diff --git a/homeassistant/helpers/template.py b/homeassistant/helpers/template.py
index 66f289724be..6d6fb1ed200 100644
--- a/homeassistant/helpers/template.py
+++ b/homeassistant/helpers/template.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import json
 import logging
 import math
 import random
+import base64
 import re
 import jinja2
@@ -602,6 +603,23 @@ def bitwise_or(first_value, second_value):
     return first_value | second_value
+def base64_encode(value):
+    """Perform base64 encode."""
+    return base64.b64encode(value.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
+def base64_decode(value):
+    """Perform base64 denode."""
+    return base64.b64decode(value).decode('utf-8')
+def ordinal(value):
+    """Perform ordinal conversion."""
+    return str(value) + (list(['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'] + ['th'] * 6)
+                         [(int(str(value)[-1])) % 10] if not
+                         int(str(value)[-2:]) % 100 in range(11, 14) else 'th')
 def random_every_time(context, values):
     """Choose a random value.
@@ -640,6 +658,9 @@ ENV.filters['is_defined'] = fail_when_undefined
 ENV.filters['max'] = max
 ENV.filters['min'] = min
 ENV.filters['random'] = random_every_time
+ENV.filters['base64_encode'] = base64_encode
+ENV.filters['base64_decode'] = base64_decode
+ENV.filters['ordinal'] = ordinal
 ENV.filters['regex_match'] = regex_match
 ENV.filters['regex_replace'] = regex_replace
 ENV.filters['regex_search'] = regex_search
diff --git a/tests/helpers/test_template.py b/tests/helpers/test_template.py
index 573a9f78b72..02331c400d3 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/test_template.py
+++ b/tests/helpers/test_template.py
@@ -274,6 +274,37 @@ class TestHelpersTemplate(unittest.TestCase):
             template.Template('{{ [1, 2, 3] | max }}',
+    def test_base64_encode(self):
+        """Test the base64_encode filter."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA==',
+            template.Template('{{ "homeassistant" | base64_encode }}',
+                              self.hass).render())
+    def test_base64_decode(self):
+        """Test the base64_decode filter."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'homeassistant',
+            template.Template('{{ "aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA==" | base64_decode }}',
+                              self.hass).render())
+    def test_ordinal(self):
+        """Test the ordinal filter."""
+        tests = [
+            (1, '1st'),
+            (2, '2nd'),
+            (3, '3rd'),
+            (4, '4th'),
+            (5, '5th'),
+        ]
+        for value, expected in tests:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                expected,
+                template.Template(
+                    '{{ %s | ordinal }}' % value,
+                    self.hass).render())
     def test_timestamp_utc(self):
         """Test the timestamps to local filter."""
         now = dt_util.utcnow()