2019-04-26 08:56:43 +02:00
"""Configuration for Sonos tests."""
from asynctest.mock import Mock, patch as patch
import pytest
from homeassistant.components.sonos import DOMAIN
from homeassistant.components.media_player import DOMAIN as MP_DOMAIN
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOSTS
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
def config_entry_fixture():
"""Create a mock Sonos config entry."""
return MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, title='Sonos')
def soco_fixture(music_library, speaker_info, dummy_soco_service):
"""Create a mock pysonos SoCo fixture."""
with patch('pysonos.SoCo', autospec=True) as mock, \
patch('socket.gethostbyname', return_value=''):
mock_soco = mock.return_value
mock_soco.uid = 'RINCON_test'
mock_soco.music_library = music_library
mock_soco.get_speaker_info.return_value = speaker_info
mock_soco.avTransport = dummy_soco_service
mock_soco.renderingControl = dummy_soco_service
mock_soco.zoneGroupTopology = dummy_soco_service
mock_soco.contentDirectory = dummy_soco_service
yield mock_soco
def discover_fixture(soco):
"""Create a mock pysonos discover fixture."""
2019-04-29 10:20:09 +02:00
def do_callback(callback, **kwargs):
with patch('pysonos.discover_thread', side_effect=do_callback) as mock:
2019-04-26 08:56:43 +02:00
yield mock
def config_fixture():
"""Create hass config fixture."""
return {
def dummy_soco_service_fixture():
"""Create dummy_soco_service fixture."""
service = Mock()
service.subscribe = Mock()
return service
def music_library_fixture():
"""Create music_library fixture."""
music_library = Mock()
music_library.get_sonos_favorites.return_value = []
return music_library
def speaker_info_fixture():
"""Create speaker_info fixture."""
return {
'zone_name': 'Zone A',
'model_name': 'Model Name',