/fr.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "one": "Vide", "other": "Vide" }, - "flow_title": "UPnP/IGD: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "init": { "one": "Vide", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/venstar/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/venstar/translations/fr.json index 2be362d5603..3b3a2e23b15 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/venstar/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/venstar/translations/fr.json @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ { "config": { + "abort": { + "already_configured": "L'appareil est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + }, "error": { - "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "step": { "user": { @@ -11,7 +15,8 @@ "pin": "Code PIN", "ssl": "Utilise un certificat SSL", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" - } + }, + "title": "Connectez-vous au thermostat Venstar" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/vlc_telnet/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/vlc_telnet/translations/fr.json index 9ed67c043de..7dd5fabfdca 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/vlc_telnet/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/vlc_telnet/translations/fr.json @@ -7,14 +7,26 @@ "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, + "flow_title": "{host}", "step": { + "hassio_confirm": { + "description": "Voulez-vous vous connecter \u00e0 l'add-on {addon}\u00a0?" + }, "reauth_confirm": { "data": { "password": "Mot de passe" - } + }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir le mot de passe correct pour l'h\u00f4te\u00a0: {host}" }, "user": { "data": { + "host": "H\u00f4te", + "name": "Nom", "password": "Mot de passe", "port": "Port" } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/wallbox/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/wallbox/translations/fr.json index 4b2eddb6ef9..dc7972fd01d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/wallbox/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/wallbox/translations/fr.json @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "reauth_invalid": "\u00c9chec de la r\u00e9authentification\u00a0; Le num\u00e9ro de s\u00e9rie ne correspond pas \u00e0 l'original", "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" }, "step": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/watttime/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/watttime/translations/fr.json index fb916a3f333..91a6c126817 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/watttime/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/watttime/translations/fr.json @@ -6,24 +6,46 @@ }, "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", - "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue", + "unknown_coordinates": "Aucune donn\u00e9e pour la latitude/longitude" }, "step": { "coordinates": { "data": { + "latitude": "Latitude", "longitude": "Longitude" - } + }, + "description": "Saisissez la latitude et la longitude \u00e0 surveiller\u00a0:" }, "location": { "data": { "location_type": "Emplacement" - } + }, + "description": "Choisissez un emplacement \u00e0 surveiller\u00a0:" }, "reauth_confirm": { "data": { "password": "Mot de passe" }, + "description": "Veuillez saisir \u00e0 nouveau le mot de passe pour {username}\u00a0:", "title": "R\u00e9-authentifier l'int\u00e9gration" + }, + "user": { + "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", + "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" + }, + "description": "Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe\u00a0:" + } + } + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "init": { + "data": { + "show_on_map": "Afficher l'emplacement surveill\u00e9 sur la carte" + }, + "title": "Configurer WattTime" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/whirlpool/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/whirlpool/translations/fr.json index 0cfccfa88ad..63e63fd1953 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/whirlpool/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/whirlpool/translations/fr.json @@ -1,8 +1,14 @@ { "config": { + "error": { + "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion", + "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide", + "unknown": "Erreur inattendue" + }, "step": { "user": { "data": { + "password": "Mot de passe", "username": "Nom d'utilisateur" } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/wilight/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/wilight/translations/fr.json index 5d54070b401..0fb00748e25 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/wilight/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/wilight/translations/fr.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "not_supported_device": "Ce WiLight n'est actuellement pas pris en charge", "not_wilight_device": "Cet appareil n'est pas WiLight" }, - "flow_title": "WiLight: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer WiLight {name} ? \n\n Il prend en charge: {components}", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/withings/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/withings/translations/fr.json index 9f675026022..a506d491a74 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/withings/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/withings/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "error": { "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" }, - "flow_title": "Withings: {profile}", + "flow_title": "{profile}", "step": { "pick_implementation": { "title": "S\u00e9lectionner une m\u00e9thode d'authentification" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/fr.json index 03255541ad9..50817265f37 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/fr.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "WLED: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "user": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..47a1a07989b --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/wled/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "state": { + "wled__live_override": { + "0": "Inactif", + "1": "Actif", + "2": "Jusqu'au red\u00e9marrage de l'appareil" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/translations/fr.json index f6ca4af9d3e..31779ba80b5 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/translations/fr.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "invalid_key": "Cl\u00e9 de passerelle non valide", "invalid_mac": "Adresse MAC non valide" }, - "flow_title": "Passerelle Xiaomi Aqara: {nom}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "select": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_miio/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_miio/translations/fr.json index 65e7f90d253..2a9d8d65c77 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_miio/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_miio/translations/fr.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "unknown_device": "Le mod\u00e8le d'appareil n'est pas connu, impossible de configurer l'appareil \u00e0 l'aide du flux de configuration.", "wrong_token": "Erreur de somme de contr\u00f4le, jeton incorrect" }, - "flow_title": "Xiaomi Miio: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "cloud": { "data": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/yale_smart_alarm/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/yale_smart_alarm/translations/fr.json index c2cf20086e2..6d4d968896d 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/yale_smart_alarm/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/yale_smart_alarm/translations/fr.json @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { "config": { "abort": { - "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9" + "already_configured": "Le compte est d\u00e9j\u00e0 configur\u00e9", + "reauth_successful": "La r\u00e9-authentification a r\u00e9ussi" }, "error": { "invalid_auth": "Authentification invalide" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/yamaha_musiccast/translations/ b/homeassistant/components/yamaha_musiccast/translations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f8ce2da31a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/homeassistant/components/yamaha_musiccast/translations/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "state": { + "yamaha_musiccast__dimmer": { + "auto": "Auto" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_equalizer_mode": { + "auto": "Auto", + "bypass": "Bypass personnalis\u00e9", + "manual": "Manuel" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_link_audio_delay": { + "audio_sync": "Synchronisation audio", + "audio_sync_off": "Synchronisation audio d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e", + "audio_sync_on": "Synchronisation audio activ\u00e9e", + "balanced": "\u00c9quilibr\u00e9", + "lip_sync": "Synchronisation audio" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_link_audio_quality": { + "compressed": "Compress\u00e9", + "uncompressed": "Non compress\u00e9" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_link_control": { + "speed": "Vitesse", + "stability": "Stabilit\u00e9", + "standard": "Standard" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_sleep": { + "120 min": "120 Minutes", + "30 min": "30 Minutes", + "60 min": "60 Minutes", + "90 min": "90 Minutes", + "off": "\u00c9teint" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_surr_decoder_type": { + "auto": "Auto", + "dolby_pl": "Dolby ProLogic", + "dolby_pl2x_game": "Jeu Dolby ProLogic 2x", + "dolby_pl2x_movie": "Film Dolby ProLogic 2x", + "dolby_pl2x_music": "Musique Dolby ProLogic 2x", + "dolby_surround": "Dolby Surround", + "dts_neo6_cinema": "DTS Neo:6 Cin\u00e9ma", + "dts_neo6_music": "DTS Neo:6 Musique", + "dts_neural_x": "DTS Neural:X", + "toggle": "Permuter" + }, + "yamaha_musiccast__zone_tone_control_mode": { + "auto": "Auto", + "bypass": "Bypass personnalis\u00e9", + "manual": "Manuel" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/zha/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/zha/translations/fr.json index c8b930a14d5..fdb3a8476fe 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/zha/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/zha/translations/fr.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "error": { "cannot_connect": "\u00c9chec de connexion" }, - "flow_title": "ZHA: {name}", + "flow_title": "{name}", "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Voulez-vous configurer {name} ?" diff --git a/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/translations/fr.json b/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/translations/fr.json index 1a8aef755b5..0933879e517 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/translations/fr.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/translations/fr.json @@ -27,8 +27,13 @@ "configure_addon": { "data": { "network_key": "Cl\u00e9 r\u00e9seau", + "s0_legacy_key": "Cl\u00e9 S0 (h\u00e9rit\u00e9e)", + "s2_access_control_key": "Cl\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le d'acc\u00e8s S2", + "s2_authenticated_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'authentification S2", + "s2_unauthenticated_key": "Cl\u00e9 non authentifi\u00e9e S2", "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" }, + "description": "Le module compl\u00e9mentaire g\u00e9n\u00e9rera des cl\u00e9s de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 si ces champs sont laiss\u00e9s vides.", "title": "Entrez la configuration du module compl\u00e9mentaire Z-Wave JS" }, "hassio_confirm": { @@ -60,7 +65,12 @@ "device_automation": { "action_type": { "clear_lock_usercode": "Effacer le code utilisateur sur {entity_name}", - "ping": "Pinger l'appareil" + "ping": "Pinger l'appareil", + "refresh_value": "Actualisez la ou les valeurs de {entity_name}", + "reset_meter": "R\u00e9initialiser les compteurs sur {subtype}", + "set_config_parameter": "D\u00e9finir la valeur du param\u00e8tre de configuration {subtype}", + "set_lock_usercode": "D\u00e9finir un code utilisateur sur {entity_name}", + "set_value": "D\u00e9finir la valeur d'une valeur Z-Wave" }, "condition_type": { "config_parameter": "Valeur du param\u00e8tre de configuration {subtype}", @@ -104,9 +114,13 @@ "emulate_hardware": "\u00c9muler le mat\u00e9riel", "log_level": "Niveau du journal", "network_key": "Cl\u00e9 r\u00e9seau", + "s0_legacy_key": "Cl\u00e9 S0 (h\u00e9rit\u00e9e)", + "s2_access_control_key": "Cl\u00e9 de contr\u00f4le d'acc\u00e8s S2", "s2_authenticated_key": "Cl\u00e9 d'authentification S2", + "s2_unauthenticated_key": "Cl\u00e9 non authentifi\u00e9e S2", "usb_path": "Chemin du p\u00e9riph\u00e9rique USB" }, + "description": "Le module compl\u00e9mentaire g\u00e9n\u00e9rera des cl\u00e9s de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 si ces champs sont laiss\u00e9s vides.", "title": "Entrer dans la configuration du module compl\u00e9mentaire Z-Wave JS" }, "install_addon": {