diff --git a/homeassistant/helpers/script.py b/homeassistant/helpers/script.py
index 80d66f4fac8..088882df608 100644
--- a/homeassistant/helpers/script.py
+++ b/homeassistant/helpers/script.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import voluptuous as vol
 from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, Context, callback
 from homeassistant.const import CONF_CONDITION, CONF_TIMEOUT
-from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError
+from homeassistant import exceptions
 from homeassistant.helpers import (
     service, condition, template as template,
     config_validation as cv)
@@ -34,6 +34,30 @@ CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE = 'wait_template'
 CONF_CONTINUE = 'continue_on_timeout'
+ACTION_DELAY = 'delay'
+ACTION_WAIT_TEMPLATE = 'wait_template'
+ACTION_CALL_SERVICE = 'call_service'
+def _determine_action(action):
+    """Determine action type."""
+    if CONF_DELAY in action:
+        return ACTION_DELAY
+    if CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE in action:
+        return ACTION_WAIT_TEMPLATE
+    if CONF_CONDITION in action:
+    if CONF_EVENT in action:
+        return ACTION_FIRE_EVENT
 def call_from_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType,
                      variables: Optional[Sequence] = None,
                      context: Optional[Context] = None) -> None:
@@ -41,6 +65,14 @@ def call_from_config(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType,
     Script(hass, cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA(config)).run(variables, context)
+class _StopScript(Exception):
+    """Throw if script needs to stop."""
+class _SuspendScript(Exception):
+    """Throw if script needs to suspend."""
 class Script():
     """Representation of a script."""
@@ -60,6 +92,13 @@ class Script():
         self._async_listener = []
         self._template_cache = {}
         self._config_cache = {}
+        self._actions = {
+            ACTION_DELAY: self._async_delay,
+            ACTION_WAIT_TEMPLATE: self._async_wait_template,
+            ACTION_CHECK_CONDITION: self._async_check_condition,
+            ACTION_FIRE_EVENT: self._async_fire_event,
+            ACTION_CALL_SERVICE: self._async_call_service,
+        }
     def is_running(self) -> bool:
@@ -87,98 +126,27 @@ class Script():
         for cur, action in islice(enumerate(self.sequence), self._cur, None):
-            if CONF_DELAY in action:
-                # Call ourselves in the future to continue work
-                unsub = None
-                @callback
-                def async_script_delay(now):
-                    """Handle delay."""
-                    # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
-                    with suppress(ValueError):
-                        self._async_listener.remove(unsub)
-                    self.hass.async_create_task(
-                        self.async_run(variables, context))
-                delay = action[CONF_DELAY]
-                try:
-                    if isinstance(delay, template.Template):
-                        delay = vol.All(
-                            cv.time_period,
-                            cv.positive_timedelta)(
-                                delay.async_render(variables))
-                    elif isinstance(delay, dict):
-                        delay_data = {}
-                        delay_data.update(
-                            template.render_complex(delay, variables))
-                        delay = cv.time_period(delay_data)
-                except (TemplateError, vol.Invalid) as ex:
-                    _LOGGER.error("Error rendering '%s' delay template: %s",
-                                  self.name, ex)
-                    break
-                self.last_action = action.get(
-                    CONF_ALIAS, 'delay {}'.format(delay))
-                self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action)
-                unsub = async_track_point_in_utc_time(
-                    self.hass, async_script_delay,
-                    date_util.utcnow() + delay
-                )
-                self._async_listener.append(unsub)
+            try:
+                await self._handle_action(action, variables, context)
+            except _SuspendScript:
+                # Store next step to take and notify change listeners
                 self._cur = cur + 1
                 if self._change_listener:
+            except _StopScript:
+                break
+            except Exception as err:
+                # Store the step that had an exception
+                # pylint: disable=protected-access
+                err._script_step = cur
+                # Set script to not running
+                self._cur = -1
+                self.last_action = None
+                # Pass exception on.
+                raise
-            if CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE in action:
-                # Call ourselves in the future to continue work
-                wait_template = action[CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE]
-                wait_template.hass = self.hass
-                self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, 'wait template')
-                self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action)
-                # check if condition already okay
-                if condition.async_template(
-                        self.hass, wait_template, variables):
-                    continue
-                @callback
-                def async_script_wait(entity_id, from_s, to_s):
-                    """Handle script after template condition is true."""
-                    self._async_remove_listener()
-                    self.hass.async_create_task(
-                        self.async_run(variables, context))
-                self._async_listener.append(async_track_template(
-                    self.hass, wait_template, async_script_wait, variables))
-                self._cur = cur + 1
-                if self._change_listener:
-                    self.hass.async_add_job(self._change_listener)
-                if CONF_TIMEOUT in action:
-                    self._async_set_timeout(
-                        action, variables, context,
-                        action.get(CONF_CONTINUE, True))
-                return
-            if CONF_CONDITION in action:
-                if not self._async_check_condition(action, variables):
-                    break
-            elif CONF_EVENT in action:
-                self._async_fire_event(action, variables, context)
-            else:
-                await self._async_call_service(action, variables, context)
+        # Set script to not-running.
         self._cur = -1
         self.last_action = None
         if self._change_listener:
@@ -198,6 +166,86 @@ class Script():
         if self._change_listener:
+    async def _handle_action(self, action, variables, context):
+        """Handle an action."""
+        await self._actions[_determine_action(action)](
+            action, variables, context)
+    async def _async_delay(self, action, variables, context):
+        """Handle delay."""
+        # Call ourselves in the future to continue work
+        unsub = None
+        @callback
+        def async_script_delay(now):
+            """Handle delay."""
+            # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
+            with suppress(ValueError):
+                self._async_listener.remove(unsub)
+            self.hass.async_create_task(
+                self.async_run(variables, context))
+        delay = action[CONF_DELAY]
+        try:
+            if isinstance(delay, template.Template):
+                delay = vol.All(
+                    cv.time_period,
+                    cv.positive_timedelta)(
+                        delay.async_render(variables))
+            elif isinstance(delay, dict):
+                delay_data = {}
+                delay_data.update(
+                    template.render_complex(delay, variables))
+                delay = cv.time_period(delay_data)
+        except (exceptions.TemplateError, vol.Invalid) as ex:
+            _LOGGER.error("Error rendering '%s' delay template: %s",
+                          self.name, ex)
+            raise _StopScript
+        self.last_action = action.get(
+            CONF_ALIAS, 'delay {}'.format(delay))
+        self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action)
+        unsub = async_track_point_in_utc_time(
+            self.hass, async_script_delay,
+            date_util.utcnow() + delay
+        )
+        self._async_listener.append(unsub)
+        raise _SuspendScript
+    async def _async_wait_template(self, action, variables, context):
+        """Handle a wait template."""
+        # Call ourselves in the future to continue work
+        wait_template = action[CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE]
+        wait_template.hass = self.hass
+        self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, 'wait template')
+        self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action)
+        # check if condition already okay
+        if condition.async_template(
+                self.hass, wait_template, variables):
+            return
+        @callback
+        def async_script_wait(entity_id, from_s, to_s):
+            """Handle script after template condition is true."""
+            self._async_remove_listener()
+            self.hass.async_create_task(
+                self.async_run(variables, context))
+        self._async_listener.append(async_track_template(
+            self.hass, wait_template, async_script_wait, variables))
+        if CONF_TIMEOUT in action:
+            self._async_set_timeout(
+                action, variables, context,
+                action.get(CONF_CONTINUE, True))
+        raise _SuspendScript
     async def _async_call_service(self, action, variables, context):
         """Call the service specified in the action.
@@ -213,7 +261,7 @@ class Script():
-    def _async_fire_event(self, action, variables, context):
+    async def _async_fire_event(self, action, variables, context):
         """Fire an event."""
         self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_EVENT])
         self._log("Executing step %s" % self.last_action)
@@ -222,13 +270,13 @@ class Script():
                     action[CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE], variables))
-            except TemplateError as ex:
+            except exceptions.TemplateError as ex:
                 _LOGGER.error('Error rendering event data template: %s', ex)
                                  event_data, context=context)
-    def _async_check_condition(self, action, variables):
+    async def _async_check_condition(self, action, variables, context):
         """Test if condition is matching."""
         config_cache_key = frozenset((k, str(v)) for k, v in action.items())
         config = self._config_cache.get(config_cache_key)
@@ -239,7 +287,9 @@ class Script():
         self.last_action = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, action[CONF_CONDITION])
         check = config(self.hass, variables)
         self._log("Test condition {}: {}".format(self.last_action, check))
-        return check
+        if not check:
+            raise _StopScript
     def _async_set_timeout(self, action, variables, context,
diff --git a/tests/helpers/test_script.py b/tests/helpers/test_script.py
index e5e62d2aed3..887a147c417 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/test_script.py
+++ b/tests/helpers/test_script.py
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ from datetime import timedelta
 from unittest import mock
 import unittest
+import voluptuous as vol
+import pytest
+from homeassistant import exceptions
 from homeassistant.core import Context, callback
 # Otherwise can't test just this file (import order issue)
 import homeassistant.components  # noqa
@@ -774,3 +778,84 @@ class TestScriptHelper(unittest.TestCase):
         assert script_obj.last_triggered == time
+async def test_propagate_error_service_not_found(hass):
+    """Test that a script aborts when a service is not found."""
+    events = []
+    @callback
+    def record_event(event):
+        events.append(event)
+    hass.bus.async_listen('test_event', record_event)
+    script_obj = script.Script(hass, cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA([
+        {'service': 'test.script'},
+        {'event': 'test_event'}]))
+    with pytest.raises(exceptions.ServiceNotFound):
+        await script_obj.async_run()
+    assert len(events) == 0
+async def test_propagate_error_invalid_service_data(hass):
+    """Test that a script aborts when we send invalid service data."""
+    events = []
+    @callback
+    def record_event(event):
+        events.append(event)
+    hass.bus.async_listen('test_event', record_event)
+    calls = []
+    @callback
+    def record_call(service):
+        """Add recorded event to set."""
+        calls.append(service)
+    hass.services.async_register('test', 'script', record_call,
+                                 schema=vol.Schema({'text': str}))
+    script_obj = script.Script(hass, cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA([
+        {'service': 'test.script', 'data': {'text': 1}},
+        {'event': 'test_event'}]))
+    with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid):
+        await script_obj.async_run()
+    assert len(events) == 0
+    assert len(calls) == 0
+async def test_propagate_error_service_exception(hass):
+    """Test that a script aborts when a service throws an exception."""
+    events = []
+    @callback
+    def record_event(event):
+        events.append(event)
+    hass.bus.async_listen('test_event', record_event)
+    calls = []
+    @callback
+    def record_call(service):
+        """Add recorded event to set."""
+        raise ValueError("BROKEN")
+    hass.services.async_register('test', 'script', record_call)
+    script_obj = script.Script(hass, cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA([
+        {'service': 'test.script'},
+        {'event': 'test_event'}]))
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        await script_obj.async_run()
+    assert len(events) == 0
+    assert len(calls) == 0