diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/da.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/da.json index 3c8c0377880..1b595924106 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/da.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/da.json @@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ "allow_deconz_groups": "Tillad deCONZ lys grupper" }, "description": "Konfigurer synligheden af deCONZ-enhedstyper" + }, + "deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_clip_sensor": "Tillad deCONZ CLIP sensorer", + "allow_deconz_groups": "Tillad deCONZ lys grupper" + }, + "description": "Konfigurer synligheden af deCONZ-enhedstyper" } } } diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/de.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/de.json index b7cba820daa..5902d2a3bf3 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/de.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/de.json @@ -40,5 +40,16 @@ } }, "title": "deCONZ Zigbee Gateway" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "async_step_deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_clip_sensor": "deCONZ CLIP-Sensoren zulassen", + "allow_deconz_groups": "deCONZ-Lichtgruppen zulassen" + }, + "description": "Konfigurieren der Sichtbarkeit von deCONZ-Ger\u00e4tetypen" + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/en.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/en.json index 3c6656d6ae6..272a6f5d1be 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/en.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/en.json @@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ }, "options": { "step": { + "async_step_deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_clip_sensor": "Allow deCONZ CLIP sensors", + "allow_deconz_groups": "Allow deCONZ light groups" + }, + "description": "Configure visibility of deCONZ device types" + }, "deconz_devices": { "data": { "allow_clip_sensor": "Allow deCONZ CLIP sensors", diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/es.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/es.json index ca38deb28fe..8bcf03914ce 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/es.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/es.json @@ -38,5 +38,21 @@ } }, "title": "Pasarela Zigbee deCONZ" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "async_step_deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_deconz_groups": "Permitir grupos de luz deCONZ" + } + }, + "deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_clip_sensor": "Permitir sensores deCONZ CLIP", + "allow_deconz_groups": "Permitir grupos de luz deCONZ" + }, + "description": "Configurar la visibilidad de los tipos de dispositivos deCONZ" + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/sl.json b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/sl.json index 58ecde32a84..4a30e9d34d1 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/sl.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/deconz/.translations/sl.json @@ -40,5 +40,16 @@ } }, "title": "deCONZ Zigbee prehod" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "async_step_deconz_devices": { + "data": { + "allow_clip_sensor": "Dovoli deCONZ CLIP senzorje", + "allow_deconz_groups": "Dovolite deCONZ skupine lu\u010di" + }, + "description": "Konfiguracija vidnosti tipov naprav deCONZ" + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/de.json b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/de.json index 27dfbaed2bc..08a55d26cae 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/de.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/de.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_credentials": "Ung\u00fcltige Anmeldeinformationen", "invalid_username": "Ung\u00fcltiger Benutzername", + "unexpected": "Unerwarteter Fehler bei der Kommunikation mit dem Life360-Server", "user_already_configured": "Konto wurde bereits konfiguriert" }, "step": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/no.json b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/no.json index 1a1e98c526e..032dd606cbd 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/no.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/no.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_credentials": "Ugyldig legitimasjon", "invalid_username": "Ugyldig brukernavn", + "unexpected": "Uventet feil under kommunikasjon med Life360-servern", "user_already_configured": "Kontoen er allerede konfigurert" }, "step": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/sl.json b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/sl.json index 36e4917256b..2bb3bb4833e 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/sl.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/life360/.translations/sl.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "error": { "invalid_credentials": "Napa\u010dno geslo", "invalid_username": "Napa\u010dno uporabni\u0161ko ime", + "unexpected": "Nepri\u010dakovana napaka pri komunikaciji s stre\u017enikom Life360", "user_already_configured": "Ra\u010dun \u017ee nastavljen" }, "step": { diff --git a/homeassistant/components/smartthings/.translations/es.json b/homeassistant/components/smartthings/.translations/es.json index 9ae98bcb9f1..513b8ba3ffe 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/smartthings/.translations/es.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/smartthings/.translations/es.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "app_setup_error": "No se pudo configurar el SmartApp. Por favor, int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo.", "base_url_not_https": "La 'base_url' del componente 'http' debe empezar por 'https://'.", "token_already_setup": "El token ya ha sido configurado.", - "token_forbidden": "El token no tiene los alcances necesarios de OAuth.", + "token_forbidden": "El token no tiene los \u00e1mbitos de OAuth necesarios.", "token_invalid_format": "El token debe estar en formato UID/GUID", "token_unauthorized": "El token no es v\u00e1lido o ya no est\u00e1 autorizado.", "webhook_error": "SmartThings no ha podido validar el endpoint configurado en 'base_url'. Por favor, revisa los requisitos del componente." diff --git a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/de.json b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/de.json index 2b71d01417b..0c44871f583 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/de.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/de.json @@ -22,5 +22,17 @@ } }, "title": "UniFi-Controller" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "device_tracker": { + "data": { + "detection_time": "Zeit in Sekunden vom letzten Gesehenen bis zur Entfernung", + "track_clients": "Nachverfolgen von Netzwerkclients", + "track_devices": "Verfolgen von Netzwerkger\u00e4ten (Ubiquiti-Ger\u00e4te)", + "track_wired_clients": "Einbinden von kabelgebundenen Netzwerk-Clients" + } + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/es.json b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/es.json index 4f570fe1386..8b0eb562037 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/es.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/es.json @@ -22,5 +22,16 @@ } }, "title": "Controlador UniFi" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "device_tracker": { + "data": { + "detection_time": "Tiempo en segundos desde la \u00faltima vez que se vio hasta considerarlo desconectado", + "track_clients": "Seguimiento de los clientes de red", + "track_wired_clients": "Incluir clientes de red cableada" + } + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/no.json b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/no.json index 541b0f60d17..068f4341544 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/no.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/no.json @@ -22,5 +22,17 @@ } }, "title": "UniFi kontroller" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "device_tracker": { + "data": { + "detection_time": "Tid i sekunder fra sist sett til den ble ansett borte", + "track_clients": "Spor nettverksklienter", + "track_devices": "Spore nettverksenheter (Ubiquiti-enheter)", + "track_wired_clients": "Inkluder kablede nettverksklienter" + } + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/sl.json b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/sl.json index 7543542abbf..35000bf4e1f 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/sl.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/unifi/.translations/sl.json @@ -22,5 +22,25 @@ } }, "title": "UniFi Krmilnik" + }, + "options": { + "step": { + "device_tracker": { + "data": { + "detection_time": "\u010cas v sekundah od zadnjega videnja na omre\u017eju do odsotnosti", + "track_clients": "Sledite odjemalcem omre\u017eja", + "track_devices": "Sledite omre\u017enim napravam (naprave Ubiquiti)", + "track_wired_clients": "Vklju\u010dite kliente iz o\u017ei\u010denega omre\u017eja" + } + }, + "init": { + "data": { + "few": "NEKAJ", + "one": "ENA", + "other": "OSTALO", + "two": "DVA" + } + } + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/homeassistant/components/zwave/.translations/pl.json b/homeassistant/components/zwave/.translations/pl.json index c392f0093a0..254008ddb4c 100644 --- a/homeassistant/components/zwave/.translations/pl.json +++ b/homeassistant/components/zwave/.translations/pl.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "network_key": "Klucz sieciowy (pozostaw pusty, by generowa\u0107 automatycznie)", "usb_path": "\u015acie\u017cka do kontrolera Z-Wave USB" }, - "description": "Zobacz https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/installation/, aby uzyska\u0107 informacje na temat zmiennych konfiguracyjnych", + "description": "Przejd\u017a na https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/installation/, aby uzyska\u0107 informacje na temat zmiennych konfiguracyjnych", "title": "Konfiguracja Z-Wave" } },