[ci skip] Translation update

This commit is contained in:
HomeAssistant Azure 2019-09-30 00:32:17 +00:00
parent 52bbb6242c
commit cdb469f711
32 changed files with 838 additions and 149 deletions

View file

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
"title": "Completa tu informaci\u00f3n"
"title": "Ambient PWS"
"title": "Ambiente PWS"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"config": {
"title": "Arcam FMJ"

View file

@ -2,29 +2,43 @@
"device_automation": {
"condition_type": {
"is_bat_low": "Bateria de {entity_name} baixa",
"is_cold": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 fred",
"is_connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 connectat",
"is_gas": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant gas",
"is_hot": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 calent",
"is_light": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant llum",
"is_locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 bloquejat",
"is_moist": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 humit",
"is_motion": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant moviment",
"is_moving": "{entity_name} s'est\u00e0 movent",
"is_no_gas": "{entity_name} no detecta gas",
"is_no_light": "{entity_name} no detecta llum",
"is_no_motion": "{entity_name} no detecta moviment",
"is_no_problem": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 detectant cap problema",
"is_no_smoke": "{entity_name} no detecta fum",
"is_no_sound": "{entity_name} no detecta so",
"is_no_vibration": "{entity_name} no detecta vibraci\u00f3",
"is_not_bat_low": "Bateria de {entity_name} normal",
"is_not_cold": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 fred",
"is_not_connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 desconnectat",
"is_not_hot": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 calent",
"is_not_locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 desbloquejat",
"is_not_moist": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 sec",
"is_not_moving": "{entity_name} no s'est\u00e0 movent",
"is_not_occupied": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 ocupat",
"is_not_open": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 tancat",
"is_not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 desendollat",
"is_not_powered": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 alimentat",
"is_not_present": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 present",
"is_not_unsafe": "{entity_name} \u00e9s segur",
"is_occupied": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 ocupat",
"is_off": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 apagat",
"is_on": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 enc\u00e8s",
"is_open": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 obert",
"is_plugged_in": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 endollat",
"is_powered": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 alimentat",
"is_present": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 present",
"is_problem": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant un problema",
"is_smoke": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant fum",
"is_sound": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 detectant so",
"is_unsafe": "{entity_name} \u00e9s insegur",
@ -33,10 +47,13 @@
"trigger_type": {
"bat_low": "Bateria de {entity_name} baixa",
"closed": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 tancat",
"cold": "{entity_name} es torna fred",
"connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 connectat",
"gas": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar gas",
"hot": "{entity_name} es torna calent",
"light": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar llum",
"locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 bloquejat",
"moist\u00a7": "{entity_name} es torna humit",
"motion": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar moviment",
"moving": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a moure's",
"no_gas": "{entity_name} ha deixat de detectar gas",
@ -47,11 +64,20 @@
"no_sound": "{entity_name} ha deixat de detectar so",
"no_vibration": "{entity_name} ha deixat de detectar vibraci\u00f3",
"not_bat_low": "Bateria de {entity_name} normal",
"not_cold": "{entity_name} es torna no-fred",
"not_connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 desconnectat",
"not_hot": "{entity_name} es torna no-calent",
"not_locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e0 desbloquejat",
"not_moist": "{entity_name} es torna sec",
"not_moving": "{entity_name} ha parat de moure's",
"not_occupied": "{entity_name} es desocupa",
"not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} desendollat",
"not_powered": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 alimentat",
"not_present": "{entity_name} no est\u00e0 present",
"not_unsafe": "{entity_name} es torna segur",
"occupied": "{entity_name} s'ocupa",
"opened": "{entity_name} s'ha obert",
"plugged_in": "{entity_name} s'ha endollat",
"powered": "{entity_name} alimentat",
"present": "{entity_name} present",
"problem": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar un problema",
@ -59,6 +85,7 @@
"sound": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar so",
"turned_off": "{entity_name} apagat",
"turned_on": "{entity_name} enc\u00e8s",
"unsafe": "{entity_name} es torna insegur",
"vibration": "{entity_name} ha comen\u00e7at a detectar vibraci\u00f3"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"device_automation": {
"condition_type": {
"is_bat_low": "{entity_name} la bater\u00eda est\u00e1 baja",
"is_cold": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 fr\u00edo",
"is_connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 conectado",
"is_gas": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando gas",
"is_hot": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 caliente",
"is_light": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando luz",
"is_locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 bloqueado",
"is_moist": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 h\u00famedo",
"is_motion": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando movimiento",
"is_moving": "{entity_name} se est\u00e1 moviendo",
"is_no_gas": "{entity_name} no detecta gas",
"is_no_light": "{entity_name} no detecta la luz",
"is_no_motion": "{entity_name} no detecta movimiento",
"is_no_problem": "{entity_name} no detecta el problema",
"is_no_smoke": "{entity_name} no detecta humo",
"is_no_sound": "{entity_name} no detecta sonido",
"is_no_vibration": "{entity_name} no detecta vibraci\u00f3n",
"is_not_bat_low": "La bater\u00eda de {entity_name} es normal",
"is_not_cold": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 fr\u00edo",
"is_not_connected": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 desconectado",
"is_not_hot": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 caliente",
"is_not_locked": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 desbloqueado",
"is_not_moist": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 seco",
"is_not_moving": "{entity_name} no se mueve",
"is_not_occupied": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 ocupado",
"is_not_open": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 cerrado",
"is_not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 desconectado",
"is_not_powered": "{entity_name} no tiene alimentaci\u00f3n",
"is_not_present": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 presente",
"is_not_unsafe": "{entity_name} es seguro",
"is_occupied": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 ocupado",
"is_off": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 apagado",
"is_on": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 activado",
"is_open": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 abierto",
"is_plugged_in": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 conectado",
"is_powered": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 activado",
"is_present": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 presente",
"is_problem": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando un problema",
"is_smoke": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando humo",
"is_sound": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando sonido",
"is_unsafe": "{entity_name} no es seguro",
"is_vibration": "{entity_name} est\u00e1 detectando vibraciones"
"trigger_type": {
"bat_low": "{entity_name} bater\u00eda baja",
"closed": "{entity_name} cerrado",
"cold": "{entity_name} se enfri\u00f3",
"connected": "{entity_name} conectado",
"gas": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar gas",
"hot": "{entity_name} se est\u00e1 calentando",
"light": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar la luz",
"locked": "{entity_name} bloqueado",
"moist\u00a7": "{entity_name} se humedeci\u00f3",
"motion": "{entity_name} comenz\u00f3 a detectar movimiento",
"moving": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a moverse",
"no_gas": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar gas",
"no_light": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar la luz",
"no_motion": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar movimiento",
"no_problem": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar el problema",
"no_smoke": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar humo",
"no_sound": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar sonido",
"no_vibration": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de detectar vibraci\u00f3n",
"not_bat_low": "{entity_name} bater\u00eda normal",
"not_cold": "{entity_name} no se enfri\u00f3",
"not_connected": "{entity_name} desconectado",
"not_hot": "{entity_name} no se calent\u00f3",
"not_locked": "{entity_name} desbloqueado",
"not_moist": "{entity_name} se sec\u00f3",
"not_moving": "{entity_name} dej\u00f3 de moverse",
"not_occupied": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 ocupado",
"not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} desconectado",
"not_powered": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 activado",
"not_present": "{entity_name} no est\u00e1 presente",
"not_unsafe": "{entity_name} se volvi\u00f3 seguro",
"occupied": "{entity_name} se convirti\u00f3 en ocupado",
"opened": "{entity_name} abierto",
"plugged_in": "{nombre_de_la_entidad} conectado",
"powered": "{entity_name} alimentado",
"present": "{entity_name} presente",
"problem": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar problemas",
"smoke": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar humo",
"sound": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar sonido",
"turned_off": "{entity_name} desactivado",
"turned_on": "{entity_name} activado",
"unsafe": "{entity_name} se volvi\u00f3 inseguro",
"vibration": "{entity_name} empez\u00f3 a detectar vibraciones"

View file

@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
"device_automation": {
"condition_type": {
"is_bat_low": "Bateria {entity_name} jest roz\u0142adowana",
"is_cold": "{entity_name} wykrywa zimno",
"is_connected": "{entity_name} jest po\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_gas": "{entity_name} wykrywa gaz",
"is_hot": "{entity_name} wykrywa gor\u0105co",
"is_light": "{entity_name} wykrywa \u015bwiat\u0142o",
"is_locked": "{entity_name} jest zamkni\u0119ty",
"is_moist": "{entity_name} wykrywa wilgo\u0107",
"is_motion": "{entity_name} wykrywa ruch",
"is_moving": "{entity_name} porusza si\u0119",
"is_no_gas": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa gazu",
"is_no_light": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa \u015bwiat\u0142a",
"is_no_motion": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa ruchu",
"is_no_problem": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa problemu",
"is_no_smoke": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa dymu",
"is_no_sound": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa d\u017awi\u0119ku",
"is_no_vibration": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa wibracji",
"is_not_bat_low": "Bateria {entity_name} nie jest roz\u0142adowana",
"is_not_cold": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa zimna",
"is_not_connected": "{entity_name} jest roz\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_not_hot": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa gor\u0105ca",
"is_not_locked": "{entity_name} jest otwarty",
"is_not_moist": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa wilgoci",
"is_not_moving": "{entity_name} nie porusza si\u0119",
"is_not_occupied": "{entity_name} nie jest zaj\u0119ty",
"is_not_open": "{entity_name} jest zamkni\u0119ty",
"is_not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} jest od\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_not_powered": "{entity_name} nie jest zasilany",
"is_not_present": "{entity_name} nie wykrywa obecno\u015bci",
"is_not_unsafe": "{entity_name} raportuje bezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"is_occupied": "{entity_name} jest zaj\u0119ty",
"is_off": "{entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czone",
"is_on": "{entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czone",
"is_open": "{entity_name} jest otwarty",
"is_plugged_in": "{entity_name} jest pod\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_powered": "{entity_name} jest zasilany",
"is_present": "{entity_name} wykrywa obecno\u015b\u0107",
"is_problem": "{entity_name} wykrywa problem",
"is_smoke": "{entity_name} wykrywa dym",
"is_sound": "{entity_name} wykrywa d\u017awi\u0119k",
"is_unsafe": "{entity_name} raportuje niebezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"is_vibration": "{entity_name} wykrywa wibracje"
"is_bat_low": "bateria {entity_name} jest roz\u0142adowana",
"is_cold": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa zimno",
"is_connected": "sensor {entity_name} raportuje po\u0142\u0105czenie",
"is_gas": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa gaz",
"is_hot": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa gor\u0105co",
"is_light": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa \u015bwiat\u0142o",
"is_locked": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa zamkni\u0119cie",
"is_moist": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa wilgo\u0107",
"is_motion": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa ruch",
"is_moving": "sensor {entity_name} porusza si\u0119",
"is_no_gas": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa gazu",
"is_no_light": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa \u015bwiat\u0142a",
"is_no_motion": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa ruchu",
"is_no_problem": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa problemu",
"is_no_smoke": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa dymu",
"is_no_sound": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa d\u017awi\u0119ku",
"is_no_vibration": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa wibracji",
"is_not_bat_low": "bateria {entity_name} nie jest roz\u0142adowana",
"is_not_cold": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa zimna",
"is_not_connected": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa roz\u0142\u0105czenia",
"is_not_hot": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa gor\u0105ca",
"is_not_locked": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa otwarcia",
"is_not_moist": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa wilgoci",
"is_not_moving": "sensor {entity_name} nie porusza si\u0119",
"is_not_occupied": "sensor {entity_name} nie jest zaj\u0119ty",
"is_not_open": "sensor {entity_name} jest zamkni\u0119ty",
"is_not_plugged_in": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa od\u0142\u0105czenie",
"is_not_powered": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa zasilania",
"is_not_present": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa obecno\u015bci",
"is_not_unsafe": "sensor {entity_name} nie wykrywa niebezpiecze\u0144stwa",
"is_occupied": "sensor {entity_name} jest zaj\u0119ty",
"is_off": "sensor {entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_on": "sensor {entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_open": "sensor {entity_name} jest otwarty",
"is_plugged_in": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa pod\u0142\u0105czenie",
"is_powered": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa zasilanie",
"is_present": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa obecno\u015b\u0107",
"is_problem": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa problem",
"is_smoke": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa dym",
"is_sound": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa d\u017awi\u0119k",
"is_unsafe": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa niebezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"is_vibration": "sensor {entity_name} wykrywa wibracje"
"trigger_type": {
"bat_low": "Bateria {entity_name} staje si\u0119 roz\u0142adowanie",
"closed": "Zamkni\u0119cie {entity_name}",
"cold": "Wykrycie zimna przez {entity_name}",
"connected": "Pod\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"gas": "Wykrycie gazu przez {entity_name}",
"hot": "Wykrycie gor\u0105ca przez {entity_name}",
"light": "Wykrycie \u015bwiat\u0142a przez {entity_name}",
"locked": "Zamkni\u0119cie {entity_name}",
"moist\u00a7": "Wykrycie wilgoci przez {entity_name}",
"motion": "Wykrycie ruchu przez {entity_name}",
"moving": "{entity_name} zacz\u0105\u0142 si\u0119 porusza\u0107",
"no_gas": "Wykrycie braku gazu przez {entity_name}",
"no_light": "Wykrycie braku \u015bwiat\u0142a przez {entity_name}",
"no_motion": "Wykrycie braku ruchu przez {entity_name}",
"no_problem": "Wykrycie braku problemu przez {entity_name}",
"no_smoke": "Wykrycie braku dymu przez {entity_name}",
"no_sound": "Wykrycie braku d\u017awi\u0119ku przez {entity_name}",
"no_vibration": "Wykrycie braku wibracji przez {entity_name}",
"not_bat_low": "Bateria {entity_name} staje si\u0119 na\u0142adowana",
"not_cold": "Wykrycie braku zimna przez {entity_name}",
"not_connected": "Roz\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"not_hot": "Wykrycie braku gor\u0105ca przez {entity_name}",
"not_locked": "Otwarcie {entity_name}",
"not_moist": "Wykrycie braku wilgoci przez {entity_name}",
"not_moving": "{entity_name} przesta\u0142 si\u0119 porusza\u0107",
"not_occupied": "{entity_name} sta\u0142 si\u0119 niezaj\u0119ty",
"not_plugged_in": "Od\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"not_powered": "Brak zasilania dla {entity_name}",
"not_present": "Wykrycie braku obecno\u015bci przez {entity_name}",
"not_unsafe": "Raportowanie bezpiecze\u0144stwa przez {entity_name}",
"occupied": "{entity_name} sta\u0142 si\u0119 zaj\u0119ty",
"opened": "Otwarcie {entity_name}",
"plugged_in": "Pod\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"powered": "Zasilenie {entity_name}",
"present": "Wykrycie obecno\u015bci przez {entity_name}",
"problem": "Wykrycie problemu przez {entity_name}",
"smoke": "Wykrycie dymu przez {entity_name}",
"sound": "Wykrycie d\u017awi\u0119ku przez {entity_name}",
"turned_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "W\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"unsafe": "Raportowanie niebezpiecze\u0144stwa przez {entity_name}",
"vibration": "Wykrycie wibracji przez {entity_name}"
"bat_low": "bateria {entity_name} stanie si\u0119 roz\u0142adowana",
"closed": "zamkni\u0119cie {entity_name}",
"cold": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje zimno",
"connected": "pod\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"gas": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje gaz",
"hot": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje gor\u0105co",
"light": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje \u015bwiat\u0142o",
"locked": "zamkni\u0119cie {entity_name}",
"moist\u00a7": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje wilgo\u0107",
"motion": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje ruch",
"moving": "sensor {entity_name} zacznie porusza\u0107 si\u0119",
"no_gas": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 gaz",
"no_light": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 \u015bwiat\u0142o",
"no_motion": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 ruch",
"no_problem": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 problem",
"no_smoke": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 dym",
"no_sound": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 d\u017awi\u0119k",
"no_vibration": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 wibracje",
"not_bat_low": "bateria {entity_name} staje si\u0119 na\u0142adowana",
"not_cold": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 zimno",
"not_connected": "roz\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"not_hot": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 gor\u0105co",
"not_locked": "otwarcie {entity_name}",
"not_moist": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 wilgo\u0107",
"not_moving": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie porusza\u0107 si\u0119",
"not_occupied": "sensor {entity_name} przesta\u0142 by\u0107 zaj\u0119ty",
"not_plugged_in": "od\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"not_powered": "od\u0142\u0105czenie zasilania {entity_name}",
"not_present": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 obecno\u015b\u0107",
"not_unsafe": "sensor {entity_name} przestanie wykrywa\u0107 niebezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"occupied": "sensor {entity_name} sta\u0142 si\u0119 zaj\u0119ty",
"opened": "otwarcie {entity_name}",
"plugged_in": "pod\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"powered": "pod\u0142\u0105czenie zasilenia {entity_name}",
"present": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje obecno\u015b\u0107",
"problem": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje problem",
"smoke": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje dym",
"sound": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje d\u017awi\u0119k",
"turned_off": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "w\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"unsafe": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje niebezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"vibration": "sensor {entity_name} wykryje wibracje"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"host_port_exists": "Essa combina\u00e7\u00e3o de host e porta j\u00e1 est\u00e1 configurada"
"error": {
"certificate_fetch_failed": "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel buscar o certificado dessa combina\u00e7\u00e3o de host e porta",
"connection_timeout": "Tempo limite ao conectar-se a este host",
"resolve_failed": "Este host n\u00e3o pode ser resolvido"
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "O nome do host do certificado",
"name": "O nome do certificado",
"port": "A porta do certificado"

View file

@ -43,31 +43,31 @@
"device_automation": {
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Oba przyciski",
"both_buttons": "oba przyciski",
"button_1": "pierwszy przycisk",
"button_2": "drugi przycisk",
"button_3": "trzeci przycisk",
"button_4": "czwarty przycisk",
"close": "Zamkni\u0119cie",
"dim_down": "Przyciemnienie",
"dim_up": "Przyciemnienie",
"close": "zamkni\u0119cie",
"dim_down": "zmniejszenie jasno\u015bci",
"dim_up": "zwi\u0119kszenie jasno\u015bci",
"left": "w lewo",
"open": "Otwarcie",
"open": "otwarcie",
"right": "w prawo",
"turn_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105czenie",
"turn_on": "W\u0142\u0105czenie"
"turn_off": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie",
"turn_on": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie"
"trigger_type": {
"remote_button_double_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" podw\u00f3jnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_long_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty w spos\u00f3b ci\u0105g\u0142y",
"remote_button_long_release": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony po d\u0142ugim naci\u015bni\u0119ciu",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" czterokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" pi\u0119ciokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_rotated": "Przycisk obr\u00f3cony \"{subtype}\"",
"remote_button_short_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_release": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony",
"remote_button_triple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" trzykrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_gyro_activated": "Potrz\u0105\u015bni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzeniem"
"remote_button_double_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" podw\u00f3jnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_long_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty w spos\u00f3b ci\u0105g\u0142y",
"remote_button_long_release": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony po d\u0142ugim naci\u015bni\u0119ciu",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" czterokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" pi\u0119ciokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_rotated": "przycisk obr\u00f3cony \"{subtype}\"",
"remote_button_short_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_release": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony",
"remote_button_triple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" trzykrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_gyro_activated": "potrz\u0105\u015bni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzeniem"
"options": {

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"one_instance_allowed": "Solo una instancia es necesaria."
"create_entry": {
"default": "Para enviar eventos a Home Assistant, necesitas configurar [Integracion de flujos de dialogo de webhook]({dialogflow_url}).\n\nRellena la siguiente informaci\u00f3n:\n\n- URL: `{webhook_url}`\n- Method: POST\n- Content Type: application/json\n\nVer [Documentaci\u00f3n]({docs_url}) para mas detalles."
"default": "Para enviar eventos a Home Assistant, necesitas configurar [Integraci\u00f3n de flujos de dialogo de webhook]({dialogflow_url}).\n\nRellena la siguiente informaci\u00f3n:\n\n- URL: `{webhook_url}`\n- Method: POST\n- Content Type: application/json\n\nVer [Documentaci\u00f3n]({docs_url}) para m\u00e1s detalles."
"step": {
"user": {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_only": "Aquesta integraci\u00f3 nom\u00e9s admet una sola inst\u00e0ncia ecobee."
"error": {
"pin_request_failed": "Error al sol\u00b7licitar els PIN d'ecobee; verifica que la clau API \u00e9s correcta.",
"token_request_failed": "Error al sol\u00b7licitar els testimonis d'autenticaci\u00f3 d'ecobee; torna-ho a provar."
"step": {
"authorize": {
"description": "Autoritza aquesta aplicaci\u00f3 a https://www.ecobee.com/consumerportal/index.html amb el codi pin seg\u00fcent: \n\n {pin} \n \n A continuaci\u00f3, prem Enviar.",
"title": "Autoritzaci\u00f3 de l'aplicaci\u00f3 a ecobee.com"
"user": {
"data": {
"api_key": "Clau API"
"description": "Introdueix la clau API obteinguda a trav\u00e9s del lloc web ecobee.com.",
"title": "Clau API d'ecobee"
"title": "ecobee"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_only": "Esta integraci\u00f3n actualmente solo admite una instancia de ecobee."
"error": {
"pin_request_failed": "Error al solicitar el PIN de ecobee; verifique que la clave API sea correcta.",
"token_request_failed": "Error al solicitar tokens de ecobee; Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo."
"step": {
"authorize": {
"description": "Por favor, autorizar esta aplicaci\u00f3n en https://www.ecobee.com/consumerportal/index.html con c\u00f3digo pin:\n\n{pin}\n\nA continuaci\u00f3n, pulse Enviar.",
"title": "Autorizar aplicaci\u00f3n en ecobee.com"
"user": {
"data": {
"api_key": "Clave API"
"description": "Introduzca la clave de API obtenida de ecobee.com.",
"title": "Clave API de ecobee"
"title": "ecobee"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_only": "Ta integracija trenutno podpira samo en primerek ecobee."
"error": {
"pin_request_failed": "Napaka pri zahtevi PIN-a od ecobee; preverite, ali je klju\u010d API pravilen.",
"token_request_failed": "Napaka pri zahtevanju \u017eetonov od ecobeeja; prosim poskusite ponovno."
"step": {
"authorize": {
"description": "Prosimo, pooblastite to aplikacijo na https://www.ecobee.com/consumerportal/index.html s kodo PIN:\n\n{pin}\n\nNato pritisnite Po\u0161lji.",
"title": "Pooblasti aplikacijo na ecobee.com"
"user": {
"data": {
"api_key": "API Klju\u010d"
"description": "Prosimo vnesite API klju\u010d, pridobljen iz ecobee.com.",
"title": "ecobee API klju\u010d"
"title": "ecobee"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"no_devices_found": "No se han encontrado dispositivos iZone en la red.",
"single_instance_allowed": "Solo es necesaria una \u00fanica configuraci\u00f3n de iZone."
"step": {
"confirm": {
"description": "\u00bfQuieres configurar iZone?",
"title": "iZone"
"title": "iZone"

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"toggle": "Prze\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_on": "W\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}"
"toggle": "prze\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_off": "wy\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_on": "w\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}"
"condition_type": {
"is_off": "{entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_on": "{entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czony"
"is_off": "\u015bwiat\u0142o {entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czone",
"is_on": "\u015bwiat\u0142o {entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czone"
"trigger_type": {
"turned_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "W\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}"
"turned_off": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "w\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}"

View file

@ -41,5 +41,16 @@
"title": "Plex"
"options": {
"step": {
"plex_mp_settings": {
"data": {
"show_all_controls": "Mostra tots els controls",
"use_episode_art": "Utilitza imatges de l'episodi"
"description": "Opcions per als reproductors multim\u00e8dia Plex"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"all_configured": "Todos los servidores vinculados ya configurados",
"already_configured": "Este servidor Plex ya est\u00e1 configurado",
"already_in_progress": "Plex se est\u00e1 configurando",
"invalid_import": "La configuraci\u00f3n importada no es v\u00e1lida",
"unknown": "Fall\u00f3 por razones desconocidas"
"error": {
"faulty_credentials": "Error en la autorizaci\u00f3n",
"no_servers": "No hay servidores vinculados a la cuenta",
"no_token": "Proporcione un token o seleccione la configuraci\u00f3n manual",
"not_found": "No se ha encontrado el servidor Plex"
"step": {
"manual_setup": {
"data": {
"host": "Host",
"port": "Puerto",
"ssl": "Usar SSL",
"token": "Token (es necesario)",
"verify_ssl": "Verificar certificado SSL"
"title": "Servidor Plex"
"select_server": {
"data": {
"server": "Servidor"
"description": "Varios servidores disponibles, seleccione uno:",
"title": "Seleccione el servidor Plex"
"user": {
"data": {
"manual_setup": "Configuraci\u00f3n manual",
"token": "Token Plex"
"description": "Introduzca un token Plex para la configuraci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica o configure manualmente un servidor.",
"title": "Conectar servidor Plex"
"title": "Plex"
"options": {
"step": {
"plex_mp_settings": {
"data": {
"show_all_controls": "Mostrar todos los controles",
"use_episode_art": "Usar el arte de episodios"
"description": "Opciones para reproductores multimedia Plex"

View file

@ -41,5 +41,16 @@
"title": "Plex"
"options": {
"step": {
"plex_mp_settings": {
"data": {
"show_all_controls": "Poka\u017ei vse kontrole",
"use_episode_art": "Uporabi naslovno sliko epizode"
"description": "Mo\u017enosti za predvajalnike Plex"

View file

@ -41,5 +41,16 @@
"title": "Plex"
"options": {
"step": {
"plex_mp_settings": {
"data": {
"show_all_controls": "\u986f\u793a\u6240\u6709\u63a7\u5236",
"use_episode_art": "\u4f7f\u7528\u5f71\u96c6\u5287\u7167"
"description": "Plex \u64ad\u653e\u5668\u9078\u9805"

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"toggle": "Prze\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_on": "W\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}"
"toggle": "prze\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_off": "wy\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}",
"turn_on": "w\u0142\u0105cz {entity_name}"
"condition_type": {
"is_off": "{entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_on": "{entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czony",
"turn_off": "{entity_name} wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"turn_on": "{entity_name} w\u0142\u0105czony"
"is_off": "prze\u0142\u0105cznik {entity_name} jest wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"is_on": "prze\u0142\u0105cznik {entity_name} jest w\u0142\u0105czony",
"turn_off": "prze\u0142\u0105cznik {entity_name} wy\u0142\u0105czony",
"turn_on": "prze\u0142\u0105cznik {entity_name} w\u0142\u0105czony"
"trigger_type": {
"turned_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "W\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}"
"turned_off": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}",
"turned_on": "w\u0142\u0105czenie {entity_name}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"config": {
"title": "Traccar"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_allowed": "Nom\u00e9s cal una sola inst\u00e0ncia."
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "No s'ha pogut connectar amb l'amfitri\u00f3",
"wrong_credentials": "Nom d'usuari o contrasenya incorrectes"
"step": {
"options": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Freq\u00fc\u00e8ncia d\u2019actualitzaci\u00f3"
"title": "Opcions de configuraci\u00f3"
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "Amfitri\u00f3",
"name": "Nom",
"password": "Contrasenya",
"port": "Port",
"username": "Nom d'usuari"
"title": "Configuraci\u00f3 del client de Transmission"
"title": "Transmission"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Freq\u00fc\u00e8ncia d\u2019actualitzaci\u00f3"
"description": "Opcions de configuraci\u00f3 per a Transmission"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_allowed": "S\u00f3lo se necesita una sola instancia."
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "No se puede conectar al host",
"wrong_credentials": "Nombre de usuario o contrase\u00f1a incorrectos"
"step": {
"options": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Frecuencia de actualizaci\u00f3n"
"title": "Configurar opciones"
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "Host",
"name": "Nombre",
"password": "Contrase\u00f1a",
"port": "Puerto",
"username": "Nombre de usuario"
"title": "Configuraci\u00f3n del cliente de transmisi\u00f3n"
"title": "Transmisi\u00f3n"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Frecuencia de actualizaci\u00f3n"
"description": "Configurar opciones para la transmisi\u00f3n"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"config": {
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "N\u00e3o foi poss\u00edvel conectar ao host",
"wrong_credentials": "Nome de usu\u00e1rio ou senha incorretos"
"step": {
"options": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Frequ\u00eancia de atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o"
"title": "Op\u00e7\u00f5es de configura\u00e7\u00e3o"
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "Host",
"name": "Nome",
"password": "Senha",
"port": "Porta",
"username": "Usu\u00e1rio"
"title": "Configurar o cliente de transmiss\u00e3o"
"title": "Transmiss\u00e3o"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Frequ\u00eancia de atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o"
"description": "Configurar op\u00e7\u00f5es para transmiss\u00e3o"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_allowed": "Potrebna je samo ena instanca."
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "Ni mogo\u010de vzpostaviti povezave z gostiteljem",
"wrong_credentials": "Napa\u010dno uporabni\u0161ko ime ali geslo"
"step": {
"options": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Pogostost posodabljanja"
"title": "Nastavite mo\u017enosti"
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "Gostitelj",
"name": "Ime",
"password": "Geslo",
"port": "Vrata",
"username": "Uporabni\u0161ko ime"
"title": "Namestitev odjemalca Transmission"
"title": "Transmission"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "Pogostost posodabljanja"
"description": "Nastavite mo\u017enosti za Transmission"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"one_instance_allowed": "\u50c5\u9700\u8a2d\u5b9a\u4e00\u7d44\u7269\u4ef6\u5373\u53ef\u3002"
"error": {
"cannot_connect": "\u7121\u6cd5\u9023\u7dda\u81f3\u4e3b\u6a5f\u7aef",
"wrong_credentials": "\u4f7f\u7528\u8005\u540d\u7a31\u6216\u5bc6\u78bc\u932f\u8aa4"
"step": {
"options": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "\u66f4\u65b0\u983b\u7387"
"title": "\u8a2d\u5b9a\u9078\u9805"
"user": {
"data": {
"host": "\u4e3b\u6a5f\u7aef",
"name": "\u540d\u7a31",
"password": "\u5bc6\u78bc",
"port": "\u901a\u8a0a\u57e0",
"username": "\u4f7f\u7528\u8005\u540d\u7a31"
"title": "\u8a2d\u5b9a Transmission \u5ba2\u6236\u7aef"
"title": "Transmission"
"options": {
"step": {
"init": {
"data": {
"scan_interval": "\u66f4\u65b0\u983b\u7387"
"description": "Transmission \u8a2d\u5b9a\u9078\u9805"

View file

@ -22,5 +22,15 @@
"title": "Controlador UniFi"
"options": {
"step": {
"device_tracker": {
"data": {
"track_clients": "Rastrear clientes da rede",
"track_wired_clients": "Incluir clientes de rede com fio"

View file

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"no_flows": "Debe configurar Withings antes de poder autenticarse con \u00e9l. Por favor, lea la documentaci\u00f3n."
"create_entry": {
"default": "Autenticado correctamente con Withings para el perfil seleccionado."

View file

@ -16,5 +16,52 @@
"title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"squawk": "Squawk",
"warn": "Av\u00eds"
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Ambd\u00f3s botons",
"button_1": "Primer bot\u00f3",
"button_2": "Segon bot\u00f3",
"button_3": "Tercer bot\u00f3",
"button_4": "Quart bot\u00f3",
"button_5": "Cinqu\u00e8 bot\u00f3",
"button_6": "Sis\u00e8 bot\u00f3",
"close": "Tanca",
"dim_down": "Atenua la brillantor",
"dim_up": "Augmenta la brillantor",
"face_1": "amb la cara 1 activada",
"face_2": "amb la cara 2 activada",
"face_3": "amb la cara 3 activada",
"face_4": "amb la cara 4 activada",
"face_5": "amb la cara 5 activada",
"face_6": "amb la cara 6 activada",
"face_any": "Amb qualsevol o alguna de les cares especificades activades.",
"left": "Esquerra",
"open": "Obert",
"right": "Dreta",
"turn_off": "Desactiva",
"turn_on": "Activa"
"trigger_type": {
"device_dropped": "Dispositiu caigut",
"device_flipped": "Dispositiu voltejat a \"{subtype}\"",
"device_knocked": "Dispositiu colpejat a \"{subtype}\"",
"device_rotated": "Dispositiu rotat a \"{subtype}\"",
"device_shaken": "Dispositiu sacsejat",
"device_slid": "Dispositiu lliscat a \"{subtype}\"",
"device_tilted": "Dispositiu inclinat",
"remote_button_double_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" clicat dues vegades consecutives",
"remote_button_long_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" premut continuament",
"remote_button_long_release": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" alliberat despr\u00e9s d'una estona premut",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" clicat quatre vegades consecutives",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" clicat cinc vegades consecutives",
"remote_button_short_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" premut",
"remote_button_short_release": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" alliberat",
"remote_button_triple_press": "Bot\u00f3 \"{subtype}\" clicat tres vegades consecutives"

View file

@ -16,5 +16,52 @@
"title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"squawk": "Squawk",
"warn": "Advertir"
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Ambos botones",
"button_1": "Primer bot\u00f3n",
"button_2": "Segundo bot\u00f3n",
"button_3": "Tercer bot\u00f3n",
"button_4": "Cuarto bot\u00f3n",
"button_5": "Quinto bot\u00f3n",
"button_6": "Sexto bot\u00f3n",
"close": "Cerrar",
"dim_down": "Bajar la intensidad",
"dim_up": "Subir la intensidad",
"face_1": "con la cara 1 activada",
"face_2": "con la cara 2 activada",
"face_3": "con la cara 3 activada",
"face_4": "con la cara 4 activada",
"face_5": "con la cara 5 activada",
"face_6": "con la cara 6 activada",
"face_any": "Con cualquier cara/especificada(s) activada(s)",
"left": "Izquierda",
"open": "Abrir",
"right": "Derecha",
"turn_off": "Apagar",
"turn_on": "Encender"
"trigger_type": {
"device_dropped": "Dispositivo ca\u00eddo",
"device_flipped": "Dispositivo volteado \" {subtype} \"",
"device_knocked": "Dispositivo eliminado \" {subtype} \"",
"device_rotated": "Dispositivo girado \" {subtype} \"",
"device_shaken": "Dispositivo agitado",
"device_slid": "Dispositivo deslizado \" {subtype} \"",
"device_tilted": "Dispositivo inclinado",
"remote_button_double_press": "\"{subtipo}\" bot\u00f3n de doble clic",
"remote_button_long_press": "Bot\u00f3n \"{subtipo}\" pulsado continuamente",
"remote_button_long_release": "Bot\u00f3n \"{subtipo}\" liberado despu\u00e9s de una pulsaci\u00f3n prolongada",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "\"{subtipo}\" bot\u00f3n cu\u00e1druple pulsado",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "\"{subtipo}\" bot\u00f3n qu\u00edntuple pulsado",
"remote_button_short_press": "Bot\u00f3n \"{subtipo}\" pulsado",
"remote_button_short_release": "Bot\u00f3n \"{subtipo}\" liberado",
"remote_button_triple_press": "\"{subtipo}\" bot\u00f3n de triple clic"

View file

@ -19,20 +19,20 @@
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"squawk": "Skrzek",
"warn": "Ostrze\u017cenie"
"squawk": "squawk",
"warn": "ostrze\u017cenie"
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Oba przyciski",
"button_1": "Pierwszy przycisk",
"button_2": "Drugi przycisk",
"button_3": "Trzeci przycisk",
"button_4": "Czwarty przycisk",
"button_5": "Pi\u0105ty przycisk",
"button_6": "Sz\u00f3sty przycisk",
"close": "Zamkni\u0119cie",
"dim_down": "\u015aciemnianie",
"dim_up": "Rozja\u015bnienie",
"both_buttons": "oba przyciski",
"button_1": "pierwszy przycisk",
"button_2": "drugi przycisk",
"button_3": "trzeci przycisk",
"button_4": "czwarty przycisk",
"button_5": "pi\u0105ty przycisk",
"button_6": "sz\u00f3sty przycisk",
"close": "zamkni\u0119cie",
"dim_down": "zmniejszenie jasno\u015bci",
"dim_up": "zwi\u0119kszenie jasno\u015bci",
"face_1": "z aktywowan\u0105 twarz\u0105 1",
"face_2": "z aktywowan\u0105 twarz\u0105 2",
"face_3": "z aktywowan\u0105 twarz\u0105 3",
@ -41,27 +41,27 @@
"face_6": "z aktywowan\u0105 twarz\u0105 6",
"face_any": "z dowoln\u0105 twarz\u0105 aktywowan\u0105",
"left": "w lewo",
"open": "Otwarcie",
"open": "otwarcie",
"right": "w prawo",
"turn_off": "Wy\u0142\u0105czenie",
"turn_on": "W\u0142\u0105czenie"
"turn_off": "wy\u0142\u0105czenie",
"turn_on": "w\u0142\u0105czenie"
"trigger_type": {
"device_dropped": "Upadek urz\u0105dzenia",
"device_flipped": "Odwr\u00f3cenie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_knocked": "Pukni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_rotated": "Obr\u00f3cenie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_shaken": "Potrz\u0105\u015bni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzeniem",
"device_slid": "Przesuni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_tilted": "Przechylenie urz\u0105dzenia",
"remote_button_double_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" podw\u00f3jnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_long_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty w spos\u00f3b ci\u0105g\u0142y",
"remote_button_long_release": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony po d\u0142ugim naci\u015bni\u0119ciu",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" czterokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" pi\u0119ciokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_release": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony",
"remote_button_triple_press": "Przycisk \"{subtype}\" trzykrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty"
"device_dropped": "upadek urz\u0105dzenia",
"device_flipped": "odwr\u00f3cenie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_knocked": "pukni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_rotated": "obr\u00f3cenie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_shaken": "potrz\u0105\u015bni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzeniem",
"device_slid": "przesuni\u0119cie urz\u0105dzenia \"{subtype}\"",
"device_tilted": "przechylenie urz\u0105dzenia",
"remote_button_double_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" podw\u00f3jnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_long_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty w spos\u00f3b ci\u0105g\u0142y",
"remote_button_long_release": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony po d\u0142ugim naci\u015bni\u0119ciu",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" czterokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" pi\u0119ciokrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" naci\u015bni\u0119ty",
"remote_button_short_release": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" zwolniony",
"remote_button_triple_press": "przycisk \"{subtype}\" trzykrotnie naci\u015bni\u0119ty"

View file

@ -16,5 +16,10 @@
"title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"warn": "Aviso"

View file

@ -16,5 +16,52 @@
"title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"squawk": "Squawk",
"warn": "Opozori"
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Oba gumba",
"button_1": "Prvi gumb",
"button_2": "Drugi gumb",
"button_3": "Tretji gumb",
"button_4": "\u010cetrti gumb",
"button_5": "Peti gumb",
"button_6": "\u0160esti gumb",
"close": "Zapri",
"dim_down": "Zatemnite",
"dim_up": "pove\u010dajte mo\u010d",
"face_1": "aktivirano z obrazom 1",
"face_2": "aktivirano z obrazom 2",
"face_3": "aktivirano z obrazom 3",
"face_4": "aktivirano z obrazom 4",
"face_5": "aktivirano z obrazom 5",
"face_6": "aktivirano z obrazom 6",
"face_any": "Z vsemi/dolo\u010denimi obrazi vklju\u010deno",
"left": "Levo",
"open": "Odprto",
"right": "Desno",
"turn_off": "Ugasni",
"turn_on": "Pri\u017egi"
"trigger_type": {
"device_dropped": "Naprava padla",
"device_flipped": "Naprava obrnjena \"{subtype}\"",
"device_knocked": "Naprava prevrnjena \"{subtype}\"",
"device_rotated": "Naprava je zasukana \"{subtype}\"",
"device_shaken": "Naprava se je pretresla",
"device_slid": "Naprava zdrsnila \"{subtype}\"",
"device_tilted": "Naprava je nagnjena",
"remote_button_double_press": "Dvakrat kliknete gumb \"{subtype}\"",
"remote_button_long_press": "\"{subtype}\" gumb neprekinjeno pritisnjen",
"remote_button_long_release": "\"{subtype}\" gumb spro\u0161\u010den po dolgem pritisku",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "\"{subtype}\" gumb \u0161tirikrat kliknjen",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "\"{subtype}\" gumb petkrat kliknjen",
"remote_button_short_press": "Pritisnjen \"{subtype}\" gumb",
"remote_button_short_release": "Gumb \"{subtype}\" spro\u0161\u010den",
"remote_button_triple_press": "Gumb \"{subtype}\" trikrat kliknjen"

View file

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
"title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"action_type": {
"squawk": "\u61c9\u7b54",
"warn": "\u8b66\u544a"
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "\u5169\u500b\u6309\u9215",
"button_1": "\u7b2c\u4e00\u500b\u6309\u9215",